Back in the USSR: review of the Arcturus 006 vinyl player

Today there is a huge selection of vinyl players available, varying in both price and class. In addition to remakes, there are many proven vintage equipment. Vintage often means Japanese, German and other turntables of foreign origin. Soviet audio equipment is remembered for dry electrolytes, factory defects and is compared with entry-level foreign ones. However, this is not always true.

In this review, using the example of the joint activities of the Berd Radio Plant and the Polish association Unitra, called Arcturus 006, we will be convinced that in the Soviet Union, in addition to all sorts of junk, serious audio equipment was also produced, which today can compete with foreign analogues. By the way, the Poles borrowed the design features of the electronic control unit and tonearm of this player from Fisher players.

Arcturus 004

They brought Arcturus 004 for repair. There is no original diagram, but I couldn’t find this modification in reference books and the internet. They did something clever at the factory. There is 1 diode bridge (power) right on the amplifier board, and on the chassis there are 2 5000.0x25V condensers (and according to the reference book, the power supply is 2x28 volts). On the amplifier board itself there are 2 daughters (it looks like the PA input stages are assembled) Maybe someone has come across such a surrogate, I would like to look at the diagram (maybe someone has it) and hear good advice (REPLACEMENT WITH LM. NOT NECESSARY, THE OWNER WANTS EVERYTHING IN THE NATIVE VARIANT, although he has nothing against replacing it with an imported set) That is. The task is to restore and squeeze out everything possible in terms of quality.

Re: Arcturus 004

Yes, what a problem. Arcturus 004 is

This is a simplified version of Arcturus 001. that 003 that 004 is bullshit..

But judging by the description. this is a completely different series - this is how Vega 106/108/109/114/115/117/119 was made. I.E. The board is almost square, it has pin connectors, two scarves the size of two matchboxes each are inserted vertically, the KT805 output transistors are wired from this scarf to the radiators. . this is it. There should still be a “phono stage” lying around somewhere in a metal case.

Restoring is easier than ever. get the most out of quality. Yes, what is the maximum there? from such quality.

Re: Arcturus 004

Thanks for the links, but this is not quite right. or rather not at all.

Yes, the board is square, but the power supply is also assembled on it and some kind of unit is similar to the 176la7 series of the daughter. but after them there are 2 815 transistors per channel on the board (on small radiators) and KT808 terminals are installed, so this is a surrogate.

but I am mainly interested in the voltage supply circuit and the assignment of contacts on the board. since the food has completely burned out, it is necessary to change it, and at the same time replace the artificial midpoint with a normal human one.

Re: Arcturus 004


, yeah.. lucky;) this is truly something rare. I’ve never seen anything like this, but I’ve been to Vega more than once)) and not twice - I’m constantly pulling something out of the insulator and repairing it. and repaired a lot of them. True, I joined the process already from the Vega 120 series in time. and Arcturus was just repairing.

But you can’t easily get away from circuit design with a “virtual ground.” Most likely one of the condensers has shrunk to the point of melting or has shorted inside. In any case, only tears. You can leave everything like that for props. and make the amplifier using LM3886. instead of 808.

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