Headphone device: types, headphone design and operating principle

In the modern world you can find a wide variety of different types of headphones. Therefore, making the necessary choice will not be difficult for even the most demanding consumer. The choice of headphone device is carried out according to several parameters, the most important of which is the method of holding it in the ears. Based on this feature, two main types of devices are distinguished. The first ones are inserted directly into the ear. The second ones are called overhead ones because they are applied to the ears from the outside.

There are other differences that allow us to classify the available types of similar devices. Thus, headphone devices can be divided into wired models and those that work without wires. There are also open type devices and closed devices. In addition, they can have the form of liners or be vacuum. There are a number of other signs that allow you to divide devices into groups.

The design of headphones is the fundamental reason for the choice of most modern consumers. Today, this type of acoustic accessories is represented by several main product groups.


In everyday life, these devices have a simpler name - they are called “earbuds”. Among other models, they have the most attractive price. Most often, all kinds of mobile gadgets are equipped with similar accessories. For example, they can act as headphones for a phone. The modern standard for such models was created by the developers of Etymotic Research.

This happened in the first half of the 90s of the last century, but this group of goods became generally available much later. The speakers and headphones of this brand do not have the best sound quality - reviews say. In addition, the technique does not fit well with the anatomical features of some people. The package includes foam ear pads, but they do not provide the expected degree of sound insulation.

Guide to choosing headphones (part 2): detailed analysis, article. Magazine "Stereo & Video"

For those who want to know more and are serious about choosing headphones, I suggest you dig deeper and understand the design. After all, at their core, headphones are the same acoustics, reduced to the size of your ears. The operating principle is the same. But there are also differences.

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I told you how to choose headphones for a resident of a big city in the post “Guide to choosing headphones for a big city.” For those who want to know more and are serious about choosing, I suggest you dig deeper and understand the design of the headphones. After all, at their core, headphones are the same acoustics, reduced to the size of your ears. The operating principle is the same. But there are also differences.

Light plastic or heavy metal?

The body material is one of the most important factors determining the sound character of the acoustics. More precisely, its mechanical properties: rigidity, tendency to resonance. The situation is similar with headphones - the material of their housing also affects the sound. The standard solution is plastic. It is cheap and easy to shape into any shape. Therefore, traditionally plastic cases are used in budget headphones or in models with a complex design.

AKG K376 headphones in aluminum housing

To improve sound quality, metal cases are made from aluminum, copper or zinc alloys with high rigidity. This improves sound quality, however, buyers often do not like their high thermal conductivity. In-ear headphones and in-ear headphones made of metal, adjacent to the body, act as a radiator. They remove heat quite effectively, which creates a feeling of coolness. At some moments it is pleasant, but sometimes it can cause discomfort. In over-ear headphones there is no problem with metal touching the body, and if the metal used is not too heavy and in moderate quantities, such headphones will not only be of better quality, but also lighter than plastic ones.

Klipsch X7i In-Ear Ceramic Headphones

Another specific material is ceramics. Ceramic cases, for obvious reasons, cannot have pronounced edges, which limits the designer’s capabilities. But the acoustic properties of ceramics are highly valued - they are quite heavy and are usually used in in-ear headphones.

The Chinese company Esmooth produces headphones from different types of wood under OEM/ODM contracts. Under what brand can you find them in Russia? Yes under any

Wood is definitely a warm material that provides a specific sound. Manufacturers offer both large over-ear headphones with wooden cups and in-ear models, part of the body of which is made of wood. Those with a keen ear note that each type of wood has its own original sound. From a physics point of view, this is quite understandable. Each type of wood has specific resonant properties and absorbs sound vibrations differently. So it turns out that each tree “sings along” in its own way. Most manufacturers combine different cabinet materials to achieve both an original design and the desired sound character.

Polymer, Mylar or Titanium?

