How to choose an amplifier: description, types of sound amplifiers, review of models

...So, you've finally decided to listen to music on something better than a boombox or stereo system. In this case, you will have to assemble a so-called component audio system at home, that is, a sound complex consisting of individual devices. This complex, in addition to the amplifier and speaker systems, will include signal sources - devices from which sound is reproduced.

Text: Anatoly WEITSENFELD, sound engineer

Most often this is a CD player and tuner (radio), but experienced amateurs may also find vinyl record players, as well as tape recorders or minidisc recorders. Audio signal sources also include video equipment - both outdated analog video recorders and still current DVD and Bluray players. Modern digital devices such as media players, smartphone docking stations or Internet media servers are all audio sources, just like computers. But often at home they play synthesizers, sing karaoke, etc.

The signals from all these different devices will eventually find their way into your speakers, but to do so they must pass through the heart of your audio system - the amplifier. Let's talk about amplifiers.

There are quite a lot of types and varieties of amplifiers, so we must first classify them, and then understand their functions and capabilities.

Why do you need a sound amplifier?

The idea of ​​​​creating and combining a classic stereo system with separate components can be considered unusual and strange at first glance. It would seem that a simple Bluetooth or Wi-Fi speaker would be enough. However, those who want to achieve good sound should first compare a simple Bluetooth speaker with a stereo system with separate amplifiers. In this case, you can understand the difference. A good system costs a lot: it increases the dynamics, depth and amplitude of sound.

When purchasing a speaker system, you need to understand that there will be several sound sources. All this regardless of how you are going to listen to music: through an audio player, watching a movie or immersing yourself in the world of computer games. The most important thing is that the sound is at its best. The only problem you may encounter is that different devices have different power and audio output.

In addition, the frequency palette may also differ. For example, a good speaker may not produce good sound, and in some cases it becomes incomplete and integrated. Therefore, in order to bring everything to a single algorithm, quality and power, audio power amplifiers are used. This device allows you to control the sound by choosing a system with a good acoustic system. All this coordinates the system and helps you listen to music in good quality. The devices must be connected to the sound source in advance using various connectors.

The installation includes: speakers and a transistor sound amplifier, which allows you to increase the sound frequency.

Amplifier classes

Transistors, the elements that increase the signal strength inside the amplifier, also work differently. Their species division on this basis is so diverse that it is easier to focus only on the most basic and fundamental differences. It is better - without delving into the intricacies of the functioning of the radio component and without explaining its design, pay attention to the operational characteristics characteristic of the corresponding classes.

Amplifiers of class A, B, AB, H and their other derivatives. Although they differ in the time and degree of opening of the transistors to pass current into the circuit, they act in fundamentally the same way. The main problem for all devices of this type is nonlinear distortion of the input signal that occurs at the initial moment of current transmission. Everything in the design of this type of technology is aimed at combating them. Which leads to a decrease in efficiency and serious heating. This results in a serious increase in size with an increase in power - for a large device, and tightness of sound due to its lack - if the device is small. Class A is considered the most accurate and least susceptible to interference and, as a result, has the lowest performance.

Class D amplifiers. The transistors in them work like keys, open instantly and immediately pass current. And this leads to a complete absence of nonlinear distortions. In short, this type of amplifier is the complete opposite of the previous family. While gaining in efficiency, they perform poorly when reproducing the audio range, which is especially noticeable in the high frequencies. For those who are looking for a compact amplifier for a car, this class may be especially interesting.

These devices also differ not only in purpose, but also in execution.

On integrated circuits. As they say, cheap and almost cheerful. He plays colorfully, bravura and loudly. But the completeness of the picture is lacking, there is not enough depth and softness. In case you only like parades and marches. Thanks to the compact element base, they easily fit into a small case. Often used as a balanced solution for a car. Among such devices, there are often so-called receivers that perform a number of related functions. For example, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth modules can be integrated into them. In a word, a rapidly developing direction. There are also expensive models with amazing sound that belong to the hi-end class.

