Is it possible to transmit sound via Wi-Fi: devices and their settings

Last night I was watching a movie on my laptop and my wireless headphones decided to die. I didn't want to wake anyone up by blasting the sound through the speakers and then it hit me. There must be a way to stream audio from PC to Android smartphone. It turns out there is. Works similar to Roku's Private Listening but for your PC all you need is a good Wi-Fi connection. I found 3 apps that allow you to do this. Let's see how it works.

Read: 5 Music Sync Apps to Stream Music to Multiple Devices

What is DLNA

With the launch of the latest generation of Smart TVs and game consoles on the market, DLNA (Digital Home Network Alliance) technology for transferring media content (images, videos and music) between mobile gadgets is becoming increasingly popular.

Note! To use DLNA, you need to organize your home network.

The network standard unites DLNA-enabled mobile equipment into one local group for quick access and sharing of movies, music and photos. Equipment can be connected to the network via wire via Ethernet or wirelessly via Wi-Fi by connecting them to the same router. All equipment with the DLNA logo are able to communicate together. DLNA can only play audio on one device at a time and cannot be used to play music throughout your home.

Advantages of the standard:

  • connects to any equipment of multimedia systems;
  • transmission of packets with audio content is lossless;
  • provides video transmission for full playback;
  • Works with mobile devices based on Android OS.

Significant disadvantages include the limited signal transmission range.

A wired connection is less convenient, but it is more reliable. In addition, wireless connections often do not provide sufficient bandwidth. The computer has an output to which wired headphones and audio speakers are connected. It is ideal to use wires where possible.

Wireless communication capabilities are increasingly being used in the development of electronic equipment. Until recently, they were implemented using computer USB adapters or specialized modules, which have a number of disadvantages.

With the release of the cheap ESP 8266 chip on the market (for organizing wireless communication), Arduino projects can be brought to the Internet with the ability to provide remote control.

Communication can be carried out in the following mode:

  • computer - TV;
  • from phone to music center;
  • from network storage to a tablet computer.

Note! Automation of all network settings makes the process quick and accessible.

Why don't we use Wi-Fi for wireless audio transmission?

Over the past few years, wireless audio has been developing by leaps and bounds: smartphones without a 3.5 mm output are actively being released, “almost Hi-Res” codecs like AptX HD and LDAC are appearing, and many cool wireless headphones are being released. And they all have one thing in common - they work via Bluetooth. This raises a completely reasonable question: why did you choose this particular technology, and not, for example, the same Wi-Fi, which again is found in most gadgets? Small number of Wi-Fi channels
In the 2.4 GHz band there are only 13-14 channels through which data can be transmitted. In the 5 GHz range there are slightly more of them, about 50 (non-overlapping 24). It would seem that this eye is enough for all wireless devices within a radius of 10-15 meters in the house (the Wi-Fi signal usually does not penetrate beyond that). But there are two important problems here: firstly, the channel width in the 2.4 GHz band is 22 MHz, so the channels overlap: that is, for example, you using channel 6 means that you will “interfere” with networks operating from channels 4 to 8 . Therefore, usually 4-5 Wi-Fi networks around are enough for your Internet access speed to seriously decrease.

Now let’s imagine that in addition to five routers distributing Wi-Fi, there will be a dozen more user gadgets that, in fact, will also distribute it to various speakers and headphones. The result will be a catastrophic drop in speed. And here the question arises: after all, Bluetooth operates in the same 2.4 GHz range, why are there no such problems here?

The reason here is that BT uses as many as 79 non-overlapping channels with a width of 1 MHz throughout the entire range - you must admit, it’s much more difficult to “hammer” such a connection, and its influence due to the low channel width on Wi-Fi networks is minimal.

Noise immunity

Obviously, if we want to get the minimum delay and the highest speed, then it is best to choose an empty Wi-Fi channel as far as possible from busy ones. The same is true for wireless audio: it is obvious that when creating a device-headphone pair, the freest range will be selected. But now imagine that you are walking down the street wearing these headphones - there are many houses nearby, and they may well have networks operating on the same channel. I think it’s already clear how this will affect the sound quality. The way out of this situation is also obvious - dynamically changing the channel to a freer one. But, alas, Wi-Fi can’t do that: changing the channel on the device’s part will lead to a break in the connection.

