I bought foam ear pads for AirPods Pro. Now I recommend it to everyone

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It doesn’t matter whether we are talking about inexpensive in-ear headphones for every day or professional studio monitors, ear pads are the second thing that determines sound quality after the speakers. The vast majority of beginners do not pay enough attention to this, as a result of which good headphones are declared uncomfortable or sound bad. Let's understand this unfair situation a little and find out how to use knowledge to squeeze out maximum comfort and quality.

Key moment

We have mentioned various types and designs of ear pads more than once when talking about the design of headphones in general and even tried to analyze them in detail. And all because this is really a very important thing. It is this part of the headphones that is in direct contact with the human body, and therefore is largely responsible for the feeling of comfort or discomfort. In addition, the ear pads actually form an acoustic chamber for which the headphone emitter operates. Well, the third factor that directly depends on them is the degree of suppression of external noise. Unless, of course, we are talking about open headphones.

Good ear pads provide reliable protection from external noise.
All this applies equally to both in-ear and full-size models. At first glance, their ear pads have nothing in common - they also differ tens of times in size. But from the point of view of the functions they perform, they are as close as possible.

Essence of the question:

For sound, ear pads are no less important than speakers.


If you want to choose the right headphones, you can’t do without trying them on; you don’t buy clothes or shoes based on a picture.

How to turn up the sound

The main problem with the purchased ear pads lies in the beautiful pink foam. There's frankly a lot of it here. Firstly, it runs into the outer slots of the speaker, and secondly, it creates a large volume in front of the speaker.

First of all, the fabric protective mesh glued to the inside in front of the holes was removed. There is no particular need for it, just an extra barrier to sound.

As for the foam rubber, a slightly better result was obtained after cutting it along the plastic ring glued to it.

However, this turned out to be not enough. The boominess has passed, but now the mid frequencies have sharply emerged...

Deep inside

The ear pads of in-ear models are, strictly speaking, a seal that fills and seals the gap between the earphone sound guide and the ear canal. An additional functional load is the fixation of the earphone in the ear, and this immediately makes us understand that we will have to look for some kind of compromise between convenience and reliability of the fit. You can choose those that fit very tightly, like a cork in a bottle, but how long can you walk with such earplugs? Comfort is equally important.

Ear pads are made from either silicone or foam. Conventional silicone ones can be divided into single-circuit, which, as a rule, have the shape of a hemisphere, and multi-circuit (they differ in the number of sealing contours and are designed for deeper immersion into the ear canal). If the high degree of intimacy when interacting with a piece of silicone does not bother you, try ear pads with two or three contours. Usually they provide the highest degree of sound insulation.

50 shades of black or adult games: choose the right ear pads for yourself.
For the most part, all silicone ear pads are similar to each other in terms of elasticity. Some are a little softer, others a little denser, but the main difference is not in softness, but in shape. If you look closely, the most common and widespread single-circuit ear pads have different shapes. One manufacturer makes them sharper and more elongated, another strives to give them a shape close to spherical, and a third makes their cross-section not round, but oval. The funny thing about this situation is that there is no universal form of ear pads and there cannot be. Anatomy is very individual: if oval ears are ideal for some ears, then others will definitely need round ones. Ideally, the delivery package for in-ear headphones should include ear pads of at least 2-3 different shapes. Manufacturers in most cases limit themselves to only one, presented in different sizes. Sad but true.

It is extremely important that the headphones provide the necessary noise isolation without causing discomfort.
In full-size headphones, the size of the ear pads is a given that cannot be changed. For in-channel ones, this is an additional factor that complicates the selection of a suitable pair. It is known that the shape of the ear pads is primarily responsible for comfort and the degree of isolation of external noise. The selection of size is determined by a much simpler factor - whether the ear pads will fit into the ear canal and whether they will sit tightly enough to perform their function in full.

Essence of the question:

In order for silicone ear pads to perform their function effectively, you need to choose the right shape and size. One does not exclude the other.


Anatomy is a very specific thing and requires an individual approach; there is no need to rush. You'll have to try a lot of different ones before you find the ones that suit you.

Knitted products

If your ear pads are torn, you can replace them with knitted ones. For needlewomen who are excellent at crocheting, repairing headphone ear pads with their own hands is just a couple of trifles.

It is better to choose cotton yarn or one containing both cotton and acrylic. The hook is taken according to the thickness of the thread. Work begins with a ring, then knit a circle of the diameter of the headphones. This is an average of 8 rows, depending on the thickness of the threads. After trying on the diameter with the earphone, we begin knitting the depth of the ear pads. To do this, knitting begins at the back wall of the loops. One row is knitted evenly, and the next one according to the following pattern: decrease and single crochet. Do this for 2-3 rows. Then the connected ear pad is pulled over the earphone and work continues on it. At the end, the thread is cut and secured to the edge in the usual way. The second part for the earphone is made in the same way.

