Why do headphones fall out, and is there anything I can do about it?

A modern person rarely wonders whether he correctly uses objects often used in everyday life. This group also includes headphones, which many, as it turns out, use incorrectly. How to put on headphones correctly and what features you should consider will be discussed in this article.

How to insert vacuum headphones into your ears?

To insert vacuum headphones into your ears, it is important to adhere to certain rules that will help achieve the highest quality sound without damaging your hearing aid. So, insert vacuum headphones as follows:

  1. Bring the earphone to the entrance of the ear canal and gently push it with your finger to secure it inside.
  2. With your other hand, pull back your earlobe and push the device until it no longer fits easily into your ear.
  3. Release the earlobe, and the earphone will lock into your ear thanks to the natural clamping force that occurs when the auricle is restored to its normal position.

Do not be too overzealous in the process of pushing the earphone into your ear, otherwise you may damage your eardrum when listening to music.

On-ear headphones and earbuds

Modern people lead a fairly active and dynamic lifestyle. They need wireless headphones that use Bluetooth technology to keep moving, continue to exercise, go for a run or work while staying connected and without losing track of their favorite tracks. However, it happens that such headphones fall out, and looking for them is not the most pleasant thing.

Manufacturers suggest that such troubles can be avoided. The fact is that the headphones are produced with ear pads, which are silicone pads. They are located on top of the plastic body of the device.

To ensure that the headphones are securely attached to the ear, ear pads should be selected individually for each person. There are several sizes of these overlays, they are usually inexpensive, and in addition, they can have a wide variety of designs.

Individual selection will help make the earphones in your ear much more secure!

Another consideration when wearing wireless headphones is placement. Many people find it more common to attach headphones with the ends down, as was the case with conventional wired devices. However, if you turn them upside down, the earphone will be held tighter by repeating the turn of the auricle. However, everyone's ear structure is different, so it's worth experimenting to find the most comfortable position.

Another important nuance - if the earbud earphone does not fit tightly into the ear canal, just pull your earlobe a little - this will help the device fit more comfortably for you.

Please note that in cold weather it is much more difficult to put on the earphone. It is recommended to warm it in your palms first so that the silicone becomes less rigid.

Caring for Vacuum Headphones

Since the vacuum type of earphone is in very close contact with the ear canal, it is worth remembering a few rules that will help maintain hearing acuity and avoid health problems:

  • vacuum headphones must be regularly cleaned of accumulated dirt;
  • It is advisable to use non-alcohol wet wipes that are impregnated with an antibacterial composition to wipe the silicone part of the earphone;
  • Doctors recommend replacing silicone inserts at least once a month, this way you will really protect yourself from pathogenic microflora.

How to put tips on headphones?

You should choose the right rubber pad that fits onto the plastic body of the earphone. The strength of the device’s shrinkage in the passage depends on it. As a rule, headphone manufacturers provide 3 different pads with them, which differ in size. But there are times when not one of them is suitable, what to do then?

Many users recommend cutting off the pad that fits best so that a kind of fungus forms.

In the figure, the red dotted line indicates the approximate cutting line. If you do everything correctly, the pad, like an anchor, will cling to your ear and be firmly fixed in it.

Which headphones are better to choose: with attachments (vacuum) or without (in-ear), or maybe on-ear?! The following article will help you make a choice:.

Rules for choosing diameter and shape

For the device to be comfortable and sound good, it is not enough to wear the headphones correctly. You need to pay attention to the design and size.

In terms of size, the ear pads for in-ear headphones have a diameter of 5 mm in the inner part, but the outer part is divided into 3 types:

  1. 7 mm for children's or women's ears.
  2. 9mm for men and larger people.
  3. 11 mm for unusually large ears.

Attention! Pay attention to the material from which the ear pads are made. Silicone takes shape better and therefore does not press so hard. But PVC will be more dense, but will improve the sound quality.

Full-size ones also vary in size inside the ear cups, allowing you to fit them comfortably without putting pressure on your ear. Sizes range from 3.5 cm to 6 cm.

The shape of in-canal curved models is more convenient. They fit better in the ear than straight ones.

How to put a spring on headphones?

