Comparison of top-end headphones Sennheiser HD800 and Fostex TH900

In the world of high-quality sound, there has long been a confrontation between classic speaker systems and headphones. Each side has its own pros and cons; everyone can find a product to their liking. I had two pairs of top-end headphones in my hands - Sennheiser HD800 and Fostex TH900, let's compare them from the point of view of a person accustomed to classic Hi-Fi.

Let me make a reservation right away that when comparing these headphones we are comparing two schools of sound - Japanese and European. It's like a duel between a samurai and a Renaissance European lord. Different style of movements, different dynamics of battle, all this is reflected in the sound itself. What is better, a powerful and heavy naginata or an elegant and ringing rapier? Let's look at each fencer individually.

Sennheiser HD 800

The recognized flagship of the famous brand, existing since 2009. Many reviewers sing the praises of this model, repeatedly recognizing it as better than its competitors. Futuristic design, huge “cups”, the largest dynamic drivers - all this creates a pleasant impression when you first take these headphones out of the box. The packaging, by the way, matches the model itself; the manufacturers spared no space, packing the device in a huge case with a laconic design and a fabric inner lining. The headphone body is made of aluminum, and, best of all, they are assembled by hand at the factory in Wedemark, Germany.


This is a device that converts a signal from digital to analog. Is it necessary? If the amplifier does not have a built-in DAC, then, of course, it will not be superfluous. As a rule, computers can convert the signal on their own, but there will be a significant deterioration in quality due to various additional drivers, transcoding and other hidden technical processes. Based on this, there is no point in purchasing such expensive equipment in the form of headphones and amplifiers and not using a converter. As for the cost and models, there are different price categories - both cheap and insanely expensive. The best option is an amplifier with a built-in DAC.

Technological features

These headphones are open type, i.e. when the volume is turned up, our music will be “enjoyed” by those around us. Thanks to the large size of the “cups”, negative resonances are leveled out. The speakers are mounted on massive stainless steel supports, the ear pads are covered with a material similar to velvet, the headphones sit comfortably on your head, the only thing is that you first need to get used to their size. The main feature is the driver itself; the large area of ​​the membrane and optimization of its shape made it possible to reduce the amount of distortion. In order to optimize the sound in the high-frequency range (a large emitter has higher inertia, which negatively affects the high-frequency sound), the membrane was made ring-shaped, thereby reducing its weight, and also taking into account the surface effect that occurs during vibration. The HD800 speaker creates a well-shaped surround sound wave, which improves the transmission of spatial information.

Which over-ear headphones should I choose? It is this question that worries those who have yet to choose headphones. If the purchasing budget has obvious restrictions, then the selection process becomes a little easier, because a significant part of the expensive assortment automatically falls off. But what if your budget allows you to look towards top models from different manufacturers? This is where everything becomes much more interesting, because top models, as a rule, include all the most advanced developments of the brand, and it becomes especially interesting to watch the most advanced models compete with each other.

By a lucky coincidence, not without the support of good people, three very interesting models from different manufacturers ended up in my hands. So, at my disposal are top-end closed dynamic headphones Beyerdynamic T 5 p (2. Generation), top-end open dynamic headphones Sennheiser HD 800 S and almost top-end open planar headphones Audeze LCD-3 (only models with index 4 are older than them). The fight promises to be interesting, because all three models are very different.

As you know, unlike listening to acoustic systems, in the case of headphones, it is not possible to blame the sound error on unsuitable room acoustics. Consequently, only the components of the path and the musical material form the final listening impression. In our case, all three models will work in the same system, consisting of an OPPO BDP-103D player as a source and a MOON 230HAD headphone amplifier. In particular, OPPO will be used exclusively as a transport, for reading discs and transferring audio files from a connected external hard drive to MOON. The DAC built into the headphone amplifier will be responsible for converting analogue to digital. It is for this reason that the MOON 230HAD will bear a significant share of responsibility for the final sound. In addition, from time to time, MOON 230HAD will move closer to the computer to play music received via USB connection.

