Refinement of dynamic heads 3GD-31. New look 30 years later

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buy, sell Speaker 75GDN-3 (30GD-2), prices

Speaker 75GDN-3 (30GD-2)

75GDN-3 (30GD-2) - loudspeaker head of electrodynamic type, low-frequency, round, with an unshielded magnetic circuit.

Warranty period: 1.5 years. Technical specifications: LVG 3.843.015 TU

Designed for use in closed phase-inverted remote acoustic systems of the highest and first complexity groups as a low-frequency link in rooms. The diffuser holder is made by injection molding from aluminum alloy.

The magnetic circuit contains the following elements:

— Ring ferrite magnet brand 25BA170×2K size K134x57x12 mm; — Core with a diameter of 50 mm; — Top flange with a hole with a diameter of 53.6 mm. Air gap height 9.6 mm; radial width of the air gap is 1.8 mm, induction in the gap is 0.87 T.

The mobile system includes:

— Voice coil wound with PEVT-1 wire with a diameter of 0.355 mm, double-layer winding, 53 turns in the first layer, 51 turns in the second, winding height 22 mm; Ohmic resistance 2.9+-0.3 Ohm; The voice coil frame is made of DPRNT 0.05×40 tape. ZK height 40 mm, internal diameter 50.7 mm, external (including winding) 52.7 mm; — Conical diffuser of variable thickness, made of impregnated paper pulp; — Toroidal-shaped suspension made of polyurethane; — A spherical cap made of impregnated paper pulp.


— Reproducible frequency range — 31.5-1000 Hz; — Nominal sound pressure — 1.26 Pa; — Uneven frequency response of sound pressure — 10 dB; — Level of characteristic sensitivity — 86 dB; - Total harmonic distortion coefficient when supplying power corresponding to the nominal average sound pressure at frequencies of 40 Hz - 5%; 63 Hz - 4%; over 80 Hz - 3%; — Nominal electrical resistance — 4 Ohms; — Maximum noise (nameplate) power — 75 W; — Maximum long-term power — 78 W; — Maximum short-term power — 80 W; — Main resonance frequency — 25+-5 Hz; — Full good power — 0.35+-0.05;

Dimensions: 250×124 mm; Weight: 6 kg.

Speakers 75GDN-3 were installed in the following acoustic systems:

Amphiton 50AS-022;

Soviet speakers

Speakers of the USSR (table list) Old - marking of speakers according to the old GOST. New – speaker marking according to the new GOST. Range – effective range of reproduced frequencies, in Hz. Sensitivity and SPL – sensitivity and sound pressure (in parentheses). The first value in the cell is sensitivity, the second is sound pressure (always in parentheses). Specified in dB. Sometimes sound pressure is indicated in Pa or bar. R – nominal electrical resistance, in Ohms. Dimensions – overall dimensions of the speaker, in mm. The dimensions are indicated in the plan (diffuser to us). First, the dimensions in plan are indicated (the first two numbers), then the depth. If the speaker is round, then the size is indicated in diameter, the second number indicates the depth. Weight – the weight of the speaker, in kg. * The list contains not only speakers that were produced during the USSR period, it also contains new developments from the same factories.


New Range


Feelings (SPL)








