The best Hi-Fi headphones (High Fidelity) - choosing the best headphones 2020-2021

4.6/5 — (40 votes)

Wireless headphone development technologies are moving forward, and user demands for sound quality and capabilities are becoming high. When choosing wireless hi-fi headphones and hi-end headphones, you should know some features.

What does Hi-Fi mean and how is it different from Hi-End?

Hi-Fi is an abbreviation for “High Fidelity,” which means “high precision.” In theory, Hi-Fi headphones transmit sound as accurately as possible, close to the original and almost without distortion. To obtain Hi-Fi status, headphones must comply with the DIN-45500 standard - that is, they must meet the following requirements:

  • Amplitude distortion – up to 4 dB.
  • Frequency range – from 20 to 20000 Hz (all frequencies recognized by the human ear are reproduced).

There is also a requirement for noise level in decibels, but it is not relevant specifically for headphones.

In the 70s, when the concept of “Hi-Fi” appeared, headphones that met the described requirements were “a wonder” and cost a lot of money. However, thanks to modern technologies, releasing headphones with a frequency range of 20-20000 Hz is as easy as shelling pears - this will not surprise anyone. Manufacturers began to sculpt fashionable “Hi-Fi” on everything, having the right. So in practice, “Hi-Fi” is no longer a sign of quality. Even headphones with excellent technical characteristics can sound mediocre if the manufacturer skimps on materials and uses cheap plastic in the manufacture of audio equipment.

Despite some consonance, “Hi-End” is a concept “from a different opera.” This status is assigned to expensive exclusive audio equipment. However, the requirements for sound characteristics for Hi-End headphones have not been defined. Metaphorically speaking, Hi-Fi is a well-renovated apartment near the center, and Hi-End is a luxury apartment with a swimming pool in a prestigious hotel. The second will be more expensive, but it is not a fact that it is more comfortable.


If you want my money, then come up with another move. Why should I talk about a frequency range that I won't hear?

Here's a typical marketing bullshit:
Frequency Response (Hz)

What other 40 KHz?

From the school physics course it is known that a person can (key word - can

, but not necessarily) perceive frequencies from
20 Hz to 20 KHz
. Sounds above 20 KHz have no effect on hearing. So why do I need headphones up to 40 KHz?

But here is the specification of “evil” headphones for vampires: they will definitely hear 100 KHz...

True, to be honest, some manufacturers write in small print:

To fully enjoy Hi-Res audio quality, all equipment in your system must be Hi-Res compatible. If any component in your system is not Hi-Res compatible, Hi-Res audio will not be reproduced.

Fine. Suppose I bought a Hi-Res player, Hi-Res headphones, downloaded music in FLAC format, purchased an oxygen-free copper cable with silver coating and got ready to enjoy the sound. And yes, I will get it, because hi-res equipment will obviously play better

any Hi-Fi. But I will never hear the promised frequency range.

On the Discovery TV channel, they conducted an experiment on adults and children to see how they picked up high frequencies. Here's what happened: By the age of 20

people no longer hear frequencies above 15 KHz.
By age 35,
abilities drop to 10 KHz.
At 60 years old
the limit is 5 KHz.

My two-year-old son wakes up at night from the dying autumn squeak of a frozen mosquito, which my wife and I cannot hear. But we know that it is a mosquito, because here it is, sitting on the bed and awaiting its fate...

Pamela Travers wrote covertly about the ability of children to hear sounds “invisible” to adults in the book “ Merry Poppins.”

Only there the writer expressed this ability in understanding the language of animals: “And they understood before,” Mary Poppins intervened, folding Jane’s nightgowns into a pile. - What? - the twins exclaimed. — Did you understand the language of the starling and the wind? – Yes, and the language of trees, sun rays, stars. – But how could they forget how? - John wrinkled his forehead, trying to comprehend the reason for such misfortune. - You want to know? - Starling checked in such a tone, as if he wanted to say: but I know how. “ They grew up and forgot
,” explained Mary Poppins. — Barbara, please put on your booties.

