Headphones fall out of your ears - what to do if the headphones don’t stay in place

There's a good chance that if you buy a smartphone in 2022 or 2021, you'll have TWS headphones. Apple's AirPods have been so successful that Sony, Samsung and even audiophile companies are feeling the pressure. As a result, they all started making their own headphones, which only need a wire to charge (and not always). The benefits of going completely wireless are obvious: compact size, less confusion, and many more. However, almost all headphones of this type have one serious drawback that must be dealt with somehow. These headphones keep falling out of the ears of even those who fit them. Do I need to tell you how easy it is to lose them? It’s better to discuss why this happens and whether it is possible to somehow resist it.

TWS headphones are very convenient, but they also have disadvantages.

Additional nuances

Anatomical features

Not all ears are the same, that's a fact.
In many people, for example, the “tragus” or “antitragus” part is poorly defined. For them, the question of how to properly secure a Bluetooth headset in their ear is not worth it: it simply does not stick. In this case, there are several tips: either use vacuum and full-size devices, or buy additional accessories, such as ear pads with fixation. You can buy them, for example, on Aliexpress.


Wearing headphones incorrectly can result in you turning up the volume above the required level. After all, the noise around you bothers you. But this can lead to hearing loss. Also, if you use a headset to listen to music, you shouldn’t do it continuously: take breaks.

Vacuum headphones can also lead to the formation of earwax. They need to be taken out from time to time, the ear pads should be washed (after removing them), and inserted correctly into the ear. Then these and other problems, such as headaches from wearing them incorrectly, will not be a problem for you.


Finally, the most important tip: safety. Be careful on the road, at pedestrian crossings and, even more so, when riding a bicycle or driving a car. In some cases, it is better to use the device only to take calls and not listen to music to maintain control.

Types of headphones

Why does the earphone fall out of my ear? As a rule, this is due to improper wearing of the device. You should consider the type of device purchased. The most famous types of headphones are in-ear headphones and earbuds. They are very convenient and compact in size, but they also have disadvantages.

In-ear headphones fall out of your ears. The droplets are inserted tightly only when you select the right ear pads, and not everyone succeeds. That's why they also slip out of the ear.

My cunning child

August was ending, and my daughter asked me to buy her a headphone splitter.

Well, I think, fuck it - soon to go to school, have girlfriends there, listen to some girly music/movies together, like decent people, and not one at a time in the ear, in the stereo, without hitting their heads... An advanced child is growing up, I think, caring, far-sighted...

Yeah. Today I went into her room to turn on the computer, and -

Just like that.

It is worth noting that these headphones are cheaper than dirt and have good quality. Over time, one stops playing. It's a connector issue. After resoldering, it looks so-so, and the child doesn’t really want to wear them anymore, which is why there is a mountain of these one-eared ones.

The price of the connector is $0.4, the price of the splitter is $0.6.

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How to wear headphones?

  1. Always insert and remove headphones carefully. If you pull on the wire, the tip may come off and remain in the ear canal. Also, sharply pulling out the vacuum attachment can cause pain.
  2. Don't wear headphones on the street, especially where there is a lot of traffic. This is a basic safety requirement: you need to hear drivers’ signals, watch the road - in a word, be careful so as not to endanger your life. This rule needs to be literally “drilled into” to schoolchildren who walk around with “ears” constantly, almost without reacting to external stimuli.
  3. If the wires are not of very high quality, then in the cold they will harden, become brittle and may break. Therefore, it is better to wear the wire under your clothes, attaching it with special clothespins.

The right device will allow you to enjoy your favorite music without disturbing anyone around you. It’s best to listen to music when you’re on the subway or bus, when you’re working out in the gym or gym, or when you’re relaxing at home.

And headphones can also become part of the image, especially for modern teenagers.

I love running and skiing and have come up with warm headphones, the purpose of which is to cover the ears from the sharp and cold wind. Bright, multi-colored fur balls on the ears will make every girl a little cuter, bringing to mind the image of a cute little girl from childhood. And how funny younger girls look in them, especially if funny cartoon characters are depicted on the “ears”! The main thing is not to forget that even such warm details will not cover your entire head from the cold and wind.

Rules for wearing vacuum headphones

The described device is an invention that has made human life much brighter and more interesting. But many music lovers are forced to abandon this device due to the fact that it impairs their hearing. After all, people often wear them incorrectly:

  • You need to know that you cannot turn on your headphones at full volume and listen to music in them for a long period.
  • If vacuum headphones are worn incorrectly, a plug will form in the ears, as the tips push wax into the ear canal, which in excess amounts impairs hearing.

