One speaker is quieter than the other: what to do if one of the speakers is quieter.

Almost every user also purchases speakers along with a computer or laptop - with this accessory you can not only listen to music, but also watch movies with the whole family or play files with an audio track that are important for work.

There are a huge number of different models on the modern market, but no matter which one you choose, you cannot be immune from possible problems. Sometimes one speaker suddenly starts sounding quieter than the other. Don't panic and immediately seek expensive professional help. You can try to deal with the problem yourself.

Main reasons for no sound in Windows 10

You want to listen to music or watch a movie, but notice that there is no sound on your computer
. The headphones are plugged in, the volume is turned up to full, so what’s the reason? The options may be the following:

  • Drivers crashed after installing the next update;
  • sound settings are lost;
  • speakers are not connected correctly;
  • There was a hardware problem with the sound card.

To avoid going through a lot of unnecessary steps trying to figure out why this happened, you can run the Sound Problem Checker in Windows 10. To do this, just right-click on the volume icon in the tray. A “detect audio problems” tab will appear in the drop-down menu. By clicking this tab once, you launch a scan program that scans and then offers options to solve the problem.

How to get sound back

We've sorted out the probable causes, but how to restore sound on your computer? If there are no suitable drivers for the sound card (or the wrong ones were installed after the update), then you need to download and install them. There is no need to look for the driver disk that came with your computer. The process is as follows:

  1. Determine which sound card is installed: through special utilities, or by physically removing the cover of the system unit and looking at the model.
  2. Go to the sound card manufacturer's website and download drivers for your model.
  3. Install the downloaded drivers.
  4. Check the sound.

Drivers are OK, but still no sound? It is worth checking whether the audio connections are correct. Everything can be very simple: for example, the speaker was plugged into the wrong connector, or the plug does not fit tightly to the port. Also, the speakers may simply not work for reasons that have nothing to do with your computer. To check their functionality, you can simply connect headphones to the port and check if there is sound. Of course, don’t forget to turn them on if an additional regulator is provided.

But when there are no problems with the equipment, connection, or drivers, all that remains is to try tinkering with the settings. It is possible that they fell off or you simply turned them to minimum. In this case, there is a possibility that a hardware malfunction occurred on the sound card or it was disabled in the BIOS. It may need to be repaired or replaced. To do this, you will need diagnostics using specialized equipment at a service center.

Why is one earphone quieter?

Is one earbud louder than the other and is it annoying you? Wireless gadgets should work and cope with their task in the same way, so that you don’t have to strain your ears and catch the words of your favorite song. There may be several reasons for the malfunction:

  1. The ear mesh is clogged.
  2. Water got into the speakers.
  3. Mechanical damage has occurred (for example, you accidentally swept the gadget off the table or pressed it while listening in bed).
  4. One of the speakers has become demagnetized.
  5. The contacts have closed: in this case, a quiet sound is accompanied by a crackling sound and other extraneous noise.
  6. The device settings are incorrectly set, in particular, the balance between channels.
  7. An advanced device is used in conjunction with a portable device that lacks power.

Why do the speakers play quietly - how to find the reason?

Before you start repairing equipment yourself, you need to understand the level of complexity and find the source of the malfunction.
In some cases, it is worth entrusting the work to professionals so as not to damage the equipment. In addition, working with household appliances requires extensive experience in this field, skills and special education. We will simply tell you about some options that you can fix yourself. The most common causes of quiet sound from speakers:

  • The chips and boards in the speakers and computer may be damaged, or the sound card may break.
  • Damage to cables due to bending and friction, breakage of the equipment housing and speakers.
  • Accidentally pressing the volume buttons or muting the sound in the laptop settings.
  • Poor connection to laptop or poor Bluetooth connection.
  • Missing files and drivers required to open an application that plays music through speakers.
  • Contamination of the speakers with dust, large particles of dirt and foreign objects.
  • Damage to software by virus files downloaded from the Internet.

IMPORTANT: Some causes cannot be noticed without the use of special equipment. Internal damage can only be detected by a specialist when disassembling the case.

Why is one speaker quieter than the other?

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Thanks to them, electrical impulses are converted into sounds in the acoustic range of different frequencies.

For some, the pure sound of musical instruments that is as close as possible to the original is important, but for others, the voice of a vocalist, film actors, or a teacher from educational video courses comes first.

How important is the sound system?

It is the basis for the entire audio system.

Moreover, different equipment options will be a priority for each. The choice is influenced by such factors as the “tailoredness” of such a system to those genres that the future owner likes and the price category.

For lovers of the most accurate sound, hi-fi speaker systems are suitable. Despite the myths, not every expensive audio equipment offers the mentioned capabilities.

When exclusivity comes first, the audio market provides fans of high-quality sound with Hi-End audio equipment.

Speaker types

There are several categories of speaker systems, each of which is capable of satisfying specific customer needs. Based on basic differences, there are 5 basic classification groups.

