Does speaker size affect the sound quality of music?

03/05/2022 12,026 Video and media devices

Author: Ivan Baranov

High-quality sound in a car depends on many factors, from the choice of radio to the size and location of the speakers. This material will help you find out which is better to install car speakers - 10, 13 or 16 cm. Only if all basic requirements are met, the driver will be able to achieve the highest quality sound.


What types of car audio systems are there?

Today, buying a set of car radios with front and rear acoustic speakers, which will always delight the car enthusiast with powerful bass, is not a problem at all. The market is very diverse and offers consumers many different types and models, as they say, for every taste and color. But buying a set of car radios with speakers is the easiest step. It is much more difficult to correctly select and analyze which acoustic component speakers are best suited for a particular vehicle.

It is important not only to make the right choice, but also to make the right installation. After all, the main goal of installing an audio system in a car door is high-quality sound with good bass. Therefore, first you need to understand what types of audio speakers there are and how to choose them correctly (video author - marikfion).

Car speakers along with car audio can be of several types.

Conventionally, systems are divided into:

  • broadband;
  • coaxial;
  • component.

It should be noted that in this order, all audio systems increase in sound quality, installation conditions and, of course, cost. Keep in mind that each of these types also has a certain rating of speakers for the car. For example, when choosing a wideband audio system, the entire available frequency range will be reproduced by just one speaker. This is quite enough to listen to the radio or play soft music while driving. Today, most modern manufacturers equip their vehicles with a broadband audio system (hereinafter referred to as “AS”) while still on the assembly line.

Those motorists who value good sound in a car with powerful bass choose coaxial car speakers. This kit involves the installation of several speakers installed along the same axis. It should be noted that the entire spectrum of frequencies coming from the audio system can be low, high or mid range. A separate head is used to activate each of them.

Music speakers for car

In total, a set of such speakers can include from two to five speakers, but one of the most popular systems among domestic car enthusiasts is the three-way one. In this case, the largest woofer is mounted directly in front of the mid-frequency diffuser and high-frequency driver. As a result of the ability to share frequencies between speakers, the overall frequency range can be expanded. Accordingly, with the right approach, you can improve the overall sound quality.

It should be noted that the better the frequency channels are separated, and if there is a minimum of distortion in the system, then this directly affects the quality of sound reproduction. A crossover is added to the set of coaxial speakers for good bass - this device performs a very important function of frequency separation, without it it will be impossible to achieve good bass. The crossover is a separating filter element; from one to four stages can be mounted in it.

If the audio system in the car is quite simple, then the crossover can be built into the speaker housing. If the audio system model is of high quality, then the kit will be supplemented with an external crossover, which will look like a separate unit; in such a device it is possible to adjust the signal parameters.

As for component audio systems in the car door, in this case the sound range is divided by frequency. However, car speakers are essentially spaced apart and are installed separately. Despite the fact that installation of such speakers will cost much more, it will be very easy to achieve excellent sound quality and volume with better bass. If you're a fan of great sound with powerful bass, then a component system is the way to go. Component speakers are usually used as front speakers.

Places to install speakers in cars

If you want to add high-quality bass reproduction at the lowest frequencies, then the systems described above will not suit you. The lowest bass from speakers in car doors can only be achieved using a special device - a subwoofer. Subwoofers can be classified as rear car speakers. Such devices are mounted in the luggage compartment or on the rear parcel shelf, as they take up enough space.

Standard sizes

How are car speakers divided by size? First of all, it is necessary to take into account that the quality of bass and sound in general is not affected in any way by the shape of the devices. It can be either round or oval - it doesn’t matter. However, it is important to choose the right size - in this case it matters.

The standard size is a standard that determines the size of the speakers in the front or rear doors of the car. Most vehicles today are equipped with standard places for mounting round acoustic speakers. The diameter of standard seats can be 10, 13 or 16 cm. Also, the front or rear doors of the car can be equipped with seats for oval car speakers measuring 15 by 23 cm or 6 by 9 inches. It should be noted that the larger the diameter of the device, the better and better it will be able to reproduce low frequencies.

Car Speaker Dimensions

In general, the size of any speaker is determined by the dimensions of the low-frequency audio speaker, since it is the largest in the entire system. It is necessary to take into account that the front speakers in the front or rear doors of the car, measuring 16 cm, perfectly reproduce music with a frequency of 8 hertz. If the speaker size is 13 cm, then it will be able to perfectly reproduce sounds with a frequency of 100 hertz, and if the diameter is 10 cm, then from 120 hertz.

