How to strengthen headphones - protect the wire from breaking

Headphones have many vulnerable spots, since all elements of the headset are subject to mechanical stress during use. It’s not a shame to throw away an inexpensive product after it breaks down. Branded headphones will have to be repaired after a breakdown. However, it is better not to let the headset fall into disrepair. There are many ways to protect your headphones and wire from bending, and you need to use them.

Wire exit from the plug

The most vulnerable spot is the wire coming out of the plug casing. This element is also called a jack. The plug and the wire coming out of it are constantly exposed to mechanical stress, even when the headset is not working, but is simply inserted into the phone jack.

Recommendations: How to fix headphones yourself if one stops working

, How to connect broken headphone wires

, DIY headphone repair

Let's look at a few of the most common reasons:

  • When listening to music, the mobile phone is usually placed in the pocket. The option is not bad, but you need to place it with the plug facing up. If the jack is on the bottom, the entire weight of the phone presses on it. L-shaped plugs suffer less from this position, since the wire exits the casing from the side. For an even jack, pressing it to the bottom of a clothing pocket is detrimental. The wire at the entrance to the casing is sharply bent at an acute angle, resulting in a fracture of the copper core.
  • While listening to music from your phone while traveling, the headset cable is secured to your clothing with a plastic clip. In the event of a sharp turn of the head, the clamp will weaken the force of the wire jerking at the point of attachment to the plug.
  • Music lovers have a habit of putting the phone in their pocket after listening to music without removing the headset plug from the jack. This option is detrimental to both devices. The phone's plug and socket gradually become loose. Poor contact will cause crackling noise in the speakers and loss of sound. Finding the location of the fault will become more difficult, since the wire breaks along with the connector and plug.
  • Headphones deteriorate even during storage. There is a killer combination - leave the plug in the socket and wrap the wire around the phone. Such storage will kill even the most expensive and high-quality headphones within six months. The plug and the entire wire before connecting to the speakers will fail due to sharp corners at the bend. The hard case provides safe storage of the headset. The wire is wound around three fingers. The coil is obtained without sharp bends and will be safely stored in the case.
  • The long service life of headphones is taken care of even at the purchase stage. A headset with a straight plug is the worst design. The wire near the jack will quickly break due to sharp bends. It is better to give preference to a plug with the letter “G” or at an angle of 45°. If your favorite headphones are sold only with a straight jack, additionally buy an L-shaped adapter - an adapter.
  • In addition to the adapter, there are female-male adapters. A piece of cable has a plug attached to it at one end, which is inserted into the phone jack. At the other end of the wire there is a socket - an analogue of a telephone connector, where the headset jack is connected.

If the wire near the plug is broken, it is cut off, after which the jack casing is cut off and the wires are soldered to the contacts.

How to properly use unwanted lipstick

Girls will really appreciate this method, because they probably have an old lipstick or a cap from it, it will be quite enough. You need to twist the headphones tightly so that the earbuds and the plug are on the same side.

The other edge, where only the wires remain, must be placed in a lipstick cap so that they hold well and do not jump out; you can make a larger bundle. Don't overdo it and ruin the wires.

Any small box or even a narrow eyeglass case can be used as such storage.

Speaker wire output

The second weak point after the plug is the cable exit from the headphones. Most often, the wire here does not break, but comes off from the speakers. The user is to blame for pulling the earphone out of his ear by the cable. Even if the vacuum headset is deeply buried inside the ear, remove it by holding the body with your fingers.

A wire break from the speaker contact occurs in cheap Chinese models. The wire inside the case is not secured by anything and dangles freely. The branded headset is designed differently. The cable connected to the speakers is tied in a knot before exiting the headphone body.

This creates a kind of stop that prevents the wire from breaking off the contact. However, you still cannot pull such an earphone by the wire. The core will not come off the speaker, but the cable itself will begin to stretch. Over time, a gap forms in the thinned area.

