Delivery of goods from Japan


250,000 Yen in 1981.

Currently, taking into account the CPI index, its cost would be 307,000 Yen = $3,070

High-quality laboratory series pre-amplifier, built using the method of careful signal sensing processing and current amplification. At the center of this process are Gm processors. They are used where it is most important in the attenuator and phono stage to avoid limiting frequency response or increasing attenuator noise and distortion. In essence, there is no attenuator resistor. By turning the volume knob we give a command to the processor, which in turn monitors all processes and signal-to-noise ratios.

Particular attention is paid to the phono inputs. There are two of them and both of them have resistance adjustment and an MC input for load, which allows you to use an ultra-low signal from MC cartridges.

The preamplifier is equipped with many mode switches and tone control, a subsonic filter, and a direct signal transmission mode. The enabled mode is indicated by an illuminated inscription on the front panel.

The entire elementary base was selected taking into account stability and reliability.

The wooden case is a real work of art. It is made from 15mm birch plywood, covered in rosewood veneer and coated with 21!!!!!! a layer of varnish to give a deep “piano” shine.

As you would expect, the sound of the VICTOR P-L10 and VICTOR M-L10 set is Victor-like lively, transparent with deep, velvety bass and a detailed, non-bulging midrange. The built-in phono stage sounds especially good. When listening, it is as if you are immersed in sound waves.

The merits of this kit are confirmed by the level of its sales. Despite the not-insignificant cost of 600,000 yen in 1981, it was the undisputed leader among TOP class companies.

Form Pre-amplifier.
Sensitivity(1kHz)/impedance Phono1 MM:2.5mV/47kΩ、100Ω、47Ω/470P、220P、47P Phono1 MC:200μV/47kΩ、100Ω、47Ω/470P、220P、47P Phono2 MC:70μV/100Ω、 47Ω、10Ω Tuner、AUX、Tape1、2 :150mV/47kΩ
Output(1kHz) pre out:2V/220Ω(Direct) rec out:150mV/220Ω(Phono)
Harmonic distortion(20Hz~20kHz) Phono1 MM:0.002%(rec out、15V) Phono1 MC:0.002%(rec out、15V) Phono2 MC:0.002%(rec out、15V) AUX:0.002%(pre out、10V)
SN ratio Phono1 MM:85dB Phono1 MC:68dB Phono2 MC:68dB Tuner、AUX、Tape1、2:105dB
Phono maximum permissible input signal(1kHz、distortion 0.002%) Phono1 MM:300mV Phono1 MC:24mV Phono2 MC:8.4mV
Phono RIAA Rejection 20Hz~20kHz ±0.2dB
Timbre bass:±8dB(100Hz) treble:±8dB(10kHz)
Subsonic 18Hz、-6dB/oct
Shutdown -20dB
Nutrition AC100V、50Hz/60Hz
Power consumption 65W
Dimensions W 460 × H 144 × D 420mm
Weight 12.0kg

Powerful - oh, I'm afraid, I'm afraid

When choosing a Hi-Fi amplifier for your music system, you will definitely notice that there are two types of similar equipment on the market - integrated amplifiers and power amplifiers.
Power amplifier + pre-amplifier

As for integrated amplifiers, everything is clear with them, but if not, then this amplifier is already stuffed to capacity with tone blocks, phono stages, sometimes even DACs, and arrays of various inputs (AUX, Tape, Tuner, etc.) with comfortable switching. Therefore, it often seems that you can just take the “integral” and not “float your brain.”

Pioneer A-09 (430,000 yen, 1992, 29 kg) - luxury integrated vehicle in class A

On the one hand, the thoughts seem to be correct, from the standpoint of theoretical convenience. But let's look at individual power amplifiers - what advantages we acquire by becoming the owner of a “power amplifier” and what price we will have to pay for it (not in terms of finances, but in terms of convenience and functions).