The weakest point of the headphones is located next to the plug itself. Even with the most careful use, the inside of the cord gets chafed and the headphones fail. This is due to the fact that the most moving area is located near the plug. How to protect your device? There is one very effective and proven way - to secure the area with a spring from an automatic handle.

To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Take the automatic handle and remove the spring from it.
  2. Stretch the removed spring until its tail is in a free position. This needs to be done on both sides.
  3. Bring the edge of the spring to the base of the headphones and rotate it onto the wire.

In some cases, the headphone plug itself is thin enough for the spring to fit onto the wire without additional manipulation. In this case, it can be further strengthened with electrical tape. This will provide enough thickness to secure the spring.

You can clearly see how this life hack works in the following video:

When using headphones with a spring, you must periodically ensure that the tail does not dig into the cable winding. If this happens, you should bend the tip in the other direction or wrap it with electrical tape.

Change the AirPods Pro name

Bluetooth accessories appear with default names. However, some people want to customize their AirPods by adding an original name like “Buzz Lightyear” or “Party King.” This can be done using the following algorithm.

  1. Check the wireless connection of the devices.
  2. Open Settings and select "Bluetooth".
  3. Tap on the “i” icon next to the name of the headphones on the screen.
  4. Go to the “Name” section.
  5. Enter the new name of the accessory and confirm it.

Renaming on MacOS works differently. In this case, you need to follow the following scenario.

  1. Go to the "Apple" menu.
  2. Enter "System Settings".
  3. Go to Bluetooth.
  4. Click on the line with the desired device while holding down the Control key.
  5. Select the “Rename” line in the pop-up context menu.
  6. Change the name of the headphones and confirm it.

Read: How to extend the life of headphones: more than 10 tips

How to use iPhone headphones?

Many owners of iPhone headphones, called Earpods, most often wonder why they fall out of their ears. The answer is quite obvious: unlike in-ear or vacuum headphones, the device on the Iphone is designed in such a way that each earphone must be inserted into the designated ear. On their body the letters indicate the correct order:

  • R – earphone for the right ear.
  • L – earphone for the left ear.

Therefore, if you put the earphone for the right ear into the left or vice versa, it will fall out. To prevent this, you need to put earphone “R” in the right ear, and “L” in the left.

In addition, headphones of this type differ in their functionality. The long-established control panel, which is mounted on a wire, was usually designed to house a microphone and a call key. In Apple devices, it takes on broader functionality:

  • One press of the central key – answer a call, pause or turn on music.
  • Pressing the right or left key twice in a row will go to the next or previous track, respectively.
  • Two clicks in a row, and then holding down the right or left key will turn on fast forward or rewind, respectively.

This functionality allows you to significantly simplify the use of the player, freeing the user’s hands.

A full overview of the capabilities of Apple headphones is presented in the following video:

How should I wear it?

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of how to put on headphones. These products are varied: some are installed in the ear canal (vacuum, earbuds), others are put on top of the ears and held by a bridge on the head (overhead). The methods of putting on are different for different types of gadgets.


Vacuum headphones differ from earbuds (earbuds) in having a tighter fit due to special pads. Both are inserted into the ear canal, and the methods for putting them on are very similar. This happens as follows:

  1. standard in-ear headphones are inserted at a right angle, the wire of inverted models is placed behind the ear;
  2. the product should be inserted without haste, smoothly, without trying to insert it as deep as possible, so as not to provoke ear plugs;
  3. when the earphone is almost inserted, with the second hand they slightly pull down the earlobe, helping the product to take its place tightly.
  4. You should also remove the gadget calmly, slowly, otherwise the pad may slip and get stuck in your ear, and removing it is not easy: you may need outside help.

It is not always convenient to wear headphones with the wire facing down. Classic gadgets often fall out under cable pressure. The solution is a simple solution: turn the earphone over so that the wire is at the top and from there goes down behind the ear.

For asymmetrical gadgets with different wire lengths, the cable is placed behind the neck. In this position it becomes less noticeable.

For iPhone

Some Earpods (iPhone) owners are wondering why the headphones fall out. Apple products have always been distinguished by their originality, and it manifests itself in this model. For more precise adjustments, the company produced headphones for each specific ear:

  • left – for left;
  • right – for the right.

