8 Ways to Clean Earwax from Headphones

Mobile devices sooner or later become unusable, stop working and must be replaced. To increase their service life, the user needs to use the devices carefully. And periodically clean the speakers from dust. This can be done by using sound to remove water from your speaker. It also helps get rid of water in the phone case.

Cleaning Rules

First of all, you need to determine the type of headset. In-ear headphones are more susceptible to contamination and require frequent cleaning.

Regardless of the design of the device, manufacturers recommend adhering to the following rules:

  • prepare a workplace with good lighting, which allows you to notice even the smallest dirt;
  • carefully and accurately clean components without using excessive force;
  • do not touch internal cables;
  • use a soft, lint-free cloth;
  • do not allow cleaning liquids to get inside the housing;
  • Dry the audio device on a paper towel for at least 3 hours.

Note! Headphones must be cleaned regularly, at least once every 2 weeks. Otherwise, the sulfur may penetrate into the casing of the audio device and cause a serious problem.

Have you already cleaned your headphones from dirt?
Of course not yet

What can't be used?

Careless handling and the use of aggressive agents leads to complete failure of the accessory. It is worth familiarizing yourself with the list of substances that cannot be used to clean headphones:

  1. Water. If liquid gets inside the housing, it will short-circuit the electrical circuit and damage the device. Only waterproof headphones that are marked accordingly can be washed.
  2. Abrasive and aggressive cleaning agents. Baking soda, salt, bleaches and solvents can damage the coating. To clean white headphones, it is advisable to use an alcohol solution.
  3. Washing powder or dishwashing detergent. Liquids getting into the speakers will cause them to fail.
  4. Nail polish remover. Can damage the coating of plastic components.

Mobile application for removing water from your phone

Sometimes even the most careful users have unforeseen situations when water gets into their mobile device. We can take it with us on a walk where there is a chance of getting caught in the pouring rain. There are often cases when, when talking on the phone, it simply falls out of your hands into a container with liquid.

In this case, the “Speaker Repair” mobile application will help. This is a comprehensive program to remove moisture and any impurities from your phone. Cleaning can be planned.

The utility offers a sound check on a smartphone. If after the first use the procedure did not help improve the sound or clean the body, try it again. Follow all prompts that appear on the screen while working with the application.

When starting the cleansing sound, you must set the volume control to full power. In this case, it is better to hold the smartphone in your hands and turn it from side to side.

First of all, the application will be useful in cases where water has gotten inside and the sound when playing music has become quieter.

If other problems appear with the sound and the application does not help fix the problem, try several times. Then you need to contact the service. Your smartphone may have a more serious breakdown that requires experience and appropriate repair equipment.

How to clean headphones of different models?

To select the appropriate cleaning method, it is necessary to determine the design and type of device. Each model has its own characteristics, on which the effectiveness of the procedure depends.

It is necessary to prepare the following equipment:

  • cotton buds;
  • toothpicks;
  • lint-free cloth;
  • alcohol or alcohol-containing product;
  • scotch;
  • small container;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • paper towel.

Important! Some models require special care. Specific recommendations can be found on the manufacturer's website.


Headphones are inserted into the ear canals and block out extraneous noise. For a tighter fit and stability of the speakers, the device is equipped with removable rubber or silicone pads. Before cleaning, remove the pads, wash with soapy water and leave on a paper towel until completely dry.

Action plan:

  • moisten a cotton pad in an alcohol-containing product and gently wipe the outer surface of the case and cables;
  • use a toothpick to remove accumulations of earwax from the speaker mesh;
  • pour 1 tsp into a bottle cap or other small container. alcohol solution or hydrogen peroxide and lower the headphone heads so that the liquid covers only the mesh;
  • the wires are fixed with tape to prevent the speakers from being immersed in water;
  • after 15-20 minutes, take out the headphones and leave them to dry on a paper towel;
  • After 2 hours, you can put on the pads and check the functionality of the headphones.

Cleaning such models does not take much time, but requires care.

Important! Do not completely immerse the headphones in liquid to avoid damaging the speakers.


