Ready-made acoustic cable Analysis-Plus Bi-Clear Oval Bi-Wire 10 ft/3 m

The classic story of the founding of hi-fi and high-end companies is this: a man passionate about music decided to create something that conveys this music in the best possible way. But the American company Analysis Plus has a non-classical story. The engineers were engaged in scientific research and did various things for professionals (including even for NASA itself), and in the meantime they realized that they could do something good for music.

Over time, the production of cable products for audiophiles and recording studios was separated into a separate area. However, the fact remains that Analysis Plus is, first of all, an engineering company that works on special orders of large corporations and is engaged in scientific research. And cables, although not in the first place, seem to be a favorite area of ​​engineers. Judge for yourself, testing good cables is like relaxing while listening to music at its best quality!

So, Analysis Plus Inc develops electronic sensors, piezoelectric devices, circuits and printed circuit boards, models electronic circuits, produces test systems for various conditions, studies electromagnetic shielding - protecting circuits from interference, and even makes hardware and software systems for industrial applications. In addition, he conducts work in the field of measuring small quantities, measurements and calculations for non-standard tasks that require a non-trivial approach. This range requires a team of specialists and a significant material and technical base. However, Analysis Plus’ customers are also indicative in many ways: Boeing, Chrysler, Ford Motor Company, General Motors, Mitsubishi Electric, Monster Cable, Motorola, Analog Devices, Texas Instruments and even NASA.

Only two speaker cables met NASA requirements

And this is not a complete list of those with whom Analysis Plus developers had the opportunity to work. Agree, such companies will not trust even the simplest tasks to anyone, let alone difficult ones.

Family Traits

However, we are understandably interested in what Analysis Plus does for audiophiles. And for them she only makes cables. No electronics or related components. The model range is impressive, and it is stable - new ones appear rarely, models are produced for many years. In the catalog you will find both cheap simple wires and expensive ones with precious metals and clever technological solutions.

Analysis-Plus Power Oval 2 Network Cable - Rugged and Reliable Design

Of course, all models have “family traits”. For example, the design and appearance of cables. Analysis Plus does not have thin wires; almost all have a significant cross-section of conductors, a screen and a thick outer sheath. The company does not use carbon fiber or beautiful fabric shells on the outside; the cables look practical, in fact, they are. They not only look solid, they are actually designed for long-term use, and you definitely won’t have to blow off any specks of dust from them.

Speaker cable Analysis Plus Silver Oval Two. Silver conductors and cutting with copper “feathers”

If we summarize the types of Analysis Plus audio cables, we can distinguish three large categories: unbalanced signal (cut with massive RCA connectors), acoustic (their own bananas and blades, resistant to frequent switching) and network (Wattgate or Furutec connectors, screw terminals of connectors). In addition, the company makes balanced, HDMI, USB, component and even optical cables.

The cable for Analysis-Plus Silver Oval Two installations cannot be classified as cheap; 1 meter costs more than 5,000 rubles. But there is also Analysis-Plus Bulk Hook-UP at a price of 250 rubles per meter.

The catalog also contains installation options, when the cable is sold in a reel (for cutting and self-cutting). Moreover, the company in this form offers not only simple models, with the expectation that they will be laid tens of meters in the house, but also serious expensive wires, which appeals to experienced audiophiles. In different price segments, you can assemble a set of cables of the same quality level for the entire system (interconnect, acoustic, network, digital).

Analysis Plus Clear Oval

The name of cables produced by the American company Analysis Plus almost always contains the word “Oval”. It reflects the main design feature - in its products from hollow conductors of an oval profile. Electromagnetic modeling has shown that it is this solution that makes it possible to achieve a uniform distribution of currents across the cross section at different frequencies. And there is no reason to doubt it - Analysis Plus is considered a specialist in such matters. Developing its own line of professional and audiophile cables is just one facet of its activities. The second is research projects together with NASA, Motorola, Ford Motor Company and a number of other companies in the field of signal transmission and its protection from interference.

Clear Oval speaker cable is supplied both on reels (at a price of 618 rubles per meter) and in cut form. It is protected by a transparent PVC sheath, inside which a pair of flat stranded OFC copper conductors are laid in their own insulation. Tubular “bananas” are fixed to the terminals, which, despite their simplicity, will ensure tight, reliable contact even in terminals with a designed hole.