In addition, vacuum headphones often fall out of the ears. What should I do to fix this?

  1. Placement of the device should begin by lightly pushing the earphone deep into the ear.
  2. The device must be securely fixed there. In the absence of this, the sound quality will deteriorate significantly: low-frequency bass will be heard worse, and extraneous noise from the street, on the contrary, will be better. By the way, if you insert the headphones incorrectly, you can feel a headache. This leads to irritability and weakness.
  3. The devices must be equipped with ear pads that fit perfectly in the ear. They should not fit into the ear canal too tightly or fall out.
  4. The earphone is inserted into the ear with a smooth screwing motion. In this case, you need to feel how the pad fills the ear canal.
  5. After use, the device must be carefully pulled out of the ear. If you pull it out sharply, the pad may get stuck and only a doctor can remove it.
  6. The pads need to be changed periodically. After all, they wear out over time. You also need to position the device correctly - if this is a standard modification, then it is inserted into the ear canal at a right angle. If it is a rotated device, the wire will be behind the ear.

Tip 3: Using EarBuddyz 2.0 Overlays

They are the most popular overlays, they have the largest number of purchases and the highest rating on Amazon. This is well deserved, because they have the correct shape, repeating the shape of the ear. Helps securely place AirPods in your ears.

The material is based on soft, pleasant-to-touch silicone that seals the headphones. The main difference is the hook on top. The ear pads help the headphones fit snugly in your ear. You can run, jump, chop wood, whatever, and the headphones will remain in their place. There is only one drawback - the pads have to be removed when putting them in the case.

How is it used?

In short, silicone ear pads for AirPods did not solve the problem.

Yes, the slippage is now noticeably less. However, under the weight of the stem, the headphones still fall out of the ear canal. They barely stay on the very edge of the ear. They hold up better, but, frankly speaking, I expected something a little different.

In any case, the ear pads do not cover the sensors, headphone vents, and other vital elements of the AirPods. All declared functions work exactly the same as without overlays.

In addition, the headphones fit into the standard case without any problems. Nothing sticks out or sticks out, and the case lid closes without any problems.

There are several colors to choose from. The most universal ones, of course, are white. They are practically invisible, and this is the most important thing. The black color looks a bit sketchy. However, this is my humble and most dubious opinion.

How to use AirDots?

After pairing with a smartphone via Bluetooth, the headphones will connect automatically as soon as the user takes them out of the case. Due to the presence of buttons on the body, a music and call control system is implemented:

  1. A single click answers an incoming call or pauses a track.
  2. A double, sequential press calls up the default voice assistant, be it a solution from Google, Alice or Siri.
  3. Holding the key for more than a second will reject an incoming call.
  4. To end a call, double-click one of the earbuds.

There are no controls for switching tracks. Users use a voice assistant for this, but more often switch music tracks manually.

At first, you will have to touch your ears often, out of habit. If, after touching, the headset fits uncomfortably in your ears, change the ear pads so that they tightly cover the ear canal.

What to do if headphones fall out of your ears

Some modifications of in-ear headphones solve this problem in an original way. They are designed to be worn with the cable facing up. Then the entire load will fall on the replacement wire, and the headphones will last longer. Another feature associated with such wearing: the dimensions of the headphones can be much larger, which allows several emitters to be placed in the housing.

This is also how the wires are placed at the fittings. When worn upside down, it is possible to hang them on the ears, the result will be the same as when worn around the neck.

It's not just high-end headphones that are designed to be worn this way. Inverted models also exist from some budget manufacturers. These models stand out because they fill the auricle more tightly.

By the way, standard headphones can be worn in the opposite way: by turning them over and putting the cable on your ear. True, some modifications do not allow this to be done, but most often you can wear any model on your ears without fear of accidentally pulling it out, for example, during a difficult moment in training. Such devices guarantee a tight fit in the ear canals under heavy loads, so the headphones rarely fall out of the ears.

Open headphones

A revolution in the development of these devices was the invention of open types of headphones. In the 2000s, the first “barrels” appeared - models that allow you to insert an attachment into each ear.

Their appearance is associated with the spread of mobile gadgets. They gave people the opportunity to listen to music on the street, while jogging and traveling. But, alas, such headphones fall out of your ears.

Can ears adapt over time?