You can just believe me, many Hi-Fi lovers are not sufficiently informed about power amplifiers, and besides, many tales unconfirmed by practice also contribute to the wrong conclusion. So, if you buy a power amplifier separately, then you also need to buy an additional pre-amplifier, and this is already too expensive. You probably think the same, but let's look at why a pre-amplifier is needed and in what cases. Is this really a necessary purchase and an indispensable element of the power tract? Only you can answer this question, but by accepting my arguments and comparing them with your needs. The global need for a preamplifier for a power amplifier is usually represented by the fact that the preamplifier has a large number of inputs for simultaneous connection of a large number of different sources - a tuner, a turntable, an CD, a computer sound card, a tape recorder, etc., in order to switch between them.

Pre Pioneer - rear view Accordingly, from the preamplifier we can switch inputs. But what happens if you bought only one “power” without a pre-amplifier? The power supply usually has only one aux (cd) . Whether this is enough for you - you can decide for yourself.

Magnificent "power" Onkyo M-510 - rear view

For me, for example, that’s more than enough. I believe that it is worth keeping only the best source in the system (if this is not the case, this is not a question of the source, but of finances), and not a bunch of devices, each of which has some advantages, but also disadvantages.

Undoubtedly beautiful, but should you watch or listen?

It is worth considering the issue of replacing the zoo made of vinyl, CDs, etc., for example, with one, but good DAC or CD player. Don't be afraid that you'll get something worse than what you have, since one higher-level source will give better sound than a bunch of pre-tops, not to mention budget ones.

Yamaha CDX-10000 (400,000 yen) - luxury model

Then I heard from other people about some kind of matching of the input signal, that the preamplifier coordinates something, etc.

I’m interested in what can be coordinated there and with what, because both the integrated amplifier and the power amplifier have the same input parameters for the AUX input - this is a 50 kOhm impedance, and up to 1.5-2 volts of voltage.

Print screen from the characteristics sheet of the Onkyo M-509 powerplant

From my experience of using powerful devices, and these are Onkyo M-506, Pioneer M-90, Technics SE A-5, Parasound A-23, Yamaha p2100, etc., no approvals of anything (resistance, voltage, or whatever they are trying to say) are required , and I think that in 99% of other devices this is not required, which confirms the judgment that this is more of a story for better sales of pre-products than reality.

“Power” Technics SE-A5 is amazingly beautiful

You just plug the cable from the CD player or DAC or tape recorder into the AUX connector and listen to the sound on the power jack - that’s it.

Technics SE-A5 rear

A separate topic is the vinyl player - this trend has many fans and I have no goal of convincing anyone of anything, but I will give some thoughts. Usually, pre -amplifier already has a phono preamplifier for a vinyl player, and it is often good (by the way, not always), but in fact, if you use a power amplifier, nothing prevents you from buying an external phono preamplifier that is known to be good and connecting it directly to the AUX input of the power amplifier.

McIntosh phono stage

And the second point is unpleasant for many, but the vinyl music format is not of particularly high quality.

Vinyl under a microscope - what kind of accuracy can we talk about here?

Yes, it retains the surround sound and naturalness, but digital also retains all this without any problems, at the same time it has the best DD and does not have many of the disadvantages of vinyl (rumble, detonation, compression of DD on vinyl so that the needle does not jump out of the track, etc.). Those. if we are talking about real high-end Hi-Fi, then this is still a figure of 44.1/16.

To summarize, the vinyl player can be connected directly to the power amplifier (if necessary) through an external phono preamplifier.

Non-industrial tube phono stage from Sanderz (EF86/EL84/EZ81)

Another burning question is there is a volume control on the power preamp, how do you control the volume if you only have a power amp? Probably most power speakers have volume controls and don’t really need a preamp for that.

I adjust the volume on the Pioneer M-90

Here another aspect comes up - how convenient is it to use the volume control on the power speaker? It all depends on the powerhouse. There can be two volume controls - each per channel, with smooth or step-by-step scrolling, or one with balance. There are two regulators in Technics SE-A5, Onkyo M-506, Parasound A-23.

