11 Best Vacuum Tubes You've Never Heard Of

These devices stood guard during the Cold War, helped advance particle physics, treated cancer patients, and improved the sound of Beatles records.

Who would be interested in vacuum tubes in an era based on the operation of quintillions of solid-state devices?
In fact, it's very interesting! In terms of drama, intensity and genius of invention, few technical periods can compare with the 116 years of history of vacuum tubes (a history that never seems to end). As proof, I've made a list of tube devices that have undoubtedly changed the world in the last 60-70 years. And just for the sake of collection, I supplemented it with a few lamps that turned out to be unique, cool or strange enough to simply disappear into obscurity.

Naturally, every time someone makes a list of something—the comfiest sneakers, the most authentic Italian restaurants in Cleveland, the movies that are better than the book they're based on—someone is bound to chime in, argue, or add to the list. Therefore, I will repeat the obvious: this is my list of vacuum tubes. But I would be interested to see your list too. Add your opinion in the comments. I didn't try to make the list comprehensive. You won't find gas-filled glass Nixie flasks or thyratrons or microwave pulsers or cathode ray tubes here. I missed well-known tubes, such as satellite traveling wave tubes or magnetrons from microwave ovens. And the list only includes RF tubes, so I ignored the huge panopticon of audio frequency tubes - with one notable exception.

But even within the parameters I chose, there are so many amazing devices that it was difficult to choose just eleven of them. So here is my list of lamps that have changed our lives, presented in no particular order.

Medical magnetron

Teledyne e2v
In the task of efficiently generating coherent waves at radio frequencies in a compact package, the magnetron has no competition.

Magnetrons first came to prominence in World War II as the basis of British radar. By the 1970s, they were almost no longer used in radars, but they found their application in industry, science and medicine, and work there to this day.

It is the last example of the use of a magnetron that is especially striking. It creates a high-energy electron beam in a linear accelerator. When electrons from the beam reflect the nuclei of a target—made of a high atomic number material such as tungsten—an abundance of X-rays are produced. These rays can then be directed at tumors to kill the cancer cells within them. The first clinical accelerator designed for radiotherapy was installed at Hammersmith Hospital in London in 1952. The three-meter accelerator powered a two-megawatt magnetron.

High-power magnetrons are still being developed today to meet the demand from radiotherapy. The photo shows a medical magnetron manufactured by e2v Technologies (now Teledyne e2v). Its peak power is 2.6 MW, its average is 3 kW, and its efficiency is more than 50%. Its length is 37 cm, weight is 8 kg, it is small and light enough to fit into the rotating arm of a radiotherapy machine.


The gyrotron was invented in the 1960s at the Radiophysics Research Institute in the USSR. This is a high-power vacuum device, used mainly for heating plasma in nuclear fusion experiments - for example, in ITER, which is now being built in the south of France [an international experimental thermonuclear reactor that will operate according to the tokamak scheme, also invented in the USSR / approx. transl.]. Such experiments may require heating to temperatures of 150 million °C.

How does a megawatt gyrotron work? It uses beams of high-energy electrons rotating in a cavity in a strong magnetic field [gyrate]. – rotate in a circle]. The interaction between the spinning electrons and the cavity's electromagnetic field generates high-frequency radio waves that are directed into the plasma. The waves accelerate electrons in the plasma, thereby heating it.

A lamp that produces an average of 1 MW of energy will not be small. Fusion gyrotrons are typically 2 - 2.5 m tall, and weigh on the order of a ton - thanks in part to 6-7 superconducting Tesla coils.

In addition to plasma heating, gyrotrons are used for processing materials and in nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The American army also tried to use them to disperse crowds (Active Denial System). The system produces a relatively wide beam of millimeter waves with a diameter of about one and a half meters. The beam should heat a person's skin, causing a burning sensation, but without penetrating the tissue and causing damage.

Who needs a tube amplifier?

Now we get to the main point. Who should pay attention to tube amplifiers? Well, firstly, not for those who always have music on in the background - the life of the lamps, as they say, is not endless. Secondly, for those who prefer a musical repertoire built on bass, the low-frequency range is not the strongest side of the “tube”. Thirdly, it’s probably not worth combining “lamp” and computer music; there is no point in enriching the sound where nothing has been lost. Specific musical preferences are not so important; it can be classical, jazz or country - the main thing is that the music is acoustic. You will listen to it yourself or with your family, but without the participation of your neighbors. However, there are not many tube amplifiers that can create a dance atmosphere in a fully adult-sized living room. With the right choice of acoustics, of course. But this is a separate article.