Don't torture yourself trying to get used to something that doesn't suit you. Your ears will obviously not adapt to headphones, but you can get into trouble with your health. If you continue to wear unsuitable headphones, or wear them incorrectly, you can easily damage your hearing.

  1. Improper wearing leads to hearing loss. The design of the headphones is such that they reproduce sound at a volume greater than what human hearing can withstand. You should not listen to music that is played very loudly for a long time.
  2. Vacuum holders must be inserted correctly; if this is done incorrectly, then plugs may form in the ears. By inserting the earphone incorrectly, you can push wax into the ear canal, which accumulates and impairs hearing.
  3. Incorrect use of headphones leads to headaches. Overwork and irritability.

Such troubles do not happen to those who use the gadget correctly. It doesn't matter what kind of earphone you have - earbuds or in-ear. It is necessary to follow safety standards in order not to lose your hearing.

To summarize all that has been said, I would like to say: Wear it correctly, choose it well. Don't hurt your ears. If something irritates you, or you feel inconvenience and discomfort, choose the right attachments, try wearing the earbuds differently. If all else fails, then change the gadget to another model. After all, your own health is much more expensive than any “bells and whistles”. And don’t get carried away by listening to music at full volume for a long time. Otherwise, soon you will have to choose not headphones, but a hearing aid.

How to put on headphones correctly?

Some people become so familiar with headphones that they consider them an extension of themselves. But this invention is not only convenient, but also dangerous. Wearing gadgets incorrectly can cause hearing loss, irritability, fatigue and headaches.

In order not to lose your health, you need to adhere to a number of rules.

The habit of listening to loud music for a long time can lead to hearing loss, since the sound output from headphones is much stronger than the human ear can withstand. Earbuds that are inserted too harshly can push accumulated wax into the ear canal, causing a blockage. If this happens, the quality of hearing will noticeably decrease, then the doctor will have to deal with the problem. Standard headphones are inserted at an angle of 90 degrees. The rotated model must be put on so that the wire is located behind the ear. The insert should be inserted slowly, pushing slightly deeper

It is better to do this smoothly, as if screwing the device into the ear until it is firmly in place. The gadget with pads must be inserted carefully, not too deeply, but tightly enough. It is also necessary to take out the headphones without haste. If you pull it sharply, the pad may get stuck in your ear, in which case you will need the help of a doctor again. It is safer to use headphones if the pads are periodically updated, because they wear out and require replacement.

If you adhere to the proposed rules, there will be no health problems. Knowing how to properly put on and take off headphones will greatly help you cope with the second problem – earbuds falling out.


A consultation with an otolaryngologist (ENT doctor) is necessary.

Your doctor will test your hearing using speech and pure tone audiometry and determine the diagnosis and severity of your hearing loss.

Depending on the hearing condition and the cause of hearing loss, drug treatment is prescribed.

If necessary, additional diagnostic and treatment methods are used.

Group for hearing restoration using self-healing techniques sluh-vrach.ru

How does a person wearing headphones survive in the city? A person is constantly in two worlds: the body in real space, and hearing in virtual space. These spaces do not intersect and the brain cannot adequately assess the situation that surrounds the person and make a decision. A bus is driving towards him, wearing headphones, he is on stage next to a rock band.

When crossing the road, take off your headphones; in a dangerous situation, you can react quickly. You will have perfect hearing if you stop using headphones. If you constantly listen to loud music, your hearing will get used to it over time and you will want to constantly make the music louder.

How to insert vacuum headphones into your ears?

To insert vacuum headphones into your ears, it is important to adhere to certain rules that will help achieve the highest quality sound without damaging your hearing aid. So, insert vacuum headphones as follows:

  1. Bring the earphone to the entrance of the ear canal and gently push it with your finger to secure it inside.
  2. With your other hand, pull back your earlobe and push the device until it no longer fits easily into your ear.
  3. Release the earlobe, and the earphone will lock into your ear thanks to the natural clamping force that occurs when the auricle is restored to its normal position.

Selecting the diameter of the ear pads and the shape of the in-ear headphones for comfortable wearing

In-ear headphones are designed specifically to seal the ear canal with a soft cushion that is gentle on the skin with its smooth surface and expands the passage to secure the speaker housing.

The latter is located at the back of the barrel and transmits sound through a short tube

In order to wear in-ear headphones correctly, it is important to correctly select the diameter of the ear pads and their material, which must correspond to the anatomical features of a particular person.

