Paradise for an audiophile: report from the HI-FI & HIGH END SHOW 2022 exhibition


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The world of vinyl records

The highlight of the exhibition is the vinyl record fair, which brought together admirers of the old warm sound. Under the roof of the exhibition hall there were several sellers, both with new and old vinyl. The reigning atmosphere of antiques makes one only envy the collectors who rummage through the boxes in search of that very record.

Many stands are dedicated to tube sound; all equipment can be listened to and evaluated. The specific placement of the exhibition in hotel rooms made it possible to achieve an unprecedented naturalness of the demonstration. It is enough to enter any room, sit in a chair and simply enjoy listening to the equipment, which is installed as if you were in an ordinary living room.

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RosHiEnd 2022. A look from the inside

The 19th All-Russian Exhibition of Domestic Equipment has played and died down. As always – loud and fun. This time it was so loud that the neighbors called the police. An unprecedented case in the entire history of RosHighEnd. Although a certain logic is still seen in this event. Turned 19 years old - you can make noise like an adult - at full height!

The 19th All-Russian Exhibition of Domestic Equipment has played and died down. As always – loud and fun. This time it was so loud that the neighbors called the police. An unprecedented case in the entire history of RosHighEnd. Although a certain logic is still seen in this event. Turned 19 years old - you can make noise like an adult - at full height!

We’ll return to this episode a little later, but for now I’d like to present the NewArtVinyl exhibition stand. Especially for RosHighEnd 2019, Russian developers have prepared a number of presentations, the first of which is a new flagship player on the “BALANCE” subchassis. Two preamps: a transistor one with an MM-MS phonic and a tube one with a tube MM corrector. Next came two monoblocks on KT-150, each with a power of 90 watts “PULSE”. Also presented in the tract were the players “BlackCrystal” - the eldest in the Crystal line, “KingDeck” and “LittleCrystal” - the youngest player in the Crystal series. The turntables were equipped with 12- and 14-inch original NewArtVinyl tonearms, as well as 9-inch Jelco ones. Also present at the stand were a pair of NewArtVinyl “TWIN DECK REFERENCE” MM-MS phonics, power, interconnect, acoustic and phono cables, as well as NewArtVinyl super tweeters.

This time the demonstration was from two systems that were fundamentally different from each other. MC needles: Otofon, Shelter and EMT were turned from transistor phonics through a Triode-trx1 pre, a Parasound A21 end and a Dynaudio Contour S5.4 acoustics. MM needles Clearaudio Virtuoso Wood and Ortofon 2M Mono through tube phonics and pre “PULSE” to tube monoblocks “PULSE” and acoustics Audio instrument on Sonido speakers. Both tracks played perfectly and showed the widest possible range of sound of musical genres from the soulless, heart-chilling gnashing of Depeche Mode to the life-giving breath of Nikolai Slichenko’s romance. All components performed very well.

Let's dwell a little on the main questions of the respectable public - a very common type. A certain Gentleman has a good idea of ​​the High-End in the digital sphere, but the analogue one has the vaguest idea. And in thought between curiosity, temptation and common sense, he builds this picture - I really like the components of NewArtVinyl. But they are expensive and if I don’t like them later, I won’t be able to sell them for the same money I bought. And if I buy some Technician on the secondary market, play with it, but don’t like it, I’ll sell it for the same money and won’t lose anything.

No, you will lose! Time, nerves and a bright faith in analog sound. You will only dislike NewArtVinyl components when you configure them incorrectly or select the rest of the path incorrectly. And the studio is just ready for you to set everything up and select a suitable decent path. Unlike vintage turntables purchased on the secondary market. You will not like them one by one. And precisely for the same reasons that I have already described - misaligned needles and crooked, tired, worn-out tracts. That is, it is not clear what this gentleman needs, to play with worn-out old stuff that requires repair and maintenance, or to enjoy high-quality vinyl sound.

Traditionally, the autonomous roller drive Magic Drive and the 14-inch “LongLife” tonearm – a long and happy life – aroused great interest among the public.