Good headphones should excel at handling a variety of music genres without exhibiting any obvious genre preferences. After all, they must justify such a large investment in their acquisition. To identify the strengths and weaknesses of the sound, a very extensive list of tracks in a variety of genres was selected. For experimental purposes, not only tracks recorded in high resolution (FLAC 24/192), but also significantly simpler MP3 files with a resolution of 320 kbit/s took part in the listening.

It seems to me that it is not a very correct decision to compare all three models into one general review, because such worthy models deserve a more detailed consideration. For this reason, we will devote a separate review to each headphone. Today's test will be dedicated to the Sennheiser HD 800 S.

Without exaggeration, the Sennheiser HD 800 S can be called a legendary model. Perhaps these are one of the most recognizable open-back headphones not only of the Sennheiser brand and this design in general. At the time of writing the review, the average market price of the model fluctuates in different directions from the amount of 100,000 rubles. As befits such an expensive product, the Sennheiser HD 800 S are sold in a very large package made of thick and hard cardboard, opening which you can find the treasured headphones lying in “silks”.

There is probably no point in saying that the Sennheiser HD 800 S has a very bright and unique design, since it is noticeable to the naked eye. What is this creation made of? For those who often deal with premium headphone models, it is no secret that, as a rule, manufacturers try to predominantly use materials such as aluminum, steel, wood and leather, but in the case of the HD 800 S this rule seems to have lost its strength. No matter how you look, you won’t be able to find either wood or leather here, and steel elements are found in very limited quantities, everywhere inferior to plastic, although very high-quality to the touch.

How and what is the Sennheiser HD 800 S made of?

On the manufacturer’s website regarding the materials used, the following is stated verbatim: “a headband made of multi-layer metal and plastic minimizes vibrations, microfiber ear pads provide exceptional comfort even during long listening sessions. The HD 800 and HD 800 S are manufactured in Germany from the finest materials and components. The headphone transducers are housed in precision stainless steel housings, and the headband and headphone mounts are made from aerospace-grade materials to provide high strength with minimal weight.”

This description sounds very pleasant and respectable, but let’s look at the issue a little more specifically and with a personal example, fortunately, you have the opportunity to twirl the headphones in your hands and examine everything in detail. The headband really has a multi-layer design and consists of two layers of metal tape fastened together with a total thickness of about 1 mm (it’s impossible to get to it with a ruler and measure it accurately). The promised plastic is present in full. It is worth noting that only the central part of the headband is made of metal tape, and the moving parts that “crawl” along the central part when adjusting the size on the head, on which the headphones themselves are actually attached, consist entirely of plastic.

According to the manufacturer, the multi-layer design is designed to minimize vibrations. To be honest, I don’t remember a case when the headband of any headphones created or conducted any significant vibrations that disturbed the listener. In my opinion, everything is much simpler here. A solid 1mm thick steel band may be too springy and place unnecessary pressure on the head around the ears, while a single thin band may be too loose. Therefore, a multi-layer solution seems quite logical, and the claim of combating vibrations is a smart marketing move.

“Microfiber ear pads provide exceptional comfort even during long listening sessions” – I think I agree with this statement. Although we were carefully taught that leather is the best material in expensive models, I personally have nothing against alternative materials. In the case of the Sennheiser HD 800 S, the “rag” ear pads showed their best side.

The main body of the earcups is made of plastic without a hint of metal, and the low weight of the model indirectly confirms this. The plastic in the cups is very thick and durable, so there are no concerns about the reliability of the design. Nevertheless, it is worth admitting that after spending 100,000 rubles, it would be nice to see a little more metal and a little less plastic, but this is my personal opinion, which you may not share.

Wait, what kind of plastic, you ask, remembering that on the manufacturer’s website it is written in black and white: “the headphone converters are enclosed in precision housings made of stainless steel.” Believe me, I also asked myself this question and realized that those same “precision stainless steel cases” mean silvery elements visible on the sides of the cups. They are indeed made of metal, but their thickness is so insignificant that it is worth talking not about full-fledged metal, but about thick foil with perforations (in fact, it is a fine mesh), which easily bends at the slightest finger pressure without any significant effort. Thus, careless handling and excessive curiosity of the user can result in a very unpleasant external defect in the form of dents and creases. In fairness, it should be said that if you do not mock the HD 800 S and treat them appropriately, then nothing threatens their integrity. In general, the design is quite reliable, although not without complaints.