On transistors. Proven and proven technology. The sound depends on the quality of the transistors. Modern radio components make it possible to achieve a minimum of distortion and a wealth of nuances when playing back dynamic compositions with ease. There are even examples that sound completely relaxed, homely. They are all quite versatile. Can work with any acoustics. Although not everything is clear here. Class A produces the richest range, but suffers in efficiency and power, and is more demanding in the selection of acoustics. Class B or D systems are less finicky. They can't handle speakers with low sensitivity. At the same time, there will be no feeling of constriction or closedness of the dynamic range.

Tube. They are often chosen by connoisseurs. Reproduction is warm and natural. They perfectly convey the timbre of the voice and are able to reveal the entire sound palette of the playing instrument. They perform best in tandem with soft speakers based on paper or a material with similar mechanical properties.

Hybrid. Lately they have become especially popular. Here the lamps process the input signal, and the speakers are pumped by amplification stages using transistor circuits. The combination of "sword and ploughshare" gives the game warmth without sacrificing efficiency and allows for precise control of acoustics. They are capable of “swinging” tight speakers with good lows.

It must be noted that this nomenclature contains a tautology that has been established historically. Among the amplifier categories listed above, the basic and main unit still remains the transistor. It's just executed differently. In integrated circuit devices, transistors are tightly packed in a tiny piece of silicon; in tube devices, these are individual triodes in a glass bulb. But in general, despite the fact that all these devices are assembled from essentially identical, but differently designed elements, only those in which they represent a separate semiconductor part are called transistors. By the way, on the Internet there is an erroneous formulation “audio amplifier on a transistor,” which is incorrect simply because there are many transistors in a modern amplifier, at least one per stage.

Types of sound amplifiers

A sound amplifier for speakers can operate on various principles. Let's look at the types of amplifiers:

1. Combined amplifier . This is a kind of combination of several devices combined in one device. Such a device is capable of performing the functions of both a power and a preliminary device.

2. Pre-amplifier . Such devices are equipped with special devices, XLR ports, which allow you to connect devices over a long distance. Such devices are suitable for use in restaurants, bars and other institutions. For home use - unnecessary. The main task of this device is to collect sound sources and send signals to a power amplifier. Some varieties allow you to simultaneously listen to a recording and record it.

3. Power amplifier . At first glance, this device is quite simple. There are sound transformers inside the device. Such acoustic amplifiers are among the most expensive.

4. Tube amplifier . Many people choose such devices due to the sound quality. But the disadvantages of such devices are that the devices are quite capricious and not all users will be able to tinker with them for the sake of possible benefits. Therefore, only true music gurus can appreciate the merits of such devices. Ordinary users should pay attention to other devices.

5. Digital audio power amplifier is a combination of ideal proportions of price and output power. Today, such devices are used mainly for home theaters. They are produced by companies such as Panasonic, Sharp and Sony. The devices belong to class D, which means the presence of pulse width modulation. The main advantages of the device include a design that does not require cooling. Thanks to such technologies, it is possible to design a super-powerful digital amplifier.


The level of the electrical signal at its output is such that if it is applied to loudspeakers, we will not hear anything. So what is it for?

First of all, for switching. All of the above sources are connected to the preamplifier in the optimal mode for each of them.

The fact is that different sources have different output signal levels: a CD player or tuner produces a so-called signal. line level (on the order of half a volt), and a vinyl player is many hundreds of times less.

In addition, the user should be able to switch sources, and they should sound at approximately the same volume. This requires matching the signal levels of different sources and raising them to a level that is sufficient to operate the input stage of the power amplifier.

Another function of the preamplifier is the organization and switching of the so-called. end-to-end channels, i.e. while listening, it is also possible to record a signal on one or another recorder, including carrying out these two processes independently.

Another important function is the regulation of output volume and frequency equalization of the signal, for which volume controls and high and low frequency levels are located on the front panel. Often there is also a direct signal button, i.e. bypass the frequency corrector, and the so-called loudness compensation button, designed to raise low and high frequencies when listening at low volume. The preamplifier may also have an additional low-pass filter, which is especially useful when using a record player.

On the rear panel of the preamplifier there are input sockets for connecting sources, usually there are 5-6 of them and they are made according to the so-called. an asymmetrical circuit for connecting RCA type connectors (commonly called “tulips”), there are also output sockets there. Usually there are two of them - the main one for connecting to a power amplifier and an additional one for recording. On some expensive models there are also so-called. balanced XLR connections typically used in professional equipment. Their main advantage is the ability to transmit a weak signal over a very long distance, tens of meters, without interference; for ordinary home listening, this is of little importance, so there is no reason to overpay for a function that you most likely will not use.