The procedure performed depends on the design of the headset. If the speakers can be disassembled, then the meshes are cleaned by immersing them in peroxide. In the case of a non-demountable structure, the procedure is as follows:

  • Use a toothpick to carefully remove earwax from the mesh;
  • Use a cotton pad soaked in alcohol to wipe the outer surface of the case, connectors and wires.


Due to the lack of an open latch and the special shape of the design, such models are very difficult to clean.

Action plan:

  • Wipe the body with a soft, lint-free cloth;
  • using cotton swabs, remove accumulations of earwax from the ear mesh and microphone;
  • lightly moisten a cotton pad or swab in peroxide and gently wipe the holes;
  • leave for 2 hours until completely dry.

Important! Do not use sharp objects to clean the mesh to avoid damaging the device.


Over-ear headphones with removable ear pads rarely become contaminated with earwax, but require regular dust cleaning.


  • first remove the soft pads;
  • use a hand-held vacuum cleaner or roller to treat the internal and external surfaces of the case;
  • the ear pads are wiped with a cotton pad soaked in peroxide and left for a couple of hours;
  • put on the pads and check the functionality of the headphones.

Note! If the soft ear pads cannot be removed, then their surface is carefully treated with a soft-bristled toothbrush dipped in alcohol. During operation, you need to make sure that liquid does not get into the speakers.

How to get rid of water in speakers on iPhone

If for Android mobile devices they have already come up with a lot of applications and ways to remove water from the speaker without services, then on iOS there are not so many such methods.

The simplest is the application.

For it you need to go to the App Store mobile market.

  1. In the search bar, write: “Clean speaker”;

  2. From the results, select the Sonic app;

  3. Install it on your phone and launch it;

  4. The frequency of the sound will be shown on the screen. It can be changed. To change the value, touch the screen in the number area;
  5. To start the cleansing sound, click on the “Play” button below the value. To stop, “Stop” will appear instead of this button.

It is recommended to change the sound frequency. All frequencies available in the application are working. And while cleaning, shake the smartphone, helping it get rid of dirt and water. The application is free and displays an ad block at the top of the window, which hardly interferes with its use. If we are talking about cleaning the smartphone from dust, which can be deposited over time on the parts of the speaker and micro parts of the device, then the application copes with this task perfectly. But if it fails to help if your phone gets into water, you should contact a specialist.

Water that gets inside the phone can remain there for a long time, flowing from one place to another. If it is still working, then after a while water may get into the more vulnerable parts. And you may have to pay much more to repair than to get rid of the water.

Features of cleaning AirPods and EarPods

These headphones from Apple have a unique shape and design, which makes the cleaning process much more difficult. Wireless AirPods are conventionally classified as disassembled models, but the assembly process is quite complicated.

To protect the device from liquid getting into the speakers, the design was deprived of latches. The headphone head can be opened, but only with the help of improvised means - a knife or scalpel.


  • Using a toothpick, carefully remove accumulations of earwax from the contours of the holes;
  • lightly moisten a cotton swab in a cleaning agent and wipe the mesh;
  • wipe the outer surface of the case with a damp cloth;
  • leave on a paper towel until completely dry.

Important! If you inadvertently remove the cover, you will have to use glue to assemble the iPhone headphones properly, so it is better not to disassemble the AirPods unless necessary.

Find out how to clean your iPhone headphones (AirPods) at home.

Cleaning agents

Manufacturers recommend using non-aggressive antiseptic solutions without abrasive particles. Such products effectively remove dirt and disinfect the surface.

Hydrogen peroxide

This product not only quickly dissolves stubborn dirt, but can also remove yellowed stains and return the snow-white color to your headphones. Ideal for cleaning wireless models with sensors that require a special approach.


  • a cotton swab is soaked in peroxide and blotted with a dry cloth;
  • gently wipe the surface and contour of the mesh;
  • Remains of dirt and stuck pieces of sulfur are removed with a toothpick;
  • cotton pads are moistened in the product and treated the outer surface of the headphones, paying special attention to stubborn dirt and yellow spots;
  • cover the body with a damp cotton pad and leave for 10 minutes;
  • then re-treat the surface of the case with peroxide;
  • The headphones are wiped dry and left until completely dry.