They grew up and forgot. We grew up and forgot how to hear. But no personal audio store will tell you this.

website You won’t feel the soul-touching sound that salespeople and marketers tell you about. When at IFA 2015 I asked representatives of various companies producing top-end acoustics what Hi-Res headphones are, 99% of the answers were the same: They reproduce an extended frequency range for deeper immersion in music... STOP! If you need my money, then come up with...

Despite the explosive popularity of music streaming services that offer listeners compressed audio, more and more manufacturers are releasing equipment that supports playback of high-quality audio files. Panasonic also did not remain aloof from this trend, and presented headphones with the High Res Sound icon proudly displayed on the box: Panasonic HD10.

Features and differences from ordinary ones

In order to better characterize the features of Hi-Res Audio, you need to have an understanding of some indicators. For example, for a regular mp3 format the remarkable bitrate is 320 Kb/s, and for Hi-Res Audio the smallest is 1 thousand Kb/s . Thus, the difference is more than three times. There is also a difference in the sampling range, or, as it is also called, sampling.

There are specific requirements for products with good sound quality. Manufacturers must adhere to these requirements when creating their devices. In order for headphones to have a Hi-Res Audio label on their packaging, the products must provide sound at a frequency of 40 thousand Hz . It is curious that such a sound is beyond the boundaries of the perception of human hearing, which is capable of capturing approximately 20 thousand Hz (or less, in accordance with the age of the person).

But this does not mean at all that sound information outside this range is of no benefit to humans. In the event that headphones are capable of reproducing such a broad spectrum, this will certainly help ensure that the portion of the spectrum that we can perceive is formed and transmitted as fully and with as little distortion as possible. And not shortened within the range of our hearing.

At the same time, regular headphones may experience distortion during sound reproduction at a time when the sound frequency begins to approach the borderline capabilities . Products cannot reproduce frequencies properly or do not reproduce at all. Hi-Res Audio processes the entire range of audio frequencies, while the quality remains at the highest level.

Hi-Res Audio headphones consist of a speaker and a balanced armature driver. In addition, they come with an attached cord and several replaceable filters, which give you the opportunity to choose between balanced sound, increased highs or low frequencies. The headphones come with accessories. These include a carrying case, a device that allows you to use the audio system on an airplane, and a tool used to clean the product.

The main properties are:

  • sensitivity – 115 dB;
  • impedance – 20 Ohm;
  • frequency spectrum – from 0.010 to 40 kHz.

Sounds of music on your head. Review of four pairs of high-end headphones

Beyerdynamic T5p

High-end headphones require equally high quality of other components and musical material. As such, they are rarely suitable for on-the-go listening; among other things, they are usually too large and bulky to appear in public. However, when creating the T5p, Beyerdynamic tried to combine both requirements; it is “the first high-end mobile headphones.”

Put the T5p on and you'll be amazed at the spaciousness of their sound; These are the best closed-back headphones in this price range

We loved the T5p as soon as we took it out of its aluminum case. They come with a variety of accessories to enhance their portability: a carrying case, an airplane adapter, and a 3.5mm jack. There is no built-in microphone.

The headphones themselves look solid and durable, and their design is reminiscent of the company’s previous models – T1 and T70. They are somewhat heavier than other test participants and “cling” to the head more tightly; but thanks to this they will not fall down in the middle of the street. Soft leather padding on the headband and ear pads adds comfort and style.

The T5p's closed design makes them a pleasant travel companion - they let in much less sound than their open counterparts - and also somewhat enhances their soundproofing capabilities. Thus, you will not only be able to enjoy your favorite music without annoying external noise, but you will also not annoy your neighbors in the carriage or cabin with the sounds reaching them.

More often than not, although not always, open-back headphones are superior to their closed-back counterparts in transparency, clarity, and sonic freedom. The T5p are the exception to the rule: once you put them on, you'll be amazed at the rare spatiality of their sound. These are the best closed-back headphones in this price range. We recommend heating them for several hours to fully experience their volume and purity.

Like most headphones, the center of the soundstage is located approximately in the middle of the head, but in the case of the Beyerdynamic there is enough room for instruments and voices even in such a complex song as Radiohead's How To Disappear Completely; their separation and detail are excellent.