  • The principle of equipment installation. Acoustic systems are divided into floor-standing and bookshelf depending on their size. The former are preferable for large premises such as cinemas. Using them at home for a TV or computer is unprofitable. It is best to use bookshelf speakers.
  • Number of speakers. Otherwise, this is called division by the number of sound bands. The manufacturer may include from 1 to 7 speakers. The most optimal option for the budget is 3 speakers, where one band is responsible for low frequencies, another for middle frequencies and a third for high frequencies.
  • The presence or absence of a sound amplifier in the speakers. In the first case they are called active, in the second - passive. Passive options are much more common. They are preferred by audiophiles due to the crossover filter and, accordingly, higher sound quality due to frequency separation.
  • By design, speakers are divided into planar, dynamic, electrostatic and other types, and in some cases the equipment does not fall into any category.
  • Design. Speakers can have a closed or open body; a good addition would be a bass inverter - a pipe in the speaker tuned to a certain frequency and amplifying sounds within its limits. Thanks to this hole, lower frequencies are reproduced than with conventional equipment. If the pipe is bent inside the housing, increasing its length, power and range of reproduced low frequencies, you will get speakers with an acoustic labyrinth. They are more expensive and require greater precision in manufacturing.

Subwoofer buzzed

What to do if the subwoofer is humming. Here a lot depends on the nature of the sound. If a low-frequency hum of about 50-100 Hz is heard from the speaker, then there is one reason, but a whistle and high-frequency sound indicate a completely different reason. Low frequency hum usually occurs for the following reasons:

  • Break of the "ground"
  • Malfunction in the amplifier power supply

When the amplifier whistles, we can assume that parasitic feedback has arisen and the ULF has switched to self-excitation mode. Much also depends on the conditions under which the low-frequency speaker is used. Car speaker systems are subject to constant vibration and shaking, so disruption or breakage of the “ground” occurs much more often here than with stationary household speakers. The car subwoofer began to hum when turned on, although up to a certain point everything was fine. If the low-frequency hum level changes when you turn the volume control, then the most likely cause will be a bad ground in the connecting cables with RCA connectors (Tulip), which connect the car stereo and the subwoofer amplifier. Sometimes even a thorough external inspection and testing of cables with a tester does not give an accurate result, so it is better not to waste time, but to organize additional grounding of the connectors.

In order to localize the background source, you can sequentially disconnect the input cables from the low-frequency amplifier. At some point the low frequency hum will disappear. This is the cable you need to work with. If the subwoofer began to hum immediately after being turned on and had not been used before, then the reason may also be in the connecting wires. It happens that a homemade sound system installed in a car begins to hum after the power supply is applied. This usually happens when the connection of the sound system elements to the vehicle ground is not made correctly. The wire is fixed directly under the bolt, without a washer, and the fasteners are not degreased. Often low-quality cables with Chinese-made connectors are used for connections. They are guaranteed to cause problems, often immediately after connection.

How to fix if one earphone is quieter than the other

Above are detailed instructions for solving problems with sound. Now briefly about what needs to be done in a given situation:

The membrane mesh is cloggedPlace the earphone mesh in the water so that the speaker does not touch the moisture. Rinse the mesh and set it to dry;
Damaged wireAssess the extent of damage. If the contact comes off, then move the wire and plug. If the contact breaks, take the gadget to a service center;
Water got inPlace the headphones next to a radiator or in a bag of rice and wait until completely dry;
Software reasonAdjust the sound balance on your computer or smartphone. If this does not help, then update the drivers.

What can you do if your headphones are quiet?

If one earphone plays louder than the other, the problem may also lie in the usual contamination of the membrane. It is wrong to assume that the human body works absolutely asymmetrically. A person's left ear produces more wax. The situation in which one ear becomes more dirty and littered than the other is common. When one earphone is quieter than the other, start cleaning it there.

The headphones have a special mesh that prevents dirt from getting deep into the device. It prevents the penetration of sulfur and debris, but this cannot be done completely. Over time, small particles are somehow deposited inside the device, which causes them to serve as a kind of muffling pillow in the path of sound. Remove the mesh and thoroughly clean the inside of the earphone. Treat the mesh with an alcohol solution or vodka and return it to its place.

One earphone starts to play poorly, but the other one still functions well? If the coil in the magnetic system is jammed on one side, contact a service center.

Lost bass in headphones can sometimes also be restored by adjusting the settings in the equalizer. If you are sure that the bass loss is due to damage to the ground wire, remove the insulation and carefully re-solder it.

If the quiet sound in the headphones is due to the use of a high-impedance headset on a low-power gadget with a low output voltage, choose an amplifier. It will help you take advantage of the full power of your headphones, despite the shortcomings of the sound-reproducing device.

Even if your headphones suddenly start playing quieter, replacing them with new ones is completely unnecessary. In the vast majority of cases, the problem can be easily resolved with simple cleaning. Repairing your favorite expensive headphones is in any case cheaper than buying new ones. And doing the work yourself can be a good experience.

Popular faults

There are several common types of faults (for example, rear exit). Some of them can be fixed on your own. To do this, you first need to understand what happened

It is not always possible to visually find a breakdown, so you should pay attention to the symptoms - characteristic signs of each type of failure

Damage to the wire near the plug

If the cord is frequently kinked, its conductive core may be damaged. The devices will be unconnected and will not work. The weakest points are near the plug and near the body, next to hard elements.

You need to inspect the wire and try to change its position several times. If the sound appears and disappears, it means that the faulty element has been detected. Sometimes straightening the cord is enough, but most likely you will have to replace it with a new one.