0.025 GD-1 600 – 4000 6 40x16.5 0,017
0.025 GD-2 1000 – 3000 60 40x16.5 0,017
0.05 GD-1 700 – 2500 60
0.05 GD-2 700 – 2500 6,5
0.1 GD-1 VEF 450 – 3000 3,5
0.1 GD-3 400 – 3000 6,5 50x20.5 0,035
0.1 GD-3M 630 – 3150 10 50x20.5 0,035
0.1 GD-6 450 – 3150(0.23 Pa) 10 ?60x27 0,06
0.1 GD-8 440 – 3000 10 60x21.5 0,04
0.1 GD-9 450 – 3150(0.18 Pa) 60?50?140,0165
0.1 GD-12 450 – 3150 10
0.25 GDSh-1-10450 – 315091,510?60x280,058
0.1 GD-170.25 GDSh-2-50450 – 31509050?50x180,03
0.1 GD-17M0.25 GDSh-3-8450 – 3150838?50x130,025
0.15 GD-1 400 – 8000 6 60x22 0,05
0.15 GD-3 150 – 5000 6
0.2 GD-1 300 – 10000(0.18 Pa) ?60x25
0.25 GD-1 300 – 10000(2 bar) 6 60x25 0,05
0.25 GD-1 RRZ 300 – 3000 8 72x34 0,07
0.25 GD-2 300 – 3000 25 70x29 0,12
0.25 GD-9 300 – 3500 10 70x36 0,12
0.25 GD-10 0.5 GDSh-1-8 315 – 5000 91 8 63x63x29.5 0,07
0.25 GD-190.5 GDSh-2-8315 – 500090863x63x220,13
0.5 GDSh-4-8450 – 315087,48?50x180,03
0.35 GD 4,3
0.5 GD-2 120 – 60002.5 bar 5,5 ?124
0.5 GD-5 100 – 60003 bar 5,5
0.5 GD-10 150 – 100002.3 bar 5 160x50 0,15
0.5 GD-11 150 – 7000 5 105x36 0,15
0.5 GD-12 150 – 7000 4,5 105x36 0,25
0.5 GD-14 250 – 3500 28 102x50 0,13
0.5 GD-15 150 – 7000 28 102x50 0,128
0.5 GD-17 250 – 5000 8 106x70 0,15
0.5 GD-17B 250 – 5000 8 106x70 0,15
0.5 GD-20 315 – 5000 8 80x34
0.5 GD-21 315 – 7000 8 80x37
0.5 GD-30 1 GDSh-1-16 125 – 1000093 16 125x80x47 0,19
1 GDSh-2-16200 – 100009116125x80x470,19
0.5 GD-31 200 – 10000 15 125x80 0,19
0.5 GD-36 1000 – 16000(0.15 Pa) 10 80x80x34.5 0,08
0.5 GD-37 1 GDSh-3-8 315 – 710092 8 80x80x37.5 0,135
0.5 GD-42160 – 125008?125x380,3
1 A-10 KinUp80 – 800015?225x16510,5
1 A-13 KinUp400 – 1000022?185x16513,6
1 A-16 KinUp 500 – 14000 12 126x124x162 7,3
1 A-17 KinUp 800 – 12000 22 ?141x95 6
1 A-20 KinUp 800 – 14000 25
1 GD-1 150 – 50002.5 bar 3,6 150x75 0,7
1 GD-1 RRZ 4000 – 13000 10 105x63 0,26
1 GD-1 VEF 200 – 4000 6,5 90x57 0,2
1 GD-2 150 – 5000 3,6
1 GD-2 VEF 1000 – 1500090 (0.2 Pa) 6,5 90x57 0,25
1 GD-3 RRZ 5000 – 1800093,5 (96,5) 12 ?70x34 0,18
1 GD-4 100 – 10000 8 150x100
1 GD-4A160 – 10000938150x100x600,33
1 GD-5 150 – 6000 6,5 126x50 0,37
1 GD-6 100 – 6000 6,5 126x53 0,6
1 GD-7 150 – 6000 6 124x64 0,6
1 GD-8 200 – 6000 6 124x64 0,4
1 GD-8A160 – 1000090125x125x550,34