Mini traveling wave lamp

As the name suggests, a traveling wave tube (TWT) amplifies signals through the interaction between the electric field of a traveling, or electromagnetic wave propagating in a circuit, and an electron beam.

Most 20th century TWTs were designed with extremely high gain, 100,000 or more. However, such a coefficient is not always needed. This is where mini TWTs come in handy, such as the lamp in the photo at the beginning of the section, manufactured by L3Harris Electron Devices. Its gain is about 1000 (30 dB). It is needed for applications where the output energy is between 40 and 200 W and small size and voltage are required. For example, a mini TWT with a power of 40 W, operating at a frequency of 14 GHz, will fit in your hand and weigh less than 500 g.

It turns out that the military has a great demand for mini TWTs. Soon after their introduction in the 1980s, mini TWTs were adopted into electronic warfare, and began to be used on aircraft and ships as protection against active radar-homing missiles. In the early 1990s, developers began integrating mini TWTs into compact high-voltage power supplies. This system became known as the microwave power module (MPM). MPM amplifiers have found immediate use in the radars and transmitters of military drones such as the Predator and Global Hawk, as well as in electronic defense systems.


The klystron helped accelerate progress in high-energy physics. Klystrons convert the kinetic energy of a beam of electrons into the energy of radio waves. The output power of the device seriously exceeds that of TWTs or magnetrons. The klystron was invented by brothers Russell and Sigurd Varian in the 1930s, and founded Varian Associates with other engineers to sell the devices. Today this business lives within the Communications and Power Industries company.

In a klystron, electrons emitted from the cathode are accelerated toward the anode, forming a beam. The magnetic field prevents the beam from expanding as it passes through the hole in the anode and hits the collector. Between the anode and the collector there are hollow structures, volumetric resonators. A high-frequency signal is applied to the resonator closest to the cathode, which leads to the appearance of an electromagnetic field inside the cavity. The field modulates the beam of electrons passing through the resonator, due to which the speeds of the electrons begin to differ, and as they move through the resonators, they are grouped into bunches. Most of the electrons, passing through the last, actively oscillating resonator, slow down. As a result, the output signal is much stronger than the input.

In the 1960s, engineers developed a klystron to act as a source of radio waves in Stanford's new 3.2-kilometer linear particle accelerator. It operated at 2.856 GHz and used a 250 kV electron beam. Its peak power was 24 MW. In total, to obtain particle energies in the region of 50 billion eV, it was necessary to install 240 such klystrons.

These klystrons paved the way for the large-scale use of vacuum tubes as sources of radio waves in particle physics. A 65 MW version of this klystron is still being produced. Klystrons are also used for candling luggage, sterilizing food, and radiotherapy.

Traveling wave lamp with ring rod

One of the Cold War lamps that remains in service today is a huge traveling wave lamp with a ring rod. This high-energy lamp has a cathode-to-collector distance of more than 3 m, making it the world's largest TWT.

128 ring-rod TWTs provide high-power radio pulses to the extremely powerful phase-array radar located at Cavalier Air Force Base in North Dakota. This radar, operating at 440 MHz, is called the Perimeter Acquisition Radar Attack Characterization System (PARCS). He is on the lookout for ballistic missiles heading towards North America. It also tracks space rocket launches and objects moving in orbit, connecting to the space surveillance network. PARCS, built in 1972, tracks more than half of all objects orbiting the Earth. It is said to be capable of detecting an object the size of a basketball at a distance of 3,200 km.

An even higher-frequency version of the ring-rod tube is used in a phase-array radar on the remote island of Shemya, located 1,900 km off the coast of Alaska. This is the Cobra Dane radar, which tracks non-US ballistic missile launches. It also collects observational data from space launches and satellites in low Earth orbit.

The pattern of this giant is known as a ring rod. It consists of concentric rings connected by alternating segments, or rods, located at regular intervals along its entire length. This scheme gives greater field intensity along the electron beam compared to ordinary TWTs, in which radio waves propagate along a spiral wire. Higher intensity gives higher gain and good efficiency. The lamp pictured was developed by Raytheon in the early 1970s; today they are manufactured by L3Harris Electron Devices.