“The headband and ear mounts are made from aerospace-grade materials to provide high strength with minimal weight” – I have a couple of questions here. If everything is so serious and high quality that even the aerospace industry does not neglect such materials and especially fastenings, then why in my test sample in the left earphone fastening is there something extremely unpleasantly scraping and crunching when moving? Of course, you can’t hear this while listening, but, as they say, the sediment remains. I don't think this is a widespread problem and, most likely, this is a particular defect of my particular sample.

Concluding the prelude dedicated to appearance and materials, I would like to remind you that the most important thing is how the headphones sound, and appearance and materials, although pleasant, are still a secondary point. In addition, given the impedance of 300 Ohms, the Sennheiser HD 800 S is intended specifically for home use, where there is simply no one to show off premium materials and space-age design to. The headphones have a detachable cable with reliable metal two-pin connectors. The mentioned pins seem very thin and fragile and it may seem that if the cable is connected incorrectly they can simply be bent or broken, but this is not the case. The cable has “foolproofing” in the form of a groove on the headphone jack and a correspondingly shaped protruding slot on the connector on the cable side. Thus, inserting the cable incorrectly and damaging the contacts will only happen if you are a very persistent and at the same time strong person who does not look for easy ways.

Does the Sennheiser HD 800 S fit comfortably on your head?

Few people think about it, but an important point when choosing headphones is not only the sound, but also how comfortable the model is during long-term wearing and listening. How can headphones bring pleasure from using them if after 30-40 minutes you dream of taking them off and taking a breath? For me, as a person who constantly listens to music, the aspect of wearing comfort is one of the most important along with the sound.

Trying on the Sennheiser HD 800 S for the first time usually leaves very mixed feelings. The fit of the model is very unusual and it’s impossible to immediately overcome the feeling that the headphones are a little too big. The insignificant weight for this size, only 330 grams, makes the Sennheiser HD 800 S practically weightless, and the very weak pressing force of the ear pads to the head does not allow one to get rid of the thought that the headphones are not held very securely on the head. The feeling is partly correct, and when listening to rock or metal, you should not shake your head rhythmically - rest assured, an expensive purchase will certainly try to leave your ears, flying forward or backward.

Separately, it is worth noting the unusually large diameter of the cups, which tend to cover not only the ears, but also a significant part of the head, partially creeping onto the cheeks. It would seem that this and all of the above makes the Sennheiser HD 800 S very uncomfortable, but believe me, this is absolutely not the case. You just have to be patient and spend 15-20 minutes listening to music, and the picture changes completely. After this time, you simply forget about the headphones and you no longer feel them on your head and ears, they seem to dissolve. Still, the low weight and weak pressing force do their job. What at first glance seems like a disadvantage ultimately turns into a significant advantage, especially if you spend a long time wearing headphones. I don't remember the last time I could spend 3.5 hours straight wearing headphones without feeling tired or uncomfortable in my ears or where the headband touched my head. As a matter of fact, the review itself was written directly to the music playing in the Sennheiser HD 800 S. I managed to spend a total of 5 days in the company of the tested model.

What about technology?

Drivers with a diameter of 56 mm are directly responsible for playing music in the Sennheiser HD 800 S. The company rightfully claims that these are the largest drivers ever installed in dynamic headphones, and this is true. The design of the cups is made in such a way that sound waves reach the ear at a slight angle. According to the authors, this should provide a “spatial and natural sound picture.” In addition, the use of proprietary Innovative Absorber Technology is announced, designed to prevent the so-called “masking effect”, in which, during peak loads, low frequencies partially suppress high frequencies. In other words, the goal of the technology is to allow the listener to enjoy the full range of frequencies at any volume level. Looking ahead a little, I would like to note that the developers succeeded.

How do the Sennheiser HD 800 S sound?