Almost all modern amplifiers have the ability to remotely control volume and switch sources; they can often be used to control some functions of other devices from the same company, for example, turning on a CD player, etc. one company. It should be taken into account that separate amplification, i.e. a preamplifier and power amplifier are an expensive solution, since the cost of each of them starts from 20 thousand rubles.

Amplifier Specifications

Before choosing the perfect stereo system and selecting a sound amplifier for your speakers, there are several fundamental factors you need to consider. Purchase characteristics include:

  • manufacturer's brand;
  • guarantee;
  • price.

Audio amplifier specifications:

  • supplied power;
  • minimum permissible load;
  • number of amplification channels;
  • distortion factor;
  • signal/noise ratio;
  • frequency range.

Additional characteristics of amplifiers include:

  • crosstalk noise and interference;
  • output voltage slew rate;
  • intermodulation distortion factor.

It would also be a good idea to study and take into account the following characteristics when choosing:

  • weight of the device.
  • dimensions and dimensions;
  • maximum power consumption;
  • supply voltage.

How to choose the right amplifier for speakers?

The first parameter you need to pay attention to when choosing a device is power supplied . This indicator is directly related to the volume that the columns provide. To get “higher” volume, you can increase the power, or simply choose a more sensitive speaker. 25 or 30 watts is enough.

The minimum permissible load is indicators of reliability and reliability, which indicate that the speaker system operates stably. The actual maximum sine wave power (RMS) is 8 ohms. This is not always a declared fact, especially on compact devices. However, this is not enough to avoid being deceived by exaggerated numbers such as "dynamic strength", "maximum strength". You should not choose a high value - in a small room it is enough to buy an amplifier with a low value. The amplifier's impedance should be similar to that of the speaker system, and in some cases, lower. It is not acceptable for this figure to be higher. The sound power should be less than the maximum capabilities of the speakers. This will extend the life of the device.

Frequency range is another important factor. Most people can perceive sounds with frequencies up to 20 kHz. The highest quality device is considered to be the one that has a high-frequency transistor and uses more microcircuits. Also, when choosing an amplifier, it is necessary to take into account that the maximum range does not exceed this upper limit.

Distortion factor . The higher this indicator, the lower the quality of the sound of the selected device. When choosing equipment, it is better to choose devices from the same manufacturer or class.

The number of amplification channels can be selected based on the configuration of the acoustic system. Devices for home cinemas have two channels. You should choose a channel receiver with indicators ranging from 5.1 to 9.2.

Signal to Noise Ratio refers to the amount of background noise that is transmitted to the speakers. The indicator is measured in decibels at maximum volume. A higher number means sound quality. It is best to choose a device with indicators of at least 90-100 decibels.

The most difficult choice of amplifier may be choosing a sound amplifier for your car speakers . However, the time and money spent are worth it: the quality, clarity and power of sound in the car will increase. If you have already purchased a high-quality subwoofer, you may need more performance to reproduce acoustics. Classic car radios are not capable of providing good sound. Therefore, you need to purchase an external amplifier. The best decision is to purchase a device with parameters up to 200 watts.


This is a universal device, a kind of combine - an integrated amplifier, which also has a built-in radio receiver (tuner), and often also a digital signal effects processor.

These effects include a multi-band equalizer, reverb, and in the case of a Surround receiver, a Dolby Digital multi-channel decoder. Moreover, such a device may also have microphone inputs for karaoke, and the latest models also have an Internet radio receiver and an Ethernet port for connecting to the network.

If you need an all-in-one device, then the receiver is for you. But you need to take into account that miracles do not happen, and the price of a good universal device should correspond to the cost of the components. If a sophisticated multifunctional device costs as much as a simple amplifier, it means that the developers have seriously saved on components and circuitry.

Choosing an amplifier

This issue has already been partially touched upon in the description of amplifier types. Now let's go a little deeper into it.

Should I listen to the amplifier in the store?

If there is such a possibility, then yes. Another thing is that the practical value of such listening is small - your perception will be influenced by many different factors, both technical and psychological.