Tube amplifier: advantages and disadvantages

What are the positive aspects of choosing an integrated amplifier or preamplifier using tubes compared to models that operate on the basis of transistor signal amplification?

The most significant advantages of choosing lamps include the following points:

  • Relative simplicity of design. The circuitry of such devices is much simpler than that of transistor-type models. All this affects the possibility and cost of equipment repair;
  • Unique sound due to a number of features and effects. Among these are a significant dynamic range, a high smoothness of the transition to amplitude limitation, a very pleasant overdrive and others;
  • Significant lamp life (from 10,000 hours) of the device;
  • High reliability and resistance of the device to short circuits under load;
  • Non-criticality of equipment to temperature overloads;
  • Absence of “white noise” (hissing), characteristic of semiconductor equipment models;
  • Stylish appearance that can successfully and harmoniously complement a wide range of interior styles.

Of course, a tube power amplifier is not the epitome of all advantages. Otherwise, representatives of this technology would completely supplant transistor devices for similar purposes. The weaknesses of the device include:

  • Considerable weight and dimensions of the device due to the fact that the dimensions of the lamps are much larger than the transistors;
  • Greater noise level during operation of the device;
  • The need for time to preheat the tubes before reaching the optimal operating mode of the amplifier;
  • High output impedance. This factor somewhat limits the range of speaker systems with which specific single-cycle or push-pull tube amplifiers are compatible;
  • Less linearity compared to semiconductor devices;
  • High heat generation and power consumption;
  • Low efficiency (within 10%);
  • Susceptibility of an amplifier using HF, UHF and microwave lamps to interference.

Without a doubt, based on the number of weaknesses inherent in tube preamps, they cannot be called ideal. But the unique color of the sound that is obtained when using them compensates for all the listed shortcomings.


Charles Enderby with the Ubitron
Fifteen years before the term "free electron laser" was coined, there was a vacuum tube operating on the same basic principle - the ubitron, an acronym for undulating beam interaction.

Ubitron was invented in 1957 by accident. Robert Phillips, an engineer at General Electric's microwave laboratory in Palo Alto, California, was trying to understand why one TWT in the laboratory was oscillating and another was not. While comparing the two lamps, he noticed variations in their magnetic focusing, which caused the beam to twist in one lamp. He realized that these wave-like oscillations could cause periodic interactions with an electromagnetic wave in the waveguide. And this can be useful for obtaining extremely high peak powers of radio waves. This is how Ubitron appeared.

Between 1957 and 1964, Phillips and his colleagues collected and tested many ubitrons. The photo at the beginning of the section was taken in 1963 and shows Charles Enderby holding the Ubitron without the magnet. The lamp operated at a voltage of 70,000 V and at its peak produced 150 kW at a frequency of 54 GHz - these were record values ​​that lasted ten years. However, in 1964, the US Army stopped funding this research because there were no antennas or waveguides capable of handling such energies.

Today, free electron lasers use the same basic principle as the ubitron. Philips even received a prize for his developments in 1992, awarded for research in the field of such lasers. Today, these lasers are installed in large light and X-ray sources in particle accelerators, and produce powerful electromagnetic radiation. It is used to study the dynamics of chemical bonds, photosynthesis, analyze the work of drugs, and to create warm, dense matter suitable for studying the formation of gas giants.


A French lamp called a carcinotron is another interesting example of a device born during the Cold War. It is related to the magnetron. It was invented in 1951 by Bernard Epstein from the company Compagnie Générale de Télégraphie Sans Fil (CSF), now part of Thales.

The carcinotron, like the ubitron, emerged as a result of an attempt to solve the oscillation problems of a conventional lamp. In this case, the source of oscillation turned out to be a power wave traveling in the direction opposite to the direction of the electron beam. Epstein discovered that the frequency of oscillations can be controlled by voltage, which resulted in a patent for a voltage-regulated reverse wave lamp [the idea of ​​​​creating a BWO was expressed in 1948 by the Soviet scientist M.F. Stelmakh / approx. transl.].

For 20 years, electronic jammers used in the US and Europe have used the carcinotron as a source of radio waves. The lamp in the photo was one of the first produced by CSF in 1952. It produced 200 W in the S band, from 2 to 4 GHz.