Near the entrance to the headphones, the wire is constantly suspended. Even if you don’t pull on it, over time the cable will tear the wires away from the speaker under its weight. You can ease the load by placing the wire behind the ear. In this position, no force is applied to the cable section near the entrance to the headphones.

How to disassemble headphones: instructions with step-by-step photos of repairing all elements of the headset

Bifurcation section

The headset cable leading to the speakers splits into two. The separation point is secured with a plastic or rubber stopper. In this area, similarly, there is a threat of fracture of the veins, but this happens extremely rarely.

You can protect the split with a voltage reducer, but they are only installed on expensive branded headphones. For a cheap headset, the only salvation is the clip. The area where the bifurcation begins is secured to the clothing with a clothespin.


There are many ways to wrap your headphones so that they don't get tangled or break. The easiest way is to wrap the headphones on your fingers:

  1. clench your middle and ring fingers into a fist, leaving your little and index fingers;
  2. fix the headphones themselves between your bent fingers, and begin to twist the wires in a figure eight around your little finger and index finger;
  3. Leave some wire on the plug side and use it to secure where the wires cross, and just tuck the plug into one of the lugs.

To prevent the headphones from getting tangled, you can use a small piece of wire that is used to secure the wires when selling; it is flexible and will not harm the wires. Just twist the headphones as convenient for you and secure them with wire; this is a radical solution that will once and for all solve the issue of how to store the headphones.

Often the wires get damaged in the place where they connect to the plug, how can I prevent the headphones from breaking in this place?

A spring from a fountain pen will help, just put it partly on the plug, partly on the wire, then they will last you longer.

Basic rules for using headphones

The user can protect the headset from damage if they follow a number of important rules:

  • Do not wash dirty tips without removing them from the headphones. Water that gets inside the case will damage the speakers. Do not clean the plug, connector or earphone mesh with a needle or other sharp metal object.
  • Avoid blow-drying your hair while wearing headphones. Sudden immersion in cold has a similar negative effect. Due to the temperature difference, condensation forms inside the case, destroying the speakers.
  • Do not remove the plug from the phone socket without stopping the playback of the music file.
  • To store the headset, use a hard case, and the plug is removed from the connector of the player or phone.
  • The earphone is removed from the ear by the housing, and the wire is secured to the clothing with a clip.

The rules for using the headset are simple and should be followed.

How to charge wireless headphones

Selecting the diameter of the ear pads and the shape of the in-ear headphones for comfortable wearing

In-ear headphones are designed specifically to seal the ear canal with a soft cushion that is gentle on the skin with its smooth surface and expands the passage to secure the speaker housing.

The latter is placed at the back of the barrel and transmits sound through a short tube. In order to wear in-ear headphones correctly, it is important to correctly select the diameter of the ear pads and their material, which must correspond to the anatomical features of a particular person.

Recommendations: 12 Best Headphones for Sports

, 17 Best Vacuum Headphones , 9 Best In-Ear Headphones

There are three types of headphone tips by number:

1 - has an edge with a diameter of 5 mm and a thickening of up to 7 mm, designed for children, girls or short people (although there are individual characteristics of the ear canal that do not fall under these statistics).

2 - have 5 mm on the outside and an extension of up to 9 mm, which is suitable for people of average height and tall.

3 - equipped with an inlet of 5 mm and an expander of up to 11 mm, which is rarely used in the case of a large diameter of the ear canal.

Selecting a headset with ear pads of a suitable diameter that matches the user’s parameters will ensure proper wearing and a minimum of discomfort. When choosing ear pads, you should pay attention to the material from which they are made.

The softer it is, the more pleasant it will be on the skin, and the easier it will be to insert and remove the device. The most optimal are silicone headphones. After them, in second place, are rubber liners, and only then PVC.

