How do you know if your home theater subwoofer is blown?

An automobile low-frequency system is designed to reproduce bass frequencies in the audio range. The presence of such acoustics provides a fuller and richer sound that cannot be achieved using only front and rear speakers. A sound set consists of a limited number of elements that are connected to each other in a certain sequence. If the subwoofer stops working, then troubleshooting should be carried out step by step. This method will allow you to exclude serviceable components and accurately localize the fault that has arisen. The car low-frequency kit includes the following units:

  • Sound source
  • Amplifier
  • Acoustic system

If an active device is installed in the car, there is no need for a separate amplifier, since it is combined in one housing with a speaker.

What is clip definition?

Video clip

, video clip or simply
(from English ... clip) is a short-term artistically composed sequence of frames. Video clips are most often used for advertising goods and services and for visual accompaniment of audio compositions on television.

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Subwoofer doesn't turn on

Power to the low-frequency automotive system is supplied from the battery. Since it is located under the hood in the engine compartment, and the low-frequency unit can be installed in the passenger compartment or trunk, very often the reason why the sub has stopped working is a defect in the connecting cables. Due to constant vibration, contact connections can be damaged. Oxidation of battery terminals often occurs when the resistance at the point of contact changes greatly. If the subwoofer in the car does not work, but there is power, you must first check the functionality of the low-frequency amplifier. If power is supplied to the amplifier, the LED voltage indicator on the device body will light up. You can make sure that the ULF works in a simple way. You need to disconnect the wire going to the car radio from the input, turn on the power and use the end of a screwdriver to touch the central contact of the coaxial connector. Most low-frequency active speakers are equipped with connectors of this type RCA or “Tulip”. If the amplifier is working properly, a low-frequency hum will be heard in the speaker. If a passive car subwoofer equipped with an external ULF does not work, then you first need to make sure that the speaker is working properly.

Why doesn't the subwoofer work, but the speakers do?

If the subwoofer turns on but does not work, and the speaker is connected and working properly, then the defect lies in the amplifier circuit. Most often, the semiconductor elements of the output stage burn out. There is a situation when the sub works, but does not play. When you touch the input contacts of the device, a low-frequency background is heard in the loudspeaker. In this case, you need to check the sound signal from the head unit to the low-frequency channel. There may be poor contact, a broken wire, or a malfunction of the music center. If the amp works but the sub doesn't, you need to check the subwoofer.

If a passive subwoofer stops working, the cause may be a broken speaker voice coil, a faulty amplifier or sound source. In automotive low-frequency systems, there are frequent cases of voice coil burnout. This occurs when a passive loudspeaker is supplied with power from a low-frequency amplifier that far exceeds the permissible power.

What is a speaker

A speaker (often called a loudspeaker) is an electrical device that converts an electrical signal into sound. This transformation occurs due to the oscillatory motion of an electric coil in a constant magnetic field (this field is provided by a permanent magnet or, in more rare cases, an electromagnet).

This coil moves the diffuser, which in turn creates air vibrations, and this allows you to hear the reproduced sounds.

Despite the simplicity of the design, malfunctions that arise during the operation of the speakers can still occur periodically. If the speaker begins to reproduce sound with interference, hissing or crackling, or stops working altogether, the first step is to localize the problem area.

First, you need to conduct a visual inspection of the device, namely, check for damage:

  • housings;
  • power cord;
  • signal cord;
  • corrugations;
  • diffuser

If there is damage, this part should be repaired or replaced (if the corrugation or diffuser is damaged, the speaker will have to be replaced). But if no external defects are found, and the sound is reproduced with interference or is absent altogether, then the problem could arise in the contacts or coil of the speaker, and in this case, checking the speaker with a multimeter will help.

How to check the audio amplifier in a radio

To figure out and understand how to check whether the sound amplifier in the radio is working or not, you need to apply an algorithm similar to checking a car amplifier. That is:

  • check the presence of power and short circuit in the power supply system;
  • carefully inspect the circuit board for the presence of clearly failed elements and radio components;
  • check the tight fit of the radiator to the transistors and microcircuits of the output stages.

There are many ways and techniques for ringing a sound amplifier, but not all specialists want to reveal the secret of finding a fault.

Checks before purchase

Visual inspection

Pay attention to the integrity of the diffuser, whether there are any cracks or damage on it. Inspect the line of its attachment to the basket; it should be smooth and have no signs of removal or installation. Also inspect the dust cap, it should be intact and there should be no traces of plywood on it. Pay attention to the fastening of the centering washer to the basket and reel; there should be no tears there. The magnet should not have chips or cracks. In other words, make sure that the subwoofer is not damaged or has not been repaired. We do not recommend buying refurbished speakers secondhand, even if the repair was of adequate quality.