Speaker failure

A relatively rare malfunction, but the possibility of this breakdown should not be discounted.

To verify the functionality of this part of the structure, you need to “ring” it with a multimeter. The speaker housing indicates the nominal impedance. If the measurement result differs from the nominal value, the cause of the non-operating condition is the speaker. It needs to be replaced.

Break in transformer windings

Both the primary and secondary windings can be damaged. In any case, you should check whether the actual resistance corresponds to the value specified by the manufacturer.

Photo: standard view of the transformer

Failure of the sound switch

Quite a common failure. Sometimes it can be detected without disassembling the equipment. If the switch changes its position too easily, without the slightest resistance, then most likely this is the reason.

If there is no visible damage, you need to make sure that power flows normally through the switch further along the network.

How to disassemble a Chinese copy of Jbl Charge 2

Often, after ordering on Aliexpress and after receiving the package, jbl often encounters connection problems.

After a visual inspection, it becomes clear that there are not a single screw on the outside (they are not visible). Therefore, the question arises: “how to disassemble a Bluetooth speaker”? It seems that the case is glued together and after disassembling it it will not be possible to assemble the parts. But that's not true.

  • First of all, prepare screwdrivers of different sizes. Then peel off the rubber pads. They are glued loosely, so it will be very easy to tear them off.
  • The bolts are located on the back, they are hidden by a decorative grille. It can be easily removed, just use a screwdriver. Be careful because... Removal may damage the coating.
  • You will find 6 bolts that can be removed using a Phillips screwdriver. After that, open the column, there will be two parts in front of you.
  • You will see a small battery, the question immediately arises: how can the speaker work with such a battery?
  • There is a board on both sides, with connectors on the sides.

It is not difficult to disassemble the device; it is assembled in the reverse order.


If your PC quietly plays system sounds or music, the first thing you need to do is calm down and check whether the drivers are installed on your computer’s sound card.

Go to Start - Control Panel - Device Manager - Sound.

Control Panel

device Manager

Look carefully to see whether the necessary drivers are installed on the sound card or not.

There should no longer be any additional icons near the icon on which the speaker is displayed.

If the installed driver is outdated, Windows OS itself will download the necessary driver from the Internet and install it.

In addition, if the driver is present, but you still cannot hear any sound, this is a signal that the driver is not working correctly, and you should roll back the old driver and reinstall it again.

If the “firewood” is outdated, type the name of your PC’s sound card in a search engine and download the required version for the operating system.

Then install this driver.

Once the installation is complete, the computer will prompt you to restart your computer for the new changes to take effect.

Follow the computer's prompts.

Driver Update

It may be necessary to reinstall the driver itself, since the installed drivers do not match your sound card.

Quiet PC sound may be due to the fact that third-party devices are connected to the computer that are capable of producing sound. For example, headphones.

Selecting a playback device

Windows 10 looks very interesting from a sound system point of view. The point is that it can automatically add third-party playback devices such as graphics-based audio systems, HDMI devices, or even virtual control components such as SoundMAX. Such devices are capable of intercepting control of the audio system, and their settings can only cause the volume to decrease.

In the window where all playback devices are displayed, turn off all third-party devices and software audio components and select the exact device you are currently using (for example, Realtek HD Audio speakers - by the way, there may not be any, but there are two). Try to reproduce or try on each of them. Set the one that works well as your default device.

Software errors

Before approaching software errors, you need to remember that in our age, most devices require their own software to operate. In order for the equipment that reproduces sound to “see” the headphones connected to it, you need to have a special driver installed on your laptop, Android or iPhone.

Everywhere (on any devices) all parameters responsible for sound must be configured. And for wireless accessories to work correctly, Bluetooth must be turned on on the equipment. And if the user himself is not able to carry out all the manipulations, then there is always the opportunity to turn to specialists.

But there are situations when the headphones do not play at all, despite installing all the necessary drivers and firmware. Or they work, but quietly and with distortion. In this case, you need to use operating system tools, for example, Windows 7, and carry out more in-depth settings.

Connecting to a USB port

If you have connected headphones via the USB port, but they are silent, then you need to perform the following steps.

  1. Open the Sound window. Path: Start → Control Panel → Sound.
  2. In this window, the device that is currently working is marked with a green checkmark. For example, the speakers are marked, but there is no headset at all. Then you need to right-click in the window (right-click) and check two lines in the pop-up tab: “Show disconnected devices” and “Show disconnected devices.” The headphones will be displayed, but under the “Not Connected” sign.
  3. Right-click on the headphones and select “Enable” from the menu. Now the headset is marked with a green checkmark, and the speakers are disabled.

After these steps, the headphones should work. But in order for the sound to be clear and, most importantly, there are no problems during the next connection, you need to continue the settings.

The setup algorithm for the Windows 10 operating system may be slightly different, but understanding it will not be difficult, since the steps should be similar.

Front Panel Connection

Sometimes, when the plug is plugged into the front panel, the headphones for some reason do not show any signs of life. This indicates that the panel is not active. The activation algorithm is as follows:

  • go to the Control Panel through the Start menu;
  • in the “Hardware and Sound” section, select “Realtek HD Manager”;

in the “Connector Parameters” folder, activate both parameters.