The next key element of any acoustics, and therefore any headphones, is the emitter (aka driver/speaker). Most often, acoustic systems are created on the basis of dynamic radiators. A similar situation is observed in the world of headphones. Classic headphones have one broadband emitter that reproduces the entire frequency range. Its design is similar to large speakers. There is a basket with a rigidly fixed permanent magnet, a voice coil located in a magnetic field and a membrane. Most manufacturers use polymer films to make membranes, which generally differ little from each other in their acoustic properties. Given the miniature size of the emitter, it’s difficult to come up with something special, but it’s still possible. Thus, more expensive headphones may use high-tech materials such as mylar film or polymers coated with titanium or aluminum.

Magnets also come in different qualities. For example, neodymium is often used instead of a conventional ferrite magnet in expensive models. This helps increase the power of the speaker while maintaining a compact size.

Millimeters times bass

As with speakers, the diameter of the speaker is important. When it comes to large over-ear headphones, the statement “the bigger the better” is quite true. Traditionally, headphones of this type are equipped with speakers with a diameter of 30 to 50-52 mm. A large driver develops greater sound pressure and produces deep and controlled bass. In addition, the larger the emitter, the easier it is for the developer to improve its design - it becomes possible to complicate the magnetic system and implement complex engineering solutions.

This is what the Pioneer HDJ-1500 headphone driver with a 50 mm membrane looks like

In practice, even inexpensive headphones with large 50mm drivers in the vast majority of cases provide better bass and better resolution than 30 and 40mm. At the same time, it is quite obvious that a 50 mm driver can only be found in rather bulky headphones, and for models with over-ear ear pads, a 40 mm driver would be a good option.

Sectional view of Sony MDR-EX500LP headphones. Membrane 13.5 mm

This observation also holds true for in-ear and in-ear models. Since their speakers are located much closer to the ear canal, we are talking about sizes of 6-15 mm. The advantages of large drivers are the same - deep bass and high resolution, all other things being equal. But in practice, when choosing headphones of this type with large diffusers, you are guaranteed to gain only in bass. A significant number of good-sounding models have relatively small speakers with diffusers with a diameter of 8-10 mm. This happens because larger speakers require a bulkier design that is difficult to make lightweight and ergonomic.

KEF headphones have two emitters: low-frequency (diameter 10 mm), and high-frequency/midrange (diameter 5.5 mm)

Another interesting point is in-ear headphones with micro-emitters. Their design difference is that the speaker is not installed inside the housing, but at the very output of the sound guide, that is, the speaker is actually moved deep into the ear canal as far as possible. Since the driver is moved even closer to the hearing organ, even a 4-6 mm cone is enough to achieve deep bass. Another advantage of such headphones is that the micro-emitter requires less energy; they work well even with low-power sound sources.

Balanced anchor

For all their popularity, dynamic emitters have several competing technologies. The second most popular are the so-called reinforcement emitters, used only in in-channel models. In the Russian version, this design is called “emitter with a balanced armature” (Balanced Armature). The design of such an emitter is quite unusual. In the field of a permanent magnet equipped with a U-shaped magnetic core, there is an armature with a voice coil. The emitter diffuser is attached to the armature using a lever or rod. When no current passes through the voice coil, the armature is balanced in the field of the magnet in a certain average position, and when an audio signal arrives at the coil, the armature begins to deflect, thereby setting the diffuser in motion.

The diagram shows how the pressure on the membrane occurs in the valve driver (Wikipedia)

The balanced armature design has a number of advantages, the main ones being high efficiency and compact dimensions. Therefore, such emitters have long been used in professional equipment, as well as for the creation of hearing aids. From the point of view of sound quality, “reinforcement” radiators have their advantages. In a conventional dynamic speaker, the voice coil is lighter than the cone, causing the inertia of the cone to resist its force. Hence the feeling of slowness and unclearness of the sound; by the way, it is stronger the lower the frequency. In a “reinforcement” driver, the armature with a voice coil rigidly fixed to it is the heaviest element of the moving system, so the diffuser becomes controllable, and the influence of its mass and inertia is minimal. The result is clear and accurate sound.