Carcinotrons are quite compact considering their power output. Together with a permanent focusing magnet, the 500 W model weighs 8 kg and measures 24 x 17 x 15 cm, slightly smaller than a shoebox.

The strange name is related to the Greek word karkunos, meaning crayfish, as Philippe Thouvenin, a vacuum electronics specialist at Thales Electron Devices, explained to me. After all, crayfish move backwards.

Hybrid amplifiers

Hybrid amplifier Magnat RV-4
In such a device, voltage amplification is carried out by lamps, and current amplification is assigned to transistors - bipolar or field-effect. And you shouldn’t perceive amplifiers of this type as half-hearted devices, like an “unfinished tube amplifier.” Rather, on the contrary, the hybrid amplifier circuit combines many of the advantages of a “tube” and a “stone”, while being almost free from disadvantages. The absence of an output transformer, the absence of strict power limitations, and minor distortion are all advantages of transistor circuits. And the simplicity of tube amplifier stages relieves developers from many “transistor” problems, in particular, problems with stability. There seems to be only one downside: along with the tube output stage, the “play of harmonics” and the characteristic tube style disappear. However, thanks to the extremely simple amplification path, such amplifiers most often impress with their clarity of sound and freedom of presentation.

Dual-mode traveling wave lamp

The dual-mode TWT was a strange microwave vacuum tube developed in the United States in the 1970s and 1980s as a countermeasure against radar. The lamp could produce a continuous wave of low power and an intermittent wave of high power, and it had two of everything: two beams, two circuits, two electron guns, two focusing magnets, two collectors - all in a single lamp body.

Its main advantage was the expansion of the capabilities of the devices - for example, the countermeasures system could operate in two modes, with a continuous low-power wave and an intermittent high-power wave, but with a single transmitter and a simple antenna feed. The control grid of the electron gun in the short section of the lamp, responsible for intermittent waves, could quickly switch the operating modes of the lamp. Naturally, if the lamp body was damaged, both functions stopped working.

The lamp in the photo was developed by a division of Raytheon, which was bought by Litton Electron Devices in 1993. Raytheon/Litton and Northrop Grumman produced dual-mode TWTs, but their production was too complex for mass production, so it was discontinued in the early 2000s.

Bass control

There is an amplifier parameter called “damping factor”, and for tube amplifiers it is always less than for transistor amplifiers with general feedback. From this, in particular, it follows that the cone of a speaker (especially a bass speaker) connected to a tube amplifier does not track the shape of the incoming signal as accurately as in the case of a transistor amplifier. Push-pull tube amplifiers are made with feedback, just to increase the damping factor. Single-ended - can be without feedback. And the handwriting on the bass will be different for everyone.

Multibeam klystron

Power, as many of us learned as students, is voltage times current. To extract more power from vacuum tubes, you can increase the voltage across the electron beam, but you will have to increase the size of the tube and make the power supply more complex. You can also increase the beam current, but there are still problems with this. You'll need to make sure the device can handle the higher current and that the magnetic field can safely move electrons around the circuit—through the part of the lamp that interacts with the electron beam.

In addition, lamp efficiency typically decreases as current increases because the electron bunching required for energy conversion is impaired.

All these disadvantages appear in a conventional vacuum tube with a single electron beam and a single circuit. What if we organize several rays emanating from several cathodes, but passing through a common circuit? Even if the individual beams have average power, the total current will be large, and the efficiency of the device will not be affected.

Such multibeam devices were studied in the 1960s in the USA, USSR and many other places. This did not work out in the USA, but in the USSR the work continued and led to the successful introduction of multi-beam klystrons, or MLKs. In Russia, many such lamps have been and are used in various fields, including for radars.

The photo shows a modern example of MLK, manufactured in 2001 by the French company Thomson Tubes Electroniques (now part of Thales). It was developed in the German laboratory Electron Synchrotron (DESY). A newer version is used at the European X-ray Free Electron Laser Laboratory. The lamp uses seven beams giving a total current of 137 A, with a peak power of 10 MW and an average power of 150 kW. Its efficiency exceeds 63%. By comparison, Thomson's single-beam klystron produces a peak power of 5 MW and an average power of 100 kW, with an efficiency of 40%. It turns out that in terms of signal amplification, one MLC is equivalent to two ordinary klystrons.

Radio tubes sound, comparison. Which tubes are best to choose for an amplifier?