From the very first notes, I would like to characterize the sound of the Sennheiser HD 800 S as as relaxed and melodic as possible. A balanced tonal balance does not allow you to find fault with any individual part of it, however, those who like to test themselves and their ears with thunderous low frequencies may not have enough pressure. In fact, this is quite expected from open dynamic headphones. Please note that I deliberately mention that we are talking about dynamic models, because the open planar Audeze LCD-3 surprised me very much in its own way, but more on that in the next thematic review.

Regarding the reproduction of the lower register of the Sennheiser HD 800 S, it can be noted that it is, first of all, correct and balanced. Accurate and moderately elastic bass does not put pressure on the ears. This is partly due to the fact that the space between the driver and the ear does not form a sealed system as is the case with the Audeze LCD-3, in which the drivers have a more powerful and direct impact on the eardrum. Thanks to this, the HD 800 S can be listened to for a long time with virtually no fatigue.

Is it possible to listen to club electronics with powerful bass lines in the HD 800 S? Of course you can, but you should prepare for the fact that headphones will allow you to discover familiar remixes in a completely different way. If previously it was the lower register and powerful rhythm that attracted the listener’s attention, the HD 800 S will stabilize the situation and restore equality to all parts of the frequency range, allowing the mid and high frequencies to reveal the melody in a completely different way. The bass will cease to dominate and will become more melodic and multifaceted, if the musical material itself allows it. This is the very moment where it is difficult to attribute a sound feature to advantages or disadvantages. Personally, this is a plus for me, but those who like explosive and powerful lows may feel a little shortchanged. The lack of dominance and emphasis on the lows has a beneficial effect on the clarity of reproduction of low-frequency parts and on the detail of reproduction in general.

The HD 800 S's ability to sound truly three-dimensional deserves special mention. The sensations from listening to tracks, during the creation of which special attention was paid to the spatial characteristics of the scene, are very difficult to convey in words; the sound is mesmerizing. Calm, minimalistic and high-quality recorded compositions sound especially advantageous, the detail, airiness and nuance of which are conveyed incredibly naturally and correctly. The vocals are incomparable and it is simply impossible to stop listening. Similar feelings did not leave me when listening to the tracks George Michael – wild is the wind, Supermax – something in my heart, Supermax – Scream of a butterfly. Additional confidence in the excellent reproduction of vocals and truly high-quality recorded music was given by listening to Eros Ramazzotti - piu che puoi feat cher, as well as Elton John with the tracks Without Question and Original Sin and, of course, Katie Melua with the track i`d love to kill you. Naturally, I did not limit myself to just the listed compositions, but giving a complete list is extremely tedious. I understand that for most listeners such a cute selection of melodies is not of particular interest, but the main thing here is not the content, but, above all, the quality of performance and recording, which allows us to evaluate the potential of the headphones being tested.

It is worth noting that, in contrast to club electronic music (designed to get the listener onto the dance floor) which is not reproduced as bassily as its fans are used to listening, calm and melodic electronic works are reproduced truly magically. First of all, this applies to such relaxing and melodic genres as Chillout or New Age. The ability of the HD 800 S to sound as relaxed and transparent as possible, three-dimensional and airy, takes the experience of listening to such music to a completely new, higher level. For example, the track Alexsandro da Silva – dacota sunlight far away mix sounded even more spacious and peaceful.

The Sennheiser HD 800 S is more than capable of reproducing classics, regardless of the composition, be it a quartet or a large symphony orchestra. The instruments are not mixed into a single mass and sound completely independent. Frederic Chopin - piano concerto No. 1 in e minor op 11 sounded incredibly detailed and transparent, and the polonaise from Tchaikovsky's Eugene Onegin demonstrated the HD 800 S's ability to convey the scale and expression of the work.

Having thoroughly enjoyed the melodic music, it’s time to turn on something heavier, not metal, but something reminiscent of alternative rock. With a slight movement of the hand, songs are selected from the extensive track list: Fireflight – for those who wait, Within Temptation – murder, Blue Stahli – ultranumb, Blue Stahli – ready aim fire. Not limited to the listed tracks, further down the list were works by such bands as Breaking Benjamin, Creed, Shinedown, Skillet, The Birthday Massacre, Thousand Foot Krutch and others like that.