The energetic bass of the T5p can breathe life into any music - however, they prefer catchy compositions, so they may not be entirely tolerant of songs that require more delicate handling; Shure and Sennheiser models are somewhat calmer in this regard. The T5p is closer in character to the Grado headphones, only they have a slightly softer tonal character, as well as more convincing dynamics.

The Shures are slightly superior in sophistication and precision; but the T5p, like the T70 before, perfectly recreate the mid-range. Kimbra's vocals are brought to the fore on "Settle Down"; it is natural and soft even on the highest notes.

The T5p has a very pleasant sound; Beyerdynamic has really managed to combine the incongruous - High End quality and ease of wearing on the street. These headphones are not cheap, but for a connoisseur they are perfect.


The higher the class of headphones, the more likely they are to have an open design. This model is an exception to the rule; it has a closed design and incredibly pleasant and spacious sound

PROS: Dynamics and rhythm; open and lively sound; workmanship; mobility

CONS: Closed design slightly reduces sharpness and clarity

VERDICT: T5p produce excellent sound and are suitable for use outside the home

Figures and facts

  • Type: Headbands, closed
  • Wireless:No
  • Surround Sound:No
  • Weight:350g
  • Plugs: 3.5mm, 6.3mm
  • Cable: 1.2 m

Grado PS500

We are already accustomed to the unusual “pre-war” design of Grado monitor headphone models. Perhaps few people will call them handsome, and they are also unlikely to receive awards for style; however, their strict business appearance indicates that they know their business.

The music attracts attention with the elastic pulsation of the bass; it has powerful attack, reach and control even at high volumes

The PS500 is the smaller brother to the top of the line PS1000 (which costs twice as much), but looks more similar to the 2011 award-winning SR325i. The durable headband is easy to adjust by moving the antenna-like rods; The ear pads covered with foam rotate around their axes. These headphones are not as soft and comfortable as the Sennheiser HD700, but they sit securely on your head without pinching it in a vice, and only begin to warm you up after a few hours of listening.

Like other Grado head models, the PS500's open design allows sound to leak outward and very loudly. Because of this, everyone around you will hear exactly what you hear; and regardless of your musical tastes, this will not make you more popular in the office or on the train.

Like other test models, with the exception of Beyerdynamic, Grado headphones are most suitable for home listening. The thick cable running to both ear cups ends in a 6.3mm plug, highlighting the fact that they are not designed for mobile devices.

By their very nature, open-back headphones create a freer sound than their closed-back competitors. This is especially true for the PS500: in terms of this property, they are ahead of all other models in the test and sound exceptionally airy and spacious; All instruments play cleanly, clearly and are heard separately from each other.

The meticulousness of the PS500, like the PS1000, is incredible, but they are quite demanding in terms of the quality of the music they reproduce; When playing low-resolution files and streaming, recording flaws are more noticeable than on other models. For the PS500 to be at its best, its diet must consist of at least CD-quality music, and the rest of the system must be of an equally high standard: connect them to a good headphone amplifier and you will appreciate their excellence.

Trent Reznor's "On We March" from the movie "The Social Network" immediately attracts attention with its elastic bass pulsation. It has powerful attack, range and control even at high volumes. It should be noted that these headphones are inferior in sophistication to Sennheiser, and in accuracy - to Shure.

On the other hand, Grado is characterized by impeccable rhythmicity; the boundaries of all notes and beats are spelled out absolutely precisely. This doesn't just apply to LF; The voices in the song Colorblind Counting Crows also sound very clear and expressive, and the quietest moments are conveyed no less accurately and carefully than those of the competitors.

PS500 – bold, groovy and very energetic headphones; they are designed to amuse and entertain their owner - and they are definitely worth getting to know.

