Reflections on the material of the mid/bass diffuser as a factor when choosing speakers

Many people know what a speaker system, speakers and a subwoofer are, but have no idea what parts these structures are made of, and which element is responsible for what. Let us explain to you what a diffuser is, what it is needed for and what it is made of.

The main element in the design of the speaker is the diffuser - this is the sound-emitting surface. The material for making the diffuser can be different; for speakers with low and medium frequencies, polypropylene with filler or paper is used; the use of Kevral and fiberglass is also common.

Reflections on the material of the mid/bass diffuser as a factor when choosing speakers

Often, when discussing a particular speaker, there is an opinion about its sound based on the material of the mid- and low-frequency speaker cones. Is it so?

When regularly communicating with audiophiles of almost all stripes (from the completely poor to the very wealthy, as well as with homeowners and motorists), the issue of diffuser material is often raised. It is generally accepted that paper is the best material for midrange/woofer speakers. But why then do not all manufacturers use it? I can only share my own opinion, based on twenty years of experience in listening, testing and studying at the consumer level the influence of the diffuser material on the sound. Why is paper the leader? It’s all quite simple: this material simply has the best combination of characteristics and price, and besides, it was from it that the vast majority of diffusers were made at the very beginning of speaker production. And because again, many audiophiles, not without some justice, believe that before the grass was greener, the trees were taller, it sounded better, then of course paper will be considered better for sound. However, this material is now extremely often used for two reasons: price and marketing. But I believe that it is impossible to consider the influence of the diffuser material on the sound separately, not only from the design of the speaker, but also from the acoustic system in general

It is impossible to consider the influence of the diffuser material on the sound separately, not only from the design of the speaker, but also from the acoustic system in general

For example, listen to the recently “socially resonant” Heco Einklang. The wideband receiver on paper has a quite modern frequency response. And it’s all about the magic bubbles of the crossover (although, it would seem, why does one speaker need it?): it simply presses down the middle, so the paper sounds like a modern two-way speaker. Look at many professional speakers: liveliness and sophistication (audiophiles like to assign these properties to paper) are out of the question, even though the diffuser is made of paper. Even car enthusiasts who “heard the ringing but don’t know where it is” foam at the mouth and defend the cheapest standard paper speakers, sincerely believing that the manufacturer cares about customers, while the latter was looking for options to make their products as cheap as possible.

Paper is a good and inexpensive way to try to classify your product as “ilitarian” (c) class. For marketers

For marketers, paper is a good and inexpensive way to try to classify your product as “ilitarian” (c) class. However, even in the budget class there are already many speaker systems that have polymer diffusers.

When someone speaks with contempt or snobbery about the plastic sound of speakers with polymer diffusers, I immediately understand: in front of me is an amateur poseur who was not lucky enough to hear normal speakers with non-paper diffusers. My first education was related to the production of products from polymer materials and I know that it is possible to create a polymer diffuser that is better and stronger than paper. The question remains the price: it will be very high. However, a striking example of successful “polymer” speakers is Wilson Audio.

Controversial in sound, Focal, which uses composite materials, is still, one way or another, far from a failed product. Or someone can boast that they hear the “linen” color of the FLAX speakers (by the way, there is linen between two layers of fiberglass, which will show the stupidity of such a “listener”).

It would be worth mentioning the well-known “aluminum” monitors from Acoustic Energy. Are there people who will say that these systems don't sound good? Or is this simply an indicator that the tastes of such people are not met? And you can find many such options for “silent” materials. What kind of objectivity of the newly-minted “materials scientists” can we talk about then?

Therefore, I consider the arguments of people who praise this or that diffuser material in isolation from the acoustic system as a whole to be completely biased. Well, the diffuser material is not even a common factor for choosing speakers, much less a decisive one.

Fan diffuser

A fan diffuser is a fan casing (or part of a casing), the design features of which redistribute the air flow to increase the efficiency of the car fan.

Why do you need a fan diffuser?

