Choice of amplifier from 7 to 35 thousand rubles (up to 50,000 yen). Part two.

Audiophiles pay special attention to the choice of amplifier, because it is a key element in signal processing. There is a selection of sound amplifiers on the market that differ in technical characteristics and price category. A rating that includes the best amplifiers in terms of sound quality, selected among popular models, can help you make the right choice.

Criteria for selecting an audio power amplifier

What to look for when choosing?

Every consumer should know what to look for and how to choose the right amplifier. First of all, you should pay attention to the suppressed power of the device. This device must match the acoustics for which it is selected.

Amplifiers must meet the following parameters:

  1. The signal to noise ratio is 90 decibels.
  2. The frequency range must cross the boundaries that the human ear can perceive. A sound frequency of up to 20 kHz is considered normal.
  3. The device must have a power reserve.
  4. The damping index must be at least 100.
  5. Distortion factor.
  6. Correspondence of frequency and power with acoustics. Amplifiers are chosen to match the acoustic device, and not vice versa.

But these are not all the requirements for purchasing an amplifier. The area of ​​the room must also be taken into account. When calculated per square meter, the power is 3-5 watts. It is recommended to choose equipment from the same manufacturer and class. It is also worth looking at a review of the models to get an idea of ​​the product. You need to buy only from places where they check the work. You can also order on Aliexpress or another online store.

The consumer must know what he wants to get in the end. You can increase the volume of a file using a special free program. To configure the sound you will need a special device. Music lovers prefer stereo sound because tracks are recorded using two channels. Combining the two channels provides realistic sound. But for working with films, it is better to choose multi-channel amplifiers. To select equipment, distortion frequency, power, and sound range are taken into account. If even after studying the characteristics you did not manage to buy anything, then you need to study the top 2020 and select an option from the list.

Amplifier types

Power devices differ in:

  • Element base. There are integrated, transistor, tube, hybrid.
  • Power. Preliminary, acting as an intermediate link. The terminals are responsible for increasing power. Combines these two types of integrated devices.
  • Scope of application. Car, home, studio and concert.
  • The number of connected channels. There are mono amplifiers (single-channel), (stereo amplifiers), two-channel and multi-channel amplifiers.

The choice depends on finances, requirements and final destination. But at the same time, it is useful to look at the rating of stereo amplifiers.

  • Classic. Amplifiers of class A, B, AB, C, in which there is a transistor or tube base. They are valued for their clear sound output. Used for home and professional use by teachers and artists.
  • New. Devices of classes D, E, F, G, T, with pulse-width modulation and digital circuits. Used for small-sized devices.
  • Class H for acoustics installed in a car.

Built-in DAC

Modern audio recordings are made in digital format. For playback, converters to analog signal (DAC) are needed. Without this device, a person will not be able to listen to music, because the ears can only perceive digital format.

Modern amplifier models are equipped with a built-in DAC converter. But at the same time, the same music sounds different on a phone and a laptop. The problem is the quality of the built-in DAC, which causes noise and other interference.

Number of channels

Another characteristic of the device is the number of channels. High-power bass monoblocks are used for subwoofers. Such devices are not suitable for working with heavy loads.

number of amplifier channels

Single-channel devices produce sound power of average quality. There is a built-in crossover for connecting to a stock audio system that does not have a subwoofer volume control.

Two- and three-channel devices. Used to connect a subwoofer or two speakers. This universal type provides subwoofer control, the audio is cleared, and the bass is boosted evenly.

Four-channel amplifiers combine two two-channel devices. You can connect three speakers at the same time. It is considered the most popular type among consumers.

The five-channel one performs the same tasks as the previous type, and an additional one channel is used to connect a subwoofer.

The six-channel amplifier is in little demand. Audio systems that work with such devices are rare. Therefore, it is impossible to find in Moscow and other regions of the country.

Signal to noise ratio

This characteristic shows the ratio of the harmonic signal to the noise of the amplifier, the value of which is dimensionless. Modern technology has a signal to noise ratio of more than 100 dB. This means that the sound power is 10 billion times greater than the noise. Therefore, music lovers should first of all pay attention to this indicator.

Additional functions

Compared to USSR technicians, modern models, in addition to power amplification, can perform:

  1. Signal correction. With this function you can change the sound. Compression, equalization, effects make the sound interesting.
  2. Smooth regulation.
  3. Filtration. Responsible for adjusting frequencies.
  4. Remote controlled.

Some models have a DSP function for fine tuning and correction of installation errors.

Powerful amplifiers.

