How to properly use wireless Bluetooth headphones on your phone

In order for a wireless device for personal audio transmission to properly perform its functions, you need to know how to use Bluetooth headphones correctly. The main distinguishing feature of such accessories is the lack of a wired connection. They operate using radio waves, the frequency spectrum of which ranges from 2.4 to 2.48 GHz. When working with wireless headphones, the main requirement is that the device to which they are connected has a Bluetooth module.

At what distance can Bluetooth headphones work?

Most modern models catch at a distance of 10 meters. The presence of several devices equipped with radio modules can cause certain inconveniences. During operation, they can connect to the devices being used and create additional interference. To minimize such situations, wireless technology developers have provided frequency hopping. Even if the frequencies coincide, this will only be expressed in a short-term disconnection, which the user may not even notice.

According to manufacturers, the range of new devices with Bluetooth 3.0 can reach 100 m. In fact, this figure is several times less. In open space, accessibility in a zone of 50 meters, in buildings 10-20 m.

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