Logitech Ultimate Ears 600vi armature headphone driver device

This effect is especially noticeable at low frequencies and when listening at medium or high volumes. The design with a balanced anchor also has disadvantages. Typically, such emitters have a narrower frequency range than dynamic ones.

There is safety in numbers

It was the limitations in the width of the frequency range that led to the emergence of headphones with two or more emitters. Models are mass-produced that include two, three and even four “reinforcement” emitters. There are headphones that have a radiator with a balanced armature as a midrange/high-frequency element and a large low-frequency dynamic radiator. This option, of course, is not ideal in terms of sound quality, but it costs significantly less than two or more “fittings” in one housing. And conventional dynamic headphones are superior, at least technically.

Three-way armature headphones Fischer Audio TBA-04

There are also headphones with multi-band dynamic drivers. These are most often coaxial designs with microwave and low-frequency speakers, less often models with an isobaric operating principle, when two identical drivers emit sound into one chamber, from which a sound guide goes into the ear canal. The first option provides cleaner sound with better resolution, while the second allows you to significantly increase power and get deep bass without increasing the detail of the sound.

Drawing analogies between multi-band headphones and multi-band acoustics, one cannot help but wonder how the frequency separation occurs in this case. Depending on the design and combination of drivers, multi-band headphones may actually use crossovers. We are talking about the simplest first-order filters, consisting of a single element.

HiFiMan HE-6 isodynamic headphones, planar driver

Among the large models intended for listening at home, you can find headphones with electrostatic and isodynamic drivers. These are extremely expensive high-end models, and electrostatic headphones require special proprietary amplifiers, while isodynamic headphones are connected to power amplifiers designed to work with stationary acoustics. Both technologies can hardly be called affordable, much less widespread.

Continuation: Guide to choosing headphones (part 3): read the characteristics

Part one: Guide to choosing headphones for a big city

Prepared based on materials from the magazine “Stereo & Video”, February 2014
This article was read 14,245 times

The article is included in the sections:

How to choose. Buyer's Guide


Currently, these accessories are one of the most popular types of products that allow you to listen to all kinds of audio information from MP3 players and smartphones. The fixation of such devices in the ear is much better than in the previous model due to the deeper fit. This feature allows you to significantly improve the quality of playback of music tracks by reducing the amplitude of vibrations on the membrane. This also allows you to reduce the degree of sound distortion, as user reviews say.

A large number of different attachments are always included with the devices. The quality of in-ear headphones is much higher than that of in-ear headphones, but still lower compared to on-ear headphones. This is due to the fact that a miniature speaker is not physically capable of competing with larger models. Owners of this type of headphones are advised to pay attention on the streets due to the high-quality isolation of playback from external noise.

It is worth noting that plug-in and in-ear devices, due to their compactness, are the most suitable for use in mobile phones. In addition, their kit always includes a useful headset. Headphones with a microphone are the most popular among other analogues.

Types of acoustic design

Types (types) of acoustic design are closed and open headphones. There is also a semi-open type. From the name it is clear that this is something in between: not yet open, but not completely closed either.

  • Open headphones have large holes in the lid of the bowls or do not have it at all, and instead of a lid there is a mesh that protects the emitters from dust and damage. The open design provides a more natural sound color (especially in the mids and highs) and a wider stage. They often sound more airy and less energetic than closed ones. Semi-open headphones are also more logical to be classified as open, because the lids of the cups are no longer solid. The holes are just small. The disadvantage of open headphones is the lack of sound insulation in both directions. You can hear what's going on around you, and your music can be heard outside at almost the same volume as inside.

  • Closed type acoustic design of headphones. More versatile and widespread. The back covers of the cases are closed and have no holes. These headphones have better sound insulation, the sound is more energetic, and the bass is more powerful. You can listen to them not only at home, but anywhere. In the audiophile environment, it is common practice to change the sound signature of headphones by replacing the entire housing and covers separately. Different types of wood, for example, have different acoustic properties. This “trick” will not work with open headphones.