It is important to remember that the thickness of the ear pads also affects the wearing of in-ear headphones. The thinner the material, the easier it is to insert the barrel into the ear, but the insulating effect will be less and vice versa.

If all the tried options do not bring satisfactory results, then you can try ordering the production of in-ear headphones according to individual parameters, but this is only available in large cities and will cost more.

The shape of the headphones can be straight or curved. The former tire the ears faster and outwardly they look less organic, due to the oblique entrance to the auditory canal. Optimal for proper wearing are curved earbuds, in which the housing with the speaker has a slight turn on the tube with attached ear pads.

Two ways to improve your headset

When you buy new headphones, don’t rush to use them right away. There are two simple ways to improve your headset by increasing the cable's resistance to mechanical stress.

1. The first method is aimed at protecting the input to the plug. To prevent the wire from sharply bending into a break, you will need a bandage. A stiff spring is taken from a fountain pen or children's toy and wound in coils onto the cable. Next, the bandage is lowered along the wire to the connector, where a couple of turns are screwed onto the jack casing. The defense is ready. An elastic spring will never allow the wires to bend at an angle of 90°. A similar bandage can be screwed onto the area where the wire begins to bifurcate.

2. The second method is aimed at protecting the headphone output. The wire constantly dangles in the hole in the housing, causing insulation failure. The problem can be easily solved. A drop of glue is injected into the hole. It will securely fix the wire to the headphone body.

Compliance with the rules of use, together with improvement, will extend the life of your favorite headphones.

Thematic materials: Independent production of simple headphones and a headset with a microphone

, 10 Most Expensive Headphones , 5 Best Wireless Hi-Fi Headphones

, If water gets on the headphones or inside the mobile phone jack

, How to properly warm up headphones and whether it is necessary to do so , How to solder a headphone plug

, How to fix headphones yourself if one stops working , How to improve the sound quality in headphones

, Hi-res music: how it differs and how to use it

Regular cleaning

Headphones need to be periodically cleaned of earwax to prevent bacteria from multiplying.

If the mesh is removable, you can take it out, wash it with soap or soak it in an alcohol solution for 5 minutes, then dry it and fasten it back, but the permanent one should be cleaned as follows:

  1. Use a toothpick or needle to clean the mesh from wax.
  2. Wipe the mesh and wires with a cotton pad soaked in alcohol or chlorhexidine.
  3. Dry on a paper towel with the mesh side down.

Silicone or rubber linings of vacuum headphones need to be cleaned especially carefully as follows:

  1. Remove the pads, clean them with a cotton pad soaked in alcohol, rinse and leave to dry.
  2. Use a toothpick to remove wax from the mesh.
  3. Moisten a cotton pad with hydrogen peroxide, place it on the table, and place the headphones on top for 20 minutes with the mesh down and press down slightly so that it gets into the holes and dissolves the remaining sulfur.
  4. Take out the headphones, wipe them dry and leave them to dry with the mesh facing up.
  5. Reattach the covers.

From fountain pens to clumsy little hands, why do headphones break?

“Well, how long can I buy you things?!” - that’s how the picture stands before my eyes. I’m 5-6 years old, my mother picked me up from kindergarten and takes me home, simultaneously scolding me for my new shoes. Either I stepped in a poop, or walked through a puddle - my feet squelch unpleasantly, my face is smeared with tears and snot mixed in. At home there’s even more waiting: a nasty floor rag, which they’ll hand me and make me wash the dirty stuff off my shoes, then the obligatory itchy woolen socks so that I don’t even think of getting sick! And they’ll leave you without ice cream, but I saw dad bring it yesterday!

And of course, an obligatory lecture about starving African children, who have a lifelong dream - at least I feel like a bourgeois oppressor, although I have never seen a hungry black child, much less forced him to work on a plantation. But they exploited me - weeding strawberries in the country and doing homework. Righteous tears stretched to the knee, and the thought that things must be protected lasts a lifetime.