Recommendations: 7 Best In-Ear Headphones

, 7 best headphones for sports

9 Best Vacuum Headphones

There are three types of headphone tips by number:

1 - has an edge with a diameter of 5 mm and a thickening of up to 7 mm, designed for children, girls or short people (although there are individual characteristics of the ear canal that do not fall under these statistics).

2 - have 5 mm on the outside and an extension of up to 9 mm, which is suitable for people of average height and tall.

3 - equipped with an inlet of 5 mm and an expander of up to 11 mm, which is rarely used in the case of a large diameter of the ear canal.

Selecting a headset with ear pads of a suitable diameter that matches the user’s parameters will ensure proper wearing and a minimum of discomfort

When choosing ear pads, you should pay attention to the material from which they are made.

The softer it is, the more pleasant it will be on the skin, and the easier it will be to insert and remove the device. The most optimal are silicone headphones. After them, in second place, are rubber liners, and only then PVC.

It is important to remember that the thickness of the ear pads also affects the wearing of in-ear headphones. The thinner the material, the easier it is to insert the barrel into the ear, but the insulating effect will be less and vice versa

If all the tried options do not bring satisfactory results, then you can try ordering the production of in-ear headphones according to individual parameters, but this is only available in large cities and will cost more.

The shape of the headphones can be straight or curved. The former tire the ears faster and outwardly they look less organic, due to the oblique entrance to the auditory canal. Optimal for proper wearing are curved earbuds, in which the housing with the speaker has a slight turn on the tube with attached ear pads.

What to do if your headphones fall out

If the device falls out a couple of times, this cannot be called a serious problem. It's another matter if the situation repeats regularly. To cope with this problem, you should first study the design of the device.


Among miniature headphone models, in-ear headphones are the most popular. Thanks to the design, the sound from the device does not enter the ear canal directly. This is one of the advantages of the accessory - it protects a person from loss of hearing acuity.

However, due to their shape, they hold poorly in the auricle. There is no need to rush to the store to buy a new device, because the problem can be dealt with. A few recommendations will help you with this:

  1. Most often, manufacturers supplement products with attachments of different sizes. Before purchasing, you need to select from the entire set the most suitable ear pads for the size and shape of your ears. The first time you can implement your plan only through experience. The next time you buy, all you have to do is start selecting from the size and shape that suited you the first time. If nozzles are not included in the kit, you can purchase them separately or borrow them from another model, because most often the earbuds have the same shape and size.
  2. The correct placement of the earbuds in the auricle is also important. To position them correctly in the ear, you should first apply a little pressure on the front of the auricle, tilting it forward slightly. Then insert the cup of the device into your ear and press lightly on it. Do not press with force, you may damage your hearing or get a headache. If everything was done correctly, you will forget about the problem of the device falling out.
  3. The original option is to place the bowl backwards, that is, so that the wire is on top. With this method of placement, the cable will not only stop pulling the earcups down, but will also help hold them inside the ear, acting as a kind of earhook. Of course, this option is not universal and does not work with all devices. But it’s worth a try - maybe this method will be the best way out of the situation for you.

Vacuum models

They have a similar design. Here, too, it is necessary to use special attachments that ensure comfortable use. To ensure comfort and prevent the problem of loss, you must:

  1. Select the size of ear pads. If you choose the size and shape of the pads wisely, you will not only solve the problem of regular hair loss, but also provide excellent noise reduction.
  2. Once you have decided on the shape, size and material of the ear pads, you can proceed to the correct placement. This should be done with smooth movements, carefully screwing the cups into the auricle. To make the process easier, you can lightly pull the lobe.

If the headphones have not caused such problems before, it means that the ear pads are worn out, have lost their original shape and it’s time to buy new ones. For this reason, you should not give the accessory to friends or relatives - the ear pads may be damaged. If there is an urgent need, change the pads. This way you will avoid possible troubles.

What to do if you have a loss?

If the headphones fall out a couple of times, this should not be taken into account. You need to take action when falls occur regularly. Regardless of the type of gadget (vacuum or droplets), they may not fit well in the ears and require adjustment. Let's consider solving problems separately for each type of headphones.


Earbuds (or droplets) are very popular. They are designed so that sound does not enter the ear canal directly, this makes it possible to protect the owner from the development of hearing loss. But the smooth lines of the tiny body cause the gadget to slip out of the ear.

There are recommendations for such cases.