1 GD-9 200 – 10000(0.2 Pa) 8 156x98x56 0,25
1 GD-10 120 – 7000 6,5 156x98 0,37
1 GD-11 150 – 6000 6,5 126x46 0,3
1 GD-12 200 – 10000 5 156x98 0,2
1 GD-14 150 – 10000 5 ?125x45 0,18
1 GD-17 100 – 7000 220
1 GD-18 100 – 10000 6,5 156x98 0,2
1 GD-19 100 – 10000 6,5 156x98 0,2
1 GD-20 150 – 7000 6,5 156x98 0,24
1 GD-28 100 – 10000 6,5 156x98 0,2
1 GD-36 100 – 1000090 8 160x100x58 0,27
1 GD-37 100 – 10000 8 160x100 0,27
1 GD-39E 200 – 6300 8 100x100 0,2
1 GD-40100 – 10000(0.27 Pa)8160x100x450,31
1 GD-40R 100 – 1000093 (0.28 Pa) 8 160x100x45 0,25
1 GD-40RE100 – 1000093 (0.28 Pa)8160x100x450,25
1 GD-48 2 GDSh-2-8 100 – 10000 93 8 160x100x60 0,33
1 GD-50 1 GDSh-4-8 180 – 12500 90 8 100x100x36 0,23
1 GD-52A100 – 1250090?160x550,33
1 GD-54 2 GDSh-3-8 125 – 1000092 8 125x80x46 0,19
2 GDSh-4-8125 – 10000928125x80x420,19
2 GDSh-6-8315 – 12500888?80x24.50,042
1 GD-55 1 GDSh-5-4 200 – 10000 90 4 125x80x36.5 0,19
1 GDSh-6-8315 – 710092880x80x280,07
1 GD-56 1 GDV-1-8 6300 – 16000 88 8 40x40x29 0,1
1 GDM-1.5 150 – 15000 3 ?150 0,75
1.5 GD-1 150 – 15000 3 ?150 0,75
1.5 GD-2 150 – 15000 ?150 1,15
2 A-840 – 65018?394x23512
2 A-9 40 – 1000 18 ?341x195 13,5
2 A-11 35 – 3000 15 ?500x190 15
2 A-12 KinUp 40 – 350095 12 ?341x190
2 A-12 KinUp40 – 1250012?450x190
2 A-14 KinUp 25 – 4000 16 ?252x110
2 A-16-130 – 300095 (0,4)15?335x2158
2 A-12 40 – 3500 12 ?341x190
2 GD-3 70 – 10000 4,5 ?152x69 0,4
2 GD-4 70 – 10000 5 ?152x69 0,3
2 GD-6 90 – 7000 420
2 GD-7 70 – 10000 4,5 ?152x62 0,23
2 GD-8 80 – 8000 4,5 264x94 0,28
2 GD-8 VEF 80 – 7000 4,5 ?152x75 0,5
2 GD-19 80 – 10000 4,5 ?152x54 0,22
2 GD-19M 100 – 10000 4,5 ?152x52 0,2
2 GD-22 100 – 1000092 4280x88x770,45
2 GD-28 70 – 10000 4 ?152x55 0,25
2 GD-35 80 – 12500 4 ?152x52
2 GD-36 3 GDV-1-8 3150 – 2000090 (94,8) 8 80x50x40 0,11
3 GDV-2-8 3150 – 2000088 8 105x64 0,1
2 GD-38 3 GDSh-1-8 100 – 12500 90 8 160x100x59 0,28
2 GD-40 3 GDSh-2-4 100 – 12500 92 4 160x100x47 0,32
2 GD-40A3 GDSh-2-8100 – 12500928160x100x470,32
2 GD-453 GDSh-4-4100 – 12500924160x100x510,33
2 GD-453 GDSh-4-8100 – 12500928160x100x510,33
3 GDSh-7-4180 – 12500904100x100x360,23
3 GDSh-7-8180 – 12500908100x100x360,23
3 GDSh-8-4160 – 12500904?100x320,1
3 GDSh-8-8160 – 12500908?100x320,1
3 GDSh-13-8160 – 12500918?100x320,1