I think, based on the topic of my blog, you already understand that from boots to equipment there is only one step. I won’t say that I take great care of both, but sometimes I extend the life of my headphones - today I’ll share a couple of life hacks.

Wiring diagrams for wires with more than two cores

Users often wonder whether it is possible to repair headphones of a more complex design when there are more wires inside? A different number of wires may be suitable for one plug - this depends on the class of headphones:

  • mono - 2 wires, it’s difficult to confuse anything here;
  • stereo and mono - three wiring and different connection diagrams;
  • stereo headsets - 4 pcs.;
  • headsets or headphones with microphone - 5-6 pcs.
  • Now we will tell you in more detail about each class, except the first.

    Three cores

    Each earphone must have two wires in the same braid or in different ones - this is a plus and a minus. Sometimes at the end, when connecting to a plug, designers combine the negative ones into one harness and get 3 pieces at the output. To make it clear to all users, we provide a detailed wiring diagram for the plug, where you can see exactly where the wires need to be soldered according to their color design.

    There is no strict standard for coating with colored varnish. For example, the left channel wires can be blue, white or green.

    Four wires

    There are two different options here.

    1. Ordinary headphones without a microphone and control buttons. 4 wires are connected to the plug: a minus from each copper-colored speaker and a plus (blue with red or green with red). For convenience, the negatives are twisted into one bundle and the result is three wires that need to be soldered to their specific places.

    2. Headset with microphone. Here the plug has 4 types of contacts: one from each speaker, one for the microphone, and there is room left for soldering a common wire or ground. Schematically, such soldering looks like this:

    Important! At first glance, the microphone wire looks like one wire, but in fact there are two of them: a very thin wire in a PVC sheath is wrapped on top with a copper wire with colorless enamel for protection.

    5 cores or more

    Different types of headsets of the latest class may have from 5 to 10 separate veins, so it will be much more difficult to navigate. The signal wire from the microphone is always braided in one color, and the rest come in all sorts of shades. No specialist can tell you exactly which wire should be soldered where. How to replace the wire from the plug on the headphones in this case? The only method that works here is this: we check each vein with a multimeter to determine whether it goes to the left or right speaker, then we find the common ones and combine them into one flagellum.

    You need to solder it to the plug according to the diagrams that we showed, or find a separate diagram on the Internet that is suitable for your case.

    Repair your headset or headphones for your mobile phone using this method and save money from your home budget.

    Accessory upgrade

    You can also strengthen the design of audio devices yourself. It’s worth keeping in mind here: if you follow all the steps described below, the warranty on your headphones may not be valid.

    To upgrade accessories, you don't need to make expensive purchases. You can use improvised means. Lifehacks work great with all types of headphones: from budget ones like the Philips SHE4305BK to expensive ones like Senheiser IE 4.

    • Pen spring . It is put on the “weak” place where the plug connects to the cord. This measure will not allow the wire to bend sharply, constantly straightening it. Alternatively, you can fix this place with a heat-shrinkable tube (if you don’t have it on the farm, you can purchase it at electrical goods stores).
    • Glue . You need to drop a drop of glue onto the area where the cord comes out of the “droplets”. After hardening, the glue will fix the wire and protect it from constant friction.

    Ordinary electrical tape, which is used to wrap problem areas in 2-3 layers, will also save you from bending the wire. For example, the interface between the jack and the cord, wire and “droplets”.

    The integrity of the accessories and the safety of the user’s personal budget depend on how carefully the headphones are folded and how carefully they are stored and used. If you do not neglect the recommendations, you can achieve record results - headphones from Sony, SENNHEISER and other brands will last for 3 years or more. In this case, there will be only one reason for replacing accessories - the desire to purchase a more modern model.

    Old lipstick can come in handy

    You can use a lipstick lid to organize a storage case for your headphones so that the wires don’t get tangled—there’s bound to be used lipstick in any home.