Fan diffuser

The main function of the fan diffuser is to optimally distribute the incoming air flow to improve ventilation and cooling of the engine radiator. When the air flow passes due to the operation of the fan diffuser, the aerodynamic resistance in the gap between the blades and the casing increases significantly. This reduces the possibility of air backflow, which is an undesirable effect when the fan is operating.

The fan diffuser is also indispensable for protecting the blades from physical impact, which can lead to its breakage.

Design and location of the fan diffuser

Typically, the diffuser is built into the radiator casing on which it is installed and is an integral part of it. But some types can be supplied complete with a fan. Made from plastic, fiberglass or thin-sheet metal.

Types of diffusers

Diffusers come in conical, pyramidal and cranked types. Their application depends both on the strength of the directed air flow and on the overall design of the ventilation system.

Applications of Kevlar

As mentioned above, the goal of the developers was to create a lightweight but at the same time durable material that could replace heavy steel in the production of tires.

Later, thanks to the excellent properties of Kevlar, they began to use it in sewing clothes, overalls, military uniforms, etc.


Kevlar is a well-known component for the production of personal armor and protection products. Combat helmets, ballistic face masks and body armor are made using Kevlar.

The armed forces of various countries use Kevlar to create bulletproof masks and balaclavas for armored vehicle crews.

Kevlar is so strong that it is used as armor for Nimitz-class aircraft carriers.

In the civilian sphere, the properties of Kevlar are used to create equipment to protect emergency response workers. The body armor of police officers, private security companies and special forces soldiers is also made of Kevlar.

Sport equipment

Kevlar is used to line bicycle cleats, which increases their puncture resistance. Kevlar fibers are also used to increase the rebound of tennis rackets and reduce their weight.

In motorsports, Kevlar is used to produce safe clothing for motorcycle athletes and to strengthen elements in the shoulder and elbow areas.

The properties of Kevlar have been successfully used in other sports - creating jackets, trousers, elements of masks in fencing, in the Japanese art of archery Kyudo to strengthen the bowstring, to improve performance in sails for racing boats, etc.

Musical instruments

Kevlar has excellent acoustic properties, which are used in the creation of acoustic speaker cones for transmitting low and mid frequencies.

Kevlar is used as a base material in strings for stringed instruments. Kevlar strings become stronger, more flexible and more resistant to temperature changes.

Other Applications

Due to its physical properties, Kevlar is used as a reinforcing fiber, allowing parts to be made lighter and stronger. Kevlar fiber is used to strengthen cables, which protects the wires from stretching and breaking.

The ability to combine Kevlar with other polymers through a chemical reaction allows the creation of more advanced materials used in specific areas.

As an example, carbon-Kevlar, which is characterized by high heat resistance and lightness, is used for the construction of high-speed boat hulls.

What is it and why are speaker diffusers needed?

Without a diffuser, the speaker will not be able to produce distinct sounds. In essence, this is a “reproducer plate”, oscillating with the frequency of high-frequency currents flowing through the speaker coil and changing faster according to the law of the transmitted radio message. For a subwoofer, the recommended frequencies are limited to the spectrum of 20-300 Hz. The electrical signal from the amplifier with a frequency above 300 Hz is not reproduced effectively enough. For higher frequencies, so-called satellites are used - more broadband speakers, inferior to the “woofer” in size and overall power.

Speakers containing both satellites and a subwoofer are designed for the highest quality sound reproduction. Accordingly, the subwoofer diffuser must be more powerful, larger in area, thicker, for example, have a rubberized technological layer and be made of high-quality cardboard with special polymer impregnation.

The larger the area, the higher the diameter of the diffuser.

Other types of aramid fabrics

In addition to Kevlar, the modern chemical industry has developed other types of aramid fabrics.


Its properties and characteristics are similar to Kevlar. Twaron was developed by Teijin Aramid, which has factories in Japan and the Netherlands. The fabric is characterized by high strength, low weight, chemical neutrality, heat resistance, dielectric properties, etc. But the main advantage of tvaron is the absence of deformation even in the most difficult operating conditions.


