In the previous article I talked about making a simple winding machine. It's time to show off the manufactured transformers
Wireless headphones have long become an integral attribute of a modern person. Due to their ease of use and compactness, they
Gain classes are a completely logical and understandable way to distinguish one typical circuit from another.
When buying headphones, you can find an abundance of technical information on the packaging and in the device passport. Range
When making a homemade cabinet subwoofer for a car, the question always arises: how to calculate the cabinet for
Companies that produce televisions, as always, are at the very end of trends and lag behind
The source of powerful low-frequency sound in sound systems is the subwoofer. This also applies to car acoustics,
Hello dear readers of the site. I haven’t updated my site for a long time - I don’t have enough time
The era of cassette recorders and “tinny” sound has long since sunk into oblivion. Car enthusiasts are pretty fast
Articles Mystery active subwoofer The Mystery active subwoofer will give you the opportunity to improve the sound in your car. Speaker