What is the difference between a monoblock and an amplifier: description and differences

For most car owners, a short time after purchasing a car, the standard audio system becomes insufficient. The power of the car radio leaves much to be desired, so the question arises of using an external amplifier that increases the power of the system in order to improve sound quality and increase volume. In the process of choosing amplifiers, you can see monoblocks and amplifiers presented on display cases indicating the number of channels (most often four, slightly minus two, less than three, five, six).

What is an amplifier and monoblock?

A monoblock is a single-channel amplifier . It is the same as multi-channel amplifiers (two-channel, four-channel), which have their own characteristics. It is considered single-channel due to the use of the “mono” prefix, which denotes the only channel of the device.

Amplifier - makes sound frequencies sound stronger by amplifying electrical vibrations.

What amplifier is needed for a subwoofer 1000

To select an amplifier for a 1000 W subwoofer, you need to focus on a very large output of the low-frequency device. The corresponding device would be a low-frequency device of 1200-1500 watts. The Pioneer Gm D8601 sound system fully satisfies these requirements. The monoblock provides an output of up to 1200 watts into a 1 ohm load, is equipped with a built-in crossover, a low-pass filter and a Subsonic system for suppressing ultra-low frequencies. When selecting a subwoofer and amplifier for a car, you need to use large cross-section power and speaker cables to avoid possible energy losses. Selecting an amplifier for a subwoofer online is a simple calculator where you need to indicate the device’s supply voltage and current consumption. As a result, you can find out the power and resistance.


A typical amplifier operates with a 4-ohm speaker, but can handle 2-ohm ones. When connecting a 4-ohm subwoofer to an amplifier in bridged mode. And for a subwoofer amplifier it would be good to maintain stable operation at 1 Ohm, for a short time - 0.5 Ohm.

Functionally, most bass amplifiers feature a non-switchable low-pass filter (LP). Soon the initial difference between a bass amplifier and absolutely all others is considered to be the operation with a low-pass filter. Subsonic - must be in place if the subwoofer is mounted in a bass reflex enclosure. This is a subtonal filter. Bass Boost will be very appropriate in many cases - when the noise field in the car changes, for example, when the movement system changes. As the speed increases, the degree of hum increases, and it increases especially rapidly in the subwoofer's area of ​​activity.

Phase regulator. Soft phase adjustment in monoblocks occurs less often than we would like, although directly in bass amplifiers - more often than in others.

Every amplifier has line inputs, but high-level inputs are not always necessary.

Connecting an amplifier at home

It often turns out that there is a subwoofer with an amplifier, but it is impossible to make them work in the car. There is a solution - install the equipment at home. How to connect a car subwoofer to a home amplifier? The amplifier has input and output connectors for connecting a speaker system and a subwoofer. They are connected by “tulips”. They are shown in the photo below.

Differences between an amplifier and a monoblock

The difference between an amplifier and a monoblock is the difference between personal and general. Unlike other amplifiers, monoblocks enhance the low-frequency bass produced by connected subwoofers. Often single-channel amplifiers are also called bass amplifiers. Monoblocks can withstand low-resistance loads of 1 ohm. And if this condition is met, the required high power is obtained at the output at a minimum load.

To summarize, we can say that the main differences between a monoblock and an amplifier are:

  1. The monoblock enhances the bass.
  2. A monoblock is a single-channel amplifier; other amplifiers can have up to 6 connection channels.
  3. For a monoblock, the main indicator is the input power; for an amplifier, the sound quality is important.
  4. Amplifier class - A or AB.
  5. Monoblock class - mainly D.
  6. A subwoofer and speakers are connected to the amplifier, only a subwoofer is connected to the monoblock.

For 2 Ohm or 4 Ohm, it is practically not advisable to purchase low-frequency amplifiers. If you have a sufficient number of channels, other types of amplifiers make it possible to combine the connection of speakers and subwoofers. Today, according to the systematization of electric amplifiers, monoblocks are characterized by class D. In other words, they are characterized by low sound quality and high power.

The sound quality for connecting a subwoofer is considered an absolutely insignificant indicator. Class AB amplifiers - with average performance are considered budget, and class A amplifiers are distinguished by low power and high sound quality - the hi-end segment.

Single channel amplifier

It is also called a monoblock. The main difference between such equipment is the likelihood of working with a low-impedance load; for this reason, if the subwoofer is designed for a mediocre load, it is possible to get by with the purchase of a two-channel amplifier. When connecting to a regular radio, you need an external volume stabilizer.

Single channel amplifier

Proper nutrition from LOUD SOUND


The main thing is nutrition. The audio system should start with it.


The best power supply should come from the most
powerful amplifier
- usually the subwoofer amplifier

3. How to choose wire thickness?

It’s very simple - read 100,500 articles about choosing the thickness of the wire, complete the “auto audio school” courses, make complex calculations on a slide rule, and be sure to complete the “Theoretical Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering” course at some university.
Or choose this:

  • up to 800 Watt – 4Ga (25kW),
  • 800+ W – 2 Ga (35 kW),
  • 1.5 kW and more - 0ga (50 kW)

We are talking about the total power of the system

. If you choose a wire that is too thick, it’s okay, if it’s too thin, there will be a loss of voltage from the beginning of the wire to the end. That is, under the hood there will be 12.5 Volts, on the monoblock 11.5 Volts - this is very, very high. not good, since in this case you not only risk burning the amplifiers, but also warm up the wire. And the thinner it is, the more it will warm up.

For clarity, if you power the amplifier with a thin wire, it will become red-hot. If at the same time it is in a silicone braid. Well, you understand.


A voltmeter
a must
. In any form, but you must know what is happening in the system on which tracks. At a minimum, you should measure the voltage after starting the audio system in two places:

  • under the hood
  • and on the largest consumer (usually a monoblock) -

The voltage should be the same and not drop below 12 Volts.

Forget about capacitors (storage devices)
. The only benefit from a capacitor is a voltmeter, if it has one, but if not, the capacitor is only useful to the capacitor seller. The capacitor is not cheap - it’s better to buy a thicker wire or an additional battery


How to choose an additional battery?
Ideally, it should be exactly the same as under the hood, even better if they are
both new.
If it is not possible to install the same one, let them be of the same type:

  • both AGM,
  • or both lithium.

You can put an AGM together with acid, or even an AGM together with lithium - but a battery with a high voltage will be constantly in a state of discharge until the overall voltage levels out. In practice, I used AGM and acid many times and nothing happened in a year or more of use.

How to connect
an additional battery? Relays, adapters - on. all this - just connect plus with plus and minus with minus.


In addition to strong consumers,
do not forget about the weakest one - the GU
(radio tape recorder) - do not power it from the cigarette lighter or from random wiring on which you will find plus and minus.

Don’t be lazy - drag both the plus and minus from the same place where you got the power for the amplifiers. This way there will be a lower risk of interference and the radio will not turn off when you start the car.

The generator is very important
If you skip a bunch of theory, you need to choose a generator like this: for every kilowatt of power you need an 80 A generator + 69-70 Ah battery.

This is, of course, an ideal picture, and often in systems consuming 4 kW there are standard 100A generators and a pair of batteries. But if the generator is not enough, the batteries will be constantly discharged while the music is playing and eventually the voltage will begin to drop.

In short, so as not to worry - a luxury Priora with its original genes and its original, not dead battery can have a stable audio system of about 2 kW. It’s even simpler - a thousand-meter kick and a couple of subs in 1 Ohm = gene 115-120 A + battery 70 Ah. will play

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