Bass as a strong point

Grado excels at bass - precise, fast and controlled. High rhythmicity ensures excellent integration of voices and midrange as a whole

PROS: Open and informative; excellent bass; rhythm; nice sound

CONS: Not the most luxurious design; lacks refinement; strongly transmit sound

VERDICT: Dynamic and exciting headphones for powerful bass and driving rhythms

Figures and facts

  • Type: Headbands, open
  • Wireless:No
  • Surround Sound:No
  • Weight:300g
  • Plug:6.3mm
  • Cable:1.75m

Sennheiser HD700

If we were to judge headphones solely on their comfort, the Sennheiser HD700 would be a clear winner. Once you put the HD700 on at least once, you won't want to take them off.

These headphones are of exceptionally high quality. The silicone-coated headband and cups are lined with soft velor, a plush material that feels surprisingly pleasant to the touch when touching the body. Despite their seemingly decent dimensions, the HD700 is actually very lightweight and easy to adjust.

The HD700 have a pleasant sound, warm and balanced. Voices sound especially light and harmonious

These nice touches further highlight Sennheiser's comfort; Thanks to them, you can listen to music for hours without signs of fatigue or stress.

The unusual design of these headphones immediately attracted attention when they were launched at the Bristol Sound & Vision Show in February. They were positioned as the “little brother” of the flagship Sennheiser HD800 model for $1215; and their family resemblance cannot be denied.

They use the same technologies as the HD800; Only the HD700's speakers are smaller. They feature a new vented magnet system designed to reduce turbulence and harmonic distortion that negatively impact sound quality.

These are open-back headphones; They transmit less sound out than Grado (which few can compare with in this regard), but we still wouldn’t risk walking in them. Moreover, you want to enjoy such stylish and impressive headphones in the silence and comfort of your own home.

The HD700 have a pleasant sound, warm and balanced. Voices sound light and harmonious; in the song You've Got The Love Florence and the Machine, the subtlest nuances of Florence Welch's unusual voice are clearly audible, and the melodic shimmer of the harp sounds gentle, but at the same time lively and rhythmic.

On the other hand, we were ready to listen for hours (and did listen!) to James Rhodes playing classical pieces on the piano.

This pleasant and inviting approach of the HD700 sometimes becomes too languid and relaxed; They can't match the Grado's flawless bass response, and they could use a little more precision when reproducing music.

The sweet sound of these headphones lacks the level of attack and edge that is inherent in the Grado model - while the Shure sound is much more detailed and spacious. However, the HD700 makes up for these shortcomings with smooth and balanced playback of any music - both CD-quality and low-resolution files and streaming - as well as music of any style, genre and genre.

These features make the HD700 a friendly and welcoming companion for many listeners. If you're looking for the most comfortable, sweet sounding headphones, the Sennheiser HD700 might be the one for you.

Perfect comfort

If you're looking for a pair of headphones for long, comfortable listening, check out Sennheiser; These are lightweight and customizable headphones with a premium finish.

PROS: Lightweight and comfortable; Refined, sophisticated and amazingly balanced sound

CONS: A little lacking in bite and attack

VERDICT: Perhaps these are the most comfortable headphones in the test; The HD700's smooth, sweet and refined sound promotes endless listening

Figures and facts

  • Type: Headbands, open
  • Wireless:No
  • Surround Sound:No
  • Weight:273 g
  • Plug:6.3mm
  • Cable:3m

Shure SRH1840

These are truly magical headphones; Like a fairy tale, everything about them is perfectly suited to its purpose - they are coherent and confident, and behind the rather ordinary appearance lies stunning sound quality.

What makes Shure so perfect? They represent the golden mean between the Grado and Sennheiser models, combining the convenience and refinement of the latter with the agility and energy of the former.

In practice, the Shure headphones are simply amazing; they like any style, and they will delight you with amazingly musical sound

The SRH1840 is a pleasure to listen to; turn on a recording of Bach's Chaconne in D minor performed by James Rhodes - and the sounds of the piano cannot help but captivate you with their beauty. Shure paints every note with precision and care, and fills the entire 16 minutes of the piece with enthusiasm.

These headphones are capable of reproducing the most complex melodies without the slightest sign of strain. The intricate metro-rhythmic structures of 15 Step Radiohead will confuse anyone, but Shure passes the test with flying colors: each instrument is clearly audible, and at the same time they all merge into a single whole.