Living in their own home, many often think that it wouldn’t be a bad idea to get an audio system that allows you to create concert sound pressure with decent quality. Watt at 300-400. Since the mass range of household power amplifiers sold is usually in the range of 25-70W. If you try to find a household amplifier with a power of 300-400 W, you will find that their retail prices in the Russian Federation are skyrocketing... 200-300-500... thousand rubles. Very few people buy them. Which is understandable. Because in order to buy an amplifier for 500 thousand rubles, you need to be not only rich, but also mentally disabled. And this is a very rare combination.

In China there are relatively cheap and quite high-quality powerful amplifiers. For example, TS-2, Size: 430*350*110 mm. Power: 400 W + 400 W at 4 ohms . 200 W + 200 W at 8 ohms. Weight: 13 kg. The power, judging by the weight, is quite close to the declared one. In the Russian Federation, it is not even close in quality-price-power in retail.

The link to it is TS-2

Best Cheap Entry Level Amplifiers

The material is of course redundant compared to the catalog Vintage Hi-Fi Class Models, where all this is described, but nevertheless I am ready to elaborate.
People who enter the Hi-Fi class for the first time or think that they are entering the Hi-Fi class do not always clearly understand their purpose and capabilities. I personally am ready to call equipment Hi-Fi starting from at least the beginning of the middle class (Marantz PM-6004, Pioneer A-616), but music lovers are not always ready to understand this, and the cost of components seems enchantingly high at the beginning. Read audio forums, and you will get the strong impression that no one uses equipment that costs less than $3,000-$15,000. Of course this is not true. There is an abyss between wanting and being able. Many people just want to start with the best sound after a music center or computer active speakers, and their eyes open up to a vast field of entry-level equipment, where the cost for a used one floats in the range of 150-200 dollars (I see no reason to indicate prices in rubles, after six months with an unstable With the exchange rate, you simply won’t understand in rubles how much it was relative to the present time). This is the simplest technique, and in this ocean there are certainly more bad-sounding models than good-sounding ones. Yes, this is the simplest technique and what can you expect from it? I've put together a selection of low-budget vintage amps that have a natural, sweet sound. The sound detail of all models in this class will be very low, keep this in mind and this is not discussed. Their analogues from modern amplifier technology are Yamaha A-S500, Denon PMA-720ae, NAD 326bee, etc. The models I mentioned will have no worse sound, sometimes a little better. Well, let's begin. When compiling the list, I noticed some dominance in the models of Pioneer; in the old years it presented very successful lines. Pioneer SA-600 (1972)

The amplifier was released in 1972, which is quite distant to date, and is built on round metal transistors. I received it in excellent condition, both technically and visually. I liked the device for its rather juicy and energetic presentation with a natural sound. Yello sounded great on it.

In the video, the comments are given, of course, regarding the initial level of technology. For an average level this will no longer be excellent or wonderful, this must be taken into account. But on a very low budget it sounds good.

Pioneer SA-6300 (1975, 29800)

I managed to find a photo that I took myself. The amplifier is cheap, also quite old, from 1975, but pleasant in all respects. It produced a sound that easily surpassed the modern Yamaha A-S500 amplifier. Natural tones, sufficient power for an apartment - 20 watts per channel. There is some kind of magic of attraction in this amplifier.

The initial system consists of modern Yamaha NS-555 speakers, a Marantz CD-273 CD player (TDA1541) - listens with interest. but look how this amplifier can thank you if you connect it to a CD player (Quad S99) and speakers (Monitor Audio Silver RX1) of a higher class:


The SA-5500 II unexpectedly left a very pleasant feeling. The very soft sound literally hooked me and, with pleasure, when I first turned it on, I could not stop listening to at least a couple of albums in their entirety. The sound is muddy, soft, but pleasantly inviting. The device is from the late 70s, produces up to 15 watts per channel.

You can also find on sale amplifiers of the so-called “blue” series with very beautiful blue indicators. They look fantastic and can serve as interior decoration, but unfortunately the sound is too rough and harsh.

Those. For all their beauty, I would not recommend them (models sa-508,510,710 and the like) for wiretapping.

Grundig A-903 (1987, 1000 DM)

An amplifier with a very pleasant, gentle sound, the tops are literally bells and silk. Unfortunately, almost all specimens require prevention without standing the test of time.

Akai AM-2250

A very visually and tactilely pleasant amplifier built on STK assemblies. The sound is very clear and pleasant. This was my first Japanese amplifier after the Soviet Amphiton 002. It had both advantages - wonderful rich high frequencies, and disadvantages - more details and nuances were heard on the Amphiton 002. But some kind of magic captured my heart with this device.