  1. Ideal attachments. One way to keep gadgets in your ears is to use suitable ear tips. Often, several sets of ear pads come with headphones. Everyone knows that nozzles come in different sizes and are even made from different materials. Our task is to choose from the variety of models the most suitable ear size and shape. If they are not included in the kit, you can borrow them from other headphones or buy them. Having selected the ideal nozzles, you should remember their parameters and use similar products in the future.
  2. Correct placement in the ear. Failure to place the earbuds in the ear canal may result in earbuds falling out. To ensure the headphones fit correctly, you should lightly press the protruding part of your ear and tilt it forward slightly. Then insert the earbud into the ear canal at a right angle and press it lightly. It should be remembered that when performing such actions, sudden and strong movements are unacceptable.
  3. Non-standard placement. There are times when headphones fall out under the weight of the wire. Then the simplest, albeit non-standard solution would be to turn the liners over. This redirects the wire to the top of the ear and stops pulling the earcup down. This trick doesn’t work with every headphone, but it’s worth a try, maybe this is the lucky break.
  4. Big size. Sometimes earbuds are purchased that are too large and contain a pair of emitters in their housing. It may seem strange, but large headphones are more difficult to keep in your ears than small ones.


Each person has their own unique ear structure. Manufacturers of vacuum headphones focus on the average anatomical proportions of users. The dilemma has not yet been resolved: the headphones fall out of non-standard ears or the shape of the product is to blame. There are different ways to solve the problem, we suggest you familiarize yourself with them.

  1. Location in the ear. Structurally, vacuum products are similar to regular earbuds, and the reasons why they do not stay in the ears are very similar. Sometimes the standard positioning of specific headphones causes them to slip out of the ear. You need to slowly redirect the products, turning them to one side or the other by 30 degrees, until the gadgets fit properly. If this does not help, you should try other methods that we suggest below.
  2. Size. Large headphones, depending on the design of the auricle, may press or fall out. In the first case, the situation can lead to headaches and other unpleasant consequences. The second option indicates that you will have to choose a gadget with a more suitable size.
  3. Overlays. By trial and error, you should choose the most suitable nozzles for yourself.

The following types of products will help you deal with the problem of gadgets falling out of your ears.

  • With hooks. Such pads provide additional fastening and a tighter fit in the ear opening.
  • Silicone. The anti-slip material has a secure fit and helps keep the products in your ears even while running.
  • Sponge The most budget material, but not the worst. The sponge pads sit tightly in the ears and fit well to the headphones themselves.

Sponge pads

One of the cheapest headphone covers is the sponge type. They fit snugly on the earphone itself and are quite comfortable to the ear.

The only disadvantage is that the sponges do not provide additional vacuum. But not everyone needs this.

How to make sure that headphones do not fall out of your ears, everyone decides for themselves. But the rule for using any pads - use by only one person - must be followed by everyone

This is important not only from the point of view of adapting their shape to the ear, but also from the point of view of hygiene

Among the variety of headphone models, the most popular are those that can be inserted inside the ear. They take up little space, are light in weight, and are comfortable to use.

However, despite all the advantages, such devices have one significant drawback - a fairly common problem is when they fall out at the most inopportune moment. To avoid such a situation, it is necessary to find out the reasons for the trouble and how to deal with it.

Disadvantages of TWS headphones

AirPods illustrate the problem better than most, which is somewhat ironic given their popularity. The basic model has a universal shape, but sometimes it feels like it still doesn’t suit everyone. But even those for whom they fit still complain about them falling out during sudden movements. This makes them a poor choice for exercise.

The best way I felt that headphones needed to be “tied” to my ears was when I was wearing new white headphones for 20,000 rubles Fortunately, I found it, but it was unpleasant.

However, similar problems exist with most other headphones, whether they're as cheap as the Soundcore Liberty Air 2 or as expensive as the Sony WF-1000XM4 . Many companies have made the wise decision to make TWS headphones in-ear (with rubber tips), and at the same time include tips of several sizes in the kit. However, in some cases they are still not good enough, especially for people who cannot afford to just change headphones for 10,000-20,000 rubles .

Proper use of headphones

They can be of any shape: droplets, barrels, “plugs”. The main thing that all modern headphones have in common is the principle of blocking the internal auditory canal. Their small size and almost complete isolation from external noise have made vacuum headphones an indispensable thing for a modern person. They can be worn outside without attracting much attention, used even in winter under clothes, and you can listen to your favorite music in a noisy environment.

What dangers do headphones pose?