The subwoofer in the car has stopped working, but there is power

If the subwoofer turns on but does not play, you should first check the connection and serviceability of external devices. These are speakers and a car radio. The signal from the output of the car stereo system is fed to the input of the low-frequency amplifier via a cable equipped with coaxial “Tulip” connectors. First, the presence of a signal at the output of the radio is checked. This can be done in any available way. Some models have a special connector designed to connect a low-frequency channel. You can check the presence of an output signal using a headphone, which is connected to the connector using any wiring. Next, the presence of a signal at the input terminals of the amplifier is checked. If the subwoofer stops playing, but a signal from the radio is received at its input, then the reason may be a malfunction of the amplifier itself or unconnected speakers. When an active subwoofer does not work, the problem is most likely in the amplifier, since the speaker and ULF unit are located in a common housing, a break in the wire between the amplifier and the loudspeaker is unlikely. The reasons why the subwoofer stopped working may be related to the failure of the output power transistors or integrated circuit. To eliminate such a defect, it is better to contact a service center.

Why does the active subwoofer in the car not work?

An active low-frequency system is a buried or bass-reflex enclosure that houses a low-frequency amplifier and a powerful bass driver. If the design is intended for installation in a car, then it receives power from a car battery. The household home speaker is equipped with a built-in power supply.

If the active subwoofer in the car does not turn on, you first need to check the fuse in the power circuit. It is usually located in the engine compartment next to the battery. In home systems, the fuse may be located on the back of the device or inside the case. In order to check or replace it, you will have to unscrew the back panel. If the active subwoofer in the car stops working, then first check the cable power supply line. If there is supply voltage, you need to check the speaker voice coil for an open circuit. This is done using a tester. Typically the winding resistance is 4 or 8 ohms. You can check the speaker for functionality by touching its contacts with the leads of a low-voltage battery. If the coil is working properly, you will hear a distinct click. When the active sub is not working, but there is power, you need to check the signal from an external source.

What HAppens When does the subwoofer blow?

You're just enjoying your home theater and suddenly something happens to your low-frequency audio. Maybe it becomes very soft or starts to sound distorted. Maybe there is no sound at all from the low frequencies, or it starts to sound very strange and very loud. Anything that makes you think your subwoofer is blown can have devastating consequences because subwoofers are a key component of home theater systems.

When a subwoofer was damaged or blown up in some way, one of two things happened: either it received too much power, or it received too much signal. Restricted signals are the cause of many damaged subwoofers, as well as excessive pressure on the subwoofer when the power is too high.

Clipped or distorted signals

When you turn on a signal that is distorted in order to hear better, you can easily damage the subwoofer. Clipped or distorted signals are absolutely terrible for your subwoofer. In some cases, you may not even know that your signal is corrupted until its level gets so high that it begins to distort and cause damage.

Too much power

In many cases, the subwoofer fails due to too much power. While high volume can be exciting and enjoyable, there's only so much a subwoofer can handle. It can be pushed beyond its limits, thereby creating too much pressure that will cause damage.

Although subwoofers are smartly designed to handle even more power than their RMS rating (rms rating), also known as continuous power control, it is important to ensure that the sound is clear and free of distortion at very high volumes. If you haven't already, you'll want to know the RMS power of your subwoofer to ensure you're consistently delivering the right amount of power to the subwoofer(s).

Why the home subwoofer on the computer does not work

When a subwoofer does not play on a computer, this may mean not only a malfunction of this device, but also a failure in the software. If after reinstalling the operating system the sound from the speakers and subwoofer disappears, then you need to install or update the drivers. If the control sound program has crashed, then there will be no signal at the computer's linear output jack. Its presence can be easily checked with headphones.

If the subwoofer works on a PC, but the speakers do not, then most likely the reason is in the connecting wires. The sound system for a personal computer consists of a central speaker, where the woofer and amplifier are located, and wideband acoustic satellite systems. When the sub stops playing, but the speakers continue to sound, this is due to damage to the voice coil of the woofer or a broken wire inside the speaker.

What to do if you know your subwoofer is blown

Although damaging your subwoofer is an extremely stressful event, it is best to take action in this situation if you find out that you have, in fact, damaged it.

First, you'll want to remove the subwoofer from your working home theater. If you leave it in place, it could cause damage to other equipment, which could create an even bigger problem. Because of this, it is better to remove it completely.

Secondly, you can get an expert opinion on the condition of your subwoofer. If the subwoofer is relatively new, it may be covered by a warranty. Check this BEFORE disassembling the subwoofer! It's good to check it yourself, but it's even better to have several people assess the damage. Whether that means calling your extremely tech-savvy friend or taking him to the geek team at Best Buy, why not get a second and third opinion?