2 GDM-3 90 – 5000
2 GDP-3 3
3 GD-1 RRZ 150 – 6000 10 ?150x52 0,4
3 GD-1 200 – 500093,5 (99,5) 8 ?150x54
3 GD-2 6 GDV-1-16 5000 – 1800090 (97,8) 16 63x63x31 0,2
3 GD-3 100 – 6000 3,4 ?200
3 GD-3 VEF 100 – 7000 1,6
3 GD-5 VEF 100 – 7000 3,4 202x90 1,3
3 GD-6 VEF 80 – 7000 3,4 202x90 1,3
3 GD-7 80 – 70002.5 bar 3,4 208x154 0,65
3 GD-9 80 – 7000 5 204x134 0,9
3 GD-15 1000 – 1800092 (2.5 bar) 4,5?105x640,27
3 GD-15M 1000 – 1800092 (2.5 bar) 4,5?105x640,27
3 GD-16 80 – 8000 4,5 204x134 0,33
3 GD-17 160 – 630095 (0.4 N/m2) 5,5
3 GD-28 80 – 800092 4,5 204x134x55 0,41
3 GD-31 5 GDV-1-8 2800 – 20000 90 (97) 8 100x100x48.3 0,4
5 GDV-108-8 8
3 GD-32 6 GDSh-1-4 80 – 12500 92 (99,8) 4 200x125x76.3 0,48
6 GDSh-3-4160 – 12500924125x125x500,33
6 GDSh-5-4100 – 12500924?125x45.50,29
6 GDSh-5-8100 – 12500928?125x45.50,29
3 GD-38E 5 GDSh-1-4 80 – 1250090 (97) 4 ?160x55 0,31
3 GD-40 5 GDSh-2-4 80 – 1250090 (97) 4 ?160x58 0,4
3 GD-425 GDSh-3-4100 – 1250092,54125x100x520,58
3 GD-42 5 GDSh-3-8 100 – 12500 92,5 (99,5) 8 125x100x52 0,58
3 GD-45 5 GDSh-4-4 80 – 16000 90 (97) 4 ?148x55 0,33
3 GD-47 4 GDV-1-8 2000 – 20000 91 (97) 8 65x65x44 0,35
3 GDMP-VEF 100 – 60003 bar 1,6
4 A-10 100 – 6000 123,5
4 A-15 KinUp 100 – 6000 15 ?252x1103,1
4 A-16 KinUp 100 – 6000 12 ?258x1303,2
4 A-18 100 – 600093 15 ?258x1363,2
4 A-26 50 – 800093 15 ?258x135 2,6
4 A-27 70 – 10000(0.3 Pa) 15 ?258x129 1,5
4 A-28 70 – 1400093,5 (104,2) 15 ?258x129 1,5
4 A-30 70 – 1400094 64
4 A-32 40 – 1600096 (110) 15 ?335x215 10
4 A-32-6 40 – 1400095 (111,9) 166
4 A-33 40 – 1800095 155
4 A-36 80 – 1000094 165
4 A-44 63 – 16000 16?258x1045
4 A-46 70 – 1400093,5 (104,2) 4
4 GD-1 60 – 12000 5,5 ?202x100 0,6
4 GD-2 60 – 12000 5 ?202x80 0,9
4 GD-2 RRZ 100 – 12000 10 ?200x93 0,9
4 GD-3 70 – 7000 4,5 ?197x96 1,2
4 GD-3 RRZ 130 – 12000 10 ?200x93 0,9
4 GD-4 60 – 1200093 (100) 8?202x1001,5
4 GD-5 63 – 5000 93,5 8 ?202x76 0,6
4 GD-6-160 200 – 500090 (97) 8 80x80x37 0,34
4 GD-7 63 – 1250093 (99) 4,5 ?202x76 0,43
4 GD-8 100 – 10000 4
4 GD-8A 125 – 7100 90 (96) 4
4 GD-8E 4 GDSh-1-4 125 – 7100 93,5 (99,5) 4 125x125x49 0,62
4 GD-9 100 – 8000 4,5 204x134
4 GD-28 60 – 1200090 (97) 4,5 ?202x71 0,535
4 GD-34 63 – 1200090 (97) 8?200x70
4 GD-35 8 GDSh-1-4 63 – 12500 92 (101) 4 200x200x76 0,88