I was a little surprised by the increased interest of the public in the personalization of one or another studio engineer. I don’t quite understand – what’s the difference? All new products were created by Russian developers. A visitor to the exhibition contacts us:

-Did you make this tonearm?


-Is it possible to reach an agreement with Dmitry so that he can make a tonearm that is more beautiful and cheaper?

- I came up with all this! It was I who perpetrated the great betrayal!! It was I who laid the ambush for Malchish-Kibalchish!!!

Now a little about the sad things. The RosHyEnd Org Committee organizes a competition for all participants, where it also makes comments on the appearance of the stereo component. But, unfortunately, not all participants take these requirements seriously. Or do they sincerely not understand why the appearance of their masterpiece is bad?!! Let me illustrate with an example. At the stand, next to NewArtVinyl, the nicest gentleman presented an integrated amplifier and tuning American acoustics. I would like to note that she plays very, very well. But the appearance of this amplifier and especially the “rack” furniture handles were, to put it mildly, puzzling. Well, then a certain well-wisher took a large photo of this masterpiece and posted it online - that’s what it is like - RosHighEnd and went to shit. The nicest gentleman was sincerely outraged by the vile act of the anonymous person who played such a cruel joke on him.

And by the way, I completely share the noble rage and completely justified indignation of the most sympathetic Gentleman. Indeed? But this is unfair and not objective! If only the author of the photo had commented: he plays well, but he looks so-so. It would be true. And that’s not fair!

Although I feel equally strong negativity towards the author of the stand. After all, they told him:

- Take those hands away! You will disgrace the exhibition!!!

Well, that's how it happened.

And about one more incident announced at the beginning. They say there are no young people at the exhibition - only old people. You're lying! There are young people!!! And what’s nice is that young engineers are surprised not only by their luxurious dreadlocks and mohawk, but also by the absolutely incomparable sound from the boombox. Of course, I'm talking about WaveCraftLab and more. Let me list some characteristics:

Acoustic design – passive radiator

Maximum continuous power 400 Watt

Frequency response – 40-22000 Hz

Battery life up to 72 hours

Linear dimensions 70 by 20 cm

Weight – 10 kg.

In general, a poet's dream! I took business cards from this punk Rastaman. I think they’ll ask: how can I sound good at 50 K? I will recommend him. Everything is in one package - you don’t even need to buy wires. I inserted the flash drive and started pumping 400 watts.

Now the incident. During smoke breaks, the developer took out his boombox and pumped AcDis into the entire neighborhood at 400 watts until the police were called from neighboring houses. A patrol arrived - security did not allow them into the territory of MTUSI. They called the Organizing Committee of RosHyEnd, the head of security, the rector of the Institute...

In general, there are young Russian developers at RosHiEnd. Well, as for the sound quality, I’ll say this - I wouldn’t hesitate to connect a turntable with a track needle to his boombox. Here - a good thought comes later! It was necessary to put together a joint set at RosHighEnd - from DJ forty-fives.

As usual, I would like to highlight the participants who were most impressive with their stereo components. “Studio 300” is a magnificent Zykov with his signature sound. “Three Vs” - discussed their components with colleagues from Audioinstrument - the most flattering reviews. Eridan Audio performed very well, and Dmitry Svoboda himself noted the rapid progress of the developers. The ALLB-music company has been charming with the sound of its older speaker model for the second year. “Noize Fabrik” Alexander Butkarev is famous for the fact that he never takes exhibitors away from the exhibition. They buy them from him right away. However, this year Sanya outdid himself by selling the speaker without delivering it to RosHyEnd. And, of course, “Razin and Musatov”. I would like to dwell a little more on their wonderful stand with a mind-blowing Tesla coil. This is not the first year I have had the pleasure of knowing Konstantin Musatov. But, as far as I can imagine, we have not met Mr. Razin. And I was curious - why there are two surnames in the title, but only one of them is present.

