Hi-Fi & High End Show 2022 Guide: Listen up and don't say you haven't heard


1. Beginning

2. Speakers big and small

3. Everything extraordinary

The Hi-Fi & High End Show is a large event, with more than 50 rooms on seven floors (the hotel has 11 floors in total).

And there are two ways - bottom up and top down, depending on who is more comfortable. In this guide, we will stick to the usual order and pretend that we are going up.


I had a great time these 4 days, met interesting people, listened to everything I could get my hands on . What's interesting is that I've changed my mind about turntables. “The Battle of the Formats” quite seriously changed my opinion about the sound quality of vinyl compared to digital. And for the rest, I listened to as many headphones and acoustics as I have not listened to in all recent years combined.

Overall, the exhibition is fire! Organization at the level. If it were not for the speakers and events, then everything could be covered and listened to in 2 days, and if you try really hard, even in a day. There were a lot of people, but not that many. To listen to the device, in half the cases there was no queue, but often, if there was, it was a maximum of 2 people.

Next year, I really hope that I will be able to attend the anniversary exhibition. And I hope even more that I’ll be able to try out even more exclusive and new portables among headphones, players and acoustics.

I just want to hear good sound, have a convenient and practical device, and don’t care about the rest

It seems to me that this is exactly what the request of the majority of audio electronics consumers under 30 years of age sounds like . Like mine, when I didn’t have time to get into all the details regarding sources, acoustic design, frequency response, ear pads, etc. I won’t talk about the age when I listened to the included headphones from my Nokia 5300. I just needed sound, to listen to your favorite songs. If he wasn't disgusting, that's good. But the experience became more and more and in the end I created this project

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