    1. The wires of the device are wrapped around three fingers in a tight ring so that the plug and earbuds are at the bottom.
    2. Then the top edge of the twist should be inserted into the lid. Sometimes the wires are difficult to insert the first time, but this is even better: the headset will hold tightly inside the “case”. Just twist it a little and the wires will fall into place.

    Connecting wires using a soldering iron: instructions with step-by-step photos

    A gap has been found and must be repaired. The most effective way to connect wires is soldering. It can be considered lucky if only one core breaks and this section is accurately detected. The wires are soldered together without cutting the entire cable. Serious damage is eliminated by cutting off the problem area, soldering the wires and applying a bandage.

    The step-by-step soldering process looks like this:

    Use pliers or a knife to cut off the damaged area. At one end of the cable, 2–3 cm of braiding is peeled off to free the cores. The number of wires depends on the headphone model. A headset with a microphone has 4–5 wires. Simple headphones are connected with 3–4 wires.

    Don't be afraid. The wires are covered with multi-colored insulation, so it is impossible to mix them up when soldering. There are two twisted wires going to the microphone: signal and ground. They are immediately visible under the braid. The ground conductor usually has yellow insulation.

    A similar procedure is performed with the second end of the cable. When all the cores are freed from the braid, insulation 5 mm long is removed from their ends. You will see a strand of thin copper hairs that are twisted clockwise with your fingers.

    The contacts are briefly burned with a lighter. The fire will remove the protective varnish from the veins. The firing process is required. Varnish not only interferes with soldering, but is also a dielectric. If the protective layer is not removed, good solder will set, but the contact between the connected wires will be poor.

    All ends of the cores must first be tinned with tin. A piece of thick heat-shrinkable tubing is placed over the cable braid. This will be the insulation of the bandage. Pieces of thin heat-shrinkable tube are similarly placed on each core. This will be contact insulation.

    The ends of the tinned wires are twisted, matching the color of the insulation. Each twist is heated with a soldering iron until the tin completely surrounds the connection of the wires.

    After soldering is completed, the functionality of the headphones is checked. If sound appears in the speakers, proceed to applying the bandage. First, thin heat-shrinkable tubes are placed over the twists and heated with a lighter. The insulation will protect the soldering of the cores from short circuiting. The resulting wiring harness is tied with a harsh thread, a thick heat-shrinkable tube is pulled over the cable braid and heated with fire.

    The service life of AirPods wireless headphones, after which they stop working

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    As you know, for several years now, Apple has been actively selling its branded wireless headphones AirPods around the world, which are extremely advanced, as much as possible, because it’s not for nothing that they manage to set more and more new records for total total sales. around the globe. Currently, this personal music playing device is the most popular device of its kind, that is, there are no more popular and widespread Bluetooth headphones in the world. However, the Apple product has at least one significant drawback, and that is their service life, after which they fail.

    All portable electronics are powered by rechargeable batteries, and all of them have a certain lifespan, after which they lose their ability to store energy. Solving this issue in a smartphone or tablet is often quite simple, since you just need to simply replace the old battery with a new one, and such a procedure usually costs no more than 2,000 rubles (including the cost of the battery). However, in the case of AirPods, everything is different, since their case is non-separable, that is, it is impossible to disassemble these headphones in any way without damaging their structure. It is on this basis that we can conclude that they are disposable, because as soon as the batteries in each of the two headphones fail, it will be impossible to use them in any way.

    Due to their design, these wireless headphones do not allow for battery replacement, so many people wonder how long they will last. The iPhones resource has calculated how long it will take for the batteries in the AirPods to completely “die,” that is, to make it absolutely impossible to use them in any way in the future. As it turned out, when used on a regular basis every day, the resource of these headphones, including the model with the Pro prefix, will last for a maximum of 36 months, that is, they can work for no more than three years, and this is the maximum period possible. When the headphones no longer hold a charge, they may discharge within minutes of being removed from the charging case.