  • TOP 5: The best closed-back headphones
  • TOP 5: Open headphones (open type)


The method of fixing these accessories on the outside of the ear is eloquently contained in the name of the device. This type of headphones is the most convenient for sports models. They are placed on the outside of the auricle, but do not completely cover it. The speaker, which serves as a sound source, does not enter the internal cavity, but transmits sound from the outside.

This is the reason for installing a more powerful emitter capable of producing more powerful volume. This becomes possible due to the increased dimensions. This type of headphone is relatively compact. Two types of fastenings are installed on them. They have separate arms that fit on each ear, or are connected by a common mount in the form of an arch. Among the main disadvantages is insufficient sound insulation.

Full size

This type of accessory is well suited for stationary home use due to the excellent quality of the transmitted sound. However, the bulky dimensions of devices in this group do not allow them to be successfully used for trips and movements. Although this fact does not always stop connoisseurs of full-fledged sound.

The size of cups of such models can completely cover the ears. This feature, combined with elastic ear pads, allows you to create significant isolation from external noise, which makes it possible to perceive even the finest musical shades. Today, full-size headphones belong to the premium segment. Such accessories are lightweight and convenient in configuration. In some cases, folding models with a shortened version of the cord are used, which allows the device to be more advantageously used with mobile devices.


This type of model has many external similarities with full-size headphones due to its dimensions. The cups of these devices are also capable of covering the entire surface of the ears. But they differ in their more voluminous design, as well as significantly increased emitter power. In addition, such headphones are equipped with a powerful connecting arc and a long cable.

This headphone design is not at all intended for use with portable equipment and is unsuitable for listening to low-quality tracks. It uses a wide range of sound transmission, distributed in a precise balance. Such accessories are used for studio equipment and high-quality professional audio equipment.

Signal transmission methods

This characteristic allows you to divide headphone models according to the method of connection to playback equipment. This group has long been dominated by wired systems, which have no alternative at all. However, today in the consumer market you can buy headphones that use a wireless signal transmission system over a certain distance. Such devices are of exceptional quality; they do not limit freedom of movement at all. Bluetooth headphones are the most popular. This device is very compact and transmits high-quality sound.

How sound goes digital

Sound is analog in nature and travels through air. Air vibrations are converted into electrical vibrations through a microphone, and then a special converter captures them and encodes them in digital language.

It is during the encoding process that the further quality of the digital copy of the reproduced sound is set. The smaller the sampling step when digitizing audio, the more information about the audio will be transferred into digital format.


Wired systems have still not lost their relevance and are the most popular group of products among sound transmitting devices. They have a more attractive price and are distinguished by high quality playback. To connect headphones of this type, wires of different lengths are used through a connector equipped with a serial standard mini-jack 3.5 millimeter connector.

The wire can be equipped with a microphone or volume control, as well as a button that allows you to take a call. Wired systems are used for absolutely all types of headphones, regardless of the design or type of switch. USB headphones are in great demand. The device allows you to connect without bypassing the line output intended for most wired systems. The plug of these headphones fits into any unoccupied USB port, which is available on all modern devices.

Hissing and whistling

Occasionally, IEM listeners may hear slight interference at low volume levels, similar to hissing.
Because Most IEMs are very sensitive, meaning they easily pick up electrical noise when other headphones ignore it. There is no actual fix for this vulnerability, but if you add a resistor to the input line (to increase the resistance and reduce sensitivity), it may work. Some sources (one type of HDD on an iPod) produce more electrical noise. Whistling. IEMs in the frequency range from 1KHz ~ 10kHz have some “whistles” or “hisses”, which is very subjective. The problem seems obvious - the headphones produce a very sharp high-frequency sound, which, after prolonged listening, can irritate and tire the listener. There are two solutions - equalizer and customization and (or) selection of other attachments and filters.