They have smooth and pleasant dynamics, allowing them to remain in control at high volumes and add depth to quiet moments. Shure are able to create the most realistic sound: high frequencies sparkle and shimmer, low frequencies delight with mobility and elasticity, surpassing the Beyerdynamic model in this regard.

However, the main advantage of Shure, which guaranteed them the highest rating, is their ability to “mine” the finest details. They are capable of the most subtle nuances that convey all the moods of the sad lyrics of James Vincent McMorrow in the song Follow You Down to the Red Oak Tree.

Shures don't just sound great; They also bring joy to the listener from the bottom of their hearts. They love any style of music, and are not too picky about low-quality formats. Such high-quality headphones require partners of the appropriate class; make sure you have an excellent dedicated amplifier.

In terms of comfort, Shure is second only to Sennheiser. They're not as lightweight as the HD700, but the luxurious velor ear pads fit your ears comfortably and allow you to listen to music for hours. The headphones themselves are quite sturdy in appearance, and the flexible padded headband makes them easy to adjust. Shure has thought about both the appearance and durability of the SRH1840, with extra cables and ear pads inside the quality carrying case.

Despite its open design, Shures allow less sound to escape than other similarly configured models; and their sound is no less direct and spacious than that of Grado. This is the company's first experience in developing open models, and it turned out to be very successful. With them, you can safely listen to your favorite music in the company of other people.

Shure have outdone themselves with this model; The SRH1840 are amazing in every way. These amazingly musical headphones are well worth the price.

Generalists in everything

This Shure model combines the advantages of open headphones (free and refined sound) and closed models (no sound leakage and private listening).

PROS: Amazing detail; sophisticated, confident and natural sound; flexible and comfortable design

CONS: No less quality partners are needed

VERDICT: Very pleasant sound and the ability to bring out the finest details will bring a lot of joy

Figures and facts

  • Type: Headbands, open
  • Wireless:No
  • Surround Sound:No
  • Weight:268 g
  • Plugs: 3.5mm, 6.3mm
  • Cable: 2.1 m

Let's sum it up

Winner - Shure SRH1840 $670

Each test model will find happy owners; however, not all of them will be suitable for every buyer. The most versatile Shure SRH1840 is good for any genre of music

If you're willing to invest $700 or more on headphones, you're probably expecting a lot from them. This test has something for everyone, but the competition will be high. Much will depend on your personal preferences, since each pair has its own character.

It is very important that high-end headphones match the system and uncompromising formats. A good headphone amplifier and music of at least CD quality are highly recommended.

The bravest owners dare to go out in these models, but their dimensions and prices mean listening at home.

Do you prefer convenience or bass?

If you need powerful and quality bass, choose Grado; If you value comfort above all else, you'll love Sennheiser. They have a balanced and pleasant sound, somewhat inferior to others in terms of mobility and attack. They're incredibly comfortable and you won't want to interrupt your hours of music enjoyment. In contrast, Grado has a powerful and loud sound, bursting with energy and strikingly open.

Both models are very strong in their respective areas, but the extreme skew to one side caused us to lower their scores.

Beyerdynamic are the only closed-back headphones in this test; however, the T5p impressed us with its incredibly open sound and flawless voice reproduction. Their clear and refined sound is characterized by energy and control. We'd prefer the Beyerdynamic over the Grado, as the T5p is more enjoyable to listen to and has a softer tonal character; In addition, they captivate with the possibility of using them on the road.

The winner of the test is the Shure model. The amazingly versatile headphones have no major flaws; They have a very expressive and exciting sound, and their detail surpasses all other models in the test. Thanks to the most natural reproduction, they are great for music of any style.


Ideal partners for Shure SRH1840

Laptop – Apple MacBook Pro from $1260

Ideal for connecting to any streaming services; Plenty of storage space for your entire music collection; the most friendly interface.

Digital to Analogue Converter - Audiolab M-DAC $990

This DAC is the reigning Product of the Year; It has a built-in headphone amplifier and will be an excellent partner for a laptop source.