  • Hearing loss. If you listen to sound in such a device all day long, you may develop deafness. Since the human ear perceives sound within the range of 85-90 decibels, and the maximum volume of headphones can be from 110 to 130 decibels, the sensitivity of the eardrum decreases, and the person will hear worse. Therefore, you cannot turn the sound on at maximum volume.
  • Sulfur plugs. Vacuum headphones interfere with the normal removal of wax from the ears. If you often listen to music through such headphones, then over time wax plugs will begin to form in your ears.
  • Headache and fatigue. When you listen to music in your ears, various stereo effects are enhanced, which can cause a headache, which, in turn, leads to rapid fatigue and constant irritability.

To avoid such problems, it is important to choose this device correctly for yourself. Vacuum headphones are equipped with soft silicone tips that fit snugly to the auricle, blocking out extraneous noise, and at the same time do not put pressure on the cartilaginous base of the ear

Stop cleaning your ears with cotton swabs

If you have recently experienced headphones falling out of your ears, then most likely, a lot of earwax has accumulated in your ear canal, which leads to them falling out easily.

Using cotton swabs to remove earwax is not a recommended method. The wax will press against the eardrum, inadvertently causing a blockage inside the ear canal.

If you think that this is the problem, it would be better to consult a doctor to clean the wax in a safe way.

This may help: wireless headphones do not pair with each other - how to fix it?

How to choose the right headphones

To select them, they are put on directly in the store to check how the device fits. But this does not always work, as discomfort may appear after several days of wearing. Therefore, there are several tips that will help you choose the right device:

  1. Choose the softest possible ear pads.
  2. Make sure that there is a layer of soft material on the hoop. Most often, it is located both under the hoop and on it.
  3. Another way is to choose the size of the headphones themselves. If constant pressure has become a big problem, try buying a small design.
  4. Try headphones that are used for phones (put in your ears).
  5. Buy only products from reputable manufacturers. If a brand has been able to establish itself in the market, it has a minimum of negative reviews (this also applies to convenience).
  6. If you already had such a device before, and they seemed convenient to you, buy the same ones.

There are many ways to prevent headphones from pressing. However, you need to use the tips carefully so as not to break the device.

Choose a style for wearing headphones behind your neck

This is probably the best solution if you are looking to buy new headphones for your daily jogging. There are many types and styles of headphones that have been designed for running and sports, such as the behind-the-neck style. Some are designed to be like a hairband that is placed on the back of the neck while the headphones sit in the ears.

Others have a special base ring that fits around your neck and is connected via a cable to your headphones.

Why can your ears hurt when using headphones?

Here two factors come first: sound and physical impact. The first is when listening to music at volumes and frequency levels that are beyond the capabilities of hearing. The second is when the shape and size of the earphone are so incompatible with the ear canal that they put pressure on it and can even injure it over time.

Also, the use of these devices can aggravate existing diseases.

For example, in the initial stages of otitis (inflammation of the outer or middle ear), pain from exposure to music indicates that it is necessary to check with a doctor.

If a person has a wax plug, it creates internal pressure, clogging the ear canal, and the earphone pushes it even deeper, thereby increasing the pain.

There is also another dangerous disease provoked by headphones: sensorineural hearing loss, characterized by the death of sound-receiving hairs in the cochlea. It develops in 4 stages:

  • decreased sensitivity of the eardrum due to excessively loud sounds; it also stretches and becomes less elastic (in the worst case, it ruptures);
  • deterioration in the perception of any sound vibrations;
  • increased internal pressure (due to the presence of a foreign object in the ear);
  • disruption of the conduction of nerve impulses to the brain centers.

The result is disturbances in speech recognition, auditory hallucinations, problems with the vestibular apparatus (and with it, damage to internal organs), and in the worst case, progressive irreversible deafness.

What are the dangers of wearing headphones incorrectly?

Incorrect use of playback devices leads to a lot of problems, among which the following are considered common:

  • Gradual hearing loss due to direct exposure of loud sounds to the ear canal. Regular intense impact on the eardrum leads to stretching and decreased sensitivity. As a result, a person ceases to recognize quiet sounds, which causes a lot of inconvenience.
  • Headache. Headaches also occur due to too intense exposure to the hearing organs, but are often a consequence of the design of the devices themselves. Over time, such periodic pain develops into full-fledged migraine attacks, which will ruin a person’s quality of life.
  • Problems with sulfur release. Constantly wearing intracanal devices prevents earwax from leaving the ear canals, which invariably leads to the formation of wax plugs. Difficulties arise in everyday life, but the problem is solved in the doctor’s office.