For an accurate subjective assessment of sound, you need to have a lot of experience and trained hearing. We must also take into account that modern equipment of the same class (i.e. cost) sounds almost identical, with minimal difference, so there is a danger of falling into self-deception, or even deception on the part of those who want to sell you equipment.

In any case, in the store, listen to the sound “as a first approximation”: how the amplifier sounds at a very low volume, at a very high volume, how effectively (deeply) the HF/LF tone controls and tone compensation work, whether the level of self-noise is high when setting volume control to maximum when the source is turned off, does the volume change smoothly when turning the control? This will allow you to generally understand whether this device is suitable for you.

Tube or semiconductor?

This is an important question, but for those who place more importance on sound quality than the average music lover. Many connoisseurs value the lamp for its comfortable sound, but not everyone is able to grasp these nuances, and not everyone sets themselves the task of savoring purely acoustic features instead of just listening to their favorite music.

In addition, tube amplifiers have not only advantages, but also known disadvantages. In terms of parameters such as signal-to-noise ratio and nonlinear distortion coefficient, tube amplifiers are noticeably inferior to transistor ones. They produce much lower output power (although, I note, lamp power and transistor power are not the same thing). Tube amplifiers have much lower energy efficiency, i.e. with low sound power, they consume electricity “with all their hearts”.

Lamp technology is more capricious in everyday life, and handling it requires preparation and care, including from a safety point of view. Finally, tube amplifiers are more expensive than semiconductor ones: a “smart” tube power amplifier is cheaper than 70 thousand rubles. can’t be found, but an integrated tube amplifier with a power of at least 40 W starts at 40 thousand rubles. In a word, a tube amplifier is not for beginners, but for sophisticated connoisseurs.

How to match speakers and amplifier?

Here it is necessary to take into account that an amplifier, even an inexpensive one, is a less critical component of the audio path than speakers, and it generally creates fewer sound problems than loudspeakers.

So if you already have speakers that suit you, when choosing an amplifier, be guided by the following factors:

- The nominal load resistance of the amplifier must correspond to the resistance of the speakers - if you have speakers with a resistance of 4 ohms, you need to select an amplifier for them that is designed for a load of 4 ohms.

— The output power of the amplifier should not exceed the rated power of the speakers; it is better that the speakers are slightly more powerful than the amplifier, this will save them from damage if the amplifier is accidentally turned on at full volume.

— If you are generally satisfied with your speakers, but still it seems to you that they are slightly lacking in tops or bottoms, take an interest in the quality of the tone controls on the amplifier: very often it is enough to raise the tops or bottoms with the existing two-band corrector. If this is not enough, then nothing can be done, you will have to change the speaker systems.

How to select components for a complex?

We must not forget that all components in your complex must be of the same class in price and quality. Too cheap will cancel out the advantages of more expensive ones, but too expensive, on the contrary, will not sound at full strength.

However, if you purchased it “for growth” and are going to eventually add other components to it, getting a higher-class system, buying an expensive component may make sense. This is especially true for acoustic systems. But this is a completely different topic...

What else to look for when choosing an amplifier

Let's consider what points you should pay attention to in order to choose a sound amplifier with the optimal ratio of functionality, price and quality.

  • Device cost. The low cost should alert you. You should not buy inexpensive devices.
  • The area of ​​the room where the amplifier will be installed. This affects the sound quality. It should be taken into account that the power per channel is 3-5 watts per square meter. If the parameters do not exceed fifteen square meters, then the first figure must be taken into account; for areas greater than twenty square meters - the second.
  • Buy devices from companies and stores where it is possible to check the quality of the device in action.
  • It is necessary to select equipment with a power reserve, since the devices should not be used at maximum power. All this can affect the service life of the device. The most reliable amplifiers are considered to have a power of up to one hundred watts.
  • If possible, you should choose equipment from the same manufacturer. In cases where this is not possible, try to choose a device of the same class.

Choosing an amplifier based on speaker characteristics

Choosing a good audio amplifier for your home that meets modern requirements and meets your own desires is not a trivial matter. This, to some extent, is even an engineering task. It is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the player and speakers that will be used with the amplifier. And also take into account the size and acoustics of the room where the musical equipment will be located and played. And in addition, you have to decide on costs, setting an affordable quality bar for yourself.