Active Noise Cancellation System

A few words should be said about the active noise reduction system. It is used primarily in closed-type headphones. These devices contain microphones that invert the external audio signal. Thus, the new signal acts in antiphase to the noise and reduces its value to zero. Only the required sound signal coming from the player reaches the eardrums. Most listeners rate this feature in their devices positively. However, there are people with individual intolerance to active noise cancellation for one reason or another. If these are the first headphones in your life with such a system, try to test them before purchasing or make sure that this function can be turned off.

With the most stylish design: Blue Ella

Blue Ella headphones use magnetoplanar drivers and an internal amplifier to deliver truly impeccable sound.


  • Superior sound quality using planar magnetic drivers for precision.
  • Availability of internal amplifier.
  • Spectacular appearance.
  • Three listening modes.
  • Two detachable cables included.

May not like:

  • High price.
  • A massive body is not for everyone.

Prices for Yandex.Market

Blue Ella

Headphones for most

One of the most affordable, but more decent options would be the Sony IER-H500A h.ear in 2 model. At a cost of about 4,000 rubles, they are already capable of reproducing 24-bit sound and are equipped with 9 mm high-sensitivity speakers.

Despite the fact that these are ordinary plugs, they are already capable of more fully revealing all the delights of Hi-Res Audio than their analogues without support for this function. True, we should not forget about the sound source. There is little point in listening to the radio with such headphones.

Among other things, the Sony IER-H500A h.ear in 2 are available in several colors and have a microphone on the wire, making them a good option for use with smartphones that support the format we are interested in. For example, such as Sony Xperia XZ3.

Main characteristics: sensitivity - 103 dB impedance - 16 Ohms frequency range - from 5 to 40000 Hz

Sony XBA-H3 earbuds

The impressive case for this type of device with 16 mm drivers may raise concerns about the ease of wearing the accessory. However, manufacturers have provided ear pads of different sizes, which remove all risks. The detachable, color-coded left/right ear cable and cable clip thoughtfully add comfort when using the headphones. Vocals and instrumental music sound clear and detailed.


  • wired;
  • closed;
  • plug-in;
  • operating range 3 – 40000 Hz;
  • presence of a microphone;
  • 3 emitters;
  • speakers 16 mm;
  • sensitivity 107 dB;
  • detachable cord 1.2 m;
  • oxygen-free copper wires;
  • ear pads for changing – 7 pairs;
  • light – 10 g.


  • The noise reduction system is rather weak;
  • cost from 12,000 rub.

5 Best DJ Headphones

The best overhead models

Among the variety of Hi-Res Audio headphones, there are also over-ear options. The most popular is the Pioneer SE-MHR5 with a folding design .

In the manufacturing process of headphones, three main types of materials were used: plastic, steel and leatherette. The latter is used in the headband and ear pad design. The main disadvantage of this material is that it wears out quickly; the ear pads quickly lose their attractiveness. The ear pads are filled with polyurethane. The cups on the outside and some fasteners are made of aluminum. The frequency spectrum of the product is 0.007–50 kHz, initial impedance is 45 Ohms, maximum power is 1 thousand mW, sound level is 102 dB, weight is 0.2 kg.

To make the product convenient to use while traveling, there is a cable available.

Another popular model is Hi-Res XB-450BT . This is a wireless variation. The connection is made via Bluetooth, via NFC. Provides the highest quality audio streaming. The frequency spectrum is 0.020-20 kHz. The products are equipped with a built-in microphone for hands-free calling. Available in five colors: black, silver, red, gold, blue.

The package consists of:

  • wireless headphone model;
  • USB cable;
  • cord.

A good headphone option that offers an acceptable combination of price and quality is the Sony WH-1000XM . This product is equipped with a noise reduction device, which will make it possible, in addition to listening to your favorite tracks in good quality, to also be isolated from noise. The sensitivity of the product is 104.5 dB, the resistance is 47 Ohms, the frequency spectrum is from 0.004–40 kHz.


The most important distinguishing feature of the HD series models is the ability to adjust the bowls horizontally - no one has done this before Panasonic. The design of the HD10 itself is comfortable, you can listen to music for hours without any discomfort.