For beauty, you can alternate the colors of the threads in rows, it will look very stylish.

Something special

In addition to size and shape, single-circuit ear pads may also differ in design. They usually consist of two parts: a tube that fits onto the sound guide, and a sealing skirt. The space between these two parts, as a rule, is not filled with anything.

Some manufacturers complicate the design of conventional silicone ear tips.
However, some manufacturers complicate the design by casting additional jumpers in this space or filling it with special materials. This increases the elasticity of the ear pads, makes the fit tighter, and can improve noise isolation if they are the right size and shape. And of course, there will always be those for whom such ear pads are absolutely not suitable, because they are denser than usual.

Essence of the question:

Silicone ear pads can be anything but simple.


Modified ear pads are rarely found on the market. As a rule, they are included with expensive headphone models.

Knitted analogue

Many people who like to listen to music on headphones use knitwear to repair them, most often socks. Their diameter most closely matches the size of the plastic round parts of the headphones. It’s better to take warm knitted socks with an unstretched elastic band, because that’s exactly what we’ll need. By cutting off this part of the knitted product, we get a pipe measuring 10-14 cm.

To prevent the threads from fraying on the cut, it is stitched over the edge with simple cotton threads. On the other hand, the edge is processed at a knitting factory, so the preparation for repairing ear pads for headphones with your own hands is completed. All that remains is to roll one end and the other inward and pull it over the circle of headphones.

Sound access is free, and the soft jersey does not irritate. Fast, convenient and accessible, it's suitable for even the laziest listeners.

Lots of foam

An alternative to silicone ear pads is foam ear pads. This is a significantly more expensive material, but it also provides a wider range of possibilities. By changing the characteristics of the foam, manufacturers can achieve either the highest noise insulation or the opposite effect - good fixation in the ear with the ability to hear surrounding sounds. The shapes of foam ear pads also come in different shapes. Mostly spherical or truncated cone predominate. Size also matters. The foam used in most cases is heat-sensitive and memory foam. When heated by body heat, they become softer, and after compression they gradually return to their previous shape. This increases the degree of physical wearing comfort. Although some people find any foam ear pads uncomfortable due to specific tactile sensations.

The choice of foam ear pads is truly rich in size, shape, and degree of insulation of external noise.
But what is absolutely objective and indisputable is their higher cost. A set of foam ear pads costs significantly more than a similar set of silicone ear pads. However, foam ear pads are not durable and require regular replacement. Porous material gets dirty more easily and quickly, and it is very difficult to wash, clean and disinfect it without damaging it. Over time, the foam begins to crumble and becomes unusable. In short, the love for foam attachments becomes an additional expense.

Essence of the question:

Pleasure cannot be cheap. You have to pay for comfort.


Wholesale is cheaper. Decide on your favorite model of ear pads and buy them in packs of several pairs.

Sewing fabric ear pads

You can make ear pads for headphones with your own hands from fabric. To do this, you will need natural fabric that does not irritate the skin, thin twine or ribbon, threads, a needle, cardboard, a simple pencil, and a compass.

First you need to make a template on cardboard by measuring the circumference of the earphone. Then the fabric is laid out with the wrong side up and a template is outlined in chalk along the contour for one and the second element. Around the outline you need to draw a circle of larger diameter with a compass so that the distance between them is 3-4 cm plus 1 cm for the hem of the fabric. You can cut a circle out of thin foam rubber and insert it onto the inner contour of the case. The edges are bent so that a rope can be inserted inside to tighten the embouchure tightly. You can make the edging from ribbon or lace. Place the finished product on the earphone as follows. First, a foam rubber circle is placed, and a large circle with an edging is placed on top of it. The earpiece is turned over, the rope is pulled tight and tied in a knot. The edges of the rope can be hidden inside the fabric or trimmed.

Identical in appearance

Whatever type of ear pads you choose, it’s worth remembering: you need to combine them not only with the size and shape of your own ear canals, but also with the size of the sound tube of the headphones. While similar in appearance, they may differ in diameter, as a result of which the ear pads from some headphones may not fit onto the sound guide of others or may sit too loosely. There is no single solution to this problem.

Will the size fit or not?
You won't know until you try. Compatibility is guaranteed only with standard ear pads. Most headphone manufacturers make sound guides of approximately the same diameter, but there are overly thin or, on the contrary, very large specimens that require special ear pads.

Essence of the question:

The interchangeability of ear pads is relative, although they all look similar. The ear pads of one headphone will not necessarily fit another.