    You should be guided by the fact that Apple headphones in the form of AirPods can last 30 months or 2.5 years, but no more. Again, this figure is only relevant if the headphones are used every day for approximately three hours. Over time, the battery capacity will decrease, so at the end of its life cycle, each of the headphones from the Apple corporation will not work for more than one hour - you should also be prepared for this. The only way to once again get wireless headphones that can last about four hours on a single charge is to buy new ones. Thus, when buying any wireless headphones from the Apple corporation, you should be guided by the fact that they will not be able to last longer than three years with regular everyday use.

    Recently, Xiaomi Air 2 SE was presented - new wireless headphones for 1,800 rubles, which are no worse than AirPods.

    Attention! Until December 6, everyone can get Xiaomi Mi Band 5 for free, spending just 3 minutes.

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    What and what factors influence shelf life?

    The manufacturer sets a warranty period for headphones. In most cases, this period is 1 year , calculated from the moment the consumer purchased the product. During the stated period, the manufacturer undertakes to comply with the conditions under which the user will be able to use the accessory for its intended purpose and bears responsibility in the event of defects in the product sold.

    If the headphones break down ahead of schedule, the consumer is given the right to repair and maintain the device, as well as to eliminate any identified deficiencies free of charge.

    The shelf life of such a device is determined by many influencing factors . Long-term performance of the headphones is possible with strong fastening of the cups, a high-quality cable, careful handling and listening at low volume.

    Don't share

    Often people, without thinking about the consequences, share their headphones with friends. However, this can lead to a number of serious problems. For example, you can become infected:

    • ear mites, if another person at home has a fluffy dog ​​walking on the street - mites live quietly in both the ears of animals and humans;
    • ear fungus, which affects 7% of the world's population, as well as influenza, streptococcus, staphylococcus;
    • cockroaches - occasionally, in people living in unsanitary conditions, insects can lay eggs in their ears, which will reach you through the headphones.

    Therefore, do not lend headphones to anyone. The only exception is relatives living in the same room with you, since in a shared household, the bacterial flora of people is usually the same.

    If you handle your headphones carefully, avoiding tangling of wires, tugging on wires, freezing, water ingress and other negative factors, then they will serve you for a long time. It’s better to buy an expensive accessory every few years than to replace one cheap one with another every 2-3 months and suffer from poor quality sound.

    Why am I interested in this topic?

    Without music, I can no longer imagine how to live. If I’m going somewhere, eating or just walking – music, if I’m at home alone, working or playing – music, going to bed – music. The result is music all the time . Maybe I have a music addiction, but oh well, we’re talking about something else. So, for the academic year, in the period October

    - I wore out three pairs of headphones.
    The average price is 150-160 rubles. The treatment was careful. Two weeks ago, I bought new headphones, which I spared no expense on. According to the seller, he’s been using them for a year (he even showed them to me) and said there’s no point in buying cheap headphones that fly out in a month. After hanging around for about 20 minutes, listening to almost all the headphones that were available, I made a choice on the headphones that the seller recommended – Explay AL-124

    Why did I like them? Quite good and high-quality sound compared to other headphones and which I used before. Quite a powerful and durable cable. The most vulnerable points, which are the reason why headphones mostly “fly,” are reinforced.

    Still, this was not enough for me and I decided to read what people advised, and share it with you!

    Unnecessary plastic card

    If you don’t have a card you don’t need, you can just take a discount card if you rarely use it. You’ll kill two birds with one stone: you won’t lose the card, and the device will be fine.

    How to properly wrap wires around a card?

    Simply wrap the headphones in a small ring, place them on the card and secure them with a hair elastic.

    You can also wrap the headphones around the card, fix the earbuds, and wrap the wire over them. And then insert the plug under the wires, but there is a risk that the headphones may fall off the card while lying in the bag.

    How to fold your headphones using a card is up to you.

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