This type of product is equipped with advanced functionality. The headphones are equipped with a control panel attached to the wire, as well as a call acceptance key. There is nothing new in this kit, but Apple has gone further and provided its device with additional options:

  • The central key is associated with accepting a call, pausing and starting sound;
  • to go to a track (forward and backward), you need to double-click the left or right key;
  • rewind is activated by two presses plus holding down the key: the right one for moving forward, the left one for moving backward.

How to wear headphones outdoors?

Let's look at ways to wear headphones depending on their form factor. Let's distinguish two large groups of devices: large (studio, overhead) and small (vacuum, in-ear) in order to determine the rules for each of them separately.

Small headphones

Small headphones, which include in-ear and vacuum models, fit in the ear without any problems and do not take up much space, so often problems when wearing them arise only with the wire - it constantly clings to clothes, foreign objects, etc. How to solve this problem? Let's consider several ways:

  • A long cord always creates inconvenience for the user, so it should be shortened. To do this, you don't need to cut anything, you just need to wrap one earphone around your neck and only then insert it into your ear. This way you can easily and quickly solve the problem.
  • This method is only suitable for cold seasons when you are wearing a jacket or other outerwear. The always-in-the-way cord can be easily hidden under clothing, and then it will not cling to surrounding objects.
  • If the model of vacuum headphones allows, it is recommended to insert them into the ear canal, and throw the wire behind the ear. This technique will prevent the earphone from falling out of your ear if the wire is accidentally touched or pulled.

  • Manufacturers are also concerned about users, so most headphones have special clothespins that allow you to attach the wire to items of clothing.

The problem with the long wire is solved, but what to do if you have large headphones?

Big headphones

Many people choose on-ear or studio headphones, justifying this by the fact that they convey better sound quality and do not have such a strong impact on hearing. In turn, wearing such an accessory also creates minor problems for the user. Let's sort them out.

  • Large headphones are especially uncomfortable when worn with a hat. But there is also a solution to this. For example, if the headdress sticks out upward, the headphone bar can be lowered to the back of the neck. The sound will not lose volume. The headphones themselves can easily be worn over a hat.
  • If you feel uncomfortable wearing headphones with a hat, then the device can be used without a hat. It will keep your ears warm, but the rest of your head may get cold.

What to do if the headphones fall out of your ear

If vacuum headphones fall out of your ear, the reason is often due to a discrepancy between the size of the ear pads and the diameter of the ear canal. Therefore, first of all, they check whether the kit includes a set of “pads” and select the appropriate ones. In addition, if in the previous headset the user used the average size of ear pads, then it is not a fact that in the new headphones their size will coincide with the previous one.

If you still have old in-ear headphones, you can use ear pads from them, because... For most manufacturers, the sound guide has similar dimensions. If you don't have spare ear pads, you can buy them separately. They are produced not only from different materials, but also have different densities. Foam ear pads are a universal option, because... They conform to the shape of the ear canal and fit comfortably.

The earbuds may fall out due to their poor placement in the ear opening. To ensure the headset fits correctly, you should press the protrusion of your ear and tilt it forward. Then insert the earbud into your ear at a right angle and press it. When performing this action, strong and sudden movements are unacceptable.

If the earbuds fall out of your ears, to securely fasten them, the wire is placed behind your ear. This method works provided the earphone has a suitable shape and is connected to wired accessories. A wire holder may also help. It is attached to the temple using adhesive tape or other material. Similar mounts are sold on Aliexpress. But again, this method is suitable for listening to audio at home. Whereas on the street it looks doubtful.

General recommendations for wearing headphones

Having considered the features of proper wearing of different types of headphones, we will highlight the main recommendations that are relevant for any accessory:

  • You need to remove the headphones from your ears by carefully pulling the wires that extend from the sound “barrels” themselves. If you do this too harshly, you can damage the device itself, as well as the ear canal.
  • From a hygiene point of view, it is not recommended to share your headphones with other people. If this cannot be avoided, use replacement gaskets and elastic bands.
  • Experts recommend choosing headphones that have special holes on the back of the case for normal listening to the environment. Naturally, you won't be able to completely immerse yourself in music or an audiobook, but this will provide you with a certain level of safety on the street.
  • If, after listening to music through headphones, any unpleasant sensations remain, you should change the device.
  • It is recommended to periodically change the rubber gaskets on vacuum headphones, as dirt and dust accumulate on them, which can negatively affect your health. And if the model is not collapsible or dirt has accumulated in the head nozzle, then you should thoroughly clean the headphones from sulfur and dirt. How to do it right - read here.