If you are not sure that the ear pads fit securely on the sound duct of the headphone, refrain from using it and find more suitable ones.

Happiness is near

After a long search, ear pads were found in a less common, but very interesting form factor. Having had positive experience using Sony headphones with similar pillows, there was no doubt.

A store was found willing to sell them for $4.6. The rest of the sellers were ruined by greed and a price tag above $8-9. By the way, they are available in both black and beige. And now this was a really difficult choice)

Private bussiness

Separately, it is worth mentioning the so-called “custom” (from the English Custom - made to order). These are headphones whose ear pads are a mold of the inside of the user's ear. Provided that it is manufactured correctly and high-quality materials are used, the noise insulation, as well as the degree of comfort, is ideal. The only problem is that you can’t give these headphones to a friend to listen to. This is a purely individual thing.

Custom headphones can look very nice.
At least from the outside. And making custom headphones is an expensive proposition. The good news is that they are durable and are actually a one-time investment. Unless, of course, the first instance of custom suited you in all respects and you didn’t have to go down the crooked path of finding the best.

Essence of the question:

Custom headphones can be the ideal solution, but they will cost more than the best and richest set of tips.


When ordering custom headphones, you should also think about their design. Even if the inside looks like used chewing gum, the outside of the custom can be decorated.

How to choose ear pads?

How to choose ear pads?
Many connoisseurs of high-quality sound and comfort have a question about how to choose ear pads . When choosing, you should pay attention to the following parameters that determine functionality, practicality and comfort of use:

  • When choosing headphones, the greatest importance should be given to the material used to make the ear pads. The material must be hypoallergenic; it is better not to give preference to rubber.
  • The size of the tips must match the diameter of the ear canal. To do this, it is enough to try on the probes and analyze your sensations - whether there is a bursting sensation or, on the contrary, whether the embouchure falls out. Sound quality is analyzed in the same way.
  • The shape of the tips should also be selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the structure of the ear canal. You can determine the most suitable shape by trying on.

If financial possibilities allow, then, of course, it is best to purchase customized headphones, which will be made taking into account all the individual features of the structure of the human auricle.

Don't be soft

The design of the ear pads of headphones with a headband has nothing in common with the ear pads of in-ear headphones, but they perform the same functions. Fitting tightly to the surface of the auricle or to the head around the ear, they muffle external noise, creating conditions for the speakers to operate effectively.

Various types of foam are used as filling, sometimes with memory effect. For over-ear headphones adjacent to the surface of the auricle, the foam material is preferably soft. Large ear pads that cover the ears around and adjacent to the head are usually filled with denser material to better hold their shape.

When looking for the softest and most luxurious ear pads, the main thing is not to overdo it.
Do not forget that softness should have its reasonable limit. Some ear pads are so soft that you can feel the earcup itself with your body, from which they should, in fact, provide isolation. It feels like you're walking on coarse gravel in sneakers. Your feet don’t seem to be bare, but you can feel every pebble.

In addition, the ear pads of most headphones are heat-sensitive to one degree or another: those that initially seem hard can soften under the influence of body heat to a comfortable state after a couple of minutes of wearing. What will happen to the ear pads, which were soft even without heating? Well, you already understood everything yourself.

Essence of the question:

Soft ear pads are nice, especially when it comes to over-ear headphones, but the main thing is not to overdo it with softness.


Before you look for headphones with the softest ear pads, make sure that they will not stop protecting your ears from the pressure of the earcups once they warm up to body temperature.

The humane way - ear pads for Koss Porta

In fact, the main culprit for the Koss Porta's lack of treble is their foam ear pads. Making sure of this is as easy as shelling pears - just remove them.

The sound of headphones without foam is much better, more detailed and smoother. Try to get used to it, and then put the foam rubber back on. You most likely won't want to use them anymore.

As an alternative, use hair ties. Despite the availability and cheap price of rubber bands, it is difficult to call them ear pads.

They do not create softness and comfort, tiring the ears in less than half an hour. Also, those with hair longer than average will have to regularly adjust their headphones due to the rustling of the membrane against hair caught in the slots.

Leather, but not crocodile

The choice of exterior finishes is quite wide. The best option (in terms of comfort and noise insulation) is considered to be genuine leather. But quality faux leather can be just as good in terms of wearing feel and durability. And it is no longer possible to distinguish good artificial leather from natural leather. Currently, the vast majority of manufacturers use high quality artificial leather. Good leather ear pads, regardless of the origin of the material, are pleasant to the body and cause a greenhouse effect only when worn for a long time in the warm season. To eliminate the latter, some manufacturers perforate the leather of the ear pads, which not only provides natural ventilation, but also reduces the degree of noise insulation.