What should you pay attention to? Several important points can be highlighted:

First of all, it is worth assessing the level of intermodulation and transient distortion. Manufacturers rarely indicate these values, and their presence in the passport indicates a serious approach to the matter. For the best samples, the first value does not exceed one percent. For home devices, an indicator of no more than three is sufficient.

When playing music, the speaker membranes experience random vibrations. They are also called parasitic. The amplifier is able to withstand them. The success of this is assessed by damping - another numerical characteristic, which for home use should be at least one hundred.

Signal/noise ratio. This is when you turn up the amplifier's volume control all the way and compare the amount of interference with the amplitude of the useful signal produced. The higher the number, the cleaner the sound will be.

Frequency range. The wider it is, the better. It is especially good if this range goes into an area not perceived by the human ear - this guarantees operation without interference in the audible area. Of course, other things being equal.

It is imperative to take into account the sensitivity and impedance of the speakers with which the amplifier will work. Acoustics with low sensitivity require a more powerful device. A speaker impedance that is lower than that calculated for the amplifier can cause a short circuit and failure of the entire audio system. More, although not dangerous, with a large difference, will noticeably reduce the volume of the music being played.

The amplifier system must be two-way to be able to reproduce stereo. And connect the subwoofer to a four-way. Although for a bass player, a discrete mono amplifier is better.

Rating of amplifier models

Let's look at some models, consider the characteristics of the devices, their advantages and disadvantages. Choosing an amplifier is not such an easy task, given the number of brands and models. So, let's go!

Amplifier Yamaha A-S201

Advantages: The power of the device is 100 watts per channel. At the same time, among the advantages it is worth highlighting the volume of sound even with a complex structure of musical compositions, the availability of instructions, a remote control and batteries when purchasing the device. The disadvantages include: the lack of coaxial and optical outputs.

The cost of the A-S201 amplifier is 14,000-15,000 rubles.

Yamaha A-S201

Yamaha is one of the best brands in the field of multimedia. As innovators in audio technology, the company has grown into a global giant and a leader in audio recording equipment. At the same time, the company never ceases to amaze, is constantly improving and releasing new innovative products, one of which is the Yamaha A-S201 amplifier. If you decide to choose an amplifier, then you should know that the Yamaha A-S201 is one of the best amplifiers that has a reliable design, has a wonderful sound, and an excellent phono stage.

Amplifier SMSL SA-36A Plus

Among the advantages - the music sound amplifier has Bluetooth support with the ability to connect other audio equipment via a wireless protocol, the presence of a class D amplifier for acoustics, detailed sound, an aluminum body, multifunctional and compact. The operating radius is up to ten meters.

SMSL SA-36A Plus

Disadvantages: few entrances. How much does a speaker amplifier like this cost?

The cost of such equipment ranges from 2000 to 5000 rubles.

TPA3116 LM1036 (2.0)

The price of the amplifier ranges from 2000 to 3000 rubles.

Pros: reliable, inexpensive amplifier. The device is a high-quality device. Has a high level of efficiency (up to 90%). There is no need to use additional cooling systems. The manufacturer has equipped the device with protection against overheating, overcurrent and short circuit. The device board meets all the requirements for class D amplifiers. Disadvantages: power varies from 10 to 15 Watts. The device is suitable for use at home.

TPA3116 LM1036 (2.0)

If you have limited funds, it is quite possible to choose an amplifier of this class.

Pioneer A-10-K

The cost of equipment varies from 13,000 to 19,000 rubles.

Advantages: original design, symmetrical structure, elegant technical restraint. This device comes in the category of Hi-Fi devices that combine elegance and simplicity. A good sound and playback range up to 10 kHz allows you to listen to any format - from music to film effects. Made of aluminum. Energy consumption is 135 watts.

Pioneer A-10-K

Disadvantages: not very good sound with noise, the sound is increased by software. The device is suitable for connecting to home theaters.

Amplifier Dynavox CS-PA1

If you decide to buy an amplifier of this model, then you should know its advantages: the device is small in size, equipped with an option with a 3D sound effect, which allows you to expand the stereo base and enhance the sound. The sound width of this device is at a very good level, despite the affordable cost of the device. The power for rooms of twenty square meters is 10-20 watts per channel.