KT88 Electro-Harmonix - tight sound, prominent mids, a little muddy highs, no deep low bass, good for rock, basic tube, great tube for guitar amps.

The KT88 Svetlana is a wonderful tube, similar in sound to the Electro-Harmonix, but with a cleaner top end and soft, tight bass.

6550 Tung-Sol - good, wide, dense spectrum, not bright, soft, clean “calm” sound, reminiscent of EL34/6CA7, the downside is a little lacking in dynamics and pressure.

KT88 Mullard is an excellent tube, the frequency spectrum is shifted to the left, the sound is very dense, the lower mids are highlighted, and the unobtrusive clean highs, good dynamics. Good for jazz, classical music, vocals (although not bad in old rock).

JJ KT88/6550 is a bit of a noisy lamp, with an excessively detailed “crunch”, good in dim systems with rubber speakers, the sound is more shifted to the right (towards the HF).

KT88 Genalex Gold Lion is perhaps the most linear and balanced sound. Clean, open, chic mids and highs, dynamic, elastic, even powerful bass. An excellent lamp, without frequency distortions. KT88 Genalex copes well with any musical genre, perhaps second only to the Czech EAT.

KT88 Diamond/6550 EAT (European Audio Team) - for those who like hi-end sound, EAT will be better than Gold Lion, very detailed, clear-sounding tubes (in some kits the sound is sometimes “a little glassy”), and still good for “rubber” speakers, or acoustics with a “dark” sound. And one big disadvantage they have is their price, but in terms of reliability they are completely comparable to the Genalex Gold Lion series.

KT120 Tung-Sol - Balanced sound, clear and open sound, tight mids, powerful bass and silky highs. An excellent tube, without much frequency distortion, maybe a little more bass component. Easily replaced with KT88, although their heat is different (1.5 and 1.7A) but there are no problems.

BUT YOU ALWAYS NEED TO CONSIDER the selection currents of the output lamps; at different values ​​of the selection current, the lamps will sound differently in the same amplifier, mode. This is important when comparing and selecting lamps (pairs, quartets), and especially when rejecting based on selection current. Only those comparisons where the difference is no more than 20% can be taken into account,

Radio tubes of the 12AX7 / ECC83 series are better, what to choose.

Radio tube 12AX7 Electro-harmonix - has good gain, a lot of lower mids, pronounced upper mids, a little unclear at the top, and on some devices too soapy. Good for rock.

Radio tube 12AX7 Tung-Sol - has good gain, a very transparent top and a little more lows than in the EH, the sound is meatier.

Radio tube 12AX7 Mullard - has good gain, more balanced across the entire frequency spectrum.

Radio tube 12AX7 WA/WB Sovtek (7025) - has medium gain, a good-sounding tube is not bad at all (WB has a little more gain and lows than WA)

*Radio tube 12AX7 WC Sovtek - similar to WA and WB - in terms of level with increased gain, and in frequency spectrum it is slightly better than WA/WB

NOS RADIO TUBE (50-60 years) which is better, what to choose.

