Instructions and manual for JBL prx500 in Russian

In recent years, there has been a trend in the personal speaker system market to increase the mobility of such devices. Various brands have introduced concert and stage solutions for single performers, characterized by compact size, light weight and a wide range of features at a relatively affordable price.

One of the most popular lines among PA systems is the EON series from the HARMAN-owned JBL brand. The JBL EON One and EON One Pro offered the market a small size, adequate weight and built-in mixer, which quickly made them bestsellers. Now JBL has gone further and combined the best elements of the EON One and EON One Pro into one device - the new JBL EON One Compact speaker system. Let's see what the new product offers.

JBL EON One Compact

Table of contents

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Table of contents

Important Safety Instructions4 Safety Precautions 5 PRX500 Series Power Amplifier 8 - 9 Introduction to the PRX500 Series 10 System Specifications 11 - 15 System Installation 16 - 19 Input Sensitivity Setting 20 Gain Setting 21 Application Examples 22- 25 Reference Information 26 Cables and connectors


Troubleshooting 28 - 29 Contact Information 30

Precautionary measures

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Precautionary measures

The PRX500 series speaker systems described in this manual are not

designed for permanent installation and for use in high-temperature environments

humidity. Excessive humidity can damage the diffuser

loudspeaker and the appearance of corrosion on electrical contacts and

metal parts. Avoid using speakers in conditions

direct contact with moisture. Do not place speakers in direct sunlight

lighting. Prolonged exposure to intense ultraviolet radiation

may result in premature loss of independent driver suspension and

deterioration of the appearance of polished surfaces Acoustic systems series

PRX500 can emit significant amounts of energy. When placed on

slippery surfaces, such as polished wood or linoleum, resulting

high acoustic output power, acoustic displacement may occur

systems. Precautions must be taken to avoid falling

system from the stage or table on which it is placed.

Precautions for mounting the stand.

Some PRX500 series models have a 36mm socket for mounting the system on a tripod

or on a stand above the subwoofers. When using racks or stands, observe the following:

precautionary measures.

Check that the stands or stands used can support the weight of the speaker.

systems. Follow all precautions provided by the manufacturer.

Make sure the stand (or subwoofer/stands) is level and stable.

surfaces. Also make sure that all legs of the tripod are fully extended.

Place the stand so that there is no risk of tripping on the legs.

Route the cables in such a way that performers, technical personnel and listeners do not

tripped over them and didn't knock over the speakers.

Inspect the stand (or stand and associated equipment) before each use.

Do not operate equipment with damaged or missing components.

Do not attempt to place more than one PRX500 Series speaker system on a stand or stand.

Use extreme caution when working outdoors in windy conditions. For increase

stability, it may be necessary to place additional weight (such as sandbags) on

stand base. Do not place banners or similar items on any

part of the speaker system. This may cause the system to tip over.

If you are not sure that you can handle the weight of the speaker system, please contact your

installing the system on a tripod or stand.

Wireless operation

In all marketing materials and press releases, the manufacturer pays special attention to the wireless capabilities of the JBL EON One Compact. We are talking about the JBL Compact Connect application for device control and battery operation.

Speaker battery

The column is equipped with a built-in lithium-ion battery with a capacity of 6100 microamps. The battery is removable and replaceable, which is quite convenient: you can purchase a second battery, charge it and carry it with you. Replacement is as simple as possible: unscrew the screw, remove the cover, change the battery, and reassemble it as it was. The whole process takes less than a minute. About the same amount is needed to prepare the column for work.

To charge the battery, you need to install it in the compartment on the back of the speaker and connect it to the mains. Charging time directly depends on the activity of using the speaker system. The manufacturer promises that charging the battery takes 2.5 hours if you do not use the speaker, and 6 hours if you use the system to its fullest.

The first time we charged the battery while listening to music at medium volume via a wireless connection. In this mode, fully charging the battery took about three hours. With active use of several channels, Bluetooth connection to the application and use of effects, charging took longer - about 5.5 hours.

Battery compartment

The battery capacity is pleasantly surprising. The manufacturer says that one charge will last for 12 hours, depending on the intensity of use. We tested the system in different operating scenarios: when all channels were connected, effects were activated and the volume level was within 50-60%, the system worked on a single charge for approximately 6-6.5 hours. In light scenarios with listening to music via Bluetooth and a volume of around 10-20%, the battery provided about 11 hours of continuous operation. Consumption directly depends on the load, but even in the most difficult situations you can count on 4-5 hours of operation on a single charge.

Connecting your speaker to the JBL Compact Connect app

The system can be controlled from a smartphone or tablet via the JBL Compact Connect companion app. The application is free and exists in versions for iOS and Android. After downloading, the program automatically searches for EON One Compact systems connected via Bluetooth and allows you to combine up to four speakers into a single audio system.

Mixer tab

Once connected to the speaker, the application provides access to a rich set of settings located on five tabs: mixer, effects, output equalizer, presets and firmware update. What’s nice: the app and the physical console on the case know about each other’s existence, changes in the program are instantly visible on the panel itself, and all turns of the physical controls are displayed in the application.

Equalizer available for each channel

The mixer tab displays information about the settings of all channels of the device. The user can change the volume level and equalization parameters for each input, as well as activate additional functions: phantom power, ducking. The equalizer is simple and straightforward: four bands plus low- and high-pass filters.