And somehow in my spare time I made up a story. But what could force an Audiophile to abandon a project that was successful and promising from all points of view, to give up his life’s passion and do something else. And what is this “something else”??? Is there anything sweeter and sweeter than Audiophilia??? And after thinking about it practically, I quickly realized. It happens... Heaven!!! Getting your feet off the ground is sweeter and sweeter than the most confusing one - Audiophilia. For the sake of becoming a Pilot and flying, you can neglect anything - even Audiophilia. Eh! What can I say!!! If I could pass the test and become a Pilot, would I spin vinyl?!! If only you could see me here!

However, you can also fly by paragliding. Let's return to the respectable public. This is the second week I have been ill and due to my difficult state of mind I have begun to pay more attention to the negative. At previous exhibitions I tried not to notice it, but at this one it just exploded. The impression was that people came specifically to tell us what kind of system they have and what they have under the glass. Literally every third person tried to start such conversations.

My friends! I love, appreciate and respect you all. But please, respect the Exhibitor’s time. If you have any question, ask, we will help you in any way we can. Would you like to invite us to a joint audition? Please! We are happy to help you with all our hearts! But it’s just stupid to listen to what path you have assembled for yourself?!! Why do you need me here?!! You understand - you came to relax and have fun, and the Exhibitors work here from 10 to 20 hours - four days plus installation, plus travel. And at RosHighEnd there are a lot of out-of-towners. If you want to communicate, then you look for opponents among the public. There are many of them there. And they also want to communicate. You can approach any group of people and join the discussion. And if the conversation goes well, you’ll get to know each other, and maybe even make friends. An exhibition for communication, but not only with Exhibitors.

While walking around RossHighEnd, I approached a group of respectable audiophiles discussing the advantages and disadvantages of different types and systems of phono cartridges. One, a particularly respectable Audiophile, well over 70, or even 80 years old, in a chic suit and tie to match, talked about the piezo needles that were equipped with radios in the 60s. In the 21st century, a fashionable name was invented for this design - Console. A self-sufficient game with a radio and a turntable, positioned as furniture. And you can store vinyls in the nightstand. So, I was interested in how the RIAA curve correction was realized on piezo needles driven directly to the amplifier without the help of a phonic device. He did not understand my question and said that the piezo needle, unlike the magnetic one, produces a fairly strong signal and it goes straight to the amplifier. I know this. But if there is no phono stage, then how is the signal from the gramophone record corrected?

- Why correct it?

- Well, of course, the signal is on a curved plate. When cutting a record, the low frequencies are weakened and the high frequencies are strengthened. So the corrector should straighten this curve: strengthen the low frequencies, and weaken the high frequencies.

- No, you don’t understand. This curvature is caused by magnetic needles and yes, they really need to be corrected with phonics. And the piezo plays as it is. There is no need to adjust anything there.

- No! You don't understand this. All needles play as is, piezo and electromagnetic and even optical. The record itself is crooked. Technical feature of vinyl. The lows are cut too deep and the highs too shallow. Therefore, before cutting the varnish disc, the low frequencies are weakened and the high frequencies are strengthened. This is the recording curve. Later, the RIAA standard was created, but even before that, all record manufacturers weakened the lows and strengthened the highs. Everyone just did it as they wanted. And now, it seems like everyone should dance to the Americans. You see, it’s more convenient for them. So the RIAA curve is precisely the record, and the label doesn’t even think about what type of needles you will listen to. Here, it just doesn’t matter.

In response to my passionate tirade, the venerable Audiophile straightened up to his full, ceremonial height and made the following speech:

- You, young man, live in this world for another 20 years, or better yet 30, and then you will teach me...

At the ceremony of presenting honorary diplomas, an epoch-making event finally took place. It’s not enough for us, the participants, to praise our, so to speak, Beloved and Respected Dmitry Svoboda! Finally, the leadership of MTUCI saw the gold mine of his soul and appreciated it, awarding him the highest medal of the Institute. We sincerely congratulate you and are glad! Finally!! The reward has found the Hero!!! Hooray!!!

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