Headphone splitter. Splitter for 2 pairs of headphones: characteristics, reviews

Asking someone if they listen to music is like asking if they are breathing. After all, absolutely everyone listens to music. And in our age of mobile and computer technologies, music is available to every phone owner. It’s especially nice to listen to it together with a dear and close person, but sharing one headphones between two, although very romantic, is extremely inconvenient. Therefore, a headphone splitter, or as it is called an audio splitter, is becoming increasingly popular. This device is very simple, but incredibly convenient, and every day more and more people are discovering this modest but incredibly useful miracle of technology.

What kind of device is this?

A headphone splitter (3.5) is a device that allows you to connect two or more pairs of headphones to one connector at the same time and listen to music together with someone.

Today, there are many options for audio splitters, since almost every manufacturer of mobile phones or computer equipment produces their own models. However, they all have approximately the same device, like headphones, differing only in decorative elements and price.

Any device of this type necessarily consists of a metal plug for a standard 3.5 audio jack, which is inserted into the device (phone, player, laptop, tablet, TV) and two (sometimes more) 3.5 audio jacks, where main and additional headphones are connected.

Headphone splitter: main types of this device

Despite the simplicity of the device, manufacturers have managed to flood the market with all sorts of variations. An audio splitter with cables of different lengths and colors, in the shape of a slingshot, a phone stand with a suction cup, a heart, a robot, an adorable bear and everything that the imagination of restless designers and marketers can create.

However, among all this diversity, the main types of such devices can be clearly distinguished:

1) splitter for two pairs of headphones;

2) hub for more than two pairs of headphones;

3) splitter for headphones and microphone.

Everything else is just various variations of these basic types.

Theoretically, you can also try to separate a separate splitter cable for headphones, but most often it is just an elongated version of the main models, differing only in the length of the cord (on average 5-35 cm).

How to switch sound from speakers to headphones?

Of course, the speakers can simply be turned down using a manual control when we use headphones. But how to switch audio devices and adjust the volume level. There are 2 ways.

By setting up audio devices in Windows 7 and 10

To redirect playback to one of the devices, you can simply disable the other. It's easy to do:

  1. Right-click on the speaker icon and select “sound devices.”
  2. Right-click on the icon of the equipment that you want to disable and select the appropriate command.
  3. Don't forget to "apply" and "ok".
  4. Then you can also turn on and turn off another device.

You can control the volume of headphones and speakers separately. This instruction is suitable for those who initially connected the equipment not according to my instructions:

  1. Click on the speaker, which is responsible for the volume in the taskbar with the left mouse button.
  2. In the top line, select headphones or speakers.
  3. Adjust the sound with the slider.

If you used my instructions, the volume control will be common for both devices. The speakers can be controlled manually.

Using the audio switcher program

Working with the tools available in Windows is not very convenient. There is an alternative way to switch sound from speakers to headphones and vice versa. It’s also easy to control audio playback and recording devices using the special Audio Switcher program.

Here are a number of its advantages:

  1. Free.
  2. No installation required.
  3. You can set hotkey combinations.
  4. You can switch devices directly in the tray with one click.

The downside is that the program is in English. But the interface is simple and easy to understand.

Splitter for two pairs of headphones

The most common and universal type of device. Almost indispensable when traveling when you need to save battery power on your phone or player. Thanks to it, you can listen to music or watch an exciting movie together. In addition, it is very convenient when there are several people in the room who do not want to disturb each other, or children.

In the case of very small babies, so as not to wake them up with noise, parents can easily watch an interesting movie by connecting two pairs of headphones into one connector. It is worth considering that since the size of the 3.5 audio jack is the most common, most TVs also have it, which means that two people can connect to it using a splitter and enjoy watching their favorite program without disturbing their neighbors. In addition, thanks to this simple device, you can connect speakers not only to a computer, but also to a laptop, tablet, or even a simple phone, and instead of silence, on the contrary, share your favorite melody.

Connect two wired headphones to one smartphone

To listen to music through 2 wired headphones, you will need to buy additional equipment. Namely a special splitter. It is not expensive at all (from 60 rubles), but thanks to it you can listen to songs through two devices at the same time!

How it works? In general, it can be compared to the design of a computer surge protector. That is, from one audio connector, the user gets 2! By the way, using this device is quite convenient!

Which of the presented solutions do you use? Or do you know a unique way to connect, for example, wired and wireless “ears” together? Write about it in the comments, we will be happy to read them!

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Splitter hub

This type differs from the previous one only in the number of slots. Five pairs of headphones can be connected to it at once to simultaneously listen to music or watch videos.

Despite its apparent impracticality, this device is successfully used in foreign language classes. It allows you to connect several students to one sound source at once. By listening to one recording at a time, each student will be able to focus on visual material in the form of a textbook or workbook and will not be distracted by noise and extraneous sounds.

In addition, it will be easier for the teacher to control whether all students have listened to the required audio material to the end.

Splitter for headphones and microphone

Today, video calls over the Internet are extremely popular. Compared to calls by phone, even a mobile one, this type of communication is much cheaper, almost free, if the user has good, high-speed unlimited Internet. Every year, more and more social services and projects provide their participants with the opportunity to communicate via video. And if just a couple of years ago this could only be done using a computer or laptop, now phones and tablets are so powerful that they also allow you to make video calls.

However, if a laptop has a separate 3.5 jack for connecting headphones and a separate one for a microphone, then most tablets (like smartphones) have only one headphone jack. Therefore, this type of splitter is necessary, because it allows you to connect both a microphone and headphones to the device, and then communicate conveniently without turning on the speakerphone.

It is worth noting that most modern laptop models are already available with one universal 3.5 connector.

Therefore, users need a splitter for their laptop (microphone, headphones).

General recommendations

TRS type connectors have a standard pinout. Poor audibility in the headphones may be the result of a break in the common wire or a mismatch between the output impedance of the mobile device amplifier and the impedance of the dynamic headphone system.

TRRS connectors have two types of pinout: CTIA and OMTP. Installing headphones with non-native pinouts leads to distortion of the sound signal and can lead to a malfunction of the microphone.

Thematic materials: Independent production of simple headphones and a headset with a microphone

How to connect wireless headphones to your phone

How to properly set up a headphone microphone on a Windows computer

How to properly warm up your headphones and whether you need to do it

How to fix headphones yourself if one stops working

How to improve sound quality in headphones

, The earphone does not work: fault diagnosis, repair methods

, No sound in headphones

, DIY headphone repair

Checking the headphone pinout of non-standard connectors

Consumer Reviews

Most consumers respond positively to this device. Most often, a headphone splitter is purchased by outdoor enthusiasts or couples going on a trip. However, other people have also enjoyed discovering the audio splitter. Another nice advantage of this device is its affordable price.

Some of the users who took the risk of buying products from unknown Chinese brands complain about the unreliability of the wires (if the model has an extended cable). Otherwise, since the device is incredibly simple, there is practically nothing to break, so there are no complaints from consumers and cannot be.

A headphone splitter is a surprisingly simple, but at the same time very convenient thing, after using which many people later cannot understand how they managed without it before. Unfortunately, there are still people who have not even heard of this incredibly practical and affordable device. I would like to believe that over time, all owners of mobile phones will appreciate this device and will definitely add it to their list of necessary things.

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