Rating of the best integrated amplifiers for 2022

Any person more or less knowledgeable in the field of acoustic technology knows that the most important component of an audio system is the amplifier. Functions include amplification of the incoming signal, its processing and transmission to speakers for playback, switching of connected devices and volume control. Full sound will never be achieved without the use of such technology.

The Russian market offers many models of integrated amplifiers for home audio systems, differing not only in technical characteristics, but also in price. It is very difficult for beginners to figure out which device is best suited for a particular case, because at first glance they all seem very similar. This review provides basic information about such equipment with ratings of the best products from leading manufacturers in order to avoid mistakes when choosing.

What it is

An integrated amplifier is an electronic device that amplifies an audio signal to a power sufficient for output to a speaker system, placing all controls and functional units in a common housing.

The harmonic components of the most successful models are in the range of 20 – 20,000 Hz.

The main components are:

  • pre-amplifier – primary amplification of the incoming signal to the level of perception by the terminal device, switching and level control;
  • power amplifier – increasing the processed signal to the level of reproduction by speaker systems at sufficient volume;
  • distributor (distributor) – to regulate signal amplitudes with their subsequent distribution into several channels;
  • power supply – for power supply of all blocks and circuits of the device.


FX Sound Enhancer is a small utility for tuning and enhancing the sound of headphones or speakers. The program is available for the Windows operating system.

To use the software, you need to buy a premium version; the license price is $50. Users get lifetime access to all features and tools. FX Sound Enhancer has a 7-day trial. The program interface has not been translated into Russian.

After launching FX Sound Enhancer, the Spectrum section of the program will open. The frequency range of the speaker system is displayed here. The “Power” button allows you to enable or disable the utility.

You can configure effects in the “Effects” section. To do this, you need to adjust the Fidelity, Ambience, 3D Surround, Bass, etc. sliders. If necessary, you can reset the changes made by clicking the “Reset” button.

In the “EQ” section there is an equalizer. Here users can adjust the high and low frequencies of the speaker system.

FX Sound Enhancer has built-in templates. They are located in the "Presets" section on the top toolbar. Here you can choose a ready-made template for any style and direction of music.

In the application settings, you can select the playback device, enable or disable the function of automatically launching the program with Windows, activate notifications, etc.

Operating principle

The operation of sound amplification equipment is based on the conversion of the energy received by the amplification element from the power source into the energy of the amplified input signal.

Main stages:

  1. The input from the sound source receives a signal, which is pre-amplified at the first stage and sent to the amplifier without distortion. The volume control is also located here. In this case, the quality of the original sound should not be lost.
  2. In the second stage, the driver stage, the signal is prepared for transmission to the final stage.
  3. The third most powerful cascade is connected to speakers that reproduce sound at the required volume without distortion.

How to choose a sound amplifier

Sound amplifiers are not the cheapest pleasure, so the choice is not easy: how not to waste money. Sound engineer and sound reinforcement systems engineer Sergei Frolov told Komsomolskaya Pravda how to choose the best sound amplifier.

In the technical documentation of a power amplifier you will always find such characteristics as: power, reproduced frequency range, frequency response linearity, nonlinear distortion factor. Most amplifiers have the above indicators at a high level. Parameters that are not always indicated in the technical specifications of amplifiers are also very important. Among them:

  • damping coefficient - the ability of an amplifier to suppress parasitic vibrations of a loudspeaker cone.
  • output signal slew rate – characterizes the accuracy of transmission of the sound wave front. There is an opinion that this parameter is very important for accurate reproduction of percussion instruments and rhythm sections.

When comparing amplifiers, it is better to give preference to devices with higher indicators of these qualities, Sergey Frolov is sure.

Criterias of choice

Before purchasing equipment, experts recommend paying attention to the following points in order to avoid mistakes when choosing.

1. Select the optimal type of amplification element depending on the planned use.

2. Decide on the number of channels based on the number of speakers; there should be more or equal to them. This rule is especially relevant for gamers and movie buffs to get surround sound.