Therefore, before buying a speaker system, you need to understand what exactly you want. If your vehicle does not have a subwoofer, then experts recommend buying front speakers whose size will be 16-17 cm. If a subwoofer is already installed or you plan to purchase one in the future, then speakers with a diameter of 13 cm will suit you well. When buying a subwoofer, opinions Experts differ in terms of choosing a specific manufacturer. However, everyone will say that when choosing, it is advisable to focus on sizes from 20 to 40 cm (video author - RemAvto).

Emitter shape

Let us note right away that the shape of the speaker does not affect practically anything other than the convenience of its installation in a car interior or a homemade speaker housing. Both speakers for large speakers and headphone drivers can be either round or oval. There are no square or triangular speakers; This is not a whim of engineers; the shape is determined by the physical principles on the basis of which the emitters operate. Simply put, a non-circular cone will simply not vibrate, and therefore no sound will be produced.

So, we have decided on the shape - you can choose either a round or an oval model, it depends only on your personal preferences. But if you choose the oval version, you will notice that most of these drivers are either coaxial or subwoofers. What does it mean?

How to choose the right acoustics in a car?

In principle, everything is clear with dimensions and standard sizes.

But when choosing acoustics, it is necessary to take into account not only these parameters, but also other nuances, which we will discuss below:

  1. Brand. First of all, you need to give preference to a specific manufacturer that produces acoustics. The domestic market offers customers a huge selection of brands, so it can be quite difficult for a beginner to navigate them correctly. Today, Russian car enthusiasts more often choose acoustics from the brands Infinity, Focal, DLS, Magnat, Alpine, MTX, Pioneer and others. Before purchasing, you can read reviews from car enthusiasts online to understand what advantages and disadvantages such speakers have. As for the brands Kenwood and Panasonic, speakers from these manufacturers are not purchased today as often as 10-20 years ago.
  2. Suspension. Also, before purchasing, you should pay attention to the choice of suspension. Experts recommend that this element should not be made of fabric, but rather rubber. There is an opinion that this will avoid vibrations when the speakers are operating at full power.
  3. Acoustics. According to experts, spaced-out acoustics with tweeters or beepers, as our motorists call them, should be installed in the front doors of cars. It should be noted that such tweeters must be silk, in which case it will be possible to achieve smooth and soft sound.
  4. Size. As for purchasing rear speakers, experts recommend installing speakers with a diameter of 17-20 cm or 6-9 inches in doors or shelves.
  5. Quality. Another rule - if possible, it is always better to purchase high-quality acoustics of a larger size.
  6. Features of the car radio. Some multimedia systems themselves are “picky”, that is, with only speakers they will demonstrate excellent sound with good bass and high quality. But when connecting similar speakers, only from a different manufacturer, the sound quality may be reduced. Therefore, if your car radio has such a feature, it is better to take it into account when purchasing.
  7. System type. An important nuance that must be taken into account when purchasing acoustics for a car is the choice of system type. Actually, this point should be taken into account at the very beginning. Decide what you want to achieve.
  8. Power. Like conventional radios, car audio systems can have rated or peak power. The fundamental factor is the rated power, since this indicator ensures high-quality sound reproduction for a certain time. As for peak power, the acoustics can withstand such power for a short period of time, otherwise damage to the diffuser suspension or overheating of the coil itself may occur. If the speakers you buy have more power, then they are designed for an additional subwoofer connection. If you don't want your speakers to quickly fail, you should follow one rule when choosing power: their peak power should always be three times higher than the maximum power of the subwoofer.
  9. Sensitivity. The sensitivity indicator is measured in decibels. The higher this indicator is, the better the quality of the speakers without a subwoofer will play. As for the amplifier, its use will be relevant if the sensitivity level is 90 decibels or lower. Here you should pay attention to the resonant frequency, since it directly affects the quality of the bass depth. The lower this indicator is, the better the bass will sound.
  10. Instructions. Read the service manual for the audio system - it usually notes certain standards in accordance with which acoustics are purchased. If the audio system's performance is average, then purchasing powerful speakers will not improve the sound quality.
  11. Holes for mounting speakers. Please note that speaker mounting holes may also vary depending on the specific model and brand of vehicle. To avoid difficulties during installation, select acoustics in accordance with these holes.
  12. Manufacturer's recommendations. If the audio system is combined with a navigator, then you need to choose the speakers recommended by the manufacturer. Please note that low-quality acoustics may interfere with satellite reception.