Luxman L-190

The amplifier has a light and delicate sound, leaving a very pleasant impression.

Technics SU-7600 (1975, 39800)

A Technics amplifier from back in 1975 with Matsushita metal transistors. Surprised a lot of people with his sound in the elementary class. The sound is natural, beautiful, of course it lacks details and will not suit an audiophile, but a music lover may really like it.

Luxman SQ707 (1969, ¥35000)

An alien from 1969, small and very light in weight, in a plastic case it manages to bring sound to the very soul. Don't believe me? Watch the video.

Kenwood KA-305

A beautiful vintage device with a biting punch and natural sound. Easily played even better than the Pioneer SA-6300.

Even on such a terrible, over-the-top loud recording, features can be traced (note the sound of the acoustic guitar) that give the device its character.

Amphiton 25U-002S (1985, 250 rubles)

An amplifier that I have listened to continuously for over 25 years in a row. During this time, it broke down 3 times, the silk-screen printing on the front panel turned yellow and began to peel off, the capacitors dried out, but after repairs it returned to good technical condition. The device produces a sound that is quite rich in detail and has its own share of charisma. But still, although the power is stated to be 25 watts per channel, it plays much quieter than the 25-watt Akai AM-2250 and likes to flash the overload lights when you turn the knob after 3 hours. When there is absolutely no money to buy a foreign amplifier, then the top-class Amphiton is a good choice.

SuperScope BLA-530 (Marantz 1050) (1978)

The amplifier, again, is from the late 70s and pleases its owners with a natural, pleasant sound.


Of course, I haven’t described all the best budget devices on the planet; you probably know the models that I missed, or maybe I don’t consider them good enough. I positioned the review specifically for the cheapest part of the audio market. That's why there aren't many great models here, since they cost over $200. If this topic is interesting, then it can be continued with a story about more expensive models.

How to build a car audio. Just about the main thing 2.

Greetings, dear reader. No photos today. If you are reading this article, then you are clearly determined to build an audio system in your car with an emphasis on sound quality (SQ). We will keep silent about all the hardships that you will experience that arise from this undertaking. You're ready! So let's start again. A lot of time has passed since the previous article was written, based on clippings from various articles on the Internet. Now it’s time to share my modest experience, because it has accumulated a little.))) The basics are the same as in the first article. Here I will write my thoughts on how I imagine SQ, and specifically the layout of audio systems. I'll try to be brief, although I'm not sure. I don't pretend to be true. So we will touch on in this article: 1. Two-way + sub and its features. 2. Three-strip + sub and its features. I think that no one needs to explain why we don’t install rear speakers in the classic SQ.

1. Two-way + sub

It is a set of 5 speakers: 2 midbass in the door, 2 high-frequency speakers in the corners of the mirrors or on the windshield pillars, a sub in a closed box or in the free air in the sedan shelf.
The processor drives it all. It can be integrated both into the head unit and into the amplifier (processor amplifier), or it can be a separate unit with 6 control channels at the output. The simplest solution:
Processor radio + two-way (midbass and tweeters) with a sufficiently high sensitivity and low mass of a movable midbass system + monoblock + subwoofer in a light-weight movable system.
This option is extremely budget-friendly. We get good sound, but no more))) A more expensive solution:
Processor radio + 4-channel amplifier for the front + two-way + mono amplifier + sub.
In this option, you can already take a closer look at purchasing almost any two-way acoustics, because now it will play from a full-fledged amplifier. Everything would seem cool, but the processor radio is the weak link. Alas. Advanced solution
Radio or alternative source + processor amplifier + two-way + mono amplifier + subwoofer.
A good solution, but not without pitfalls. Again we will have to select the front (two-strip) to match the parameters of the processor amplifier. Why is this option interesting? Most processor amplifiers have 6 amplification channels on board and 8 regulation channels. Since we only need 6 regulation channels, 2 channels will remain free, and this is a bonus for the future. You can then add midrange frequencies and get a three-band. Great? Yes, great. In short, this solution is a system for further, albeit small, growth. The solution is expensive, but the most interesting.
Radio tape recorder or alternative source + external audio processor 6-channel (or 8-channel for growth) + 4-channel amplifier + two-way front + mono amplifier + subwoofer.
An excellent solution, but already expensive. You'll have to spend money on interconnect wiring, but it's worth it. Audiophile's solution Radio
tape recorder or alternative source + external 8-channel processor (we will move forward until we spend the entire family budget)))) + 2-channel amplifier for midbass + 2-channel amplifier for high-frequency speakers + mono amplifier for subwoofers.
Such a system will already require more space for installation. What are the advantages? We get the opportunity to select the optimal amplifiers for each band. And it’s no secret that the quality of the signal also depends on how the power supply is organized. And then for each band there is its own individual transformer))) An alternative and also interesting solution
Radio tape recorder and/or alternative source + external processor + 2-channel amplifier for midbass + 2-channel amplifier for wide-range speakers capable of playing mid-frequency range and high-frequency range (mid/high) + mono amplifier for sub This system is very interesting from the point of view of “upward movement”. We get an excellent foundation for a future three-strip and mental anguish. I call such a system “pseudo-treshka”.