But Bluetooth survives only thanks to the rapid change of channels: this technology is called AFH (Adaptive Frequency Hopping), and with its help the channel is intelligently changed to one of 78 others 1600 times per second. Why in a smart way? Yes, because AFH quickly detects channels occupied by Wi-Fi and does not use them. Yes, this removes some of the range from consideration, but it is still better than sitting on one channel forever and listening to wheezing. Moreover, it is worth considering that Wi-Fi is slowly but surely “moving” to 5 GHz, thereby freeing up 2.4 GHz for Bluetooth.

Audio delay

Both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth use packet data transfer, but in slightly different ways. With Wi-Fi, we get multiple wide "pipelines" that can accommodate multiple packets together, but you can only use one pipeline. Therefore, if many people use it at once, you will sit and wait until there is free space on it and you can “put” your package on it. The result is sad: in a place congested with networks, the delay can easily go into the range of 100+ ms, which will be critical for sound.

Bluetooth works differently: you have 79 narrow conveyors that can only accommodate one packet at a time, but you can use any of them. As a result, this allows you to work with a minimum of delays even when the 2.4 GHz band is busy, which is critical for watching videos or playing games with wireless headphones.

One device - two Wi-Fi networks

Obviously, at home, your smartphone will simultaneously connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi and stream music to headphones through it. In fact, there are no problems here: there is Wi-Fi Direct, which allows devices to transmit data to each other without any routers or hot spots, which is ideal for transmitting audio in our case. But it is worth remembering that there is only one Wi-Fi adapter in the device, as well as an antenna, so you will have to process packets from both networks sequentially. The result will be sad: again, this is an increase in latency and a decrease in the speed of Internet access.

Energy consumption

Of course, wireless audio is initially aimed at mobile devices, so saving energy plays a significant role here. And here Wi-Fi is worse than Bluetooth LE: for example, an unused “bluetooth” connection consumes about 2.5 mW, when Wi-Fi - up to 30. With active data transfer, BT can consume up to 100 mW, when Wi-Fi - up to 500! So in terms of energy saving, Bluetooth looks much more profitable.

Wi-Fi is faster, which means you can transmit better quality sound

In theory, this seems correct: even Bluetooth 5.0 speeds do not exceed 1 Mbit/s for audio transmission, when for Wi-Fi 802.11ac and 500 Mbit/s are far from the limit. To transmit CD audio from 16 bit/44.1 kHz, a bitrate of 1411 kbit/s is required: taking into account the fact that sound can be compressed by half without loss of quality, to transmit such audio we need a codec with a bitrate above 700 kbit/s - for example, the same LDAC has 990 kbps, and is free in Android 8 and higher, so there are no problems with CD audio.

Well, what if we take Hi-Res, that is, 24 bit/96 kHz? To transmit it, you need a speed of 4.5 Mb/s, that is, if you remember about double compression, the codec must be able to transmit over 2 Mb/s - and this, surprise, is twice as high as what Bluetooth can transmit. So it’s definitely not enough for listening to high-definition music (or rather, it’s enough, but 4:1 compression with data loss will be used, which makes lossless listening meaningless). But with Wi-Fi, obviously, there are no such problems - 2 Mb/s is no longer considered something prohibitive here. But it should be understood that the vast majority of users use various streaming services where the bitrate of tracks does not exceed 320 kbps, and even regular AptX is enough for trouble-free listening, so this problem concerns only a small number of audiophiles.

Why not make a special technology for transmitting wireless audio?

Wi-Fi, as is already clear, is poorly suited for audio transmission. Bluetooth cannot transmit Hi-Res without compression. So why not invent a new technology specifically designed for wireless audio transmission?

The idea is, of course, sound, but practically impossible to implement in practice. Firstly, this technology requires its own frequency range to work (we don’t want to hear clicks and sound dropouts, right?), and given that the frequencies available for commercial use vary from country to country, this range should not be one. Considering that even with the allocation of frequencies for the rather important 5G there are enough problems, you can forget about a separate range for wireless audio.

Secondly, even if somehow this technology is given its own frequency range, another problem will arise - it will be necessary to produce equipment to work on it. Of course, the easiest way would be to place an order from a large vendor, such as Qualcomm. But here’s the thing: he is actively promoting AptX, and is unlikely to agree to make equipment for his “enemies.”

But okay, let’s assume such a fantastic option that there are no problems with equipment and frequencies. And here a third and no less difficult problem appears: it will be necessary to write drivers for new adapters for most modern operating systems, and convince device manufacturers - not only smartphones and laptops, but also headphones and speakers - to install these adapters in them. Moreover, most companies must do this, otherwise the technology risks becoming niche and unnecessary to anyone. Obviously, convincing everyone to switch to a new technology when Bluetooth works quite well for most people is unrealistic.