Specialized speakers

Reproducing sound in conditions other than indoors requires the use of speakers that take this specificity into account in their design. Speakers for landscape, mine, and marine applications must withstand high levels of dust that can penetrate the magnetic gap, prolonged solar radiation, high humidity, exposure to sea salt and other negative factors. To achieve this, major changes are made to the design: materials are selected and vulnerable elements are protected.

Proper installation of speakers to create a spacious sound stage

The principle of arrangement of car acoustics, in contrast to home ones, is completely different. If the speakers of a home radio must be located in front of the listener in order to achieve ideal sound, then in the case of car speakers everything is different. The issue of proper installation of speakers is relevant for component systems.

To properly install speakers, there are several factors to consider:

  1. The speakers should be installed as far forward as possible, that is, when installing them in doors, they should be placed closer to the dashboard.
  2. If you bought speakers of different frequencies related to a specific channel, then they should be installed as close to each other as possible. This way you can achieve a consistent, and most importantly, seamless sound.

The speakers can be oriented in different ways - for example, some can be directed towards the driver, others can be directed towards the windshield to be able to reflect sound waves. But here the ideal option can only be achieved experimentally, since a lot depends on both acoustics and other nuances.

In most cases, to achieve ideal sound, experts recommend installing low- and mid-range speakers in the lower front corner of the door. As for the high-frequency speakers, they are installed in the corners of the front panel or in the rack area. In this case, you can achieve good sound, and financial costs will be minimal.


Depending on the type, acoustics are divided into coaxial and component. In the first case, ease of installation and cost savings are ensured, since such systems have a lower price, and in the second, higher sound quality is achieved.

  1. Coaxial acoustics - all speakers are enclosed in one housing. There are several such speakers, and they differ in their individual sound from a technical point of view. Coaxial acoustics are classified based on how many subbands there are. Each subrange is a separate speaker. Smaller speakers are placed directly in front of the larger diffuser.
  2. Component acoustics – all speakers are separate devices, the installation of which is not limited to one housing. The sound quality of such a system depends on how the speakers are positioned to design the acoustics. As a result, you can achieve almost perfect sound if the layout is implemented optimally. Performing this task is somewhat problematic, since the formation of a sound series is based on several frequencies. The cost of these systems is higher, but such expenses are justified.

Coaxial acoustics are losing their admirers, as car enthusiasts put sound quality first, which only component audio systems can provide. This is possible due to speakers that differ in sound frequencies. For example, the mid and low ranges are midbass, and the high ranges are tweeters. In a number of systems you can see that they are equipped with speakers (one or two), distinguished by larger cymbals. Their purpose is low frequencies.

Video “Installing acoustics with your own hands”

Find out how to properly install acoustics in a vehicle from the video (the author of the video is Supram3n).

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Many manufacturers produce acoustic systems for cars; it is quite difficult to choose a worthy option among the variety of similar equipment presented. To make the right choice, we strongly advise you to read this article, where you will get acquainted with the technical parameters, types of speaker systems and the methodology for their selection.

Some useful tips

Finally, we will give a few more useful recommendations that will help you make the right choice of car speakers so that you can enjoy high-quality sound:

  1. The suspension of the speakers should not be made of fabric, but rubber.
  2. Silk tweeters should be used, since silk provides an even, soft and detailed sound.
  3. The speakers need to be fixed as rigidly as possible (preferably to wood or metal).
  4. It is imperative to soundproof your car if high-quality sound is important to you. Otherwise, the music will be drowned out by the noise of the engine and wheels.
  5. If you don’t understand it yourself, entrust the process of selecting and installing acoustics to specialists. To get really good sound, you need to have certain knowledge and skills in various industries. In addition, setting up acoustics is a complex process.

Which manufacturers are chosen today?

The Russian domestic market offers a large assortment of car audio systems, so it can be difficult to navigate the abundance of famous brands and choose the right car audio systems.

Today, Russian car enthusiasts prefer to purchase acoustics from the following manufacturers: Infinity, Fokal, Elpine, Magnat, DLS, Pioneer, which have proven themselves to be excellent after installation on the car. Before purchasing speakers, you should definitely read reviews from real users to understand all the pros and cons of a particular model.

The world-famous brands Kenwood and Panasonic, which were at the peak of popularity for only 20 years, are bought quite rarely today. This is not because their quality does not satisfy today’s buyer - it’s just that every time has its own fashion.

Column types

Car speakers, like car radios, come in several varieties:

  1. Broadband.
  2. Coaxial.
  3. Component.

Owners of modern cars need to remember that each type will differ not only in sound quality, installation conditions, but also in cost.