The problem has been resolved and the headphones now play normally.

Drivers are to blame

If all the previous settings did not help, and activating the devices did not change anything, the reason should be sought in incorrect operation of the drivers. The simplest solution is to update them or completely reinstall them.

A very good way is to activate the “Update configuration” function in the device manager. The Windows system itself will find and install all the necessary software. But to do this, you will first need to completely remove all sound card drivers.

If the system does not find anything, you can manually install the driver. You need to take it from the official websites, guided by the capacity of the system. In many cases, installing through compatibility mode will help. Moreover, the launch must be done only with administrator rights.

Based on the above, we can confidently say that many problems with sound reproduction with headphones can be solved independently. Moreover, you need to act from simple to complex, leaving software reinstallation as a last step. It is also useful to learn how to increase the sound in headphones on your PC and phone.

Sound doesn't work after reinstalling Windows

If the sound problem in Windows 10 is similar to that in Windows 7, there is a method that will help return the sound to normal.

Go to the BIOS, open the Integrated tab, look at the sound card settings, it may be inactive.

Press Enter, save the settings and exit the BIOS.

Enable sound in BIOS

But it happens that there is sound, but it is very quiet.

I won’t be mistaken if I say that a large number of people face a similar problem.

Sometimes it can be difficult to fix: you need to install a couple of driver versions, check the hardware to make sure the speaker is working, and also make the necessary system settings.

Problem #3. The sound in the headphones is too quiet

Why do headphones play sound too quietly:

  • The headphones may be broken or damaged. To eliminate the possibility of headphones breaking, try testing them on your smartphone, tablet or any other device. If they work fine, the problem is with the computer.
  • If you are using the Windows xp operating system, then the problem of quiet sound playback is quite standard. The reason for the problem is that it has not released new updates for the sound card for several years and does not support the outdated operating system at all. This is why many modern headphones and other audio devices may be incompatible with the OS and, accordingly, will not work correctly.
  • Make sure all drivers are installed and working correctly. To do this, find the connected headphones in the device manager, right-click on them and enable the device properties, as shown in the figure below.

Checking the status of the connected headphones

In this case, the system shows that the headphones are working normally.

If the state of the connected headphones is determined to be erroneous or critical, you should update the hardware configuration, after which you should be sure to disconnect the headphones and restart your computer or laptop, then connect the headphones again and test the sound.

Everything should work fine. An example of updating the configuration of connected headphones is shown in the figure below.

Updating the configuration of headphones connected to the system

Headphones. The sound is quieter in one ear

With headphones and computer headsets, the diagnostic algorithm is similar: first of all, you need to check the balance settings in Windows, in the player, then make sure that the cord with the plug and the cable between the speakers are intact. But besides these, there are other potential causes of failure.

The volume control is broken.

Often this is where the problem lies. There are several manifestations of a malfunctioning volume control:

  • the sound fades in and out when you touch the control;
  • different speaker volumes;
  • The adjustment affects one ear, but the volume in the other does not change.

If you know how to solder, then it is best to replace the regulator or simply throw it out of the circuit. The volume can be adjusted on the computer without it. And also think about whether it makes sense to spend time on repairs. If you have an inexpensive headset model, it may be easier to replace it.

One of the speakers came unglued

It happens that the speakers in the headphones are held on by glue and one day one of them simply falls off inside. The volume does not decrease in it, but the sound seems quieter due to the fact that the speaker has fallen deep into the cup and is not adjacent to the ear.

If, when you turn the headphones over, you hear something knocking inside, then most likely this is your case. You will have to remove the ear pad, disassemble the ear cup and glue the speaker in place using any glue for plastic or silicone. There is no need to rush when disassembling the cup. Carefully inspect its design. Most likely, you will need to unscrew the screws and press the latches. The latter is best done carefully using a plastic card.

Problem #4. quiet sound when playing movies

Often, some film distributors deliberately reduce the sound level in order to protect themselves from possible claims from copyright holders, because automatic programs for identifying pirated content cannot distinguish between two identical audio tracks if they are played at different frequencies.

Thus, the movie you downloaded may play sound quietly not at all due to problems in the system.

If your player plays all audio and video quite quietly, you need to install new codecs - unique drivers for recognizing video and audio tracks, without delay and in the correct encoding.

You can download codecs from the official website of the developer of your player.

Test the sound of the same video in different players; in most cases, only one of the players does not play the audio tracks correctly.

Make sure that all audio drivers on your computer or laptop are installed and working correctly. Use the instructions given above in the article.


The article described ways to solve problems with sound in Windows systems and methods of dealing with poor and quiet sound.

A selection of top programs was made to enhance and improve sound quality on a PC and laptop.

These programs have gained popularity and authority among users; it is up to you to decide which program to use.

If your attempts to make the sound louder are unsuccessful, take your computer to a service center and show it to the professionals - the problem may be with the sound card, which just needs to be replaced.

Problem #5. quiet sound from speakers

Quiet sound from the speakers may indicate more than just incorrectly installed driver software. The speakers may be dirty with dust or broken.