8 GDSh-2-4100 – 1250091 (100)4?160x540,4
8 GDSh-2-8100 – 1250091 (100)8?160x540,4
4 GD-36 63 – 1250090 (97) 4/12 ?200x75.6 0,65
4 GD-43 63 – 500092 (99) 4?125x490,6
4 GD-53 5 GDSh-5-4 100 – 12500 92 (99) 4 125x125x49 0,6
4 GD-535 GDSh-5-8100 – 1250092 (99)8125x125x490,6
4 GD-53A 4 GDSh-3-8 100 – 1250092 (99) 8 ?125x48 0,4
4 GDSh-5-4200 – 1000090 (97)4100x100x520,25
4 GD-56 6 GDV-2-8 3150 – 2000090 (97,8) 8 80x50 0,16
4 GD-6 200 – 600090 12 ?80
5 GD-1 RRZ 80 – 1000096 (103,8) 4 260x180 0,75
5 GD-3 RRZ 40 – 5000 93,5 10 ?252x106 1,38
5 GD-9 70 – 7000 4 ?252x126 1,7
5 GD-10 50 – 12000 4,5 ?252x126 1,7
5 GD-14 70 – 12000(0.25 Pa) 4 254x170x100 0,7
5 GD-16 70 – 12000(2.5 bar) 4 254x170 0,6
5 GD-16 70 – 12000(2.5 bar) 420 254x170 0,6
5 GD-18 70 – 12000 4,5 254x170 0,45
5 GD-19 100 – 10000 4,5 254x170 0,525
5 GD-28 100 – 10000 4,5 254x170 0,54
5 GED-5 70 – 6500 2 ?250x135
6 GD-1 60 – 1600095 (102,8) 1,2 ?222x96 0,5
6 GD-1 RRZ 60 – 6500 96 8 327x225 1,3
6 GD-2 RRZ 40 – 5000 93,5 8?252?1351,56
6 GD-2 RRZHF (twitter)100x100
6 GD-3 100 – 1000096 (103,8)
6 GD-3T 100 – 10000
6 GD-4 100 – 10000 4,5
6 GD-5 80 – 10000 8
6 GD-6 10 GDN-1-4 63 – 500084 (94) 4 ?125x76 1,5
6 GD-11 3000 – 2000090 (97,8) 8 50x50x48 0,33
6 GD-13 6 GDV-4-8 3000 – 25000 93,5 (101,3) 8 100x100x45 0,9
6 GDV-5D-4 3150 – 30000 90 4 80x50x30 0,16
6 GDV-5D-8 3150 – 20000 90 8 80x50x30 0,16
6 GD-17 8 GDSh-2-4 100 – 1250091 4 ?160x54 0,4
6 GD-178 GDSh-2-8100 – 12500918?160x540,4
8 GD-1-25 40 – 500090 (103) 8 ?252x135 5,8
8 GD-1 RRZ 40 – 700097 (108) 12 ?300x150 5
8 GD-2 80 – 7000 2,8
8 GD-3 63 – 5000 8 ?160x80 1,5
10 GD-4 70 – 8000
10 GD-5 50 – 7000 10 ?300x140 4,7
10 GD-6 40 – 10000
10 GD-12 40 – 12000 3,4
10 GD-14 40 – 12000
10 GD-17 40 – 800094 4,5 ?295x140 1,5
10 GD-18 50 – 800093 (0.3 Pa) 8 324x212x128 2
10 GD-20 10 GDV-1-8 5000 – 3150092 8 110x110x44
10 GD-29 50 – 500092 4,5?307x140
10 GD-3020 GDN-1 40 – 500086 (99) 8 ?240x112 2,4
10 GD-30B 20 GDN-1-8 63 – 500086 8 200x200x97 2,1
10 GD-30E 20 GDN-1-8 63 – 5000 86 8 200x200x97 2,1
10 GD-34 25 GDN-1-4 63 – 5000 84 (98) 4 125x125x75.5 1,3
10 GD-35 6 GDV-6-16 5000 – 25000 91 (98,8) 16 100x100x35 1
10 GD-356 GDV-6-255000 – 2500091 (98,8)25100x100x351
6 GDV-7-165000 – 2500092 (99,8)16100x100x39.50,95