Aramid fabric developed in 1970 in the USSR. This synthetic material is similar in properties to Kevlar, but surpasses it in composition and some parameters. The abbreviation SVM stands for synthetic high-strength material. Later, based on SVM, second generation threads were developed - Rusar and Armos.

New aramid fibers are superior to Kevlar in the following indicators - elongation at break, specific tensile strength of the thread, thread strength, etc.


Nomex is a development of the famous company DuPont and belongs to the category of meta-aramids. Nomex is inferior in strength to Kevlar, however, the bending resistance of Nomex is 3 times higher than that of other aramid fabrics.

Nomex is used in aviation and shipbuilding, for cable and motor insulation, in products exposed to high temperatures, etc.

Caring for Kevlar Fabric

Caring for products made from Kevlar is not difficult, but you need to take into account the disadvantages of this polymer, namely:

  • do not expose products to high temperatures - when the temperature rises to 150C, the fibers lose strength;
  • do not wash products too often - in practice they are not washed at all, since Kevlar is afraid of water. In some situations, when products are used in difficult natural conditions, it is necessary to limit their contact with water;
  • do not use chemical reagents to clean products - the reaction between the polymer and other chemical components can be unpredictable;
  • Do not expose products to sunlight - this is the main disadvantage of aramid fibers; under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the strength of Kevlar fibers decreases. With prolonged exposure to sunlight, Kevlar products simply “crumble.”

How to buy Kevlar fabric

You can buy Kevlar fabric at almost any fabric store. The cost of Kevlar varies depending on the density and type - canvas, tape or thread. Average price of 1 sq. m. Kevlar fabric is 2,500 rubles.

Kevlar fabric impresses with its physical and chemical properties. This is a modern, high-strength material, the characteristics of which have been appreciated and used in a wide variety of areas from clothing production to strengthening aircraft engine parts.

Companies developing aramid fabrics do not stop at Kevlar alone, improving this fiber and creating analogues with properties superior to Kevlar.

Will Kevlar fabric protect you from a knife?

alpinestars motorcycle equipment

For those who do not want to wear a bulletproof vest every day, but still want to feel completely safe, manufacturers produce special “armored clothing.” In particular, many companies create outerwear with special inserts or made from special fabrics. One of these “outfits” was tested by the editors of the information site Gizmodo. Bloggers tested a jacket that claimed to contain 5% aramid fibers - the so-called Kevlar, which is used in the manufacture of body armor. The jacket was tested for resistance to knife blows and resistance to tangential cuts. The test results showed that a jacket made of fabric containing Kevlar would not protect its owner from an attacker with a knife.

However, aramid fibers are not intended for protection against bladed weapons. This material is used in body armor to protect against pistol bullets and shrapnel, but the knife will easily pass even through several layers of Kevlar, which can stop a bullet. Previously, Warspot published a video of tests of aramid fabric: how it protects against small arms can be seen in the material “Kevlar tested for strength.”

For those who do not want to wear a bulletproof vest every day, but still want to feel completely safe, manufacturers produce special “armored clothing.” In particular, many companies create outerwear with special inserts or made from special fabrics. One of these “outfits” was tested by the editors of the information site Gizmodo. Bloggers tested a jacket that claimed to contain 5% aramid fibers - the so-called Kevlar, which is used in the manufacture of body armor. The jacket was tested for resistance to knife blows and resistance to tangential cuts. The test results showed that a jacket made of fabric containing Kevlar would not protect its owner from an attacker with a knife.

However, aramid fibers are not intended for protection against bladed weapons. This material is used in body armor to protect against pistol bullets and shrapnel, but the knife will easily pass even through several layers of Kevlar, which can stop a bullet. Previously, Warspot published a video of tests of aramid fabric: how it protects against small arms can be seen in the material “Kevlar tested for strength.”

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