3. Find a device for your existing speaker system. Please take into account the following:

  • the best performance is achieved when operating at 70% capacity with an amplifier-to-acoustic power ratio of 1.6:1.0, i.e. with a “pull” of 1.6 kW, the audio system should pull 1.0 kW;
  • the real power of the device is determined by the nominal, and not the maximum power, which is often indicated by manufacturers;
  • reducing the sensitivity of the acoustics by 3 dB requires doubling the power of the device, i.e. To increase the volume from 57 to 60 dB, a 1 kW amplifier must be increased to 2 kW.

4. The distortion factor must be within:

  • in the range of 40 Hz - 12.5 kHz harmonic deformations - less than 1%;
  • in the range of 250 Hz - 8 kHz intermodulation distortion - no more than 3%.

5. Operating frequency range within 20 Hz - 20 kHz. The wider it is when producing a direct amplitude-frequency response, the better the quality of the device. In case of drops in the frequency response graph, such sections of the audio range will appear unfinished.

6. Sound clarity is determined by the ratio of the useful signal to noise, measured at full volume. It is recommended to choose models with a parameter of 90/100 dB.

7. Consider the size of the room where the system will operate:

  • per room up to 15 sq. m is enough 3-4 W/m2 per channel;
  • for a hall more than 25 sq. m requires 5-7 W/m2.

8. Pay attention to the presence of terminals with threaded clamps for connecting to acoustics, which are more reliable compared to spring latches.

9. It’s better not to get hung up on the search for TOP new products, because equipment with a two-three-year history can be bought much cheaper, and its quality is almost the same.

Where can I buy

Popular models are sold in specialized audio or digital equipment outlets. The products offered by leading companies and manufacturers can be heard there in real sound, because no reviews can compare with testing equipment in “field conditions”. At the same time, managers will advise how to choose, which company model is best to buy, and how much it costs. There are also colorful booklets with descriptions, characteristics and photos.

In addition, if there is no decent choice at your place of residence, good devices can be ordered online in online stores of dealers and sellers of audio-digital equipment, as well as on the pages of trade aggregators, for example, Yandex.Market.

Offers for integrated amplifiers in Moscow:

  • lamp - from 46,000 rub. (Line Magnetic LM-218 mini IA) up to RUB 3,835,000. (Unison Research Absolute 845);
  • transistor - from 2,490 rub. (Behringer MA4008) up to RUB 3,517,090. (Constellation Audio Performance Argo);
  • hybrid – from 7,250 rub. (TOP A3255) up to RUB 1,315,310. (PATHOS InPol Heritage).

Decent options for ready-made stereo amplifiers on Aliexpress

Today's post is about ready-made stereo power amplifiers. Yes, portable equipment, smartphones and sound bars are slowly replacing serious HiFi. But music lovers don't give up. Ready-made audio power amplifiers will help maintain the last bastion of high-quality sound. This is a good option when you don’t have enough money for a branded amplifier, but assembling it yourself from a kit seems difficult.

The selection includes both amplifiers based on modern interesting solutions (yes, that same ICEpower ICE125ASX2) and legendary amplifiers that Chinese engineers cloned and gave them a pass to a future life, but at a much lower cost.

Let's consider various options, but at a reasonable cost on the AliExpress site.


Find out the price Power without volume control

The selection opens with the very modern digital amplifier ICE125ASX2 (2x125 W) from ICEpower®.

The 125ASX2 amplifier is well-known and is used, for example, in branded studio monitors. The sound is decent: dynamic and very detailed.

The amplifier is equipped with a volume control on a double Alps resistor and a mechanical audio input selector (2 pcs.).

Here, in the first version, it is housed in a full-size aluminum case (320x51x188 mm) and is equipped with a volume control; in the second version, the case is smaller (291x172x60mm) and there is no volume control.