Onkyo M-509R - two volume controls

There is one regulator in the Pioneer M-90. Of course, it is less convenient to adjust with two knobs than with one - you will most likely have to determine the center of the audio recording when adding by ear, because it will not be possible to ideally turn a non-step knob, or navigate by the deflection of the arrows, for example, in the Onkyo M-506-509 power speaker.

Onkyo M-509

Not to say that this is some kind of problem, but rather the specifics of use. The step control, as in the Yamaha P2100-2200, on the contrary, is very convenient, and you simply add channels in the same way - click-click one, click-click another.

Another point is that the volume controls may be located not on the front panel, but on the back, as in the Technics SE-A5 and Parasound A-23 power amplifiers. As you can imagine, this is not particularly convenient, but you can still adjust the volume.

How else to deal with this situation? Even if the power supply does not have a volume control at all or is inconvenient to use, you can use the controls of your sources. For example, many CD players have a variable output, i.e. adjustable, you can change the volume using the player's volume knob. You can also use a DAC, etc.

Just be careful not to turn the speakers up to full volume. A similar example was when a friend, on the contrary, listened to a system with an Onkyo M-506R + Onkyo P-306 preamplifier. And in such a connection, the power volume knobs should be turned to maximum.

And then, forgetting that the power was on, I decided to plug the wires out of the preamp and a very loud sound occurred, which immediately burned out the tweeters in the Sony SS-G7 with the aluminum coil winding wire. Therefore, the use of a preamplifier, or rather an error in its switching, can be fatal for acoustics. If you adjust the volume on the power supply, then you cannot have such “surprises”.

Powerful Onkyo M-510

In addition, after listening to a number of power amplifiers, I believe that a preamplifier absolutely lengthens the signal path and does not affect the sound in the best way.

Pre + Power Technics SE-A5 + SU-A6

That's why I prefer to listen to powerful speakers as powerful speakers, without any preamble at all. This is not a dogma, you decide for yourself which sound suits you best - truly honest and accurate or corrected, in fact slightly worsened, before. In other words, you basically have a choice between operating comfort or sound quality.

Power Luxman M-07

I admit that there are some awesome preliminaries that are almost perfect, but don’t write to me about it, are you sure that you will get exactly this one? It’s better to look at the standard and expensive Parasound A-23, and it’s really not a sound genius, but that’s what they take into the kit hoping for “singing.” In short, the path is more precisely the sound. Well, okay, I described how the power amplifier is used separately, without preamble, but there are integrated speakers, is it even worth making such a fuss, even if the power amplifiers are brutally beautiful, it might be better to just take an integrated amplifier - here you have a phono and a bunch of inputs and balance and timbres ? It may well be, but there’s just one more touch left to add. Power amplifiers in a comparable price category to an integrated sound better than that same integrated sound. You don’t have to look far for examples - the powerful Onkyo M-506R (170,000 yen, 1981) is more interesting than the integrated top Onkyo A-820GTR (175,000 yen, 1982), etc.

Onkyo A-820GTR integrated circuit (top)

New technologies first get into power units and only then into integrated tops - there are plenty of examples from Yamaha, Onkyo and others. Those. It's the powerhouses that are usually at the forefront of audio. Yes, if you add the cost of pre to the powerhouse, i.e. that part that is already in the integrated system, then the price of the kit will not be at all happy and it will be, for example, 200,000 yen, and 350,000 yen - you will agree - a completely different range. In other words, you could buy an integrated circuit for 350,000 yen ($3,500), but you will also be compensated by a powerful one for 200,000 yen, which is not really needed.

Powerful Yamaha MX-10000

The situation is usually such that people are simply afraid of powerful people. But in essence, this is still the same ordinary amplifier, only devoid of parts that worsen the sound (timbre block, switching) and plays perfectly. In the same way (in most models) it allows you to adjust the volume, connect a sound source (one) and, most importantly, sound amazing at a very affordable price.