From group to group, from track to track, the Sennheiser HD 800 S proved to be very skillful performers, not allowing themselves to get confused in music that was very rich in guitar riffs. My biggest fear when listening to rock is that all the sounds are mixed into one unintelligible mess, but the Sennheiser HD 800 S did a good job of separating the instruments. However, even when playing such expressive music, the HD 800 S remained true to its sound character. The same melodic and non-intrusive sound that was mentioned earlier also manifests itself when playing heavier music. As a result, some of the power and punch have to be sacrificed for improved sound intelligibility.


Sennheiser HD 800 S can confidently be called one of the most balanced headphones. Having no obvious genre preferences, they nevertheless interpret club electronics and rock music in a slightly different way, making it less assertive, but at the same time more discriminating and multifaceted. The incredible ability to sound as voluminous, airy, detailed and transparent will be a real gift for lovers of all other musical genres, where it is necessary to convey not so much power and pressure, but rather the melody, its drive, expression and emotionality.

For me, the Sennheiser HD 800 S became a real discovery, allowing me to enjoy my favorite music for hours without the slightest hint of fatigue. Although the manufacturer saved on materials and design reliability, the musical advantages more than offset the design flaws.

Author: Shmelkov Maxim

PS So what actually crunched and creaked in the headphone mount?

Strange creaking and crunching noises at the left earphone mount did not give us any peace. Having gathered patience and courage, we disassembled the mentioned mount and found out the cause of the unpleasant sound. As it turns out, the spring-loaded mount uses a bent metal plate (instead of a spring), which is held in place very loosely by a microscopic piece of double-sided tape. The adhesive tape came off and the plate fell off, after which it took a skewed position. It was she who scratched against the plastic, creating an unpleasant, irritating sound. The problem was fixed with one drop of super glue.

Fostex TH900

Before us is a representative of the Japanese school of sound. The company was founded in 1973 and has become one of the world's authorities in the field of professional audio. The company's main efforts were aimed at developing innovative solutions in the field of sound, such as RP (Regular phase) technology, which allows achieving crystal clear sound combined with a wide dynamic range. This same model was introduced in 2011.

Arkhipov's Laboratory Universal Dual Special

The two-block telephone amplifier Universal Dual Special is a one-piece model. A remote power supply with a toroidal transformer and LC circuits for the anode circuits guarantees a significant reduction in noise and interference levels. The main unit contains specially designed tape-type output transformers, wound with copper wire in silk insulation. One 6SN7GTB Sylvania radio tube and a pair of EL822 from the English company Mullard are used. The volume is adjusted using the ALPS switch potentiometer. All passive elements are audiophile quality. The Universal Dual Special has two outputs: one for dynamic headphones with impedance from 8 to 150 ohms, the second for up to 600 ohms.

Technological features

The first thing that immediately catches your eye when you pick up these headphones is their design. The cups are trimmed with wood (Japanese cherry birch) and varnished, it looks solid, the headphones themselves are pleasant to the touch. This model is a closed type, but still designed for indoors rather than the metro; at a volume below average, external noise can be heard. I would especially like to note the drivers of the model. The membrane is made of biocellulose fiber, it has greater rigidity (almost 5 times) and moves faster (2 times) compared to classical materials, which allows us to get rid of negative resonances. The drivers also use neodymium magnets with an induction of 1.5 Tesla, which gives the headphones high sensitivity, wide dynamic range and allows them to develop significant sound pressure.

Packaging and delivery

The box of these headphones is not just big, it is huge. Sennheiser tried with all its might to emphasize the flagship status of the model (and did not care about saving natural resources and space in the buyer’s home). The box looks great, of course. Stylish printing, inner box on hinges, all this is great and looks very expensive.

Inside are the headphones themselves, the included cable and a large instruction book, which tells how the company overcame various engineering difficulties during the development of this model.

Of course, you want more in the package of premium headphones. For example, a stand would not make the model much more expensive, but it would certainly please the buyer of such an expensive model. But what is not there is not there.


