Microprocessor audio switch

Microprocessor audio switch

The PIC16F84 microcontroller contains a control unit that polls the switching direction selection button S1, generates control signals for the CD4052 chip and indicates the current state using the HL1 LED. The clock frequency of 3.5 MHz is not critical and can be selected anywhere from 3 to 4 MHz. The microcontroller firmware program files are available on the magazine's website. The TPA6110A2 chip is used to assemble a high-quality stereo headphone amplifier. The need for an amplifier is due to the fact that the signal from the output of a computer's sound card is not always able to provide sufficient volume in passive headphones. The amplifier operates with a gain of 1, but if desired, the gain can be easily increased by decreasing the resistance of resistors R9 and R10. The amplifier is designed to work with headphones with an output impedance of at least 16 Ohms. The amplifier's THD is less than 0.03% at 1 kHz. The TPA6110A2 amplifier chip (Texas Instruments) can be replaced with the LM4881 chip (National Semiconductor). When assembling the device, pay special attention to the correct wiring of the power and ground lines.

When you turn on the device, audio output 1 always becomes active. By successively pressing the S1 button, you can connect other audio outputs “in a ring”: 12-3-1-2-.. . Connection of the next output is accompanied by a single sound indication, and the number of sound signals given corresponds to the output number. The LED constantly indicates the number of the connected output with the corresponding number of short flashes with a pause between series. For ease of use, the S1 button can be moved outside the case and placed in a convenient place, while the switch itself can be placed closer to the location where the connectors of the switched audio equipment are concentrated. A free USB port on the computer is used as a power source. The total current consumed by the circuit does not exceed 10 mA. This switch can be easily upgraded to expand its capabilities. The presence of free microcontroller ports allows you to complicate the indication circuit, for example, by installing individual LEDs to indicate the connection of each output. To increase the number of switched outputs to 4, it is enough to add a connector and connect it to lines 11 and 4 of the CD4052 microcircuit (with a corresponding change in the program). Current consumption can be significantly reduced by eliminating the LED indication and using the interrupt mode by pressing the S1 button. If you abandon the amplifier on the D3 chip and optimize the operation of the generator (turn it on for a short period to charge C7), then you can build a battery-powered switch. In this case, a set of three AA size alkaline batteries will be enough for several years of continuous operation of the switch. Another direction to improve performance is to replace the S1 button with control using an IR remote control or via radio. The microcontroller's computing resources are sufficient for all of the above improvements.

Quartz 3.5MHz CPU: PIC16c84 (PIC16F84A, PIC16F84) CP OFF, WDT OFF, PWRTE ON, XT OSC

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The situation for which this switch was developed was the following: there is a certain room where a sound reproduction system is installed that continuously plays music from a computer (PC), but there is also another signal source - a television (TV), and accordingly, when a sound signal appears at its output , the system should switch to playing TV sound.

As can be seen from

, the control for the switch is the signal of the right channel (R), coming from the TV, it is fed to an amplifier made on the basis of an op-amp - U1A. The gain of this stage, necessary for accurate operation of the device, can be adjusted using the trimming resistor RV1. Next, the amplified signal is fed to a voltage rectifier circuit made on elements C2, D1, D2, C3.

The rectified voltage is used to control transistor Q1, in the base circuit of which there is a tuning resistor RV2 connected in parallel with the electrolytic capacitor C3; with this resistor you can adjust the “reverse” switching time, i.e. the time after which the switch will return to PC mode after the control signal disappears. It is necessary to select the optimal “reverse” switching time so that it is not too long - for example, the sound from the TV is no longer received, and there is still no music from the PC, and it is not too short - in this case, the switch can switch to PC mode even for pauses in the TV soundtrack.

From collector Q1, the control signal, to be converted to a “digital” form, is supplied to the input of an inverter with a Schmitt trigger - element U3E. Switch SW1 allows you to select the operating mode of the device - automatic, or manually turning on the TV mode. The basis of the switch is the U2 4053 chip (CD4053, KR1561KP5), which consists of three bidirectional analog switches (only two of them are used - X and Z). Control is carried out via inputs A (11) and C (9) combined together; the enable input for the switches of the microcircuit Inh (6) is connected to a common wire. When working with analog signals, for the 4053 chip, it is necessary to use a negative voltage source - pin VEE (7).

The switch is powered from a simple bipolar source, made according to the following circuit: a 6-0-6V / 500mA network transformer, four FR103 diodes, two 2200uF/16V electrolytic capacitors, integrated stabilizers such as L78L05 and L79L05.

Operational amplifier U1A - LM358M, in SO8 package (only one amplifier is used out of two available in the case); microcircuit U3 - type 74HC14, in SO14 package (inputs 1, 3, 5, 9 of unused elements of this microcircuit, you must connect to its output 16 - “+” supply voltage); miniature type 3329H were used as tuning resistors RV1, RV2; all fixed resistors are SMD (0805); electrolytic capacitors C2, C3 - any of suitable dimensions; capacitors C1, C4, C5 are ceramic SMD (1206).

The circuits of the switch and its power supply are mounted on sections of a breadboard, placed in a plastic case of the Gxxx type; the connectors for input and output signals are of the “tulip” type, located on the rear panel of the case. The SW1 switch and the power-on indicator LED are located on the front panel.

This scheme was developed in a relatively short time, using components that were, as they say, “on hand,” so there are some “ugliness” and suboptimalities in it, but nevertheless, the device was made and is being used quite successfully.

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