Selecting headphones is an entirely individual procedure. You shouldn’t rely too much on other people’s opinions, but it’s better to consider different options when purchasing and buy the one that turns out to be the most convenient.

What to do if headphones fall out of your ears

If your headphones fall out of your ears, you may have inserted them incorrectly. However, if you followed the instructions, then the problem may be with the device itself.

If these are vacuum headphones, then try on each of the available attachments, choosing the one that does not cause any discomfort

How to prevent headphones from falling out of your ears:

  1. If you wear vacuum headphones, then the problem may be with the tips. The fact is that the size of the ear canals is individual. For some they are smaller, for others they are larger. It is possible that you have chosen overly large nozzles. In this case, we advise you to buy a set of additional elements and try each pair.
  2. It is also possible that the plugs are flying out because you are touching the wire. In this case, you can purchase a special clothespin; you need to put it on your outerwear, fixing the headphone wires. You can also run wires under clothing. An excellent option for girls would be to thread headphone wires under their hair.

These are the main reasons why headphones may fall out of your ears. You can also use the wire as a hook, passing it behind your ear.

What are the dangers of using headphones incorrectly?

Having considered the rules for wearing and using headphones, it is necessary to understand why wearing them incorrectly is dangerous, because few users ask this question:

  • Hearing loss . The human ear begins to recognize sounds already at a level of 85-90 decibels. In this case, the maximum volume of the headphones is 110-130 decibels. Accordingly, prolonged listening to music at maximum volume can lead to a shift in the lower limit of ear sensitivity. Thus, the person begins to hear worse.

We should not forget about the danger that a person exposes himself to when listening to music on headphones at full volume. Of particular note are accidents that occur due to the fact that a pedestrian did not hear a warning signal or car horn.

  • Migraines and fatigue . Localized exposure to sound waves when listening to music through headphones significantly increases internal stereo effects, which can lead to headaches, as well as increased fatigue during the day.
  • Sulfur plugs . If we talk specifically about vacuum headphones, they complicate the removal of earwax out, so with prolonged use, cerumen deposits can form in the ears, which impair hearing and can also cause a number of other complications.

Thus, you can find an approach to any headphones. The main thing you must remember is to always put your comfort and health first. Choose headphones that can provide you with enough sound for pleasure, but will not damage your hearing.

Do headphones harm people?

What is the effect of headphones on hearing? First of all, WHO data:

  1. About 10% of earthlings suffer from deafness and hearing problems.
  2. About ⅓ of Americans with hearing problems developed them under the influence of not only industrial noise, but also loud music.
  3. According to WHO statistics, 71 million people in Europe suffer from hearing problems.
  4. Headphones: is the effect on hearing dangerous? Noise levels above 85 dB are unsafe. So, you can safely listen to music in the range of more than 100 dB for at most 15 minutes.

Are wireless headphones harmful? Conversations about the dangers of headsets began with the publication of the results of a study by an American scientist - “The Effect of Headphones on Human Hearing,” a project by Robert Novak. Doctors began to diagnose young people with rapid hearing loss, leading to complete deafness, which was previously characteristic only of older people. Among the reasons for this alarming phenomenon, Novak named regular listening to music on headphones at high volume.

With this statement by the scientist, sometimes contradictory publications in the media about the dangers of headphones began. However, so far no one has scientifically established that it is they that lead to hearing loss. What are the harms of wireless headphones? The cause of deafness is constant listening to music at high volume - with a sound pressure of more than 100 dB. It is this effect that affects the hair cells of the basilar membrane, which causes irreversible problems with the hearing aid. This is the effect of headphones on human hearing.

Where are L and R?

Opening L/R is a special designation that determines the direction in which the door opens. If the R sign is indicated on the kit, it means that the door will open to the right. The letter mark L informs you that the door structure opens to the left. ...

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