An alternative to humming bass reflexes: transmission lines (TQWT, ALT) Today, the most popular acoustic design for both home and
After purchasing wireless headphones for your smartphone, you may naturally want to use them not only
About the importance of finding the right place for a subwoofer and a little theory Why do you think?
Greetings to all visitors to the blog about computers. Today I would really like to tell readers about this
What floor-standing acoustics look like for around a hundred thousand rubles - three pairs from Arslab,
Major task Assembling a system for a small room is not difficult. No need for a powerful amplifier or
Why do you need a surge protector: a brief explanation The very name of this electronic circuit explains its purpose.
Features of a bass reflex bass reflex bass reflex is a musical device that is a slot or pipe. The auxiliary element is located
↑ Winding products Output transformer of the original on iron from OSM-0.25 (excerpt from the article): Below
A $1,000 price tag for a stationary digital-to-analog converter with headphone amplifier function is