Active and passive speakers - what's the difference: 3 selection criteria

All acoustic systems are divided into active and passive: the difference between these variations is the introduction of devices for sound amplification. If in the first type the element is installed directly into the column, then in the second case the selection and purchase of this component falls on the shoulders of the buyer. Each type has its own scope of application. To decide which option best suits the requirements, you need to understand what the equipment will be used for and what sound level is needed.

What is the difference?

Active or passive in the name means whether the devices use additional amplifiers. It’s logical: in active ones - yes, in passive ones - no. An ordinary person will not distinguish the difference in sound between them, so any budget option is suitable for use at home.

The difference between these types of columns:

Active speakersPassive speakers
High-quality and powerful built-in amplifierHardware module missing
Requires grounding on socketsDo not require grounding on sockets (95% of cases)
They have a relationship between the amplifier and the speaker, which allows you to regulate the power of the signals supplied to themSensitive to the amplifier signal power, does not provide feedback to the modules
You can't use it qualitatively without a high-performance sound cardThey use their capabilities “to the fullest” when connecting to an average performance audio system.


The main difference between active speakers and passive ones is the presence of a built-in amplifier in the former and the absence of a similar module in the latter.

Active speaker systems typically require ground connections at the electrical outlets from which they receive power. It is highly desirable to use them together with high-tech audio cards - otherwise their advantages cannot be fully felt in practice. Active speakers ensure effective interaction between the amplifier module and speakers. It is unlikely that they will be supplied with an excessively powerful signal, the effect of which could lead to damage to the speakers.

In turn, passive speakers do not require grounding on sockets; they are quite optimal for use with average audio cards, but can be sensitive to excessively high signal power from an external amplifier.

Having determined what the difference is between active and passive speakers, we will record the conclusions in the table.


Sound quality depends on the difference in signal output power between audio devices. Because of this, expensive speakers may be of poor quality compared to the laptop's built-in speakers. Inconsistency in parameters is dangerous for devices; they can be damaged by a large volume of sound.

To improve the sound quality of the system, various types of amplifiers are used. Active speakers use a built-in amplifier. They are of low quality in budget options, but are suitable for an ordinary person to use at home. This does not mean that the sound will be bad; the audio amplifier in such devices is selected correctly and copes with the task.

For passive ones, additional devices are used, in particular an external amplifier. There is a positive point here. You can independently select a high-quality and expensive amplifier that will meet all your requirements. Cheap options can damage your system. It is necessary to select according to indicators slightly exceeding the maximum for the audio system. It will be more expensive, but the reliability and subsequent operation will delight you for many years.

Passive loudspeakers

Contrary to popular belief, such devices are still being produced and firmly occupy their market niche. The main difference between passive speakers and active ones is that they are connected to an external amplifier. Accordingly, they will not work without this component.

On the one hand, this requires the user to have at least basic knowledge of electronics. On the other hand, he can independently compose acoustics even for home, choosing those models of speakers and amplifiers that suit him best, and be confident in the quality of the latter.

And although this leads to additional costs, this type is very popular among audiophiles and other connoisseurs of “warm tube sound”.

Active speakers(AC)

Active speakers are an acoustic system equipped with built-in power enhancement modules. This allows them to be used without additional devices connected. The amplifier used in the speakers can act as a subwoofer.

2 types of Active speakers:

  1. With low frequency intermodulation distortion;
  2. With greater dynamic range.

Their advantage over passive ones is high-quality sound with lower power consumption of all equipment. They have fast and efficient signal exchange between speakers thanks to amplifiers.

If used on a personal computer, a high-performance sound card is required. This provides support for the entire audio system as a whole. A cheap active speaker does not require this; an average audio card will do just fine. They are used by ordinary users who do not strive for timbre and intelligibility of every detail. This does not mean that the sound will not be of high quality - it will be simple.

Features of the design and operation of different types of acoustic systems

Any acoustic system (AS) converts electrical impulses into sound waves and amplifies their volume . The audio stream can be output to a different number of emitters (heads):

  • one in broadband systems;
  • two or more in multiband - in this case, frequency separation occurs using filters or a digital crossover, and each head emits in its own range.