6 GDV-9-165000 – 2500091 (98,8)16100x100x351
6 GDV-15-8907
10 GD-35B 10 GDV-2-16 5000 – 25000 92 (102) 16 100x100x35 1
10 GDV-4-165000 – 250009416110x110x70
cell phone10 GDV-5-82000 – 31500918110x110x35
“Noema”15 GDV-92-163000 – 200009116?100x36
10 GD-36K 10 GDSh-1-4 63 – 20000 90 4 200x200x87 1,2
10 GD-36E 10 GDSh-2-4 63 – 2000087,5 4 200x200x87 1,2
10 GDSh-10-4 80 – 2000089 4 125x125x58 0,9
“Noema” 10 GDSh-63-16 160 – 1500089 16 160x160x85
15 GDSh-6-8 125 – 1250089 8 ?130x55 0,5
15 GDSh-4-8 8
25 GDSh-1-4 4 125x125
“Itelma” 25 GDSh-1A-4 60 – 2000088 4 ?130
25 GDSh-2M-480 – 16000864125x125x681
25 GDSh-2M-880 – 16000868125x125x681
“Noema”25 GDSh-83-4150 – 20000874100x100x510,6
30 GDSh-74-4150 – 15000864?125x58
10 GI-1 2500 – 25000 87 (98,8) 4 107x119x25 0,74
25 GDV-1-42000 – 2500088 (102)4107x119x250,74
25 GDV-1-82000 – 2500088 (102)8107x119x250,74
25 GDV-1-162000 – 2500088 (102)16107x119x250,74
15 GD-10 63 – 1250092 15 ?270x115 1,4
“Noema” 10 GDS-93-4 200 – 15000 86 4 80x80x33 0,86
“Noema” 10 GDS-93-8 200 – 15000 86 8 80x80x33 0,86
15 GD-11 20 GDS-1-4 200 – 5000 89 (102) 4 125x125x77 1,3
15 GD-1120 GDS-1-8200 – 500089 (102)8125x125x771,3
20 GDS-1S-8200 – 500089 (102)8125x125x771,3
15 GD-11B20 GDS-1L-8200 – 5000908125x125x771,3
15 GD-1120 GDS-1-16200 – 500089 (102)16125x125x771,3
15 GD-11A 20 GDS-3-8 200 – 5000 88,5 (101,5) 8125x125x73.71,2
15 GD-11A 20 GDS-4-8 200 – 5000 89 (102) 8 125x125x73.5 1,3
15 GD-12 40 – 16000 8 + 8 ?250x93 1,4
15 GD-1315 GDN-2-4 100 – 100081 4 100x100x65
15 GD-14 25 GDN-3-4 50 – 5000 84 (99) 4 125x125x76 2
15 GD-1425 GDN-3-850 – 500084 (99)8125x125x762
15 GD-17 25 GDN-4-4 40 – 5000 86 (100) 4 160x160x78 1,4
25 GDN-4 KinUp 60 – 500095 15 ?380?211 8,7
25 GDN-5 KinUp 60 – 550097 16 ?320?154 4,9
cell phone 25 GDN (cellular) 70 – 630087 4 ?125?65
15 GD-18 20 GDN-2-4 80 – 315081 4 ?125x70.7 1,2
30 GDS-3-4 200 – 500089 (103,8) 4 125x125x76.7 1,3
30 GD-3-8 200 – 500089 (103,8) 8 125x125x76.7 1,3
30 GDS-3-16 200 – 500089 (103,8) 16 125x125x76.7 1,3
20 GD-1 20 GDS-2-8 630 – 800087,5 8 140x140x100
20 GD-4 20 GDV-1 5000 – 35000 8 125x125
50 GDN-1-8 KinUp 31,5 – 550094 (104) 8 ?315x180 7,5
25 GD-18-1HF horn
25 GD-18-2280 – 1000095,312?278x1423,9
25 GD-2180 – 800095,312?278x1373,9