The new wireless system allows the user to get rid of all the restrictions associated with wires. For some people, it is still a mystery what such systems are and what you need to pay attention to when purchasing such devices. Although all 4 types of wireless systems still exist today, the radio and infrared ports are practically no longer used.

The most popular compact device is Bluetooth headphones. In addition, the demand for Wi-Fi systems, the distinctive feature of which is a large reception radius, is increasing. Wi-Fi devices are capable of receiving transmissions directly from the network. Such devices receive power from personal batteries built into the body. Among headphones with wireless equipment, you can also find hybrid systems that allow you to use different connection paths.

The wire on the headphones is broken: how to find the break and fix it at home

First you need to determine exactly whether the wire has broken or whether the failure of the electronic device is due to something else. To find a breakdown, you can use a multimeter or try to find a break mechanically. If everyone is familiar with the second method: just rub the wiring of both outputs and you can hear intermittent sound. The first method of determination requires skill in working with a multimeter.

Testing with a multimeter: basic procedure

Using a multimeter makes the process easier and faster. To search, you must:

  • make small cuts in the top layer of insulation near the speaker and plug, then carefully remove the protective white or transparent layer;
  • connect the black probe of the device to one cut, and the red one to the other, setting the desired voltage with the lever;
  • If this section of the copper core is operational, then we continue searching until the device stops beeping.

You need to remove the braid from the cables using a special tool, because with a knife you can damage the conductor itself. It happens that the multimeter constantly makes a sound, so there is a possibility of suspecting a problem in the speaker or plug itself.

How to solder headphones so they work as before

A broken cable can be repaired, so don't rush to the store for new electronics. The only thing you may need (if you don’t have it at home) is rosin and tin (these are raw materials for soldering):

  1. Remove the insulating layer along with the protective layer using special nippers. In this case, you need to completely remove the entire braid.
  2. Next, cut the wires in the damaged area so as not to split them. The cut should be perfectly smooth.
  3. We heat up the soldering iron, meanwhile we reliably twist the cut wires so that the contacts correspond to each other.
  4. We apply solder to the soldering iron rod and process the pre-stripped conductors.
  5. Next, we heat up the thermal tubes (insulation for wires) and put them on the copper conductors, pay special attention to the soldering points. It is important to further isolate these areas.

The headset conductors have three interconnected cables inside: two audio outputs and one grounding. You need to be more careful with this arrangement.

Replacing the conductor in headphones: the basics of the process

If multiple damages are noticed on the conductor, then soldering alone is probably not enough. Most likely, this method will not solve the problem. Therefore, we will tell you how to replace a damaged cable with a new one:

  1. Choose unnecessary headphones, but with a working cable. To remove it, remove the insulating layer and carefully unsolder all connections.
  2. In order to remove the contacts on the audio outputs, you need to carefully open the case so as not to break the wiring; we repeat similar actions with the second contact.
  3. We unsolder the old wires from the desired headphones, then carefully place the new conductor into the housings for the “ears” and solder the contacts on the plug and near the speakers.
  4. Then we heat the insulating layer and put it on the conductors; we reinforce it with silicone tubes near the plug and auditory outputs.
  5. Let's connect the halves of the headphones using Moment glue.

HELPFUL INFORMATION! To ensure that the wiring is securely fastened and your headphones last longer, tie a knot in each headphone housing, without putting too much tension on the conductors. Clogs in the socket contacts can accumulate for years, so the device may require preventative cleaning after prolonged use.

iPhone headphone device

The main manufacturer of this category of products is Apple, which recently launched a new series of AirPods with a wireless connection system. This is the company's first experience in producing wireless headphone devices that connect via Bluetooth. This decision was most likely provoked by the lack of a 3.5 mm jack in the new iPhone 7/7s, which allows you to connect wired accessories. This means that consumers had to use adapters to connect or purchase branded devices with a Lightning connector.

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