In their older models, Focal implemented the most comfortable ear pad options - soft leather with perforations and fabric.
Low-quality leather substitutes are stiffer and less comfortable to the touch, and may have folds that reduce the degree of insulation from external noise. The cheapest artificial leather can be soft, but it rustles unpleasantly when in contact with the body. However, a price alternative to such a finish can only be considered bare polyurethane foam or, more simply put, foam rubber. By the way, it is also not particularly comfortable and rustles when you touch the body.

The second most common material is velor or velvet. In terms of tactile sensations and performance properties, artificial suede Alcantara is close to them. Acoustically transparent fabric is used less frequently, most often in over-ear headphones, in which the ear pads are shaped like a solid pillow. All these materials are more pleasant and comfortable during prolonged use, and have better breathability than leather. No wonder velvet and velor are often used on professional models. On the other hand, there are also disadvantages: a slightly lower degree of noise insulation, difficulty in maintenance (the skin is much easier to clean).

On the left are standard ear pads for Sony studio headphones - an unpleasant rustling material and an uncomfortable shape, on the right - a much more comfortable alternative made of high-quality artificial leather.
There are also more exotic versions of ear pads, for example, silicone. But such models, for obvious reasons, did not become popular. They are hot in summer and cold in winter. It's just convenient to wash. There are no other advantages.

Essence of the question:

The finish determines the degree of comfort. It is not the naturalness that is important, but the quality of the materials.


If you like some specific headphones, but don’t like the standard ear pads, remember: in many models they can be replaced (including non-original ones of higher quality).

First impression

Having received the coveted bag in the mail, I immediately rushed to try it on. The quality of the ear pads was excellent. For that kind of money, everything was done just perfectly. Yes, and with comfort there is complete order.

As for the sound, I frankly did NOT like . The bass is humming, the sound is plastic and compressed...

But the site wouldn’t be called what it is if I said something like “ Guys, everything is OK, buy it!” ". So now let's get down to making the sound perfect. It turned out to be very simple.

Round or flat?

In addition to materials, size and shape are important. The difference between invoices and covering ones is generally clear. Over-ear headphones press the auricle to the body and, given certain structural features of the latter, this can cause discomfort during prolonged use. The shape of the ear pads is not of fundamental importance. Their task is to cover the central part of the auricle.

There are exceptions when the pressing force is not great, and the ear pads are small in size, as a result of which they rest only on the central part of the auricle with little force. An excellent illustration of this is the well-known Koss Porta Pro and modern models created according to the same principle.

Even rectangular ear pads on over-ear headphones can be comfortable if their ergonomics are well thought out.
Large, enveloping ear pads are more comfortable in the sense that they do not press the ears to the head, but are located around them. The price of this is the significantly larger dimensions and weight of the headphones themselves.

There are some nuances. For example, you should pay attention to the shape of the ear pads. The most comfortable is the elongated one, which generally follows the shape of the ears. Large round ear pads with a constant thickness may not fit tightly at the edges (usually in the back of the head), because the head does not have such an extensive flat surface. And in round ear pads that are not large enough, the ears may not fit entirely.

Large round headphones should have fluffy asymmetrical ear pads that will ensure a tight fit around the entire perimeter of the head.
An important factor is the cross-section profile of the ear pads. Most often, the foam roller that fills the ear pad has a circular cross-section, which gives a relatively small contact area with the body. In addition, radial folds may form on the leather surrounding the round ear pads.

The cross-section of the ear pads determines how comfortably they will fit on your ears or head.
Rectangular ear pads behave much better. They are more expensive to manufacture, since a round cushion can be covered with one strip of leather or fabric, and ear pads with a rectangular cross-section are sewn together from at least three parts. But the advantages are very significant. The flat surface of contact with the body provides better noise insulation and more evenly and comfortably distributes the compressive force created by the headband of the headphones.

Essence of the question:

And again you need to try on and choose the right headphones for yourself, but how else?


If dimensions don’t bother you, choose headphones with wrap-around ear pads. For indoor use this is the best option. Choose over-ear headphones that are more suitable for wearing outdoors with ear pads that have a flat surface.

Assembling the perfect ear pads for Koss Porta

So, we got everything we needed. The first step is to cut a hole in the center of the foam ear pads. For convenience, it is better to insert plastic rings into them and cut them according to the inner diameter.

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t cut an even circle. Luckily for me, it's not that noticeable in the photo. But overall it doesn't matter.

We place a plastic ring on the front side of the speaker, with the convex side outward, and put on the cut foam ear pad as required. All that remains is to stretch the leatherette skin over the resulting structure.

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