Dynavox CS-PA1

Disadvantages: high cost. Suitable for use at home.

The price of the amplifier ranges from 5,500 rubles to 6,000 rubles.

What types of companies are there?

There are many brands now that make decent amplifiers. These can be fairly well-known companies or newbie manufacturers. Buyers can judge the quality of equipment.

Parasound, Astra Audio, E4Life, AVE, Fostex, Laconic, Yamaha, Denon, Fiio, Audio Space, Magnat are the most popular manufacturers according to consumers.

Rating of the best amplifiers for high-quality sound

E4Life Advent 80

Rating of the best amplifiers for high-quality sound

This is a representative of budget amplifiers. The power declared by the manufacturer is 110 W. Has 2 channels. It is small in size and light in weight. But it has a very original design. Through the transparent top of the case you can view the entire “filling”, which is highlighted in red. Made in gray color, adjustment knobs are made in gold color.

You can connect it to a laptop, music center, player, or computer. The output sound will be much cleaner with excellent bass.

The manufacturer guarantees protection against overheating.

Main characteristics:

Frequency range10 to 22000 Hz
Speaker impedance4 to 8 ohms
Harmonic distortion0.01%
Input resistance1 kOhm


Light weight; Compact dimensions; Clear sound, no background; During long-term operation it hardly heats up.


The connectors are difficult to access; The backlight blinks too brightly during operation. The price must be checked in stores.

Rating of the best amplifiers for high-quality sound

Parasound A 23

Rating of the best amplifiers for high-quality sound

A popular model among connoisseurs of high-quality sound.

This model has 2 channels, power - 200 W.

The design is strict, made in black. Considers minimalism and modernity. Made from durable plastic and steel. The buttons are illuminated in a pleasant blue color.

There is built-in overheating protection.

The manufacturer has added wires to the components, the length of which allows the equipment to be installed at different distances.

You can connect the amplifier to various media. Sometimes does not connect to some low impedance speaker systems.

The output sound is clear, without background, bass without vibration.

Main characteristics:

Frequency rangeFrom 5 to 100000 Hz
Speaker impedance4 ohm
Harmonic distortion0.03%
Damping coefficient800 units


Built-in power unit; Overheat protection; Long wires included; Great sound; Beautiful appearance.




Rating of the best amplifiers for high-quality sound

Astra Audio A10-SE

Rating of the best amplifiers for high-quality sound

This amplifier is a budget model. It is single-contact and runs on special lamps. Refers to pre-amplifiers.

The design is very original. Combines elements of antiquity and modernity. Made of plastic, glass and steel. The color chosen is brown and black, the adjustment knobs are silver. Will fit perfectly into any interior.

Most often used for recording to media. You can connect to various sources (computer, music devices).

The sound is clear and pleasant to listen to. The sound depends on the style of music (softness, melody, bass, drums).

The power supply is built-in, which is very convenient. The dimensions are small, the amplifier is compact and lightweight.


Profitable price; Interesting design; Built-in power supply; Qualitatively assembled; Soft sound.


May overheat during prolonged use.

Rating of the best amplifiers for high-quality sound

Amplifier AVE PL 02

Rating of the best amplifiers for high-quality sound

Refers to integrated (combined) type amplifiers. Powered by a 6SN7 tube and MOSFET transistors. Thanks to this, the output sound is clear, deep bass, and melodic. Buyers note the special melodiousness of the sound.

During prolonged operation, the fan automatically turns on to prevent overheating.

Main characteristics:

Frequency range10 to 50000 Hz
Signal to noise ratio90 dB
Front channel power50 W
InputsTwo linear, PreAmp


Does not overheat during prolonged operation; Special sound; Good power; Suitable for many media.


Low frequencies are sometimes not transmitted well.

Rating of the best amplifiers for high-quality sound

Fostex HP-A8C

Rating of the best amplifiers for high-quality sound

Semiconductor headphone amplifier. Suitable for home use.

This model has two channels.

Made in black from aluminum and glass. The design combines rigor and conciseness. Will fit perfectly into any interior. There is a screen on the front panel that displays the operating mode.

During operation, it perfectly reproduces any purity; at any volume, there are no dips in the sound.