Check if the speakers are dirty from the inside, because too much dust accumulation can be a direct reason that the sound is not reproduced correctly:

Open the back cover of the speaker housing, an example of open speakers is shown in the figure;

Open speaker cabinet

  • Check the condition of all wires; perhaps some of them may have been damaged during a fall or other mechanical damage to the device. This may cause sound to be intermittent or too quiet;
  • Thoroughly clean the contents of the case from dust and cobwebs. This can be done using a cosmetic or artistic brush. Never use a damp cloth. Avoid getting moisture inside the device.

What to do if one of the speakers is quieter

Further actions will depend on the reason you previously established. To check for problems with your settings, go to the control menu and find the mixer. In the window that opens, you need to select the speakers and adjust the balance using the “Levels” button.

Additionally, also check the settings in the player or player you are using to play the music. Remove any programs that may be affecting sound quality.

If the problem is mechanical damage to the socket, then simply connect the speakers using another one. Usually there are several of them on each device, and if there is only one, you can use an adapter to insert the plug into another. Damage to the sound card cannot be repaired - you will have to replace it with another one. The same goes for any cable.

If none of the above helps, then you need to disassemble the speakers. Some internal part of the device may have been damaged. The repair is not too complicated, so even a beginner can handle it.

IMPORTANT! Please note that all models differ slightly, but still differ from each other, so it is important to find information and diagrams for your speakers. This can be easily done using the Internet.

Now you know why the left speaker may be quieter than the right or vice versa. After checking all possible causes of the problem, you can fix it yourself, saving money on paying for specialist consultation and repairs.

Problem #6. Incorrect operation of computer audio devices at the OS level

If you have updated all drivers, set up a new hardware configuration, verified that your speakers and headphones are working properly when connected to other devices, and also verified that the problem is not related to hardware failure, and the device is still running quietly, use the following sound settings option.

Most likely, the sound does not work correctly at the level of the operating system of the computer or laptop.

You can increase the volume in Windows 7-10 as follows:

  • Play any music file. This way, during the setup process, you can adjust the volume in real time;
  • Click on the sound icon, which is located next to the clock on the desktop device panel. Check the sound level;

How to make non-built-in speakers louder

To begin with, it should be clarified that in this case we will talk specifically about those speakers that are connected to the computer separately, and not about the built-in ones.

There are several ways to help these speakers sound louder. First of all, it is necessary to rearrange the room - if the speakers are located somewhere in the corner, and there is also a large amount of furniture nearby, then you should not expect a significant increase in volume.

You can also upholster the body with sound-absorbing material and strengthen the structure. No matter how strange it may sound, such upholstery allows you to achieve a more satisfactory result. If you want to achieve even more significant changes, then you can perform such technical work as replacing the wires on the amplification part of the acoustics. But such repairs will only be possible for those who have at least a little understanding of the structure of the accessory.

Problem #5. Quiet sound from speakers

Quiet sound from the speakers may indicate more than just incorrectly installed driver software. The speakers may be dirty with dust or broken.

Check if the speakers are dirty from the inside, because too much dust accumulation can be a direct reason that the sound is not reproduced correctly:

Open the back cover of the speaker housing, an example of open speakers is shown in the figure;

Open speaker cabinet

  • Check the condition of all wires; perhaps some of them may have been damaged during a fall or other mechanical damage to the device. This may cause sound to be intermittent or too quiet;
  • Thoroughly clean the contents of the case from dust and cobwebs. This can be done using a cosmetic or artistic brush. Never use a damp cloth. Avoid getting moisture inside the device.

What to do if one of the speakers is quieter

Further actions will depend on the reason you previously established. To check for problems with your settings, go to the control menu and find the mixer. In the window that opens, you need to select the speakers and adjust the balance using the “Levels” button.

Additionally, also check the settings in the player or player you are using to play the music. Remove any programs that may be affecting sound quality.

If the problem is mechanical damage to the socket, then simply connect the speakers using another one. Usually there are several of them on each device, and if there is only one, you can use an adapter to insert the plug into another. Damage to the sound card cannot be repaired - you will have to replace it with another one. The same goes for any cable.

If none of the above helps, then you need to disassemble the speakers. Some internal part of the device may have been damaged. The repair is not too complicated, so even a beginner can handle it.

IMPORTANT! Please note that all models differ slightly, but still differ from each other, so it is important to find information and diagrams for your speakers. This can be easily done using the Internet.

Now you know why the left speaker may be quieter than the right or vice versa. After checking all possible causes of the problem, you can fix it yourself, saving money on paying for specialist consultation and repairs.

Problem #4. Quiet sound when playing movies

Often, some film distributors deliberately reduce the sound level in order to protect themselves from possible claims from copyright holders, because automatic programs for identifying pirated content cannot distinguish between two identical audio tracks if they are played at different frequencies.

Thus, the movie you downloaded may play sound quietly not at all due to problems in the system.

If your player plays all audio and video quite quietly, you need to install new codecs - unique drivers for recognizing video and audio tracks, without delay and in the correct encoding.

You can download codecs from the official website of the developer of your player.

Test the sound of the same video in different players; in most cases, only one of the players does not play the audio tracks correctly.

Make sure that all audio drivers on your computer or laptop are installed and working correctly. Use the instructions given above in the article.