Experts also say that improper use of headphones increases the likelihood of serious diseases such as otitis media. Inflammation in the ears is not only extremely unpleasant, but also creates conditions for a decrease in the body’s immunity.

To avoid such negative aspects, you need to notice mistakes when wearing them in time and start inserting headphones into your ears correctly. The following symptoms indicate such errors:

  • the devices do not stay in the ears and fly out with every movement of the head or even when smiling;
  • initial manifestations of pain syndrome;
  • a feeling of increased pressure in the head or ears;
  • feeling of congestion in the hearing organs;
  • sound too quiet;
  • Bass is not detected when playing music.

Signs of improper placement of in-ear headphones


  • with any movement of the head, the headset flies out of the ear;
  • there is pain, numbness, strong pressure at the point of contact with the sink;
  • there is a feeling of stuffiness in the ear;
  • sound too quiet;
  • low frequencies fall off.

Long-term wearing with the listed symptoms will lead to unpleasant consequences: hearing loss (hearing loss), chronic migraines, stagnation of sulfur in the canal.

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Instructions for synchronizing a new AirPods earphone

  1. You need to put both earbuds in one charging case.
  2. Open the case lid and check the charging indicator: it should light up orange (not the same orange that appears when charging, a different one)
  3. Connect the charging case to a power source and leave the headphones for 60 minutes.
  4. Open the case lid and start holding the button on the back panel. The indicator will start flashing white.
  5. On your iPhone, go to the home page and wait for the Headphones splash screen to appear on your smartphone.
  6. Click "Connect" and select "Done."

Note: If the charging case still glows orange, you may need to leave the headphones in for a while longer. It took me about 2 hours. There's definitely no need to worry. At this time, it is better to read our articles on. Then repeat the procedure from where you left off. Done, the AirPods are paired.

In our articles, we have already written about the low maintainability of many Apple devices. Let's hope for a quick resolution to this issue. In the meantime: take care of your AirPods and do not be upset if they break. These are just headphones.

AirPods don't stay in my ears, what should I do?

I want to say right away that you shouldn’t be upset about this. First, read the article to the end and who knows, you may not have to return your AirPods back to the store.

Rotate the headphones 30 degrees

The problem may be that you are wearing your headphones incorrectly.
Quite a lot of users wear them so that they look down. But if you look closely, in most advertising pictures, the headphones are rotated 30 degrees, which, in principle, is the correct way to wear AirPods.

Try it, maybe it will help. If not, then read on.

Waterproof tape

Waterproof tape

The option may sound very strange, but people thought of it and, most importantly, it works.

The idea is that you take some permeable tape (Nexcare) and use a hole punch to make four holes.

Then, glue these circles as shown in the picture. This should help the headphones not fall out of your ears and, most importantly, the AirPods fit comfortably into the case.

DamonLight AirPod Covers

DamonLight AirPod Covers

In my opinion, these pads are one of the best for you and now I will tell you why I think so. Firstly, they are almost invisible if you buy white.

Secondly, you put them on once and forget about them. The thing is that this particular option allows you to easily insert your AirPods into the case and not worry about having to take them off every time.

Price: about 13 dollars.



These pads became popular as soon as the first generation of AirPods came out. Thanks to their shape, they even improve the sound slightly.

The downside is that they do not fit in the case and you will have to constantly remove them when you want to charge your headphones.

Cost: approximately $13.

EarBuddyz 2.0

EarBuddyz 2.0

This option doesn't look very good, but thanks to the hook, they won't fall out of your ears when you do any physical activity.

Another disadvantage is the need to remove them before charging the headphones. I think you guessed it yourself, judging by their appearance.

Price: about 11 dollars for 3 pieces.


There are simply a sea of ​​other options. I have chosen for you exactly those that are the most practical and, of course, look good in the ear.

There are simply covers that have a hook and turn AirPods into vacuum ones. But as soon as you see this, the desire to use them may disappear altogether.

Correct ergonomics is the key to popularity

The kit even includes a case and a charging cable.
The yellow inserts are nothing more than wing-shaped latches. With their help, the earphone gently fits into the spacer, being held not only by the ear canal, but also by the pinna.

In addition, they act as additional sound insulation, blocking the outer part of the channel.

The combination of ear pads (4 standard sizes included) and retainer (3 standard sizes) is quite easy to find: the silicone is moderately soft and elastic, easily deformed to fit a specific ear.

Controls are standard and familiar

The CX Sport has perhaps the most comfortable fit among sports headphones. Lightweight, soft, well-thought-out: there is a slider-holder for excess cable, and the kit includes a conveniently shaped clothing holder.