Finally, consider how you want to operate without a subwoofer. Are you ready to buy a new one? Could you live without it now? Have you thought about fixing this? In most cases, buying a new subwoofer is the right way to go, but your path may be different. Be sure to review all the options to find out what's best for you.

Here's one of our articles about protecting your home theater equipment. Perhaps this will help prevent similar problems in the future.

Different ways to check if your subwoofer is burnt out

If you suspect that the subwoofer in your home theater has exploded, it is important to fully evaluate it to determine the total amount of damage caused. It may have been damaged in more than one area, and it is important to understand the different types of damage that typically occur when a home theater subwoofer explodes. Below are three main ways to check if your subwoofer is burnt out.

  • Check the sound. This is cropping, distortion, etc.
  • Check the movement of the cone.
  • Use a multimeter to check electrical resistance.

Read on to learn exactly how to perform these tests without damaging your possibly faulty subwoofer.

Check sound

The sound you hear from your subwoofer is a great indicator of the damage done. The main sounds you will hear when the subwoofer is fully or partially blown are:

  • No sound at all means your subwoofer is probably completely blown. Be sure to check the cable and audio source. Make sure they work correctly before jumping to conclusions.
  • Incomplete sound with distortion. When you hear a faint, distorted sound coming from the subwoofer at any volume, you likely have a partially blown subwoofer.

Check cone

Accessing the subwoofer cone is an easy way to determine damage. The subwoofer cones are built with a suspension system that allows them to move smoothly, and with your hands you can easily tell when the cone is off. When you very carefully press down on the subwoofer cone with both hands, you may experience:

  • No movement - When the cone is locked in place, damage has occurred.
  • Wobbly Cone – When a cone moves unsteadily, its suspension system is severely compromised.
  • Scratching sounds – If the cone makes scratching sounds when you move it with your hands, damage has occurred. It must be removed from the home theater system before causing damage to any other equipment.

Use a multimeter

A multimeter is a great tool to have on hand and will be able to tell you if the subwoofer has any coil damage. When you use this device, you will need to check the electrical resistance (also known as Ohms, symbol = Ohms). If the electrical resistance is zero, you have damaged the coil, or if the readings do not stay in place, you may have a damaged coil. Here's a standard, easy-to-use multimeter that you should probably keep at home.

Hare are the steps to measure the electrical resistance of a subwoofer:

  1. Disconnect the subwoofer from the power source, if present.
  2. Disconnect the audio input from the subwoofer.
  3. If your subwoofer is not powered by an external amplifier or receiver, you will need to remove the subwoofer from the cabinet.
  4. Connect two probes to the multimeter. And turn on the multimeter to measure the resistance (ohms)
  5. Insert the red probe into the positive wire and the black probe into the negative wire.
  6. The multimeter should then measure the resistance value. Typically you need to round to the nearest whole number to get the correct resistance.

How to check a car amplifier at home

In order to check the performance of a car amplifier at home, you can use any unit with a constant output voltage of 12 to 14 volts, or a computer unit that has the voltage necessary to start the amplifier. The source power must be at least 200 volts and before turning it on, be sure to set the power volume control to minimum. The repair process should always begin with a visual inspection of all radio components on the amplifier circuit board. A standard car amplifier model consists of three main components:

  1. an input voltage converter unit, which changes the unipolar input voltage of the vehicle's on-board circuit into two polar ones with an increase in voltage up to 20 Volts;
  2. power amplifier unit, often it is made of bipolar transistors, which are installed on radiators necessary to increase the heat dissipation area. Powerful output stages at maximum power get very hot, so a poor, leaky connection between the transistor plane and the heat sink will certainly lead to its overheating, and, accordingly, to breakdown;
  3. a frequency control block used to change the sound timbre. A common malfunction of this unit is associated with a deterioration in the smoothness of changes in resistance by variable resistors.

After opening the case, you should carefully inspect every detail of the amplifier, paying special attention to:

  • blown fuses. An unbroken fuse-link thread should be visible through the glass flask;
  • resistors should not have visible carbon deposits indicating their burnout;

One of the most common malfunctions of failed car amplifiers is related to the breakdown of the inverter power supply. This node consists of:

  • input filter capacitors with large capacity;
  • pulse transformer;
  • transistor converter and microcircuit for acting as an inverting device;
  • rectifier diodes working in pairs;
  • a smoothing chain consisting of a choke and several electrolytic capacitors.

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In any case, any burnt parts found must be replaced with new ones. In this case, neither the fuse nor the resistor installed in the sound-reproducing equipment fails without associated reasons. The condenser may dry out and swell over time. More accurate research and testing of amplifiers is carried out using a millimeter and an oscilloscope.

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