Wideband means that all available frequency ranges are reproduced by just one speaker. According to experts in their field, this is enough to listen to the radio or music tracks while driving on the road.

Most modern cars are equipped with similar audio systems during assembly on the assembly line. Lovers of low frequencies or powerful bass choose coaxial speakers. In this case, several different speakers are installed, mounted on the same axis, so that the entire spectrum of frequencies from high to the lowest ranges is used as a result.

Midrange speaker

A speaker that plays midrange frequencies (it is also sometimes called midrench or, more correctly, midrange - this term, from the English midrange speaker, comes from car audio), is usually closest in design to a classic speaker. It is important that this speaker reproduces exactly the frequency range in which the human voice is located and in which our hearing is especially sensitive to distortion.

Example of speaker behavior, measurements taken with a laser interferometer

The Achilles heel of the midrange driver is the effect of the appearance of specific deformations of the diffuser - the so-called bending wave, when the peripheral region of the diffuser does not keep up with the movements of the central zone where the voice coil is attached. That is, different zones of the diffuser (by the way, located, as a rule, in spots, and not concentrically, as would follow from the logic of the process) do not vibrate in phase - some areas lag behind others.

The sound becomes “loose” and inaccurate. This means that the diffuser should be as rigid as possible. If we solve the problem head-on, we will get a really hard diffuser that will weigh so much that it will not be able to sound. Therefore, as in a tweeter and a broadband speaker, the design of the diffuser contains a complex compromise - between rigidity and lightness.

Midrange driver Morel SCM 634 with carbon diffuser

For high-end speakers, the design of the diffusers is the most important point. In exotic versions, midrange drivers (just like tweeters, but much less frequently) receive a beryllium diffuser. But much more often in midrange speakers you can see diffusers made of composite materials based on carbon fiber, fiberglass, Kevlar, wood fiber or classic cellulose.


It is impossible to install huge speakers in any car. The exception is the subwoofer, because it is installed in the luggage compartment, where there is enough space. Any car already has places for installing speakers, you just have to choose the right speakers.

The size of each speaker is standard, it means installation in both the front and rear doors of the car. Some manufacturers equip standard places in the factory during assembly, and round speakers with a diameter of 100, 130, 160 mm can be installed. The size of oval car speakers is 150x230 mm or 6x9 inches. The rule applies here: high-quality reproduction of low frequencies is ensured only by speakers with large diameters.

What you need to know to choose the right speakers for your car

When choosing acoustics for your car, you need to take into account not only the technical characteristics, but also certain nuances in order to correctly assess the quality and individual parameters of car speakers:

  1. Brand recognition - you should only buy a well-known brand, not a “dark horse”.
  2. The suspension is made of rubber, not fabric - only in this case, at maximum volume, the speaker does not vibrate. In the inside of the front doors of the car, speakers or speakers are installed that are equipped with tweeters or tweeters, but they are made of silk so that the output sound is soft and smooth. The speakers installed at the rear have a diameter of 170-200 mm, and they are conveniently located in the door or above the luggage compartment, in front of the rearview glass, but so as not to interfere with the driver.
  3. If financial capabilities allow, then it is better to buy high-quality large-sized acoustics rather than a budget option. It is necessary to take into account the individual nuances of car radios - some models reproduce excellent sound with good bass, but only with speakers from a certain manufacturer. The type of system is also of great importance: first of all, you need to find out what you expect from the acoustics, and then choose the type.
  4. Each speaker system has two powers: optimal and peak, the basis is the first option, which provides high quality playback for a set time. Peak or maximum power is produced by the system for a short period, otherwise destruction of the suspension may occur from strong vibration or overheating of the coil.
  5. Sensitivity is measured in decibels; the higher it is, the better the speakers work without connecting a subwoofer. A separate subwoofer amplifier is used only when you need to increase the sound to 90 dB.
  6. Particular attention should be paid to the operating instructions that come with each radio; this is where the standards and parameters of the devices are indicated. If such characteristics are of average value, then purchasing powerful speakers is unprofitable, since they cannot improve the quality of the reproduced sound.
  7. Technological perforations for installing speakers can vary significantly depending on the brand of speaker and vehicle, so you need to select the speaker system to match the holes already made.

Some manufacturers combine a car radio with a navigator, so the passport contains the manufacturer's recommendations for choosing speakers. It should be remembered that low-quality acoustics will create slight interference when receiving signals from the satellite.