One earphone plays quieter than the other: possible reasons

It is difficult to overestimate the convenience and benefits of headphones. These small devices allow you to enjoy your favorite music, listen to audiobooks, watch videos, and play games without disturbing others. With their help you can answer calls, which is especially important in the cold season.

But often the headphones stop working correctly. For example, one of the common faults is a decrease in the volume level in one speaker. In this case, you have to strain your ears to hear the voice of the singer or actor - this is not normal, so the problem needs to be solved.

Why is one earphone quieter than the other?

Before you begin troubleshooting, you need to find out the reason that led to the breakdown.

If you are sure that the problem is related specifically to the headphones, then the reasons may be the following:

  1. The speaker is clogged. In this case, normal functioning is interfered with by deposits of earwax, dust, dirt and other debris.
  2. If you have an inexpensive device made in China, then most likely one of the speakers has become demagnetized. This is a common problem with cheap headphones from unknown manufacturers.
  3. The settings have gone wrong. Two devices work to receive the audio signal. For example, headphones and a laptop or smartphone. A fairly common reason is a settings failure in the sound source.
  4. Sound card. It is responsible for receiving an audio signal, but, like any other device, it is not immune to breakdowns.
  5. The cord or plug is damaged. In this case, contact closure may occur.
  6. Damage to the gadget. For example, it may fail due to liquid getting inside.
  7. Device incompatibility. If you are using a high-impedance device with a portable gadget that requires a different level of power.

Connect the headphones to another device. Perhaps they began to work incorrectly due to a malfunction in the sound source. It is advisable to check if the settings have been lost. If necessary, change the balance and volume of the sound.

In some cases, the problem does not lie in the headphones at all, but it becomes noticeable only when using the gadget. It happens that the reason is the user. With frequent listening to loud music, hearing acuity gradually decreases.

Separately, it is worth mentioning devices from the Apple manufacturer. Such models have several design and software features. Firstly, they are distinguished by an ergonomic shape, making their use comfortable, especially for people with hearing problems.

Secondly, to ensure the best sound, the device comes with a sound balance function by default. It may be set incorrectly from the very beginning, so a louder sound comes from one speaker. To find out, go to Settings and open the Accessibility tab. Find the balance settings there, look at the location of the slider.

In some cases, a decrease in the sound of the left or right earphone is associated with AirPods “bugs”. Then you will need a flashing.

Reference. Don’t rush to reflash your gadget right away. First, copy all important files to another device. Otherwise you will lose all information.

What to do if the sound in one earphone is quieter

Once you have established the cause of the problem, you can begin to eliminate it.

  1. Foreign debris. You should clean the bowls of the product. To do this, you will need to stock up on hydrogen peroxide and cotton swabs. Remove the protective mesh from the cups and carefully clean the inside with a stick moistened with peroxide.
  2. Demagnetization. This problem cannot be fixed, so you will have to buy a new gadget.
  3. Settings. Go to the settings of the external device, check the sound balance. Move the slider in the desired direction. If you are using a laptop or desktop computer, you should look for Realtek Manager. With its help, you can set the required balance and also increase the sound volume.
  4. Poor contact. In this case, repairs will be required. You may need to replace the headphone plug. If you do not have the necessary skills, contact a service center.
  5. Trapped liquid. The water must be removed immediately, otherwise the headphones will completely fail and you will have to purchase new ones. Place them near a heat source and leave them for several days. You can speed up the process if you put them in rice - it absorbs moisture well.
  6. Device incompatibility. If you use a high-impedance gadget with a weak sound source, purchase a special amplifier.

Headphones. The sound is quieter in one ear

With headphones and computer headsets, the diagnostic algorithm is similar: first of all, you need to check the balance settings in Windows, in the player, then make sure that the cord with the plug and the cable between the speakers are intact. But besides these, there are other potential causes of failure.

The volume control is broken.

Often this is where the problem lies. There are several manifestations of a malfunctioning volume control:

  • the sound fades in and out when you touch the control;
  • different speaker volumes;
  • The adjustment affects one ear, but the volume in the other does not change.

If you know how to solder, then it is best to replace the regulator or simply throw it out of the circuit. The volume can be adjusted on the computer without it. And also think about whether it makes sense to spend time on repairs. If you have an inexpensive headset model, it may be easier to replace it.

One of the speakers came unglued

It happens that the speakers in the headphones are held on by glue and one day one of them simply falls off inside. The volume does not decrease in it, but the sound seems quieter due to the fact that the speaker has fallen deep into the cup and is not adjacent to the ear.

If, when you turn the headphones over, you hear something knocking inside, then most likely this is your case. You will have to remove the ear pad, disassemble the ear cup and glue the speaker in place using any glue for plastic or silicone. There is no need to rush when disassembling the cup. Carefully inspect its design. Most likely, you will need to unscrew the screws and press the latches. The latter is best done carefully using a plastic card.

Hello! I have Bluetooth headphones, but I can’t change the sound balance in the settings. For example, when I pull one of the channels (let's say the right one), the left one goes equally. Those. if I lowered the value of the right channel by 50%, then the left one followed it by the same 50%. How to fix?

(Windows 10 has a recent update, sounds are fine in Device Manager)

How to fix

Sound level

Among all the other reasons why your PC is quiet, it's worth noting that your Windows volume control is low.