For me, this direction of music has long become almost a reference for testing speakers; this style of music combines many things - a musical signal in the entire range, vocals, orchestral “explosions”; I separately monitor drum parts, since I myself own this instrument.

Composition – I'm feeling good – Michael Buble, format – flac 24/192.

I decided to connect the HD 800 first; to say that I was pleased with the sound would be to say nothing. The headphones perfectly build the scene, the voice sounds soft and captivating, but at the same time you can distinguish such nuances as the vibration of the larynx. Classic jazz passages on the double bass are heard clearly, and you can hear the sound of the residual vibration of the string after plucking. The drums sound softly, without overload, and in orchestral explosions, each instrument is heard, while the sound does not merge into one common mess. A colleague to whom I gave this composition to listen to was so enchanted that he was speechless.

The second jazz test was TH900. The first thing that immediately struck my ears was the overload in the low-frequency range, the drums sounded too dense, which also caused distortion in the voice. Some of the instruments sounded like they were coming from a barrel. The voice was transmitted clearly and clearly, but due to overload a large amount of distortion appeared.

Victory of classical fencing art HD800


The following equipment was used for listening:

  • Yulong DA8 as a DAC
  • Yulong A28 and HiFiMan EF-100 as an amplifier
  • Apple MacBook Pro Retina 2013 as a source
  • Fidelia as a player
  • High-resolution recordings in Lossless formats (Dr. Chesky The Ultimate Headphone Demonstration Disc and others)

Before listening, the headphones were warmed up for 96 hours.

Numerous measurements taken by enthusiasts around the world show that Sennheiser has succeeded in creating truly superior dynamic driver headphones. Did they manage to create the best sounding headphones? Answer: yes and no. The HD 800 has its strengths, where they have no equal, but there are also some shortcomings that could be overlooked if they were cheaper. But with a price tag exceeding $1,000, there will be no escape.

So, what do these headphones have in their assets? Firstly, incredible linearity, both at LF and HF. I rarely present frequency response in reviews, but in the case of the HD 800 I’ll change my habit; here’s a graph comparing several versions of the HD 800 with one of the HiFiMan HE-6 standards for smooth sound:

Unusual cups, open acoustic design, strange drivers and their strange placement are all non-standard, but the result shows that this is the result of long and painstaking work. Virtually no lowered lows that go deep, perfectly smooth mids, highs, devoid of most possible problems, very low levels of harmonic distortion, controlled resonances at all frequencies, in general, the HD 800 is truly a masterpiece of thought. To highlight the level of their work, Sennheiser takes measurements of each specific pair of HD 800, you can register the headphones on their website and get the real frequency response of your particular copy.

One of the main problems with these headphones is that they are extremely critical of the amplifier and DAC. With them you will hear the real sound of your path and the quality of the recordings, and they may not suit you. I tried almost everything that was at hand, but settled on my usual pair of Yulongs (DA8 and A28), and I also want to mention the Chinese clone Violectric from Accurate Audio. They may not be the best option among all the amplifiers in the world for these headphones, but they produce more than good sound.

The sound of the HD 800 is very neutral, and it is not neutral with the analytical coldness of monitor headphones that dissect the music into individual sounds, no, the HD 800 retain the musicality and integrity of the presentation, you just hear more nuances of the music in them.

The bass of this model is deep and superbly controlled. Oddly enough, it is precisely because of this that the main drawback of the model arises - due to the high resolution, the bass sometimes simply lacks physicality and power. If you want to listen, for example, to a double bass, the HD 800 will convey it in all the smallest nuances; it sounds exactly like a large wooden instrument with strings. You will hear the sound of the strings, the resonances of the body, the acoustics of the room where the recording is taking place... But for a rock concert, where the bass guitar and drums are crashing, producing a crushing wall of sound, the HD 800’s bass is simply not enough. You will hear every beat, every note, but you will not be immersed in the atmosphere of the concert. In general, these headphones are not for heavy genres. In other cases, the bass frequencies of this model are extremely good. On many live recordings, you simply disappear into the sound of the bass (I would like to cite the Japanese drummers from Ondekoza as examples).