Sylvania ( USA ) Sounds quite melodious, I would even say “sticky”, but without the molasses. From the complaints: for the black anode the upper mids are a bit bright to the ear - guitar solos sound bright. I put Pantera - everything is so: even on multi-beat and “soft” Denons, the proprietary rigidity of the Randall guitar amplifier makes the incomparable Darell a little harsh on the riffs. The lower frequencies are smooth, but there are no complaints about the depth of development. There are no complaints about the HF. Bottom line: an excellent lamp for those who want to tame the excess bass of the tract without losing the depth of bass development. I think many will prefer it for instrumental and classical music. Raytheon (USA) Rock vocals are very good with her, especially female ones. It is somehow presented a little apart from the rest of the musical canvas. Not so much that the music loses its cohesion, but enough to give the singer (singer) special attention. Plus, on some compositions there is a feeling that the vocals are additionally “wrapped” with some barely noticeable, but very pleasant and sparkling reverberation... The guitar picking is also very good. But fast and dense music is clearly not her thing. The sound is not tiring, but also without unnecessary “oil”. The low frequency range does not force, but controls well. The HF is soft and sparkling, even the relatively problematic Denon HF lamp somehow improved it a little. The downside is that the background noise level is slightly higher than the others. Hmm, perhaps I underestimated her. No, it’s clear that he’s lying, but I like such sweet lies. Southern Isolation sound very good on it. Westinghouse (USA) Ha! For the test, I listen to the tubes by switching and, having installed this double triode, I caught myself feeling that this tube was slowing down! At first I thought that even a slider in Fubar accidentally pulled and slowed down the track by 10% - this is a complete illusion! But, what is typical, the music does not fall into mush, it seems to be played more slowly, but you can hear everything. I do not know how to explain it. This is such a phenomenon. I discovered this on a rather dynamic and dense song by Raindrops+Sunshowers (The Smashing Pumpkins). For the sake of mischief, I put Darkthrone... Slow, slow and sweet DAAARKTHROOOONE ))))) Unusual of course, but we don’t need such a Darkthrone! The bottom line is a smooth, viscous and even slightly cloudy flow with a clearly noticeable lamp color. But I repeat, I can hear everything. For dreamy, smoky blues, I think it will be great! Tung - Sol ( USA ) Like a breath of fresh air. There is practically no background. The sound is neat but not pedantic. Slayer is swallowed effortlessly, the dynamics are all right. I note that the lamp is dark, the plates do not ring, they are quite natural. If you listen closely, you can hear sand, roughness and other delights of Denon high frequencies, which the lamp does not at all seek to embellish or disguise. But the low frequencies are good: angry, nimble, with good control and punch. They are not forced, but the lamp diligently pulls out everything from the recording. Let's check - install Red Snapper (Brickred). Yes, that’s right: the Denons just start jumping on their heads, but there is no “mumbling”. The midrange is in place, everything is audible, but the vocals are a little soft and not bright. You just listen and listen, it doesn’t bother you. It will be good when you need to suppress the brightness, for example, on metal or electronic music that is not burdened with enchanting vocals. General Electric's (USA) Good lamp. I will say the same as about Tung-Sol. The vocals are open, the treble will be brighter. The lows are pumping and quite detailed. For the purity of the experiment, I listened to a couple of Diablo Swing Orchestra compositions (a rather difficult test) and habitually noted that I really liked the lamp. I have a second one in reserve. In my subjective rating, I will put it in solid second place after... RCA ( USA , with black anodes) The amplifier has a lamp with black anodes, metal plays! Fun, fast and powerful. This is one of the best tubes for traditional heavy metal and rock presentations. Fundamental lows, bright and aggressive highs and detailed mids without a hint of tightness. However, for my taste, the lamp copes excellently with any other music. A definite Must Have. In the stash there is another RCA with light anodes, apparently a later one.


All the lamps I have described use electron beams. However, before the advent of such devices, lamps used grids - electrodes in the form of transparent metal screens. They were placed between the cathode and anode to control or modulate the flow of electrons. Depending on the number of such grids, the lamps were called diodes (without grids), triodes (with one grid), tetrodes (two grids), etc. Low wattage tubes were called "receiver tubes" because they were commonly used in radios or as switches (it's worth noting that tubes are called "tubes" in the US and "valves" in Britain).

Of course, they also made lamps with control grids that supported high powers. Transmission tubes were used - yes, yes - in radio transmitters. Later, such lamps began to be used in a variety of interesting fields in industry, science and military affairs.

In triodes and tubes with even more grids, there was a cathode, a current-controlling grid, and an anode or collector (or plate). Most of them were cylindrical in shape with a central cathode - usually a filament surrounded by electrodes.

The coaxitron, developed by RCA in the early 1960s, is a unique modification of the cylindrical design. The electrodes run radially from the cylindrical coaxial cathode to the anode. However, the coaxitron cathode does not have a single electron emitter - it is located in segments around the entire circumference, and many heated filaments serve as sources of electrons. Each thread produces its own small beam of electrons. Since this beam moves radially towards the anode, no magnetic field is required to limit the flow of electrons. Therefore, the coaxitron turns out to be very compact, given the significant level of its power, on the order of a megawatt.

The 1 MW, 425 MHz coaxitron weighed 59 kg and was 61 cm long. Although it had a rather modest gain of 10 to 15 dB, as a compact and ultra-high-frequency amplifier it was a unique device. RCA wanted to make an accelerator on such devices, but in the end they took root in UHF radars. And although solid-state devices have recently taken the place of coaxitrons, some of them still work in old radar systems.

