Signal generator: circuit, principle of operation, device, types

Audio frequency generator and its areas of application

An audio frequency generator is a device used to generate frequencies in the audio range, namely from twenty to twenty thousand hertz. The device converts electromagnetic vibrations into sound ones.

Any sound generator consists of several required parts: passive circuits, a source of electricity, an active element, and a feedback device (circuit). Each of these elements performs its own function. Thus, passive circuits provide excitation and constant maintenance of oscillations. Active elements convert the received energy into vibrational energy. Feedback circuits mainly control the active parts and ensure the creation of conditions for the occurrence of self-oscillations.

The audio frequency generator is mainly used to tune or determine certain technical characteristics of low frequency paths. They are also used to control nodes and elements of transceiver radio devices. Another function assigned to the audio frequency generator is their use as modulators, as well as sources for powering measuring devices and their calibration. Many devices allow you to change their output signal in certain small steps, which allows you to very precisely tune any equipment.

Also, audio frequency generators can be used to search for places where pipelines or cables are laid. The device is optimal for searching over long distances. This is achieved by adjusting the output power through two stages. It is also characterized by the ability to emit several frequencies simultaneously, which provides search using multi-frequency technology.

The audio frequency generator is widely used in the creation of analog synthesizers. These synthesizers have one characteristic feature - they allow you to build the final instrument on the basis of blocks that are practically independent from each other. All signals that pass between individual blocks are clearly standardized. Also, the voltage level is completely consistent, since all the signals that are transmitted are of a non-digital nature.

When the synthesizer is operating, the pressed key on its keyboard transmits a signal to the input port of the audio frequency generator. The amount of voltage that a given signal has determines the pitch that the sound generator must produce. As a result of the transformations, a variety of sound frequencies are obtained, formed according to different wave natures. Thanks to this, the main timbre of the sound is directly formed. At this point, using a mixer, you can organize control of the levels of all used waveforms, as well as additionally add noise signals.


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Tone generator - reproduces sound at a certain frequency and volume. Will help you set up pop speakers, component speakers or a subwoofer.

How can he help you with this? On almost all car amplifiers, the “twist” of the HPF and LPF filters has too wide a frequency spread, for example, from 10 Hz to 10,000 Hz, and sometimes it is extremely difficult to catch exactly the required cutoff.

How to use a tone generator.

1. First, you need to apply an audio signal to the amplifier input from a device (PC, smartphone, etc.) connected to the Internet and reproducing sound.

2. All other devices from the amplifier input must be disconnected.

3. After making sure that the sound from the device connected to the amplifier is reproduced, you can begin adjusting the amplifier filters.

Let's look at setting up amplifier filters using the example of a two-way system built on a channel-by-channel connection to a 4-channel amplifier.

For example, tweeters

connected to amplifier outputs 1 and 2. We connect a tone generator to the corresponding inputs of the amplifier.

If the tweeter must operate with a limit of 4000 Hz, we set this frequency on the tone generator. On the amplifier, in this case, you need to set the HPF control to a higher value (for example, 8000 Hz or to the extreme position of the control knob). We turn on the tone generator and very smoothly and slowly turn the control knob in the opposite direction until we hear the specified tone signal in the tweeters. As soon as the volume of the tone signal stops increasing when turning the knob, this means that the amplifier filter is set at the specified frequency of 4000 Hz.

Now you need to adjust the midbass


Switch the device with the tone generator from inputs 1 and 2 to inputs 3 and 4.

First, we set the HPF at a frequency, for example, 65 Hz (set in the same way as for the tweeter). After the HPF adjustment is completed, we move on to the LPF (low pass filter) adjustment.

The frequency is set, for example the same 4000 Hz, on the tone generator. Use the LPF control knob on the amplifier to set the value below the set frequency of the tone generator.

Turn on the tone signal and slowly turn the knob forward.

When we hear a tone generator signal in the tuned speaker and its volume stops increasing when we turn the knob, the specified filter value has been set.

All other system components are configured in exactly the same way.

Let's look at another simple example - you need to set a clear cutoff at 65 Hz:

  1. We take a mobile phone and connect it via a Mini Jack-2RCA cable to the car amplifier.
  2. Then we set the “gain” of the filter on the amplifier to a higher frequency (for example, 100-200 Hz).
  3. Next, turn on our tone generator at 65 Hz and begin to slowly turn the filter knob on the amplifier towards 65 Hz.
  4. As soon as the sound volume in the speakers (subwoofer) stops increasing as you turn the knob, you have reached the required value of 65 Hz.

Audio frequency generator

What is a sound generator and what is it used for? So, let's first define the meaning of the word “generator”. Generator – from lat. generator – manufacturer. That is, to explain in everyday language, a generator is a device that produces something. Well, what is sound? Sound is vibrations that our ears can detect. Someone farted, someone hiccupped, someone sent someone - all these are sound waves that our ears hear. A normal person can hear vibrations in the frequency range from 16 Hz to 20 Kilohertz. Sound up to 16 Hertz is called infrasound , and sound over 20,000 Hertz is called ultrasound .

From all of the above, we can conclude that a sound generator is a device that emits some kind of sound. Everything is elementary and simple

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