After replacing our standard Clear Oval cable there was quite a noticeable difference. The system began to produce a rustic, but at the same time very correct sound. It lacks pomp, the stereo stage is not striking in scale, and the sound as a whole even seems somewhat limited in frequency and dynamic range. In a word, it became less spectacular, but much more orderly. Harmonic resolution is significantly improved - acoustic instruments are now rendered more naturally and there is no coloration. The scene is deeper, all the images in space occupy their proper places, the connection to the speakers disappears, the foreground moves slightly towards the listener and becomes three-dimensional, distinguishable and more physical. This cable has an unusual, rare and very valuable set of qualities for its price category. Although in an audio system with a rustic sound and weak dynamics, Clear Oval may not show itself in the most favorable light.

  • Manufacturer Analysis Plus Inc (USA)
  • Made in USA
  • Length, m 3
  • price, rub. 5250


Significant improvement in the sound stage - volume appears, images become more material, binding disappears. Harmonic resolution increases.


Dynamics at the edges of the range are not improved, so the sound may not seem very impressive.

Speaker cables | Real Cable BM400T | Analysis Plus Clear Oval | The Chord Rumor 2 | Eichmann Ratio Express 4 | Van den Hul Royal Jade | Oehlbach Air Blue 3 | Oehlbach TwinMix One | Analysis Plus Bi-Clear Oval | Eichmann Ratio Express 6 | Van den Hul D 352


Tags: Analysis Plus

Electricity in the oval

Analysis Plus cables are clearly different from everything else on the market - a specialist will recognize them immediately, just look at the cut. The company makes its own cables or uses contractors capable of completing complex original orders (believe me, there are few of them, and they are all distinguished by very high quality production). The main patented technology that the company uses in many products is the oval cable profile (the word “Oval” is put in the name).

Using the Ultimate Power Oval network cable geometry as an example, you can understand how unusual the internal design of Analysis Plus cables is

Another feature is flat braided conductors. Most often, the cable looks like this: a conductor is braided around an oval dielectric, followed by screens, multilayer Teflon insulation, and finally an outer braid. Within one type (acoustic, signal or power), the design and materials change from younger to older models, but the principle - the oval profile - remains.

The advantage of the oval profile is that the conductors are less susceptible to skin effect

More expensive cables naturally have a larger cross-section, and conductors can be made of ultra-pure copper, silver, or even gold-plated ultra-pure copper; Additional screens appear, more serious dielectrics are used.

The computer model shows the dimensions (Volts/meter) of the electric field between two conductors in the shape of a hollow oval. The distance between the two conductors is 2 mm, voltage: +1 V on the top, and –1 on the bottom. Read more in the technical documentation on the manufacturer’s website

The advantage of an oval profile, as the developers explain, is that such conductors are less susceptible to the influence of the skin effect. Let us recall that the skin effect (a decrease in the amplitude of electromagnetic waves as they penetrate deep into a conducting medium) can lead to significant signal distortion, especially at long lengths.


For example, we will assemble four sets of cables in ascending order of price.

In the younger Hi-Fi segment, the following selection seems likely. Acoustic Analysis Plus Clear Oval with a length of 1.8 meters will cost 4,000 rubles. Analysis-Plus Oval IW or Analysis-Plus Oval One meter interconnects will cost approximately the same amount.

Speaker cable Analysis Plus Clear Oval

In all these cables, the conductors have an oval profile and are made of oxygen-free copper. In the same budget there are optical and coaxial wires. However, network cables and phono cables already fall into the more expensive segment.

A Hi-Fi-level system can be packaged with an Analysis Plus Copper Oval-in interconnect (balanced or unbalanced) at a price of 10,000 rubles per meter long. The Analysis Plus Oval 9 speaker cable with an impressive cross-section can be compared with the younger, but already “silver-plated” Analysis-Plus Silver Oval Two - with a length of 1.8 meters, they will cost approximately the same.

Solo Crystal Oval Phono Cable

This kit also includes junior Analysis-Plus Power Oval 10 networkers and two models of phono cables: Low Mass Oval Phono Cable and Solo Crystal Oval Phono. The latter have strong shielding, and even the conductors of younger models are made of silver-plated copper.

For those who are assembling a High-End system, we advise you to study the older lines, starting with the acoustic Analysis Plus Big Silver Oval and Solo Crystal Oval. The first has a conductor made of silver-plated copper, the second is copper, but from a special type of monocrystalline copper with a large cross-section.

Speaker cable Analysis Plus Big Silver Oval

Interconnect, network and phono cables for this segment, interestingly, will not be prohibitively expensive. Here, among the older models, we recommend listening to the Analysis Plus Silver Oval Phono cable. You can also choose replaceable jumpers if you don’t want to use bi-wiring cables (and almost all Analysis-Plus speaker cables can be made in this option).