Bottom line - why touch something that already works well?

What is the result? As a result, we are faced with the good old principle “it works, don’t touch it”: Bluetooth in its current form is enough for wireless listening to music up to CD quality, and a few people listen to music in even better quality. Therefore, “bluetooth” will most likely remain the leading standard for wireless audio transmission for the coming years - there is simply no point in changing it, because it will bring many problems, and only a small number of audiophiles with extremely expensive equipment will hear the difference in quality. But, of course, if more and more people start listening to music in Hi-Res, then, obviously, there will be progress: although, most likely, everything will be limited to a new version of Bluetooth with an increased data transfer rate, since this is easier to do than to develop a new technology from scratch.


If your mobile devices do not support DLNA technology, you can buy a Chromecast media player that supports DLNA. The digital media player allows you to stream content from Google Play, YouTube and Chrome to your TV.

Review and configuration of the D-Link Dir-320 modem

The compact device (at first glance it can be confused with a flash drive or Mp3 Player) is connected to the local network. Its purpose is to play audio files and videos.

Chromecast allows you to use your regular TV to get some of the smart TV features on it. Connect the digital media player via HDMI to the TV or via a USB port to the main power source.

How to establish a connection between your gadget and Chromecast:

  1. the device connects to the home local network, and through it to the Internet via a wireless Wi-Fi connection;
  2. through the computer, a media file is turned on, sent to Chromecast and broadcast to the TV;
  3. the file is controlled via a television remote control.

To change your account, use a computer or mobile device.

Note! Throughout the entire process, Chromecast provides visual hints as to how it works.

The media player does not affect the operation of mobile equipment or a computer while receiving information from them. In parallel with viewing content, you can surf the Internet and make calls.

Operating system Android

What are the differences between 3G and 4G networks: features, advantages and disadvantages

Android is a popular operating system designed primarily to work with touch screens. Mobile devices without an operating system turn into a non-working device. Modern smartphones are compact computers that replace home PCs when necessary.

The Android system can be found on tablets, smartbooks, game consoles, TVs and other equipment. The operating system allows you to use the Internet, play various games, watch videos, listen to audio recordings, etc. The main advantage is the installation of various applications. With their help, mobile devices become faithful assistants to their users.

When buying a new phone, consumers sometimes decide which is better: Android or iPhone? Android is an operating system, and iPhone is an Apple product with its own operating system.

Having bought a new smartphone model with the Android operating system, buyers are interested in how to use it? The devices have a quick menu located at the bottom of the screen, where all the important information is.

How to set up audio streaming from an Android device

Problems with sound when using the Internet on a computer

Mobile device users can stream audio from their smartphone or tablet to a wider TV screen using the Chromecast media player. The operating system gives quick and easy access to them. By pressing the volume button on the side of the equipment, you can adjust the sound being played.

Note! To transmit audio over Wi-Fi, you will need a program that distributes it to other devices connected to the same network. You can create an access point or connect a computer and another gadget to the same Wi-Fi network using a router.

How to configure audio transmission over Wi-Fi:

  1. Connect your Android mobile gadget to a Wi-Fi network.
  2. Open Google Home.
  3. In the upper left corner, click on the “Screen/Sound Cast” menu icon.
  4. Select Chromecast Audio or Google Cast-enabled speaker.

How to stop broadcasting audio on your phone:

  1. Open the notification panel.
  2. Click "Disable".

How to stop streaming in the Google Home app:

  1. Open Google Home.
  2. Click “Screen/Sound Broadcast” - “Disable”.

How to adjust the volume level when broadcasting audio:

  1. Open the Google Home app.
  2. At the top right of the main screen, click “Devices”.
  3. Select what you need.
  4. Press the volume button on the device card.
  5. Move the slider to the right or left to select the desired volume level.

Note! Using Google Home, you can easily set up your Chromecast.

Stream audio from PC to Android

These were three ways to stream audio from PC to Android. The first SWYH app is best for general audio applications such as streaming and music playback. It has significant lag, so I wouldn't recommend it for watching movies. WifiAudio is decent and completely free, and you don't get any interruptions like SoundWire, but SoundWire has more features. SoundWire allows you to adjust the bitrate and frequency depending on the content you're watching, making it suitable for watching movies. Which method do you use to stream audio from PC to Android? Tell us in the comments below.

Read: Applications for remote control of Android phone from PC (USB and WiFi)

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