Rating of the best light music in 2022

The review includes popular, according to buyers, models of laser and LED installations for parties with a description of the technical capabilities, advantages and disadvantages.


Big Dipper B102RGB/4

A popular model of a laser projector that creates an atmosphere of magic and celebration with the function of simultaneous use of all filters to provide a wealth of color combinations. Made of durable plastic and metal, the legs are rubberized. Has four control options:

  • machine;
  • sound activation;
  • DMX512;
  • Master-slave.

Red, blue, violet and green laser emitters provide a liquid sky effect and multi-colored flickering. The model is equipped with 15 DMX channels, it is possible to connect a flash drive. The housing design allows the device to be placed under the ceiling or on any surface, and the built-in battery ensures uninterrupted operation for several hours. Model with remote control, the range of which reaches 25 meters. It reproduces complex patterns, has rich color and is sensitive to sound.

Lighting effects:

  • asynchronous;
  • flash;
  • zoom;
  • diagonal;
  • horizontal;
  • vertical;
  • rotation;
  • diagram.

Customer reviews about this device are overwhelmingly positive.

Average price: 18,900 rubles.

Big Dipper B102RGB/4


  • silent operation;
  • durable materials;
  • long lamp life;
  • offline mode;
  • efficiency;
  • several control options;
  • variety of lighting effects.


  • high cost.


A professional, bright and effective laser projects a large number of corridors, light patterns, and 3D effects that are most relevant for modern parties and music shows. For an impressive scanning of space, it is recommended to use it in conjunction with a smoke machine. The installation has more than two hundred visual compositions. Can work in sound activated or automatic mode, with remote control. Completely covers an area of ​​up to 250 sq.m. This allows you to use it not only indoors, but also outdoors. Powered by electricity and supplied with a long power cord. There is also a built-in battery designed for eight hours of continuous operation. The device is reliably protected from overheating by an automatic cooling system inside the case. Equipped with a dimmer to regulate the laser power.

All data is displayed on the LCD display on the housing panel. The installation can be placed on any horizontal plane or suspended from the ceiling using special mounts.

Average price: 9600 rubles.



  • high quality;
  • adequate cost;
  • variety of designs;
  • large coverage area;
  • beam strength dimmer;
  • convenient fastenings;
  • several operating modes;
  • long power cord;
  • built-in battery.


  • No.

Involaght DLS400D

A compact and lightweight high-speed laser made in China for producing analog, text, animation, and 3D elements will decorate any party or disco. The durable aluminum housing is equipped with a convenient handle that allows you to carry or hang the unit anywhere. Area coverage up to 100 sq.m., inside the case there is a cooling system. Additional LEDs contribute to the richness of the color gamut. The LED display and remote control cope with timely adjustments of technical capabilities. Operates from a power outlet using an analog input and a long power cord.

Average price: 17,900 rubles.

Involaght DLS400D


  • durable body;
  • high-quality assembly;
  • durability;
  • guarantee;
  • long power cord;
  • variety of visual images;
  • high speed.


  • high price.

Pixel Art Exclusive Edition

The classic two-laser installation in green and red shades creates more than 500 beams, 3D and special effects. Flickering is provided by a built-in strobe with sound response. The model is designed for 100 sq.m. Remote control, sound activation. Impeccable sound sensitivity enhances the viewing experience. To start operating the device, it should be placed on the surface and plugged into a power outlet using the power cord. For better manifestation of the rays, it is recommended to use a fog machine. The metal body and handle ensure the durability of the product.

Average price: 2600 rubles.

Pixel Art Exclusive Edition


  • compact dimensions;
  • durable materials;
  • variety of rays;
  • strobe;
  • sound activation;
  • budget cost.


  • works only from the network.

Big Dipper F-098-RG

Professional laser for home and club use from a well-known manufacturer. Laser space is based on two types of rays - green and red. The volume of the room instantly fills with the starry sky, obtained from moving and intersecting points and rays. Three-dimensional images change to the beat of the music thanks to the sound activation mode. The laser show is projected using four built-in programs, the execution speed and sequence can be adjusted. The forced-air fan prevents overheating by cooling the unit from the inside. Control is manual and using remote control. The installation reproduces the flickering elements of the starry sky, space, galaxy, and orbit. There is a mount for hanging from the ceiling and rubberized legs for stable placement on a horizontal surface.

