Modern audio equipment reproduces the entire required frequency range. This factor is sufficient to listen to music, but
Segmented stator There are also designs of electrostatic loudspeaker that use a segmented stator [2,10]. Rice.
An audiophile's recipe On the back wall of closed cabinets there are only ladder terminal blocks with two pairs
A little history Today the legendary Radiotehnika S90 speaker system arrived in our workshop, it needs to be repainted
Back when computers were bulky, prototypes of the first transistors had not yet left the walls of research laboratories.
Over the course of several decades, two indivisible concepts: music and computers have thoroughly entered our
A modern acoustic system (AS) is an integral attribute of a whole range of audio equipment. The purpose of acoustic systems is
Basic concepts First you need to understand what capacity is and why
Every vehicle owner should know how to test a car amplifier for functionality. First you need