Bass guitar sound. How to make candy on any site! (part 2)

This question is by no means idle. A car audio system is built completely differently than a home one. The limited space in the cabin and the installation features of the speaker systems play a role here. That’s why the approach to solving the problem looks unusual for many.

The reason why I would like to start with this topic is very simple. As practice shows, not every motorist will want to completely rebuild the standard audio system. Therefore, many limit themselves only to its easy upgrade for a more confident sound in the low-frequency range. In most stock systems, bass is truly one of the weakest points. The acoustic design of the speakers often leaves much to be desired, and a standard subwoofer, if there is one at all, can rarely boast decent sound in any system.

Standard subwoofers are usually built on small speakers and have plastic housings

I must warn you right away that we are talking about a normal music system, in which the bass is a solid foundation that gives the sound fullness, regardless of the genre. Unfortunately, many people today associate the phrase “car subwoofer” with strange structures in trunks that make buzzing and rattling sounds and have nothing to do with music. Let’s leave these “50 shades of bass” and other auto-sound perversions behind, and let’s take a good home system as a guide.

How to adjust bass on a Windows 7 computer?

Bass adjustment

in standard software Right-click on the free field next to the control panel. In the menu that appears in front of you, find the line “Additional features”, then select SRS WOW. Next, simply click on the “Enable” button in the current menu subsection.

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Acoustic conditions

The first noticeable difference between a car environment and a home environment is that interior space is limited. Many skeptics use this very argument, believing that building a high-end audio system in a car is pointless. In such cases, I usually argue that with the home approach this is indeed the case. But if you correctly use the specifics of “small volumes,” you can achieve impressive results, which has been repeatedly proven in practice.

Actually, one of the main features of the acoustic properties of a car interior is “help” in reproducing low frequencies. It is clear that as the frequency decreases, the sound wavelength increases. For example, at a frequency of 1000 Hz the wavelength is about 30 cm, and at 300 Hz it is already more than a meter. With an even greater decrease, it becomes completely comparable with the size of the cabin.

At this moment, sound waves in the usual sense cease to exist, and the speaker diffuser begins to create a uniform alternation of compression and discharge of the air mass throughout the entire volume. Like a piston in a cylinder. And here, not least of all, much will depend on the amplitude of vibrations of the diffuser. Lower the frequency, higher the amplitude. In a closed volume of the car interior, this creates the effect of acoustic amplification of low frequencies: lower frequency - greater diffuser stroke - higher acoustic amplification.

Acoustic gain in the vehicle interior (dB/Hz)

In theory, interior “assistance” starts from 50-100 Hz depending on the size of the car. The smaller the car, the higher frequencies this effect begins to appear. Moreover, with a decrease in frequency for each octave, the gain increase will be 12 dB. In practice, of course, everything is not so rosy - air leaks, loss of sound energy through vibrations, etc. will have an effect. In addition, this mathematical model does not take into account the individual characteristics of different salons. And it’s not just about geometric dimensions; even the material of the upholstery can be important.

Different acoustic conditions with the top closed and open make convertibles and roadsters one of the most difficult to build high-end audio systems

It is very easy to feel the effect of the “help” of the cabin at low frequencies. Play any song with accentuated bass. Pay attention to how the low frequency range sounds. Now open the doors and trunk lid. I’m sure you’ll feel the difference immediately - as if you turned down the low frequencies with the tone control.

How to set up the equalizer correctly

To properly configure the equalizer, you will need no more than 5 minutes. All high-quality music players (for example, aimp) have an equalizer adjustment function, either as a standard function in the settings or as an additional utility. The equalizer settings almost always contain ready-made samples for all popular genres of music. Setting the equalizer involves selecting one of the samples or manually adjusting each level in the frequency range. We'll look at both options.

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