In the intalation of the classic two-strip, not everything is so simple. Since the mid-frequency range is divided between two bands (mid-bass speaker and high-frequency), with a standard installation of the mid-bass in the door under the trim, we will encounter a dip in the mid-frequencies (a lack of the mid-frequency range). The reason for this is the narrow polar pattern of the midbass in the mid-frequency range. Yes, speakers with a “bullet” save the situation a little, but not significantly. Therefore, when installing a two-way system, it is recommended to pull out the midbass from under the casing and turn it up a little. This way we will achieve a good connection with the tweeter. I often see this picture when midbass units are installed under the door trim, and high frequencies are installed in the dashboard “for reflection” from the windshield. Sorry, but nonsense, nonsense, nonsense. The picture is similar when 8″ midwoofers are installed with simple tweeters. It goes without saying that there can be no talk of the mid-frequency range here. The features of the “pseudo-treshki” installation include the following facts: the midbass does not have to be pulled out from under the door trim, because the cut between the mid and wide will be in the classic dividing zone, like a three-way, that is, quite low; but it is advisable to organize the directions of the wide-field speakers for the listener, because the higher the frequency is reproduced, the narrower the directional pattern of such a speaker. There's nothing to be done - art requires sacrifice and good foundation, not beauty. The beauty of the house, cooking food bought with your last stash. Or he could have taken Twitter on her on the sly...

2. Three-way + sub.

Well, time has passed.
You, my young audiophile, are tired of searching for the lost “middle”; you already have a good processor amplifier or an external 8-channel processor in your system. This means that it’s time to add midrange frequencies and change the midbass. ))) Three stripes! The simplest everyday solution
Radio and/or alternative source + 8-channel processor amplifier with 6-channel amplification + three-way + mono amplifier for subwoofer.
The solution is good if you are afraid of getting even more sick. Such a system, as a rule, has a finished appearance. In order to continue to have fun walking around the ward of the mentally ill, you will have to sell the product and invest once again, despite the sidelong glances of your wife and children who want a fur coat and, banally, to eat. Bullshit, let's break through! The solution is costly and painful.
Radio tape recorder and/or alternative source + external processor + 4-channel for midrange and high-frequency + 2-channel for midwoofers + mono amplifier for subwoofer. Perhaps the most “budget” scheme for the right three-ruble ruble. It is with this that a chronic disease begins, ending with the assessment of the smell of copper in acoustic wires. There are a lot of options for developing this scheme. But you need to understand that you only have two kidneys, although...

When installing a three-ruble note, several important points can be highlighted. 1. Location of midrange speakers. a) reflection from the windshield. Here we will get a deeper stage (the distance to the apparent sound sources will seem more distant from you), more even horizontally (the height of the leftmost, central and rightmost apparent image on the stage will be approximately the same height), but the tone is simpler. What do you want, a reflection? The difficulty of such an arrangement of midranges is that they also need to create an optimal acoustic design (often closed volumes under the dashboard). Labor-intensive and expensive. b) sent to the salon. The picture is the opposite: good tonal quality, but the scene is uneven both horizontally and in depth (the central apparent image will be deeper and higher than the outer ones). A kind of “Yoke”. It is also important to understand that our ears hear very well and localize mid frequencies. So it follows from this: the wider we set the center, the wider the stage, and the further away, the wider, actually what? That's right, move on. So think, guess what is more important to you. 2. Midwoofers. Yes, midwoofers, not midbass. Low-frequency speakers with a rather heavy moving system are ideally suited to the three-ruble note. Yes, they need more power, but they also climb down more interestingly. Mid frequencies are not their strong point. Although this is not required of them. Since we have a full-fledged treshka, the crossover frequency between the midwoofer and the middle will be quite low. What does it mean? That's right, the midrange plays midrange frequencies in almost the full band, and there is no need to pull out the low-frequency drivers from under the casing and turn them in any more. Hooray! at least they saved on something))) But this is not certain. You may already have a plan to rob a casino in Las Vegas because your entire family no longer has kidneys to sell. )))


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