Mid frequencies are expectedly excellent. Resolution, emotions, separation of plans - all this is at the highest level here. The imaginary stage is perfectly constructed both in width (one of the widest among headphones) and in depth, the instruments are clearly positioned, with your eyes closed you can easily place them around the stage, and they do not sound pointwise, but have their own width. Needless to say, the nuances of vocals are meticulously accurately conveyed; typical performers like Sting, Nina Simone or Knopfler sound as if you were standing next to them.

High frequencies are also expectedly pleasing, although their delivery depends on the amplifier used. On amplifiers that do not have enough power reserve to open up the headphones, the sound of the HD 800 is overly bright and prone to sibilance. If the amplifier copes with its task, the HF surprises with its extension, resolution and level of detail. This additionally enhances the volume of sound and the transmission of nuances.


Composition – Another One Bites The Dust – Queen, flac 24/192 format

The HD 800 again showed excellent results, clear bass, clear positioning within the panorama and, of course, excellent voice transmission, it seemed that Freddie Mercury was dancing with a microphone stand right in front of me, but still this composition lacked a little dynamics. The sound picture was completely changed by Fostex, their dense bass was ergonomically woven into the overall outline of the track, it became more dynamic, the aggressive attack of the guitars was felt physically, and the voice served as the cherry on the cake of this composition.

Both competitors showed good results, but the Japanese warrior was still a little better.


If there are expensive sports cars in the world of headphones, then the Sennheiser HD-800 is the local equivalent of the Lamborgini Gallardo. Like a car, these headphones are quite expensive, look incredibly stylish, are comfortable and are not cheap to maintain (they require a good amplifier, DAC, etc.). Like an expensive sports car, these headphones are not without some shortcomings, although it would be more accurate to say that they are simply not universal, and some applications are simply not for them. But in their field they really have no equal.

As usual, I want to thank my friends from the Era-in-ear store for the opportunity to check out this masterpiece of the world of headphones.

New wave

Composition – Policy Of Truth – Depeche Mode, flac 24/192 format

Here we see a similar situation; Sennheiser, with its high-quality soft sound, is clearly inferior in dynamics to Fostex. With the latter, Dave Gahan's voice combined with the instrumental part creates a unique atmospheric perception of the track that you begin to listen to.

Victory of the Japanese warrior

Alternative rock

Composition – Lying from you – Linkin Park, flac24/192 format

HD800. The mixed violin and Mike Shinoda's recitative together sound very deep and bewitching, Chester's clean vocals sound realistic, but as soon as the sound goes into the aggressive phase, the dynamics are again not enough, after all, these headphones are too soft for aggressive music. The TH900 copes well with the aggressive part of the composition, but the bass is overloaded, which spoils the overall picture a little. Separately, I would like to note the excellent performance of moments combining electric guitar and Bennington’s screaming.


Warming up

This topic is very popular among music lovers. Warming up is not done literally, but means using headphones or cables at their maximum power. For this purpose, special sound files or separate equipment may be used. Such procedures cause minor changes in the properties of various conductors and improve sound quality. Some consider this a myth, while others purposefully apply the technique and claim that the characteristics actually change. There is a lot of information on this topic on the Internet, as well as various expert opinions, evidence and refutations.


Composition – Skyfall – Adele, flac 24/96 format

When I first listened to this track in the Sennheiser HD800, I was so impressed that I listened to the track on loop for some time. The sky was falling, the orchestra played, filling the surrounding space with its sound, transitions with drum fills sounded powerful, but without unnecessary bass rumble. The part of each instrument could be listened to separately, everything sounded “as it should.” Perhaps when listening to the TH900, the memories of the HD800 were still fresh in my head, but still, due to the large overload on the low-frequency signal, Fostex creates a strong mess in the vocals, especially when the drums come in.

And again the elegance of the European school won.