The ear pads are soft and fit snugly to the head, the range of adjustments is very wide, everyone can find a position for themselves. The bowls rotate almost 180 degrees, thereby allowing you to find the most convenient angle. The ear pads completely cover the ears.

Hi-Res headphones are cheaper than they seem

The first example and one of the cheapest headphones can be considered the Xiaomi Mi Dual-Unit Semi-in-Ear headphones. Xiaomi has long taught us that they are trying to release something good for little money. For obvious reasons, this does not always work out, but, as they say, “the attempt is counted.” Moreover, the headphones are made of ceramics.

The same thing happened with headphones. Even in Russian stores you can find them for less than 1000 rubles. At the same time, they have been certified by the Japanese Association and support high-quality sound that goes beyond CD quality.

Of course, there is no need to say that they will fully reveal all the delights of the format, therefore, if you take the matter more seriously, you should pay attention to more expensive models.

Main characteristics: sensitivity - 105 dB impedance - 32 Ohms frequency range - from 20 to 40000 Hz

Sennheiser Momentum In-Ear Wireless

  • Mounting type: in-channel
  • Frequency range: 15-22000 Hz
  • Impedance: 18 ohms
  • Sensitivity: 112 dB/mW

Price : from 7,590 rubles

Sennheiser Momentum In-Ear Wireless is a clear confirmation that in-ear headphones are not always “tweeters” without bass. This model sounds delicious and rich - even the 20-Hz bass of nu-metal players is felt to the fullest.

However, if you go to the Sennheiser website, you will find that there are two words about the sound of the Momentum In-Ear Wireless, and everything else is about design. “Momentums” are more of a fashion item, for dudes, and not all of its innovations are of practical use. For example, the ergonomic “collar”, which Sennheiser proudly calls a unique design solution, turns sideways for athletes, since its “wings” hit painfully on the collarbones when running.


  • High quality materials and workmanship.
  • Capacious battery - one charge lasts for 10 hours.
  • Cute bezel design with metal engraving.
  • Extended warranty from the manufacturer – 2 years.
  • 4 pairs of ear adapters included (XS, S, M, L).
  • Supports fast charging function.
  • Clear and balanced sound.
  • Good sound insulation.


  • The microphone is too sensitive and picks up street noise.
  • Not suitable for sports - for example, when running, the headset knocks on your collarbones.

By what criteria to choose

The first thing the consumer must decide for himself is for what purpose the Hi-Fi and Hi-End gadget will be used; the shape and capabilities of the headphones depend on specific preferences.

Construction type:

  • inserts;
  • in-ear device, these headphones fit deeper than the earbuds;
  • overhead - cover part of the auricle without fitting tightly to the ear;
  • full-size - completely cover the owner's ears.


  • closed - eliminates the presence of a perforated grille, which protects sound from external sources;
  • open - the speakers include slots and a grille, but in such cups the external noise becomes more distinct.

Signal transmission type:

  • with wire - the signal is transmitted via wire, which is not very convenient if you use headphones during training;
  • wireless - this type of signal is transmitted via Bluetooth, suitable for athletes and negotiations with a microphone, the disadvantage is that they may not connect to computers;
  • combined - include both signal transmission options, it is better to choose this option for purchase.

Microphone availability:

  • with a microphone - capable of both receiving an audio signal and transmitting it;
  • without a microphone - configured only to receive a signal.

Sennheiser Momentum 2.0 Over-Ear (M2 AEi)


  • presence of a built-in microphone;
  • iPhone support;
  • reproduced frequency range 16-22000Hz;
  • harmonic distortion (nonlinear distortion) – 0.5 dB;
  • replaceable cable 1.4 m long.


  • not found.

From 12000 ₽

Over-ear headphones. The type is closed, but despite this, the owners note the excellent spaciousness of the “stage” sound. No serious shortcomings were noted. The price in Russia starts at 12,000 rubles, which is significantly lower than in the European Union.

Best for Audiophiles on a Budget: Beyerdynamic DT 770 Studio

The Beyerdynamic DT 770 Studio headphones are a classic that remains relevant thanks to its excellent sound performance, stable fit and reasonable price.