A remote control with 3 buttons (standard “+”, “-”, “Play/Pause”) on a wire is balanced by a battery compartment.

However, for a headset with a total weight of only 15 grams, this practically does not matter - it is weightless. And thanks to the correct fasteners and clip, it always remains in place.

How should I wear it?

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of how to put on headphones. These products are varied: some are installed in the ear canal (vacuum, earbuds), others are put on top of the ears and held by a bridge on the head (overhead). The methods of putting on are different for different types of gadgets.


Vacuum headphones differ from earbuds (earbuds) in having a tighter fit due to special pads. Both are inserted into the ear canal, and the methods for putting them on are very similar. This happens as follows:

  1. standard in-ear headphones are inserted at a right angle, the wire of inverted models is placed behind the ear;
  2. the product should be inserted without haste, smoothly, without trying to insert it as deep as possible, so as not to provoke ear plugs;
  3. when the earphone is almost inserted, with the second hand they slightly pull down the earlobe, helping the product to take its place tightly.
  4. You should also remove the gadget calmly, slowly, otherwise the pad may slip and get stuck in your ear, and removing it is not easy: you may need outside help.

It is not always convenient to wear headphones with the wire facing down. Classic gadgets often fall out under cable pressure. The solution is a simple solution: turn the earphone over so that the wire is at the top and from there goes down behind the ear.

For asymmetrical gadgets with different wire lengths, the cable is placed behind the neck. In this position it becomes less noticeable.

For iPhone

Some Earpods (iPhone) owners are wondering why the headphones fall out. Apple products have always been distinguished by their originality, and it manifests itself in this model. For more precise adjustments, the company produced headphones for each specific ear:

  • left – for left;
  • right – for the right.

This type of product is equipped with advanced functionality. The headphones are equipped with a control panel attached to the wire, as well as a call acceptance key. There is nothing new in this kit, but Apple has gone further and provided its device with additional options:

  • The central key is associated with accepting a call, pausing and starting sound;
  • to go to a track (forward and backward), you need to double-click the left or right key;
  • rewind is activated by two presses plus holding down the key: the right one for moving forward, the left one for moving backward.

How to wear headphones outdoors?

Let's look at ways to wear headphones depending on their form factor. Let's distinguish two large groups of devices: large (studio, overhead) and small (vacuum, in-ear) in order to determine the rules for each of them separately.

Small headphones

Small headphones, which include in-ear and vacuum models, fit in the ear without any problems and do not take up much space, so often problems when wearing them arise only with the wire - it constantly clings to clothes, foreign objects, etc. How to solve this problem? Let's consider several ways:

  • A long cord always creates inconvenience for the user, so it should be shortened. To do this, you don't need to cut anything, you just need to wrap one earphone around your neck and only then insert it into your ear. This way you can easily and quickly solve the problem.
  • This method is only suitable for cold seasons when you are wearing a jacket or other outerwear. The always-in-the-way cord can be easily hidden under clothing, and then it will not cling to surrounding objects.
  • If the model of vacuum headphones allows, it is recommended to insert them into the ear canal, and throw the wire behind the ear. This technique will prevent the earphone from falling out of your ear if the wire is accidentally touched or pulled.

Manufacturers are also concerned about users, so most headphones have special clothespins that allow you to attach the wire to items of clothing.

The problem with the long wire is solved, but what to do if you have large headphones?

Big headphones

Many people choose on-ear or studio headphones, justifying this by the fact that they convey better sound quality and do not have such a strong impact on hearing. In turn, wearing such an accessory also creates minor problems for the user. Let's sort them out.

  • Large headphones are especially uncomfortable when worn with a hat. But there is also a solution to this. For example, if the headdress sticks out upward, the headphone bar can be lowered to the back of the neck. The sound will not lose volume. The headphones themselves can easily be worn over a hat.
  • If you feel uncomfortable wearing headphones with a hat, then the device can be used without a hat. It will keep your ears warm, but the rest of your head may get cold.

Wear on-ear headphones instead of in-ear headphones

If you still can't use headphones for running, it's time to consider using regular headphones instead of earbuds. Of course, regular headphones are heavier, but if you look for such models online, you will see that many of them are very light. For example, you can recall the classic Walkman models.

Using these regular headphones for running is an effective solution as they are more stable and we no longer have to worry about the problems of the headphones falling out.

Read more: How to understand that wireless headphones are charged.

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