Open the icon next to the clock - the volume level must be on, at least 50%.

Volume control

Audio Service

The next reason why the sound on your PC may be low is because your computer has the wrong default device installed.

In the control panel, open the hardware and sound card and you need to select the required device, the name of which corresponds to your sound card.

If the previous suggestions were unsuccessful, check if your computer is connected to the Windows Audio service.

Open this service, select automatic in the “Startup type” submenu - click Apply - Start - Ok.

Sometimes this service does not start automatically.

Sometimes, for some unknown reason, this service does not want to start automatically.

Starting the Windows Sound Service

Bad contacts

Computer connector panel

Most often, this phenomenon occurs with old computers or laptops, into which connectors of third-party equipment were often inserted.

Because of this, the contacts are severely damaged and worn out, which is why a quiet sound is observed.

It's worth noting that many headphones have a volume control and it's worth paying attention to. But in any case, I advise you to pay attention to the connectors, wires and functionality of the speakers or headphones

But in any case, I advise you to pay attention to the connectors, wires and functionality of the speakers or headphones. To do this, they can be connected to a phone or another PC or laptop

To do this, they can be connected to a phone or another PC or laptop.


If your computer plays system sounds or music silently, the first thing to do is calm down and check if the drivers are installed on your computer's sound card.

Go to Start - Control Panel - Device Manager - Sound.

Control Panel

device Manager

Check carefully to see if the necessary drivers are installed on your sound card.

There should be no additional icons next to the icon that displays the speaker.

If the installed driver is out of date, the Windows operating system itself will download the necessary driver from the Internet and install it.

Also, if the driver is present but you still cannot hear sound, this is a sign that the driver is not working properly and you should go back to the previous driver and reinstall it.

If the “firewood” is outdated, type the name of your PC’s sound card into a search engine and download the version required for the operating system.

Then install this driver.

Once the installation is complete, the computer will ask you to restart your computer for the new changes to take effect.

Follow the instructions on your computer.

Driver update

You may have to reinstall the driver itself because the installed drivers do not match your sound card.

The lack of sound on the PC may be due to the connection of third-party devices to the computer that can reproduce sound.

For example, headphones.

Major breakdowns

Among the most popular computer speaker failures are:

Video repair instructions

So, we have looked at the main malfunctions of audio speakers. Now, I would like to provide you with tips for repairing speakers on your computer with your own hands:

  1. If the sound suddenly disappears, check that everything is connected: the plug has not fallen out of the socket or the electrical plug has fallen out of the socket. There are frequent cases when the reason is precisely such a simple circuit break.
  2. If music is playing, the light is on, but there is no sound, check the volume control, it may be at the very minimum (MIN mark).
  3. To check whether the problem is in the speakers, connect headphones to the system unit. If it happens that the speakers on the computer do not play, but the headphones work, then the reason is definitely in the speaker system.
  4. If only one speaker (right or left) is working, check the sound balance in the settings; it may be biased in favor of one of the elements. If you are sure that two devices are turned on, you can also move the plug (pull it out and reinsert it into the socket), because sometimes the cause is poor contact. You can adjust the balance in this window if you have Windows XP installed:
  5. If you decide to replace the plug, while leaving the old wire, use exclusively soldering. There should be no terminals or twists.
  6. If noise occurs in the speakers, check the integrity of the speakers (they could be torn, as in the photo below), as well as the quality of the connection between the plug and the socket. Another likely reason is a failure in the system’s audio settings.

If you don’t have a multimeter, you can check the performance of the speaker with a regular 1.5 V battery - when you connect it, a characteristic rustling sound and a shift in the diaphragm should appear.

  • Another test option is to connect the audio system not to the computer, but, for example, to a DVD player or telephone. If sound appears, it means the problem is with the PC sound card.
  • That's all I wanted to tell you about why the speakers on your computer don't work and how to repair them yourself. We hope that now you can independently find the cause of the breakdown and eliminate it without much difficulty!

    In iPhone 6, iPhone 5s, iPhone 5, iPhone 6s, iPhone se, iPhone 4s, iPhone 4, iPhone 7 plus, iPhone x, iPhone 7, iPhone 2g, iPhone 8, like others, there are 2 speakers: top and bottom and sometimes It happens that 1 speaker does not work, but the second one works.

    Moreover, if one ear speaker (auditory) does not work, that is, the conversational one, but the speakerphone or external speaker (headphones) can work.

    There are several reasons and most can usually be eliminated on your own without visiting specialized places.

    If both speakers stop working at once, the situation becomes more complicated, but it can often be resolved independently.

    It also happens that the speaker works quietly or poorly during a conversation, for example, it wheezes - we will also consider this situation below.

    Sometimes you even need to get inside an iPhone 5, iPhone 6, iPhone 5s, iPhone 4, iPhone 4s, iPhone 7, iPhone 8, iPhone se, iPhone 5c, iPhone 6 plus and so on, but I hope such a future will bypass you.

Solutions to the problem


Earwax and dust gradually clog the metal mesh ear pads, and the conductivity of sound waves decreases. In such conditions, the headphones will inevitably become quieter.