25 GD-26B 35 GDN-1-4 40 – 5000 84 (99,4) 4 200x200x97 2,1
25 GD-26B35 GDN-1-840 – 500084 (99,4)8200x200x972,1
35 GDN-1M-463 – 5000844125x125x902
35 GDN-1S-440 – 5000844200x200x972,1
25 GD-32
25 GD-4150 GDN-3-431,5 – 2000874?250x1204,75
25 GD-4250 GDN-3-3031,5 – 2000874?250x1204,75
25 GD-43 25 GDS-1-8 400 – 800092 8?170x50
30 GD-1 30 – 100087,5 (105,8) 4/8 ?250x125 6
30 GD-2 75 GDN-1-4 31,5 – 1000 86 (104,7) 4 250x250x124 5,5
30 GD-275 GDN-1-831,5 – 100086 (104,7)8250x250x1245,5
30 GD-2A31,5 – 100086250x250x1245,5
30 GD-2B31,5 – 10004250x250x1245,5
75 GDN-1L-4 31,5 – 100085,5 4 ?250x150 5
75 GDN-1M-4 31,5 – 100085,5 4 250x250x150 5
75 GDN-1M-831,5 – 100085,58250x250x1505
75 GDN-3-4 31,5 – 200089 (107,7) 4 ?250x120 4,9
75 GDN-5-4 31,5 – 100085 (103,7) 4 ?250x125 4,9
30 GD-6 75 GDN-6-4 31,5 – 100088 4 ?250x1245
75 GDN-115 30 – 1000 4
30 GD-11 30 GDS-1-8 500 – 630092 (106,8) 8 125x125x70 1,7
30 GDS-1M-8 560 – 630091 8 125x125x90 1,7
cell phone50 GDS250 – 6300898125x125x65
cell phone75 GDS200 – 6300924
cell phone75 GDS200 – 6300928
30 GD-30163 – 125009512?315
40 GD-30163 – 125009512?315
35 GD-1 50 GDN-1-8 31,5 – 400085 8 200x200x100
“Noema” 50 GDSh-64-4 FA 60 – 1800086 4 160x160x690,9
35 GD-2 75 GDN-2 31,5 – 5000 4 ?300x120
50 GD-2-25 30 – 1000 4 ?315x156 4
50 GD-18-1 HF horn
100 GDN-1-8-55 45 – 4500 95 8 ?400
75 GD-1 100 GDN-3-8 25 – 1250 91 (111) 8 ?315x190 6,5
100 GDN-6-8 63 – 8000 96 8 ?278x120
“Noema” 100 GDSh-33-4 50 – 15000 97 4 ?346x1395
“Noema” 100 GDSh-33-8 50 – 15000 97 8 ?346x1395
“Noema” 100 GDSh-33-16 50 – 15000 97 16 ?346x1395
“Noema” 100 GDSh-47-8 60 – 16000 97 8 ?260x1245
“Noema” 100 GDSh-65-4 60 – 18000 90 4 ?178x761,8
“Noema” 100 GDSh-65-8 60 – 18000 90 8 ?178x761,8
150 GDN-1-8 50 – 3150 98 8 ?315x130
“Noema” 150 GDSh-35-4 50 – 15000 99 4 ?316x1326,5
“Noema” 150 GDSh-35-8 50 – 15000 99 8 ?316x1326,5
“Noema” 150 GDSh-48-4 60 – 15000 98 4 ?260x1257
“Noema” 150 GDSh-48-8 60 – 15000 98 8 ?260x1257
cell phone200 GDN31,5 – 4000888?250x120
“Noema”200 GDN-37-850 – 6000988?304x1327
“Noema”200 GDN-37-8 (2.0)50 – 6000988?304x1327
"Elaton"250 GDN/50 GDV
cell phone300 GDN-1-420 – 3150904?315x130
300 GDN-1-820 – 3150908?315x130
VGD-1 800 – 180003 bar 5 ?105
VEFPER-1 2,1
DAG-1 2