Peroxide can be used to soak the meshes of dismountable headphones. Using the product, you can whiten yellowed replacement silicone ear pads.

Important! Peroxide should not be used on colored soft materials, especially artificial leather. The product may discolor or damage the finish.


This simple product can be used to clean not only the surface and speaker grilles, but also the components. It is best to use a solution rather than pure alcohol.

Cleaning procedure:

  • they start by soaking the removable ear pads and mesh in the product for 5-10 minutes;
  • if the headphone cover cannot be removed and the mesh cannot be separated, then they are treated with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol;
  • the surface of the case and wires are wiped with a cotton pad, onto which a small amount of solution is applied;
  • blot with a dry napkin or cloth;
  • Dry the headphones for at least 2-3 hours.

Important! The substance dissolves grease and similar contaminants well and quickly evaporates from the surface of the body. But alcohol is not capable of returning the color to yellowed plastic.

The tool can be used to improve sound quality. Action plan:

  • the headphones must be carefully disassembled;
  • Use a soft-bristle toothbrush or a brush dipped in alcohol to carefully clean the surface;
  • wipe with a dry cloth and leave until completely dry.

Note! To process radio components of the headset, only a 70% alcohol solution without impurities is used.


The product effectively removes earwax accumulations and disinfects the surface. Chlorhexidine cannot be used on internal parts, so care must be taken to ensure that no liquid gets inside.

The substance does a good job of cleaning ear pads and wires:

  • the pads should be soaked in a small amount of chlorhexidine for 10 minutes;
  • The surface of the headset is treated with a cotton pad soaked in the product.

What is the best way to clean?

To remove earwax and other contaminants, not only cleaning solutions are used, but also improvised means.

Toothpicks and needles

Thin objects with sharp tips are used to remove the removable cover from the headset body. Using a toothpick, you can easily remove stuck pieces of wax from the speaker grill. But you should be careful and act carefully so as not to damage the pads and surface of the headphones.

Cotton buds

These items are convenient for cleaning hard-to-reach parts of the ear pads and connectors. It is recommended to use a cotton swab to apply alcohol or peroxide to the speaker mesh; its soft tip is not capable of damaging the membrane and other important parts of the headset. But you need to make sure that liquid does not get inside the speakers.

Important! It is recommended to use brushes for processing small parts of components. The fibers of a cotton swab come off easily, penetrate inside and can degrade the sound quality.

Cotton pads

If it is convenient to clean the mesh with cotton swabs, then discs are more suitable for processing the outer surface of the case and wires. Use a soft object to wipe the headphones after using alcohol-containing products.

Depending on the dirt, use slightly damp cotton pads or soaked in cleaning agent. After treatment, the surface is wiped dry.

Important! Cotton pads are convenient for wiping the ear pads of large over-ear headphones.


This item is used when soaking headphone nets in cleaning solutions to secure the elements in a certain position. The tape prevents liquid from getting inside the speakers.

Important! Particular attention should be paid to the adhesive traces that remain from using adhesive tape.

Vacuum cleaner

Suitable for removing dust and contaminants on the surface of headphones. You can use a vacuum cleaner to clean the non-removable ear pads. But the device can only be turned on at minimum power.

Important! The standard nozzle is not suitable for cleaning; you should purchase a special device or use a thin tube.

How to clean the mesh?

First of all, you need to determine the type of headset and try to remove the outer cover.

If you managed to disassemble the device, you must try to disconnect the mesh and start cleaning:

  • hydrogen peroxide or an alcohol-containing product is poured into a small container;
  • the mesh is soaked for 15-20 minutes in the solution;
  • excess moisture is blotted with a dry cloth;
  • leave on a paper towel for 2-3 hours;
  • assemble the headphones and check their performance.

This method allows you to quickly remove accumulations of earwax and other contaminants.