  • Superior sound quality with high frequency clarity and precision.
  • Sits securely on the ears.
  • Minimal sound leakage.

May not like:

  • Not suitable for working with mobile devices.
  • There is no detachable cable.
  • No buffed bosses.

Prices for Yandex.Market

Beyerdynamic DT 770 Studio

Rating of vacuum

Introducing the TOP 3 vacuum headphones.

Xiaomi Hi-Res Pro HD

They are closed-type products, wireless earbuds. There is a volume control, remote control, built-in microphone. Frequency spectrum - from 0.020 to 40 kHz, impedance - 32 Ohms, susceptibility - 98 dB. The body is made of metal. Cable included.

Headphones Sony MDR-EX15AP

These are vacuum headphones that make it possible to listen to music comfortably during sports or dancing, because the shape of the earbuds allows the product to fit tightly to the ear and not fall out even with too intense activities.

They have the function of isolating from extraneous noise.

The frequency spectrum is 0.008–22 Hz, the sensitivity is 100 dB, which guarantees high sound quality. Available in several colors. Budget priced.

Model iiSii K8

It is a lightweight and stylish product that is designed for people who want to listen to music in high definition even on the go or while playing sports. The design combines reinforcement and dynamic drivers, creates high-quality sound, and a wide range of frequencies makes it possible to listen to music in Hi-Res format.

These are in-ear headphones that are distinguished by an extensive range of functions, comfortable controls and the presence of two microphones at once for better sound transmission.

This model has been certified and complies with the Hi-Res Audio standard, which confirms the good quality of sound wave transmission.

Affordable professional sound: Superlux HD-681 Evo

Superlux HD-681 Evo headphones provide professional sound quality at a relatively affordable price.


  • Excellent sound quality with rich bass and clear highs.
  • They sit comfortably on the head.
  • Detachable cable.
  • Comes with replaceable ear pads.

May not like:

  • The cable does not have a built-in control panel.
  • The semi-open design allows some sound leakage.
  • Quite a budget build.

Prices for Yandex.Market

Superlux HD-681 Evo

Let's sum it up

This is not the 70s, when Hi-Fi headphones were something out of the ordinary - now any decent audio equipment store will offer you a huge number of models. All the Hi-Fi headphones from our rating sound decent, but in different ways. You shouldn’t neglect checking: maybe the person who recommended the Dunu Titan 5 model to you likes the “bassier” sound, and you are a supporter of balanced sound - then the Sennheiser Momentum In-Ear Wireless is more suitable for you. Don’t be afraid to “strain” the consultant in the store and listen to as many models as possible. Still, Hi-Fi headphones are an expensive gadget, so you have every right to be picky




Microphone quality

Edifier NeoBuds Pro has 3 microphones on each earbud: one is used to capture voice, and the other two are used to suppress noise.

Thanks to this, the headphones are ideal for phone calls. Even if you talk outside on a windy day, the other person will easily hear you. Bluetooth 5.0 is responsible for communication here, and the maximum operating range is 20 meters. Of course, you shouldn’t expect such a distance in an apartment, but there shouldn’t be any problems with communication.

Recent history

Japanese manufacturer Onkyo has been offering portable audio lovers branded headphones in various formats for several years now. I had to deal with their products sporadically, and each time it was a completely different impression. If six years ago I was rather disappointed with what I saw and heard, then three or four years ago I was pleasantly surprised, because both the style and sound of the headphones have noticeably changed for the better.

The packaging leaves a good impression

The secret of this metamorphosis is quite simple: different engineers were involved in the development of headphones of different generations. The production facilities and manufacturing companies were also different, so under the same brand we had the pleasure of observing the results of the work of completely different people.

It was presented beautifully, if only they had put in more embouchures...

The model we're testing today was designed and manufactured by the previous copyright holder, Gibson Innovations, which several years ago acquired not only the rights to the Onkyo brand, but also the Philips division that produced portable speakers and headphones. Thus, the development and production of Onkyo headphones is the work of engineers who previously created the outstanding Fidelio line, released under the Philips brand (so any analogies with the well-known Fidelio models can be considered not accidental).

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