Victor M-L10

But what about without a tone block?! This situation is roughly similar to my thoughts as a child, when I sincerely felt sorry for American children because they didn’t have the cartoon “Well, Just Wait.”

Who would have told me at that moment in the USSR about Tom and Jerry, Mickey Mouse, Duffy, Goofy and others.

In high-end equipment, turning the tone control is the last thing that might come to your mind. The need to turn up the highs or lows is a consequence of using low-quality equipment and, less often, a very unsuitable acoustic room. My powerful Yamaha P2100 does not have any tone block, and this does not prevent it from producing a rich, rich, spacious and ultra-detailed sound.

Where are the timbres, the guard, they stole!!!

If you are ready to fork out for the pre, then you get a tone control, convenient volume control, many inputs with convenient switching, a phono stage for vinyl, a headphone output - as you can see, there are quite a lot, but all these functions are not vital.

Pre Accuphase C-202

In addition, once you become the owner of a power tool, you can independently decide more meaningfully whether you need it or not. To summarize, we can conclude that choosing a power amplifier is not much different from choosing an integrated amplifier; in matters of ergonomics, you have some minus, which is rewarded to you a hundredfold in sound quality and price.

Before you rush to look for a powerful device for your system, I want to warn you that we are talking about high-end devices. There are quite a few fake powerhouses on the market that have nothing to do with high-quality sound, but this is categorically indicated by both their original and today’s prices. As such a prop, I will give the example of “power drivers” on the Technics SE-A900S or Technics SE-A1000 assemblies.

Technics SE-A1000

They are also very beautiful, but unfortunately, apart from the aesthetic component, they do not contain anything else.

The victory of marketing over common sense

Delivery of goods from Japan


Victor Laboratory series... preamplifier (maintenance *... / item in good condition)... exhibited lot. The former Victor... there is a series, a speaker system... Zero-L10(¥1,600,000) and so on, History... product... ..... this series... this pre-amplifier is P-L10.

... bottom ... development ... invest, ... and absolutely different dispatch ... signal diagram ... composition ... , Excellent water ... sound quality and function ... , ... series ... Victor P-L10 pre-amplifier. This sound... a lot... just... ... and... ... .... it was quite a revolutionary amplifier...

Victor P-L10 maximum... feature Gm processor and... special current amplification circuit. ... volume amplifier... equipped... , this signal is voltage... current... gain... re-voltage... and... thing... , Transistor gain... problem... “mother”... insert... thing.

This Gm processor..., current and voltage... degree... decide the resistance value only with this gain.... Therefore, the characteristic, sound quality, also noise... influence... volume * Control is possible.

In addition, this Gm processor... equalizer circuit is also used... ,... to... CR model even NF model is not even present, Current model equalizer and... thing is.

... RIAA deviation is almost no... and, NF model... HF... D... and CR model... characteristic... is... . ... the perfect equalizer... .

Other, ... high-quality sound for sorting spare parts... for..., especially left * Right... suitable spare parts... and... . This composition and this sound quality are very cheap... and... partially... maximum approval... a well-known device.

Work... good..., especially there was no malfunction, but future use..., each contact part... cleaning, Board... cleaning, soldering, checking all parts, correction, adjustment, etc. done. Also, the last one... performance... therefore, the internal part of the fuse... without covering the characteristics... replacement... .

Employee... a few words ***

Victor P-L10, Victor music... therefore... audio equipment in this capacity... development... pre-amplifier.

...and...and...elegant sound...and elegant...also volume of information, ... sound quality... the amplifier is also a little invisible, in a sense, a hidden well-known device... a well-known device and... ... amplifier..., I think.

* Brand, price is not, ... sound... , analog fan... in no case I recommend... I will do it.

... test... our company... CD player... system... depending on this possible aging time... I will. ... all kinds of frequency ... sound ... , so the balance is good, fully corrected ... .