The most expensive Analysis Plus cable, the acoustic Golden Oval, will cost the owner $24,000 for a 10-foot set. Analysis Plus Micro Golden Oval interconnect cables are slightly cheaper

But the truly expensive, “uncompromising High End” category will be the “golden line” Analysis-Plus Golden Oval, represented by only two cables - interconnect and acoustic. But these are very unusual cables, and although there are plenty of options on the cable market in this price segment, and even more expensive, the Golden Oval undoubtedly has its own exceptional features.


Oval One analog interconnect cables from the American company Analysis Plus are one of the company's most affordable cables for true lovers of high-quality sound. However, the relatively low cost of cables should not confuse audiophiles, since one of the main design inventions of Analysis Plus engineers is implemented in all cables of this brand. We are talking, of course, about the special shape of the directly current-carrying parts of the cable. The conductor itself has a hollow structure and an oval profile, which is reflected in the name of the Analysis Plus cable models. The technology is patented and is successfully used to combat the so-called skin effect, as well as to obtain the most optimal electromagnetic indicators. It is this design that makes it possible to obtain a uniform current density over a wide frequency range. In general, the Analysis Plus company works not only for the benefit of music lovers, but also cooperates with such large companies as Motorolla, Mitsubishi, Ford Motor Company, Texas Instruments, as well as NASA and many others.

However, let's return to the analog interconnects Analysis Plus Oval One.
Their outer sheath, made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), successfully protects the cables from external influences, including thermal influences. The cables themselves are quite flexible, which is certainly a nice feature: they will not cause any trouble during connection. High quality RCA connectors are used as connectors. This model does not have an option with balanced XLR connectors. The characteristic impedance of the connector is 75 Ohms. The signal conductor has a braided design with the traditional Analysis Plus hollow oval shape. The dielectric material specially selected by the company for the Oval One model has fairly low losses, which should certainly have a positive effect when playing music. Also quite important when designing analog interconnects is the design of the screen. Here it, like the conductor itself, is made using the weaving method and is a full shielding option. The method of connecting the conductor and connectors is also interesting. Analysis Plus Oval One does not use soldering at all, but uses a compression contact. All this together allows you to get excellent interconnects with excellent parameters at a very affordable price. Peculiarities

  • Patented oval hollow conductor design
  • Full shielding
  • No soldering
  • Excellent price/quality ratio


Type of external dielectric insulationpolyvinyl chloride (PVC)
Designbraided signal conductor, fully shielded, compression contact conductor and connectors
Conductor materialhigh purity oxygen-free copper (OFC)
Connector optionsRCA
Standard lengths0.5, 1, 1.5, 2 m

Video review


If we analyze expert assessments and reviews of owners of Analysis Plus cables from different countries, the picture will turn out to be interesting. The younger lines can very well correct the main modern “sores” of budget equipment, namely bright highs and modest bass. At the same time, they remain fundamentally completely linear cables with a predictable character. The middle series are more selective in application, but even in their case, quite noticeable patterns can be traced, for example, the ability to smooth out excessive sharpness of sound and excessive emotional emphasis, if any, in the system. Owners of top models talk about the special nature of the wires, and if it has already fit into the system, then it is almost impossible to find an alternative to it, even in a more expensive segment.

Tina Guo, Buddy Strong, Tetsuo Sakurai, Rick Rosasa, Vitaly Dubinin and others are on the list of musicians using Analysis Plus cables

It should be said that Analysis Plus has one more trump card in the cable topic. In addition to household models, they produce professional products, including guitar, microphone, acoustic, power and digital cables. And if we can also say about an audiophile that he is interested in expensive and unusual products, then professional musicians, by the nature of their activities, are most often “anti-audiophiles.” They need linear characteristics, reliability and a reasonable price/quality ratio from cables.

Pro Power Oval Networker ($250 for 8 feet). The price tag is almost audiophile, professionals will not go to such expenses unnecessarily. And this is a networker that the pros attach much less importance to than instrumental or speaker cables

Over the years, they have been chosen for everyday work by recording studios and famous musicians, and this is an indicator that is often more significant than reviews from audiophiles. Professionals will not indulge themselves in the fact of owning any cables, they will play music and record, and the cable is just a tool. And it is either good, or it will simply be replaced without sentimentality with a more suitable one.

Professionals will not indulge themselves in the fact of owning any cables

Finally, one more fact. The American certification system ( has very strict requirements for cables - the maximum load is checked, the cable must be strong and durable. Most manufacturers do without these certificates. However, Analysis Plus decided to carry it out for professional cables, and at the same time certified the household line according to a number of parameters. We believe that the developers did this being confident in the quality, and not with the goal of confirming the ability to use the cable in conditions that are unconventionally harsh for audiophile equipment.

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