Important! The principle of operation of the speakers is the same, but the sound amplifier can be located in different ways: in the speaker itself or outside it. On this basis, acoustic systems are divided into active and passive.

Passive speaker

Under the body of such a speaker there is an emitter and filters/crossover, and the amplifier is made in the form of a separate unit that is connected to the speaker and the playback device.

Active speaker

In this case, the amplifier is built into the speaker along with a crossover and one or more drivers. Such a system does not require an external unit to increase sound power. It connects directly to the player.

Passive speakers(PC)

Passive speakers do not have built-in amplification modules. In the professional field, they are used more often, since they select amplifiers independently. They have a built-in amplifier that is responsible only for the sound supply. It is not active, but if absolutely necessary it is used with a heavy load on the speakers.

There are only 3 types of amplifiers:

  • preliminary – collects signals from sound sources;
  • power – interacts with the preliminary one, thereby increasing the combined sound into one whole;
  • combined - combines the 2 previous types into one, fulfilling both goals.

The combined one has a lower cost than the first two options. If you are a professional chasing quality, you should take a closer look at purchasing a pre-amplifier and a power amplifier. They will cost more in price, but the data processing speed will be faster.

A passive speaker system requires an average sound card. If additional devices are used, high-performance is recommended. It is capable of unlocking the full potential of the system.

Connection features

The design of the speakers suggests different options for connecting to sound sources.

Passive speaker

Passive speakers must match the power parameters of the amplifier, which must be verified before purchasing a speaker system of the type in question. Otherwise, the equipment may fail due to overload when too strong a signal is sent to the speakers. And if the amplifier is too weak, the sound will not be deep and strong enough.

Important! When selecting cables for connecting equipment, you will need to take into account the length and cross-sectional area of ​​the wires: the electrical resistance of the cord depends on these parameters (indicated in the cable documents for a unit of length). Due to the high resistance, the voltage drops, and hence the signal level.

The speakers are connected taking into account the phases. Typically, contacts are marked with “+” and “-“ signs. Different connectors are used to connect parts of the system. The speakers are connected to the amplifier using terminals (in household models), screw terminals, Speakon plugs (with 2, 4 or 8 contacts) and TS. The input signal to the amplifier is supplied via Euroblock, TS and XLR connectors.

Active speaker

Active-type acoustics are connected in different ways to computers, professional equipment for working with sound, and consumer electronics (home theaters and record players) . In the first case, this is a TRS connector (mini-jack with a diameter of 3.5 mm) or RCA (“tulip”), in the second - a TRS connector of a different type (jack with a cross-section of 6.35 mm), in the third - in addition to the listed wired connections, wireless connections can be used (Bluetooth, WiFi). In addition, there are speakers that are connected, for example, to a TV, via optical or coaxial ports, which provides digital sound in professional quality. Speakers with USB input are also available.

On a note! If there are multiple speakers, they will need to be positioned correctly on a stage, outdoor area, or in a room to achieve the desired audio effect.

What to choose?

We have examined 2 types of speakers, but now the task is: which one to choose? If you are an ordinary user who needs to watch a movie and listen to music, choose an active speaker system. It allows you to play the sound designed just for you. The sound will be of high quality, but the chapels are impervious to the difference. The tonality will not be revealed to the maximum, compared to the expensive option.

If you are a sound engineer or a musician, both options will suit you. However, it would be better to choose good active speakers, since they will still be cheaper than passive ones, for which you will have to buy an additional amplifier.

Active acoustics

The operating principle of the active circuit is to direct the audio signal source to a low-level correction filter to divide it into 2, 3 or more frequency bands reproduced by specific emitters. After that, specific amplification devices operating in their own range are used and connected directly to the speakers.

Examples of active stereo systems:

  • Heco Direkt 800 BT and Heco Ascada 2.0;
  • Klipsch The Sixes;
  • Denon Home 150, Denon Home 250 and Denon Home 350;
  • Quadral Aurum Gamma and Quadral Alpha Aktiv.

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