We noticed that one earphone began to play quieter than the other, and sound reproduction became worse; it’s time to start removing dirt.

  • carefully remove the foam attachments from the “ears”;
  • Pour alcohol or hydrogen peroxide into a small container;
  • Carefully immerse the mesh part of the headset in the product, secure it with a clothespin, being careful not to let the liquid get on the speakers;
  • leave the accessory immersed in the product for 10-15 minutes;
  • take out the headphones and let them dry for a couple of hours by hanging them or placing them on a napkin with the nets facing down;
  • remove any remaining dirt with a napkin, holding the “ears” with the meshes down;
  • put the ear tips back in place.

Check the sound. If the sound became better, then the problem was excessive clogging of the sound channel.

Wires are damaged

With a wired headset, is one earphone quieter than the other? – carefully inspect the connecting wires for kinks and exposed braiding

Pay special attention to the places near the plug and ear pads. If there is damage to the wire, there is a high probability that the reason that one of the earbuds has become quieter lies in the poor condition of the wiring

With certain skills and abilities, the malfunction can be eliminated independently. You can seek the help of a specialist.

Connection problems

A headset that works using wireless technology has a problem like: the left earphone plays quieter than the right one, or vice versa, it may be due to software glitches when connecting via Bluetooth. With a wired accessory, volume imbalance when connected is possible due to loose placement of the plug in the socket. In this case, one earphone may play louder than the other.

The problem is resolved by correctly connecting the headphones to the sound source. In the first case, you need to reset the crooked connection and synchronize with a new one. In the second option, you should adjust the plug in the socket.

Equipment check

If while using headphones you notice that one is playing quieter than the other, first check the device itself, as there is a possibility that the problem is on the side of the reproduced sound. This happens when the material was mounted in stereo format, which allows for the formation of spatial sound. When playing videos or audio files of this format, it is rare, but there is a difference in the volume of sounds in one and the other headphone.

As an example of a checking tool, we will take the Sound Manager from Realtek, which is most often installed in the operating system along with the driver for the sound card. The application icon can be found on the taskbar if it is added to startup, or you can search the directory with files and find the executable file there.

Read more: Methods for opening Realtek HD Manager in Windows 10

Next, all that remains is to run the built-in sound test for each speaker.

  1. In the program, on the “Speakers” tab, set the speaker configuration to “Stereo” and click the play button to start the test.

You should first hear a small sound in the left earphone, and then in the right. In the image below, you can see that the speaker currently playing audio is outlined in blue.

If the test results are not entirely clear, click on each speaker yourself and listen to them separately, comparing the sound volume.

In addition to the described tool, headphones can be checked using special online services. This is suitable for those users who do not have the Manager from Realtek or whose testing did not clarify the current problem.

Read more: Checking headphones online

If you have played completely different sounds, checked your headphones and are already sure that one always plays quieter than the other, use the following methods to help solve this problem.

Is the right or left column not a myth?

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In the sound settings what is installed. My speaker wire almost came off. Right now I did everything and the volume became the same. I'm looking for a program to backup the system partition. My screw was slowly starting to fall apart, so I bought a second screw to store all sorts of rubbish, including to save images of partitions made in Acronis True Image. But apparently I came to my senses about reserving information too late. Error reading sector on disk 1″.

But what the 11th version was able to do did not give me anything, because during a trial recovery from this image of the system partition, an error was given that the archive was damaged, and specifically a file system error. I am asking this question not in the Acronis section, since I am looking for a program that could do more than Acronis, that is, make a normal image of the system partition, even if there is a damaged sector there.

After checking the screw using a Windows scan with automatic correction of errors and bad sectors, nothing has changed; these errors, issued in Acronis, remain as before. And I’m afraid to use other programs for recovery or sector remagnetization, since they can generally kill the hard drive, there have already been cases. In general, I’m looking for such a miracle program, and I’ll be glad for any advice you have.

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Sound Booster software

You can also use third-party software to adjust the system sound. An excellent program for quickly setting up sound is the Sound Booster utility.


Appearance of the Sound Booster program

With this utility you can increase the volume of all devices using one software window.

There is also a function for detecting errors during playback and the ability to reproduce sound without distortion.


Let's look at the list of the main functions of this software product.

  • 3D Sound. This is surround sound. The sound will be available to the user from all sides.
  • Equalizer. The multi-band equalizer gives the user absolute control over frequencies.
  • Channel management. This component of the program allows you to organize a concert with the effect of a “live” performance. Not every computer sound amplifier provides this effect.
  • Speaker correction. This mechanism is responsible for the resonance of the speakers.
  • Atmosphere. This effect is a set of reverberations that simulate the sound from a telephone booth, well, etc.)
  • Fidelity. Manager for restoring frequency and intensity that were lost during recording.

Programs to boost speaker volume

The last thing I recommend is to try running special programs to enhance the sound. There is a whole article dedicated to them on my blog (link below)!


Programs to increase volume on a computer: my selection

In general, I recommend trying the Sound Booster program (its screenshot is shown below). Its main advantages:

  • supports all popular programs, games, players and so on: Skype, ICQ, Windows Media Player and so on
  • installed, configured once and works (runs every time you turn on the computer);
  • increase volume up to 500%!

Increase the volume by 500%!

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