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Next, a nice and inexpensive power amplifier built on the SANYO STK443 hybrid chip.

A beautiful aluminum case with a pair of VU level indicators, which are equipped with a warm yellow backlight - very atmospheric. Dimensions 260x82x193 mm.

Inside: a powerful network transformer, a board with a hybrid STK443 chip - this is something hybrid between a discrete (transistor) and a “chip” (TDA7294 or LM3886) amplifier.

The dynamics in the low frequency range are provided by a pair of large power supply capacitors, and the volume control is Alps.

The device's power is 25 W per channel, which is quite enough for small desktop audio systems. There is also an option with Bluetooth 5.0.


Find out price With balanced inputs

Speaking about amplifiers, we cannot ignore the classic solutions on microcircuits - LM3886. It produces a maximum of 68 W per channel. You can't spoil the porridge with oil, and it's hard to ruin the sound of the LM3886. And here is a proven DC servo circuit.

Here the amplifier is made in a compact aluminum case with an ALPS27 volume control. There is acoustic protection on the relay.

A toroidal network transformer with two secondary windings is used for power supply.

The second link is an amplifier with balanced inputs, for a sound source option in a system with such an output.

JLH 1969

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Timeless classic! Amplifier based on John Linsley Hood's 1969 design. Modern implementation on powerful MJ2955 transistors. Output power - 10 W.

Warm, pleasant sound.

Inside: toroidal network transformer with screen, high-quality components and fittings. ALPS 27 volume control.

Beautiful gold case with radiators on the sides. Dimensions: 336 x 208 x 75 mm.

QUAD 405

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Another classic. A clone of the legendary Quad 405 power amplifier from the English company Acoustical Manufacturing. Output power 100 W per channel.

The sound is powerful and dynamic, without fatigue.

Filling according to the canons of audio: network shielded transformer with soft start, power supply capacitors ELNA audio 63V 10000 uF, transistors are used ONSEMI MJ15024G.

The aluminum case with a steel frame copies the original one, the radiator on the front panel, dimensions: 348 × 120 × 214 mm. Weight 11 kg!

Naim NAP140

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Ah, that English sound. Many people find it unsettling. Clone of Nain NAP140, an interesting amplifier model from the 90s.

Output power: 75 W per channel. The amplifier plays cleanly and in detail.

Filling: network toroidal transformer, Sanken Wang 2SC3858 output transistors.

A neat case with an aluminum front panel measuring 260x230x80 mm. Weight: 4 kg, as a radiator, essentially the entire body works.

Krell ksa-50

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The selection is completed by a powerful option for wealthy music lovers - the Krell ksa-50 clone. A beast with power up to 300W (50W in class A).

The KSA-50 is the first commercial product from Dan D'Agostino and Krell, the legendary power amplifier. It set the standard for powerful power, high power output, and excellent handling of challenging loads.

This lot has a separate power amplifier and an option with an advanced preamplifier.

Hi-End class filling, just look at the cost of the Philips BC 75v39000uf power supply capacitors. Transistors transistors 15024/15025. The circuit design and layout repeats the original from Krell.

Monster dimensions: 480x 204x410 mm (without front handle).

Weight: 23 kg!!!

I hope the selection of “good old” stereo amplifiers was useful and you will choose an option to suit your taste (hearing) and budget.

Happy shopping! Don't forget to apply AliExpress coupons and discounts.

Jupiter quadra

Like all Soviet devices designed to operate in a quadraphonic system, this amplifier was produced in a very small batch. If the format has not received proper distribution throughout the world, then what can we say about the Soviet Union. Since 1975, this device has been produced by the Lvov Production Association named after. Lenin and was supposed to be supplied complete with four speakers; stereo outputs and quadraphonic headphones were also provided. The signal level was adjusted channel by channel and controlled by dial indicators. The power in quadraphonic mode was 16 watts per channel, when operating in stereo it doubled. The model weighed 15 kilograms and was offered for 500 rubles.



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