With an impedance of 300 Ω, these headphones definitely need an amplifier, and given their incredible level of resolution, they also need a good DAC. Listening to them with a mobile source is almost unthinkable both from the point of view of “buildup” and from the point of view of expediency. Disputes about which amplifier for the HD 800 is better have been going on on the Internet since the very moment of the release of this model. For me, testing these headphones, among other things, made it possible to make sure that Yulong products are very good and do not give up even with recognized flagships.

The headphones are quite versatile in terms of genre, adjusted for light sound. They are not very well suited for metal or those styles that require “high-quality” bass, but in most other genres they open up the music with incredible power, immersing you in the melody so much that even the very feeling of using headphones is lost. Timbrally rich instruments, chamber music, vocals, classical music, live recordings - this is not a complete list of the types of music in which the HD 800 will show itself in full splendor. For example, I discovered the joy of listening to solo parts of various instruments, from piano concertos to Ukrainian bandura.

Naturally, headphones are extremely critical of recording quality. It cannot be otherwise with top flagship models, so you will almost certainly have to reconsider your collection with the purchase of “eight hundred”, look for other remasters and reissues of albums. But, judging by myself, I can say that this process will almost certainly bring pleasure; rediscovering familiar music is always pleasant.


Composition – Deeply Disturbed – Infected Mushroom, flac 24/192 format

This style of music is primarily designed for low-frequency signals; the HD800, with its dry bass, was unable to reveal the full dynamics of the track. But the TH900 seemed to be created for this kind of music, excellent bass, excellent handling of track dynamics and acoustic inserts.

The aggressive power of the naginata left the HD800 among the losers

Model cost

The price of these headphones is relatively high. However, for some they are a professional tool, and sometimes an object of image and status. Their prices range from $900 to $1,200 depending on the store. In general, this price is justified, taking into account the quality of materials, manual assembly, sound and positioning of the model as a premium one. In addition, not only the purchase, but also the use will be expensive, since this model reveals its potential only if you have expensive accessories, for example, an amplifier, a special cable, and even a device from which music is played.


I compared two different flagships from two schools of sound, the results were obvious, but I could not make a final conclusion which of these two models is better. It's the same as in fencing of different schools, they only work well in certain situations. HD800 are ideal for classical music and live musical instruments, honest dry bass, ringing highs, excellent construction of the sound panorama. The style of their music is as elegant as the rapier. TH900 is perfect for more aggressive music, electronic, heavy metal, alternative, this model, thanks to its powerful bass, will give you the rhythm of the music, just as the swings of the naginata set the rhythm of the battle. Both fencers are recognized masters of their craft, so this duel ended in a draw.

Equipment provided by iCover store

Exterior and ease of use

The HD 800 headphones look like classic equipment for $1000 should - expensive and well made. A design from the future, but with a modern twist, an ergonomic body with soft fabric pads for contact with the body, durable reinforced Leona plastic and a metal spring in the headband with an imprinted serial number, which can be used to identify the original Sennheiser product.

The manufacturer deliberately did not use the usual attributes of expensive headphones - leather, wood, as Grado and Ultrasonic did. The exterior was completely created from scratch, and the status is emphasized by the simplicity of the forms and the non-standard approach of the artists.

The earcups are light thanks to the reinforced plastic used in production and minimal content - inside they are only emitters, protected by a replaceable washable insert from dirt and grease and a gasket that prevents dust and hair from penetrating into the structure. The speakers are protected from mechanical damage by a metal mesh with many holes for maximum access to air and sound compensation.

Wearing comfort is ensured by a velvety fabric lining on the ear pads and headband. Noteworthy: it does not collect dust and hair and is easy to clean. Due to their size, the cups cover the ear, fit snugly to the head with proper adjustment of the connecting headband and do not cause fatigue.

The headphones do not have any isolation, so it is rational to use them only at home or in the studio, in a quiet environment, where neither the user nor others will interfere with each other, creating mutually unnecessary sounds.

The fastening of the cups to the headband is hinged, but is well fixed. Consumers have no questions about the build quality - no backlash or squeaking.

The cable is inserted into the bowls using proprietary connectors that securely fix the wire in the bowls. The plug is a distinctive feature of the HD 800 headphones; the manufacturer emphasized that this is a solid device, not a mobile one.

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