Quad Vena II amplifier with Wharfedale Denton 85th Anniversary acoustics

Wharfedale's Heritage series includes only three speaker models, two of which are just sisters named Denton. The youngest, Denton 85th, has already met, leaving a very pleasant impression. Next up are larger three-way Linton speakers, also released in honor (or in memory) of their predecessors, born in 1965.

Why do I say "only three" models in the Heritage series? Yes, because a company with such a track record could have significantly more of them. It would be appropriate, taking advantage of the fashionable trend of interest in retro and rummaging through the bins, to release a lot of “antique” speakers. However, the company still has something to be proud of at the moment: the Wharfedale brand today is associated primarily with the entry-level Diamond line, offering modern acoustics with decent sound at a very affordable price.

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