Manufacturers have taken care of the convenience of customers; the kit includes a remote control.

Main characteristics:

Power2 × 700 mW
Frequency range44 to 192 kHz
Connectors/InputsAES/EBU, USB, analog RCA, coaxial, optical and SD card slot
Harmonic distortion0.002%


Stylish design; High-quality sound; Remote control; You can configure the necessary programs yourself; A large number of connectors.


High frequencies are reproduced a bit harshly.

Rating of the best amplifiers for high-quality sound

Denon PMA-720AE

Rating of the best amplifiers for high-quality sound

Integrated amplifier has two channels.

The design combines rigor and elegance. Made in black from shockproof plastic, and the front panel is made of aluminum. The design is stable and does not vibrate during operation, as it stands on four wide legs.

It is possible to independently adjust the sound (timbre and balance control, loudness compensation).

It is possible to connect headphones.

For convenience, there is a remote control.

Built-in power supply, declared power 200 W.

Main characteristics:

Frequency rangeFrom 10 to 100000 Hz
ResistanceFrom 4 to 16 Ohms
Signal to noise ratio107 dB
Inputs/outputs6 line, Phono, PreAmp, headphones


Compact; Stylish; Remote Control; Excellent at producing different frequencies; Can work for a long time without heating; Great price.


The remote control operates at a certain directional angle.

Rating of the best amplifiers for high-quality sound

Yamaha A-S801

Rating of the best amplifiers for high-quality sound

An excellent representative of an integrated (stereo) amplifier. Has two channels.

Made of durable black plastic. The design is simple and minimalistic, perfect for any interior. Can be used both at home and for professional purposes.

Can produce music of various genres (pop, classical, country, rock, jazz). The sound is clear, without distortion or extraneous noise.

It is possible to listen in Direct mode and independently adjust the desired parameters (adjust balance and timbre, loudness).

You can perform digital audio processing (192 kHz/32 bit).

You can connect additional acoustics to the amplifier.

Main characteristics:

Frequency rangeFrom 10 to 100000 Hz
Harmonic distortion0.019%
Signal to noise ratio104 dB
Exit/Input7 Linear, Coaxial, Optical, Phono, Subwoofer, Headphones


Light weight; Connecting additional acoustics; Strict design; Built-in power; Remote Control; Great sound


Sometimes the volume control doesn't work.

Rating of the best amplifiers for high-quality sound

Pioneer GM-D8601

Rating of the best amplifiers for high-quality sound

This amplifier is suitable for car use for those who love to drive and listen to great music.

It is single-channel, very compact. This is a significant plus, because there is not much free space in the car. Made of durable shockproof plastic and steel. This makes it resistant to unexpected impacts and shocks.

Belongs to D class.

The sound depends on the type of music being played. Reproduces bass best.

Works much better when connected to a subwoofer. You can connect from 1 to 4 subwoofers at the same time.

There is no option to customize the sound yourself.

Main characteristics:

Frequency range10 to 240 Hz
Harmonic distortion0.5%
Signal to noise ratio100 dB
Enter exitRCA audio


Small dimensions; High-quality reproduction of low frequencies; Lots of connectors; Excellent power; It is possible to connect several subwoofers.


Cannot be configured; No overheat protection.

Rating of the best amplifiers for high-quality sound

Mystery MR-2.75

Rating of the best amplifiers for high-quality sound

This two-channel amplifier is one of the frequently purchased models because it has a low price. Installed in cars.

The design is quite simple, combining minimalism and simplicity. The manufacturer preferred gray and black colors. The body is made of durable material to avoid external damage.

Belongs to class AB.

This model is not very powerful, but it easily produces bass and separates high frequencies.

The Mystery MR-2.75 has a very small size, which allows it to be placed anywhere in the car (trunk, under the seat, etc.).

It is possible to independently adjust the purity of the sound.

There is built-in protection against voltage drop (overload) and short circuit.

Main characteristics:

Frequency rangeFrom 20 to 22000 Hz
Harmonic distortion0.03%
Signal to noise ratio95 dB
Input impedance20 kOhm


Small size; Low cost; Excellent bass reproduction; Short circuit protection; Maximum power 225 W.


Very few settings; At maximum sound level it consumes a lot of energy; The terminals are not very well located.

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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