Table from here >>>

Speaker 35GDN-1 (25GD-26B)

35GDN-1 (25GD-26B) - loudspeaker head of electrodynamic type, low-frequency, round, with an unshielded magnetic circuit.

Warranty period: 2.0 years. Technical specifications: IS 3.843.068 TU

Designed for use in acoustic systems of the highest and first complexity groups as a low-frequency link in rooms. The diffuser holder is made by injection molding from aluminum alloy.

The magnetic circuit contains the following elements:

— Ring ferrite magnet brand M28PA180 size K110x45x16 mm; — Core with a diameter of 39.82 mm; — Top flange with a hole with a diameter of 42.75 mm. Air gap height 7 mm; radial width of the air gap is 1.46 mm, induction in the gap is 0.95 T.

Refinement of dynamic heads 3GD-31. New look 30 years later

I’ll answer by telegraph, but to everyone: blush: I was tinkering: a) out of sporting interest, b) to help those who have speakers with these speakers. c) specialists (I’m an amateur) do it, but silently, on the sly...

al Ex Thank you! Regarding filters, you have to write a lot. In short, you need to set it up with a microphone, then be sure (!!) to listen because a more even frequency response does not always sound better (my incompetent opinion).

AudioKiller - Impregnation mainly with guerlain and NC varnish. They seem to be durable, regarding temperature, humidity and other things - this is cheap paper without any pretensions to the Hi-End. — I haven’t heard the advantages of padding polyester over guerlain, but I’m not a listener and I don’t insist. It's easier with guerlain. — The quality factor of 0.7 turned out to be an accident. I was happy with the order, I didn’t do any adjustments, I think yes, 1…2 would be better, but this is not a woofer and the tweeter will not work at the resonance frequency. — I might have found a recipe if I had been given a bucket of speakers (and even then, I wouldn’t have pleased everyone).

Nevod Yes, I want to do it, I have nothing to grind a 12 mm cylinder with. I hope so myself. 3GDSH-2 (2GD-40) and similar ones require some modification, but they sound good, I agree (without any claims to the Hiend).

pavel_k Measurements are never accurate (just as no two speakers are identical) Replacing with a 10GD-35 will probably require adjusting the filters and replacement is another story.

meshin - drilling a basket with a step drill is quick and convenient (how simple drilling can be, the magnet must be wrapped in foam rubber to collect sawdust on it, etc.) - I’m personally interested in the work of MF + HF on a shield! — the box is not needed, the box for the ZY can be found in household goods or made from cardboard, maybe it is not needed at all because the thick synthetic padding dampens a lot, — taking a magnet from another speaker (you have to buy it in order to throw it away) is not for me, — moving it coil from another speaker, adapting it, etc. - it’s difficult for me, I have no experience, I won’t undertake it, I try to make it as simple as possible - 5 pairs have been redone, but not a single article, there are not only measurements, but even a subjective assessment, that’s all is done in deep secrecy, which is a pity, I would study it with great interest - we are waiting for publications on these speakers and others available, preferably accessible for repetition by ordinary users.

partizan0018 Yes, faith in what is written somewhere and by someone is very great. Everyone has different quality criteria and different tastes, so any options are not suitable for everyone, but for a certain circle. Label mania and dysignomania are strong - it puts a lot of pressure on the psyche. I am gradually coming to the conclusion that you can get decent sound from inexpensive speakers (I repeat - not hi-end ones), I have expensive speakers, but their sound does not cause much delight - everything is very clean, but not very interesting.

I think not all ovals are bad, this factor is not in the first place. The same 3GD-32 oval, but it sounds very good.

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