Average price: 3700 rubles.

Big Dipper F-098-RG


  • affordable price;
  • high-quality assembly;
  • durability;
  • wide range of images;
  • forced ventilation;
  • hanging mount.


  • No.


Magic Ball Light

A budget option in the shape of a disco ball with an MP3 player and convenient functions will quickly and easily create a disco atmosphere at home. The device is easy to use, even a child can handle it:

  • remote control;
  • USB input;
  • built-in speakers;
  • built-in microphone.

Simply plug the device into a power outlet and insert a flash drive with songs. Six LEDs provide continuous or alternate flashing of red, green, orange, blue, violet and white. Constantly moving lights flicker to the beat of the music. Using the remote control, you can quickly switch or stop a song.

Average price: 560 rubles.

Magic Ball Light


  • cheapness;
  • Ease of Management;
  • Remote Control;
  • built-in MP3 player;
  • durability;
  • high-quality manufacturing materials.


  • short power cord.

Showlight LED FX100

A popular model of lighting equipment from a foreign manufacturer, easy to use, designed for a working area of ​​up to 50 sq.m. Powerful LED effect with dynamic beams, lightweight and compact, easy to install on any flat surface. And with the help of a convenient handle it can be moved to the right place. Control with auto start, DMX and sound activation using the remote control ensures smooth operation of the device. There is a built-in strobe and USB input. Equipped with six 3W and eight 1W LEDs, as well as red and green lasers. This combination allows you to achieve the maximum disco atmosphere with blurry highlights and clear dots and lines of different colors. The built-in battery is enough for uninterrupted operation all night, creating up to 15 color combinations in three modes:

  • LED disco ball;
  • strobe;
  • laser effect.

Average price: 12,800 rubles.

Showlight LED FX100


  • compact;
  • light;
  • comfortable handle;
  • three light and music modes;
  • long continuous work;
  • durable body materials.


  • Expensive.


A dynamic light device with three optical outputs, allowing you to create the effect of movement in two planes, with the ability to change the strobe frequency, brightness and size of light patterns. There are 192 red, green and blue LEDs with a diameter of 5 mm. With their help, 85 visual combinations are created. Made of durable plastic, there is a convenient handle on top with a hole for fixing the device under the ceiling or on the wall. Forced ventilation is used as a cooling system. Multiple control options make it easy to use the device for showing music shows.

Average price: 11,400 rubles.



  • durable body;
  • convenient fastening;
  • different control options;
  • two working planes;
  • a large set of visual combinations;
  • Remote Control;
  • smooth change of effects;
  • built-in battery.


  • small working area.

Stage 4 Drum LIGHT4

Professional installation with LED effect from four mirror reflector drums and four light sources, each of which uses ten powerful monochrome LEDs instead of traditional RGBW LEDs. This allows you to get a rich light beam. Equipped with 0.8 kW gas-discharge lamps with strobe effect. Can be used both indoors and outdoors. Can be combined with a fog machine to create a more impressive result.

Average price: 19,900 rubles.

Stage 4 Drum LIGHT4


  • durable body;
  • build quality;
  • convenient fastening;
  • powerful lamps;
  • monochrome LEDs;
  • original device with mirror reflectors.


  • high price.

Telefunken audio tube

An important example of a tube whose grids are at the opposite end of the power and frequency spectrum compared to megawatt monsters like the klystron or gyrotron. The Telefunken VF14M was respected by audio engineers and musicians because it was used as an amplifier in the legendary Neumann U47 and U48 microphones. They were favored by Frank Sinatra and Beatles producer George Martin. By the way, the Neumann U47 microphone is kept in the Abbey Road Studios Museum in London. The letter M in the name of the lamp indicates that it is suitable for use in microphones. Only lamps that were tested by Neumann received this article number.

VF14 is a pentode, that is, it has five electrodes, three of which are grids. However, in a microphone it works as a triode, and two of the three grids are connected together and connected to the anode. This was done due to the supposedly better sound quality of triodes. The VF14 filament, which heats the cathode to emit electrons, operates at a voltage of 55 V. This is done specifically so that two lamps can be connected in series to a 110 V network, reducing the cost of the power supply - an important factor in post-war Germany.

Today you can buy chips that replace the VF14M, and even emulate a 55 V filament. But will they replace the warm tube sound? Audio snobs, of course, will never agree with this.

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