Car audio: how to correctly determine the speaker size

Are you thinking about changing the speakers in your car, but don't know if the new speakers are the right size? In fact, everything is not as complicated as it seems at first glance. In the vast majority of cases, speakers, even standard ones, have standard sizes, Pioneer Russia writes on Facebook.

Experts note that the most popular “calibers” are 10 cm (4 inches), 13 cm (5.25 inches), 16.5 cm (6.5 inches) and oval speakers measuring 6x9 inches. There are, of course, less common ones like 6-inch or 4x7 inches, but they are much less common.

To determine the caliber of speakers in your car, simply remove the panel to get to them. It must be remembered that the size is determined not by the diameter of the diffuser, but by the outer diameter of the speaker itself. There is no need to measure everything with millimeter accuracy, because the caliber of the speakers is a nominal value, the physical dimensions may differ slightly. Having determined this size, you can safely choose new speaker systems.

The size of the speakers is usually reflected in the model name. In Pioneer speaker systems, for example, TS-G1021F are 10 cm speakers, and TS-G1320F are 13 cm. As for the size of 16.5 cm (6.5 inches), sometimes the names may include the numbers 65, 165 or 17. This means that with a standard mounting size, the speaker has a larger diffuser, which means, other things being equal, it has higher sensitivity and works more confidently at lower frequencies. Like, for example, Pioneer TS-A1733I.

“And the last moment. When choosing new speaker systems to replace, pay attention to the holes for mounting the speakers. Many Pioneer models have a universal set of holes that allows you to easily install speakers in most standard places. But don't be upset if it suddenly turns out that the stock speakers have their own complex shape. For such cases, you can find adapter rings for sale for specific car models that will solve this problem,” experts note.

High-quality sound in a car depends on many factors, from the choice of radio to the size and location of the speakers. This material will help you find out which is better to install car speakers - 10, 13 or 16 cm. Only if all basic requirements are met, the driver will be able to achieve the highest quality sound.


The technique of installing speakers in a car is different from stage or home speaker distribution, where they are installed in front of the listeners to achieve perfect sound reproduction. To ensure proper installation of speakers, the following factors must be taken into account:

  1. The correct location of the speakers is on the side and as close to the dashboard as possible.
  2. If it turns out that you purchased speakers of different frequency types and they are connected to the same channel, then they should only be placed next to each other - this way you will achieve their coordinated operation.
  3. To artificially create sound reflection, some speakers are aimed at the driver and others at the windshield. Don't be afraid to experiment to get the sound you want.
  4. It is better to place speakers with low and medium frequencies in the lower corner of the door, closer to the pillar, and high-frequency speakers are mounted in the corners of the front panel or in the area of ​​the front pillars so that sound reproduction is ideal.

Taking these tips into account, every car enthusiast will be able to achieve excellent sound while saving money, since the costs will be minimal.


Prices for acoustics vary widely, this is largely influenced by the manufacturer, for example:

Coaxial speaker systems:

  • Chinese speakers SUPRA SSB-4 - from 480 rubles;
  • JVC CS-HX6959 Japan, but manufactured in China - from 3041 ₽;
  • PIONEER TS-A6933I Japan, manufactured in Vietnam - from 2919 ₽.
  • URAL AK-74.C Russia - from 2.7 thousand ₽;
  • MYSTERY MR 61.5 China - 2180 rubles;
  • HERTZ ESK 165.5 Italy - 8.89 thousand rubles.

Box or full-range speakers:

  • CADENCE ATS 2.80BT China, have very high power - 14.99 ₽;
  • MYSTERY MJ 105BX China, three-way speakers take first place at low cost - 1290 rubles.

The cost of speaker systems is indicated as of June of this year; now in different stores there may be changes up or down.


Today, the Russian domestic market offers an impressive range of speakers for cars from various world-famous manufacturers. Choosing the best option is really not easy: you must first determine the model, study the technical parameters so that it is ideally suited for installation in your car, and then go to a specialized store to purchase it. We hope that the tips given in the article will help you not to get lost in the vast world of modern electronics.

Application area

— Automotive. Classic speaker systems designed for use in cars. Features and functionality can vary greatly from model to model, but the commonality is that they are all designed primarily for interiors that are not exposed to the elements, and do not have special protection against adverse influences (for example, splashes).

- Navigation. Acoustic systems designed primarily for installation in water vehicles (boats and yachts). Such models are characterized by increased hull protection (at a minimum, protection from moisture); they can usually be installed in open cabins without fear of splashes. Technically, most models can be installed in a car, but this does not always make sense, because... a protected body usually significantly affects the price, and it pays off only in certain cases (for example, on off-road vehicles on extreme expeditions).

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