Amphiton 25u 002s diagram in good quality

Amphiton 25u 002s amplifier circuit

Amphiton-002 stereo amplifier. Schematic diagram of the amplifier and its blocks, photo and appearance of the device.

Schematic circuit diagram of the Amfiton-002 stereo : a – block of correcting amplifiers; b – voltage stabilizer block; c – pre-amplifier block; g - protection block; 0 - power amplifier block.

Connection diagram of Amphiton-002 stereo amplifier blocks.

Amphiton-002 stereo amplifier. Schematic diagram of the amplifier and its blocks, photo and appearance of the device.

Schematic circuit diagram of the Amfiton-002 stereo : a – block of correcting amplifiers; b – voltage stabilizer block; c – pre-amplifier block; g - protection block; 0 - power amplifier block.

Connection diagram of Amphiton-002 stereo amplifier blocks.

Manufacturer : Lvov Lenin Production Association (Lort Production Association), 1983.

Purpose : the Amfiton-U-002 stereo Hi-Fi amplifier of the highest complexity group is designed for high-quality amplification from various signal sources.

Main technical characteristics:


The amplifier frame is made of stamped steel and is completely dismountable. The side panels are aluminum, they simultaneously serve as radiators and external walls. The front panel is also made of aluminum. Knobs and buttons are made of cast aluminum. The bottom of the amplifier is metal, convex with perforated holes.

Inside, you can consider the division of individual blocks into compartments that separate the metal walls. Pre-amplifiers, final amplifiers, protection unit and stabilizer. Additionally, between the central part and the final amplifiers there are two tracks for wires. The transformer is enclosed in a metal casing.

The output transistors are externally covered with plastic covers. At the back between the outputs of the speaker pairs there is a toggle switch that switches the signal from the amplifier to the corresponding speaker pairs, an additional power socket (no more than 200 W load), and a screw terminal for connecting the ground.

The amplifier is not designed to operate from EMI, microphones, piezoelectric pickups or radio broadcast networks.

AMPHITON-U-002 stereo Hi-Fi

In general, I think I’ll write the history of my Amphiton. It's unlikely that anyone will be interested. But what if. And so... I wanted for myself, one little boy of 30 years old, an amplifier and speakers. I chose the Yamaha A-S801. It cost a little more than 60 thousand rubles back then. I decided to buy myself a gift for the New Year. While I was choosing speakers, I found Vega 50AC-106 in my father’s garage. And Amfiton-U-002 Stereo Hi-Fi, 1988. The speakers are new, in perfect storage. But the amplifier is slightly injured. At first I didn’t pay enough attention to him. I’ve already found a doll for myself, I’ll buy it soon, I don’t understand why I need this old stuff. It was the case that I had already thrown it out of the garage. I already took it to the trash heap, but decided to give it to a friend. In the meantime, my friend was in no particular hurry to pick it up, I decided to read about Soviet amps, about their circuitry, about 002, about honest cotton wool, etc. This was interesting to me but not clear. And suddenly I got the idea to fix the amphiton, and at the same time get acquainted with the circuitry. And then away we go... First I fixed it, I liked it, then I decided to change the condensers for new ones, then larger power banks, then the diode bridge with Schottkys, etc. I liked to tinker with it in my free time. I started reading books, old radio hobby magazines, and watching YouTube about these amps. Naturally, I ran into “Modernization” and a lot of cries about how, after modifications, they beat the new amplifiers. In general, I decided to make this amplifier; if I like it, I’ll leave it, but if not, I’ll buy a Yamaha. I went through this amplifier inside and out. From painting the body to importing (Conders, transistors, etc.). Only I didn’t touch the trans, it’s good 190VA instead of 120VA like the donor (25u-202 1991). I had to read a lot to understand what I was upgrading there. Fortunately, there are people, old repairmen who understand and know this technique. There are garters in radio stores. There is a place where you can do it, your own service center. By that time, a friend had bought an amplifier that I wanted and I recommended it to him. And now the hour has come to check my amphiton with Yamaha on my and his speakers. My Vega, I don’t remember him, he bought them for 46k new. Also 3 stripes. My DAC is built into the laptop. Gentlemen... 7 months of sadness and the result was worth it. The whole company liked my amplifier. Yamaha only liked the built-in DAC and remote control. Believe me or not, the choice is yours. And I made mine. I can make a remote control and build in a DAC, but is it necessary? And in general, the essence of the whole idea was to get acquainted and tinker with the amplifier (someone is relaxing with a bottle of beer, and someone is after working with a soldering iron). If anyone is interested in what I did there, write and I’ll tell you. I still remember, but a year has already passed. Thank you all for your attention... Best regards.

Amphiton 25u 002s diagram in good quality

Amphiton-002 stereo amplifier. Schematic diagram of the amplifier and its blocks, photo and appearance of the device.

Schematic diagram of the Amfiton-002 stereo : a - block of correcting amplifiers; b - voltage stabilizer block; c — pre-amplifier block; g - protection block; 0 - power amplifier block.

Connection diagram of Amphiton-002 stereo amplifier blocks.

Amphiton-002 stereo amplifier. Schematic diagram of the amplifier and its blocks, photo and appearance of the device.

Schematic diagram of the Amfiton-002 stereo : a - block of correcting amplifiers; b - voltage stabilizer block; c — pre-amplifier block; g - protection block; 0 - power amplifier block.

Connection diagram of Amphiton-002 stereo amplifier blocks.

Manufacturer : Lvov Lenin Production Association, 1990.

Purpose : the Amfiton 25U-202S amplifier of the second complexity group is designed for high-quality amplification, operational control and switching of sound signals from a tuner, electric player, tape recorder.

The instruction manual and diagram are located in the archive on Yandex.Disk of our website.

Main technical characteristics:


The amplifier frame is made of stamped steel and is completely dismountable. The side panels are aluminum, they simultaneously serve as radiators and external walls. The front panel is also made of aluminum. Knobs and buttons are made of cast aluminum. The bottom of the amplifier is metal, convex with perforated holes.

Inside, you can consider the division of individual blocks into compartments that separate the metal walls. Pre-amplifiers, final amplifiers, protection unit and stabilizer. Additionally, between the central part and the final amplifiers there are two tracks for wires. The transformer is enclosed in a metal casing.

The output transistors are externally covered with plastic covers. At the back between the outputs of the speaker pairs there is a toggle switch that switches the signal from the amplifier to the corresponding speaker pairs, an additional power socket, and a screw terminal for connecting the ground.

The amplifier is not designed to operate from EMI, microphones, piezoelectric pickups or radio broadcast networks.

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