In most headphones, the mesh is covered by the housing and cannot be processed using standard methods. In this case, only the outer surface of the headset is cleaned:

  • Using a toothpick, carefully remove accumulations of sulfur, especially carefully walking along the contour;
  • Use a soft-bristled toothbrush to clean the surface of the mesh;
  • moisten a cotton swab in peroxide, chlorhexidine or alcohol and continue cleaning, preventing liquid from entering the speakers;
  • Wipe dry with a paper towel and leave until completely dry.

Important! This method is most often used to clean the mesh of non-separable wireless headphones.

Play this sound to remove water

There are different ways to remove water from your phone speakers. These include improvised means, mobile applications and ultrasound, which is capable of displacing liquid with high-frequency waves. The flow of sound waves represents more powerful energy than the normal low-frequency sound heard by the human ear.

The YouTube video service has videos that you can play on your mobile phone for cleaning. Follow the following links and press the Play button on your phone.

This sound must be turned on and the smartphone left until the video ends. If moisture or dust particles appear on the case, remove them with a cotton swab. Cleaning methods can be combined with those that will also be described below. Sounds can also be found online as MP3 tracks.

Their impact can be as effective as the videos provided. It is necessary to clean not only when necessary, but also as a preventive measure.

This is interesting: it’s hard to hear the person you’re talking to on a Xiaomi phone.

Cleaning the headphone jack on your phone

One of the reasons for sound deterioration may be the accumulation of dust and dirt in the phone socket. There are several ways to clean the connector, but the device must first be disconnected:

  1. A cotton swab should be moistened with alcohol or peroxide and blotted with a dry cloth. Then carefully insert into the connector. Wipe the nest from the inside, turning the stick until the cotton wool remains clean.
  2. A cotton pad is moistened in an alcohol-containing product, wrung out well, wrapped around the plug and inserted into the connector, gently twisting. The manipulation is repeated several times, replacing the dirty cotton wool with new one.

Note! This way you can clean the headphone jack on any phone model.

Also learn how to clean your phone's charging socket at home.

Headphone design

To better understand what features help electronic systems produce better bass, it's worth looking at the mechanisms of the membrane on the eardrum and the bones of the skull.

Full-surface monitors

Large, full-ear headphones for a computer or player are an option that can show excellent sound results with deep bass. The model must meet a number of requirements.

  1. Have a closed design. This guarantees sound insulation and air exchange with the environment. Also, in closed-type headphones, the speaker installation unit is practically sealed. This provides good sound pressure performance and reduces low-frequency distortion. In addition, full-circle monitors have the largest speakers in diameter.
  2. Have your own signal processing system. This guarantees matching of component characteristics, minimum distortion, and independent control over the entire frequency range. In simple terms, on-ear bass headphones are an isolated environment that can squeeze the most out of the input signal.

Wireless or wired headphones for music should have their own equalizer. This is not a mandatory requirement, but highly desirable. If the model meets this criterion, it immediately shows that the headphones have a signal processing system.


Vacuum plugs are popular. They are small, lightweight, and provide sound insulation. To buy wireless or wired in-ear plugs and enjoy the sound, you should:

  • pay attention to models with a membrane diameter of at least 7 mm;
  • choose droplets that have an air exchange chamber;
  • carefully consider models with two sound emitters.

Today you can buy vacuum headphones that have a conversion circuit located in the wired control panel. Such devices will provide maximum quality, while offering an equalizer and other pleasant features.

How to clean headphone ear pads?

Earwax and dust accumulate not only on the surface of the headset, but also get into the ear pads. It is not always possible to replace the ear pads, so they need to be cleaned regularly. Various methods can be used, but the choice of cleaning agent depends on the material of the pads.


This material has a long service life and is easy to maintain. With proper use and regular cleaning, silicone ear pads retain their physical properties for 2-3 years.


  • the pads are washed in running water;
  • in case of severe contamination, use liquid soap;
  • if the linings are yellowed, they are treated with hydrogen peroxide before cleaning;
  • the product is applied to the ear pads, foamed well and washed abundantly with running water;
  • Gently wipe with a paper towel and dry for at least 2-3 hours.