Effects section

The effects tab features reverb, delay and chorus settings created by Lexicon, which, like JBL, are owned by HARMAN. The options are simple: you can select the reverb size, delay time and chorus speed, and also set the effect level.

Output equalizer in the app

The third tab contains a master equalizer that operates on the output. Eight processing lanes and four workpieces are available to the user. By default, the presets are not configured - it is assumed that the user himself will set the appropriate settings for performing, speaking and listening to music.

Snapshot system for saving user system settings

The global snapshot presets tab contains information about saved operating parameters. The status of all controls is written to one of seven user slots, while the eighth slot returns the column to factory settings.

The last tab is for system updates

Finally, the last tab displays information about the current EON One Compact firmware version. Here you can also find software updates and, if necessary, update it. The update process takes about 10 minutes: the application downloads the firmware, transfers it to the device and starts the update procedure.

Despite the ability to update, the application does not tell you what has changed in the new firmware version. Moreover, after the firmware was updated, smartphones and laptops stopped seeing the column, which the application warned about before the update began. I had to forget the connected device and reconnect to it to continue working.

Technical specifications for safety and compatibility with E...

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Technical specifications for safety and EMC compatibility

EN 55103-1:1997 Electromagnetic compatibility – standard for audio, video,

audio-video and external lighting control devices for professional

use, Part 1: Radiations

EN 55103-1:1997 Magnetic field emissions - Annex A @ 10 cm and 20 cm

EN 55022:2003 Limits and methods for measuring radio interference characteristics ITE: emission,

class B restrictions, conductivity class A.

EN 55103-2:1997 Electromagnetic compatibility – standard for audio, video,

audio-video and external lighting control devices for professional

use, Part 2: Immunity

EN 61000-4-2: A2:2001 Electrostatic discharge immunity (Environment E2-criterion B,

4 kV contact, 8 kV air discharge)

EN 61000-4-3:2003 emissions, radio frequency, electromagnetic immunity (E2 environment,

criterion A)

EN61000-4-4:2005 electrical fast transient/surge immunity

(criterion B)

EN 61000-4-5:2001 surge current immunity (criterion B)

EN 61000-4-6:1996 immunity to conducted disturbances caused by radio frequency fields

(Criterion A)

EN 61000-4-11:2004 Voltage sags, short interruptions and voltage variations

UL 6500 2nd edition 1999 Audio/video and musical instruments for the home,

commercial and similar uses.

CAN/CSA-E60065-00 audio, video and similar equipment - safety requirements

CSA Compliance Note

CSA certification is only applicable to CSA amplifier modules certified for

works on 120 V in Canada.

FCC Compliance Note

This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. The work satisfies the following two

conditions: 91) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device may

accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

Attention Measurements or modifications that do not comply with the agreements deprive the user of the right to

work with equipment.

Note: This equipment has been tested and found to be

Complies with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part of the FCC Rules. These

limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful radiation in residential areas.

This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy. Installation

device not in accordance with the user manual may cause interference

radio equipment. However, this is not a guarantee that interference will not occur in some installations. If

This equipment may not cause harmful interference to radio or television reception that may be determined by

By turning the equipment off and on, the user can try to correct the interference by one

from the following methods.

Change the orientation or position of the receiving antenna.

Increase the distance between equipment and living space.

Connect the equipment to a different outlet.

Consult an experienced radio/TV engineer for assistance.

Operating Temperature The Crown amplifier is designed...

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Working temperature

The Crown amplifier is designed to have very low

energy consumption and as a result practically does not heat up. In rare cases

overheating, the system automatically turns off. After the temperature returns to normal,

the device turns on again. Overheating of the device can occur at very high temperatures.

ambient temperature, as well as when operating the device in direct sunlight

lighting. Always provide adequate cooling.

What does the system sound like?

The sound is clear, rich and well balanced. However, some bias in the low frequencies is subjectively noticeable: the bass protrudes slightly forward either immediately after switching on or after a month of active use. An equalizer quickly solves the problem. There are no questions about the middle and top, their sound is pleasant, clear and collected, without wheezing or sand.

With all five channels (four available + wireless broadcast) fully loaded and the appropriate levels set, the system sounded clear. Without setting the levels, the microphone connected to the first channel quickly got lost in the mix against the background of other instruments.

During use, we filtered the low end of the bass and synth, but even without these manipulations, all connected instruments were quite intelligible. The latter will be useful for inexperienced users: you can use the EON One Compact according to the “plug and play” principle - the sound is beyond praise.

With two speakers, the system becomes even more fun: you can play with the settings, panorama the sources to achieve excellent sound. At this moment it becomes clear that the compact size has not affected the quality of work in any way - the EON One Compact is a completely professional device with which you can organize creative evenings, conduct small discos and events, give concerts outdoors and indoors. The power of one speaker is enough to rock a room of 40-50 square meters; for more compact rooms the power is clearly excessive.

The size of the system is questionable out of the box: the speaker is small and light, and does not seem to be capable of performing as well as heavy PA systems. However, the first tests show that size doesn't matter: the EON One Compact sounds great, covers small to medium-sized rooms with ease and can be used in any suitable application. Soundtracking of events, live performances in small halls, apartment parties and creative evenings, weddings and discos - the speaker is suitable for every scenario.

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