Condition and... , ... * Appearance, front panel and switches, rear panel... gold plated socket... good condition. Wooden case... almost unnoticeable, minor scratches, traces of repairs, etc., there are, but completely... appearance, interior, work... including... good condition... item in good condition.

Due to use, there are minor scratches,... small scratches and so on... those who are concerned about this, the item is almost like new... those who are looking for please do not bid. Our company… internal and external maintenance, cleaning, performance testing, aging done. Used goods... are available, therefore, only if you understand everything well, the bid... .

Victor P-L10 stereo preamplifier

Input sensitivity / impedance phono 1 MM 2.5mV/47k Ohm,100 Ohm,47 Ohm /470P,220P,47P phono 1 MC 200… V/47k Ohm,100 Ohm,47 Ohm /470P,220P,47P phono 2 MC 70… V/100 Ohm,47 Ohm,10 Ohm

Harmonic strain degree 20Hz~20kH phono 1 MM 0.002%(rec out,15V output…) phono 1 MC 0.002%(rec out,15V output…) phono 2 MC 0.002%(rec out,15V output…)

phono RIAA deviation 20Hz~20kHz +/-0.2dB Tone control bass+/-8dB(100Hz) treble:+/-8dB(10kHz) subsonic filter (HPF) 18Hz,-6dB/oct

Device size width 460mm height 144mm depth 420mm Device weight approximately 12kg The device itself recommended retail price 250,000 yen (1981... released on sale)

Accessories manual (copy)
New bidder, bid on time please our company... one... please... .
Contact me no bid... , bid... cancel... perhaps, so thank you in advance. Again, bad rating... a lot... and this... it is possible... I will cancel the bid, so keep that in mind.

Our store, Yahoo auction store. To the final price of the lot..., consumption tax 10%

is added, so keep that in mind.
Amount to be paid = final price of the lot + consumption tax 10% + shipping costs
will be.

Shipping cost throughout Japan is 3,400 yen

(However, Okinawa * Other remote islands except)
... packing ... top ... shipping ... I will do.
* Directly...transfer from hand to hand...possible.
In this case, delivery costs will not be charged.* Our company employee your car to... I will.
(2010 Tokyo Public Safety Committee commission trade license number number 308871007335 size)

(be sure to read)

Our company after the end of bidding... contact regarding

Shop on Yahoo Auctions, therefore, use the deal navigator... . A letter, a transaction message, ... there will be a reaction.

* Auction ends Saturday, Sunday..., from me... contact Monday will be.

After the end of bidding, Yahoo Japan... "... notification of winning the lot" will be sent. This letter... our company email address. mail is indicated..., therefore, Our company..., buyer... your name,... address, tel. number and so on... top,... send.

Cell phone address, letter automatic cancellation and so on... installation... Address... from me... response letter check if it doesn’t work out. ... no answer if there is a second letter from me... sending... I will, but Reception... ,... folder

and so on... therefore, if the letter does not arrive, there is also, therefore, the Answer letter... arrival or access is not possible in this case, please,
(shop... information... please) or
transaction message
... Your name *... address * Tel. number... contact please.

*** Be careful ***

Recently, the next buyer is a direct transaction... offer fraudulent behavior often occurs... . I am the next buyer and there are absolutely no transactions outside of the auction, so those who bid, be careful. Our company has a letter from there... transaction... explanation... ... please be careful, ... in this case, our company... please write to me. Also, gold... and so on... I can't compensate, so keep that in mind.

(bid and... buyer... explanation)

This auction... bid..., this item... desired item..., or bid... amount... again after checking everything, participate in the auction.
Auction at the end of bidding...cancellation of bid, after the end of bidding...etc...for reason...cancellation is not possible, so please keep that in mind. ... professional... 190-0013 Tokyo Tachikawa FUJI... 1-19-8... telephone... 042-525-5041(introduction)... opening hours... weekdays 10:00AM~18:30PM/ Saturday afternoon 13:00PM ~18:30PM…rest days…Sunday

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