Most modern vacuum headphones are equipped with foam ear pads. This soft material has a fine-mesh structure and is able to shrink and take the shape of the ear canal.

The only disadvantage of foam pads is their susceptibility to contamination. Earwax and dust accumulate in the cells of the material, giving the headphones an unpresentable appearance.

Foam ear pads must be cleaned at least once every 2 weeks. Procedure:

  • the pads are removed and washed under running water;
  • if it is not possible to wash off the dirt or the sulfur has penetrated deep inside, apply a small amount of soap to the ear pads and lightly knead until foam forms;
  • the foam pad is washed well under running water and lightly wrung out;
  • leave to dry until completely dry for 3 hours.

Important! To clean foam ear pads, use only liquid soap; other products may damage the soft material.

The best over-ear and on-ear headphones with good bass

Sony MDR-XB950AP

This full-size model from Sony has the best sound and bass in its price segment. The lower limit of reproduced frequencies of 3 Hz allows you to reproduce sub-bass rhythms, and the high power of 40 mm speakers of 1000 mW allows you to create a “subwoofer in your head”. The bass direction of these headphones is indicated by the support of the Bass Booster function, which enhances low frequencies.

The design of the headphones allows the ear cups to be rotated inwards for easy carrying. The small 1.2 meter cable has a control panel with a microphone, but the double wire is not entirely convenient to use.

Reviews Review


  • proprietary ExtraBass technology and Bass Booster function;
  • powerful deep bass and detailed sound thanks to a wide frequency range of 3-28 kHz;
  • good build quality and materials used;
  • high-quality sound insulation thanks to large and soft ear pads;
  • comfortable fit and comfort during long wearing;
  • microphone with remote control on the cable.


  • short 1.2 meter cable;
  • double wire connection to headphones.

5 Best DJ Headphones

What should I do if water gets into my headphones?

If liquid gets inside the speakers, it may damage the headset. To prevent serious damage, you must take immediate action:

  1. Shake out as much water as possible. The device is positioned with the ear holes facing down and gently shaken, avoiding sudden movements.
  2. As soon as the liquid stops dripping, you can dry the headset with a hairdryer. If the design allows, the device can be disassembled.
  3. Leave for a couple of hours until completely dry.

Note! You need to dry it with a hairdryer carefully, as the case may become deformed under the influence of high temperatures.

This article will tell you what to do if you washed your headphones in the washing machine.

How often do you clean your headphones?

Once a week or more often Once every two weeks or less


The most important thing that you definitely should not do is pour any liquid inside. There is a lot of advice on the Internet that will lead to only one effect - damage to the device. They say that someone even suggested washing them in a washing machine. I still hope it was a joke.

In any case, when cleaning your headphones you will use liquid products. But they can be used for the case, mesh, ear pads, but not for the speaker and other elements inside.

I would also like to warn you to be careful. All parts and connections, cords, even in the highest quality device, are very delicate. There is no need to even slightly tug, press, etc. If you don’t know how to take it apart, then look on the Internet. There is no - give up this idea.

I would also advise avoiding the use of soap, dish soap and other similar cleaning products. Even if you only wash the external parts of the device with soapy water, there is a chance that a drop will get inside. When dry, the soap film has a bad effect on the parts of electronic devices, not to mention the water that gets in with the soap. The only thing is that you can wash the silicone ear pads separately in this way.

Care Tips

Regular cleaning of dirt and careful maintenance allows you to maintain the impeccable appearance and functionality of the device for a long time.

The following rules must be adhered to:

  • store headphones in a special case or case that prevents wires from tangling and dust;
  • periodically replace removable pads;
  • do not listen to music at maximum volume for a long time, otherwise the sound quality of the speakers will deteriorate and it is also harmful to the health of your ears;
  • do not allow other people to use the headset;
  • Do not allow liquid to enter the device.

Headphones must be cleaned regularly, at least once every 2 weeks. It is recommended to use alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. The specifics of the procedure depend on the headset model.

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